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Still Loving You

Page 20

by Sheryl Lister

  Malcolm lifted a brow.

  Lauren realized what she’d said and shook her head. “You know what I mean.”

  His eyes glittered with passion. “You sure? I’m down for both.”

  Sparks of desire shot through her veins. “I’m going to my car.” She turned on her heel and strode to her car, his joyful laughter trailing her. She couldn’t stop the smile curving her lips.

  With traffic, it took almost forty-five minutes to get to her condo. Once inside, Malcolm stood with his back braced against the door staring at her.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Do you have any idea how much I missed you?” He straightened and came toward her. “How much I missed talking to you, laughing with you?” He touched his lips to hers. “Kissing you? I need to hold you for a while. Can I do that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. When he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, she laid her head on his chest and listened to the sound of his strong heart beating in her ear. In his arms, she felt sheltered and loved, and she couldn’t imagine being any place else. They stood in the middle of her living room for the longest time, neither of them speaking. No words were needed.

  Finally, Malcolm released her and, taking her hand, led her over to the sofa. He stretched out and pulled her on top of him. He idly ran a hand up and down her back. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so afraid in my life. Even when I was waiting for my name to be called in the draft, I didn’t have this fear. I’m never letting you go, Lauren.”

  Lauren lifted her head and met his eyes. “That’s good, because I’m never letting you go, either, angel eyes.” They shared a smile. They fell silent for a short while, then Lauren asked a question that had been on her mind. “What happened to Carlos? I haven’t seen him around.”

  “He was released.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “The coaches don’t let us in on their decisions. There were others who got cut, as well.”


  “I have a bye in two weeks. Will you go away with me for the weekend?”

  “Where are we going?”

  A mysterious smile curved his lips. “It’ll be a surprise. Will you trust me?”

  She knew he was asking about more than just the trip. “Absolutely.” She resumed her position with a smile. Lexia had been right. Although Malcolm had messed up, Lauren believed he would more than make up for it.

  * * *

  “You’re still not going to tell me where we’re going?” Lauren fussed, sitting next to Malcolm in one of the airport cafés. She’d been anticipating the getaway since he mentioned it two weeks ago. Apparently, all of the players were looking forward to having the few days off, if the way they’d practically run out of the practice facility yesterday after their Wednesday morning practice was any indication. She’d heard a few players mention that they planned to spend time with family, but a good number were doing the same thing she and Malcolm were doing.

  Malcolm sipped from his bottle of water and smiled.

  “You can’t hide it forever. We’ve been sitting here for almost an hour. What if we miss the plane? Shouldn’t we sit near the gate?” He had already printed the boarding passes but wouldn’t let her see them. And because they only had carry-ons, they’d had no need to check anything.

  He reached over and silenced her with a kiss. “Relax, sunshine. You know I’ve got you.” He glanced down at his watch and stood. “Let’s go.”

  She hopped up, listening for the flight calls. She heard three different ones and frowned.

  He laughed and stroked a finger across her lips. “This is supposed to be a vacation, so stop pouting.”

  He held her hand as they passed one gate after another. He changed directions abruptly and pushed through a crowd. There were too many people for her to see the sign as he handed their boarding passes to the man at the gate and started down the Jetway. The Delta logo was the only thing she saw. “You can’t just cut in front of all these people in line,” she whispered, taking furtive glances over her shoulder.

  “I’m not cutting in front of anyone, sweetheart. It’s our time to board.” Malcolm gestured for her to go in front of him.

  Lauren took one step onto the plane, then stopped so abruptly he almost plowed into her. “Wait. That means we’re sitting in first class?”

  “Yes. You’re first-class, baby. Where else would I have you sit?”

  “You are such a wonderful sugar daddy.”

  He laughed. “Get on the plane, woman.”

  The flight attendant who had been viewing the exchange with mild amusement said as they passed, “Honey, I wish I had a sugar daddy like him.”

  Lauren smiled. She’d never flown first-class, but as she settled into the large, comfortable leather seat, she mused she could get used to it.

  Once everyone boarded and the safety information was given, the flight attendant said, “Sit back, relax and enjoy the one-hour-and-fifteen-minute trip to San Jose.”

  Lauren whipped her head in Malcolm’s direction. “San Jose?” She’d only been to the city once. “The last time we came...”

  “I thought it only fitting that we go back to the place where we first made a commitment to each other.”

  She threw her arms around him and kissed him with an intensity that left him breathing hard. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Malcolm leaned close to her ear. “But if you kiss me like that again, no matter where we are, we aren’t going to stop until I make you—”

  She clapped a hand over his mouth and hastily glanced around, hoping no one heard. “You are outrageous.”

  “Me? I’m not the one making up words like kissgasm.”

  “Shh! Somebody’s going to hear you.”

  He chuckled. “You started it with that kiss.”

  Thankfully, the flight attendant came to offer drinks at that moment. They spent the remainder of the short flight talking. She told him about the visit she’d had from Siobhan, Lexia and Faith, and he shared pictures of Morgan and Omar’s new baby boy.

  When the flight landed, they deplaned, picked up the rental Malcolm had reserved and made the one-hour drive to Monterey. Despite check-in not being until four, the reservation clerk at the hotel recognized Malcolm and allowed them to move into their room an hour early.

  Lauren went straight for the balcony that overlooked the water. Malcolm came up behind her a short time later and held her. She leaned against him and covered his hands with hers. “Thank you for this.”

  “Thank you for giving me another chance to get it right.”

  Lauren had never been more content. They only had three nights, and she wanted to make each one count. The first night they ate at one of the hotel’s restaurants. When they got back to the room, Malcolm helped her work on her book and, afterward, they played another one of their special card games.

  Friday, he took her to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. She couldn’t believe that they spent over three hours looking at all manner of sea life. Her favorite, by far, were the jellyfish. They drove to a park and walked around for a while. Then bought soft-serve ice cream cones, found a bench and sat by the water to enjoy them. The sun shone high in the sky, and the early October temperatures were in the low seventies, a ten-degree drop from LA.

  Lauren leaned her head on his shoulder. “Can we stay here forever?”

  Malcolm placed her arm around her. “I wish. This is going to have to hold us until the season is over. Though you’ll still be working.”

  “Not as much. I can most likely do most of it by phone or email.”

  “How long is the lease on your condo?”

  “A year. Why?”

  He shrugged. “Curious.”

  She studied him, but his expression gave nothing away. Was he planning to ask her to move in with him? The only wa
y she would do that was if they married, and he hadn’t said anything that gave her any indication he was leaning toward that end. “What else do you have planned for this evening?”

  “Nothing, besides dinner in about an hour and maybe another walk. Is there something you want to do?”

  “No. I’m content just being here with you.”

  “Then we’ll have to figure out a way to do this as often as possible.”

  After another few minutes, they went back to the hotel. She changed into the pink dress Valencia had talked her into getting when they had gone shopping. Malcolm changed into a pair of dark slacks and white dress shirt. They dined at Domenico’s on the Wharf while watching the sun start its descent over the water. Lauren didn’t think the night could get any better. She needed that second walk after eating so much. The crab-stuffed prawns were to die for.

  Malcolm stopped the car at another stretch of beach, got out and came around to her side. “Are you okay to walk in your sandals?”

  “If we’re going to be on the sand, I’ll take them off. It’s not too cold.”

  “Okay.” He took her hand, and they set off.

  Halfway down the beach, she spotted what looked like a small house but realized as they came closer that it was a building where visitors could sit and enjoy the water. People could stand outside at the railing or sit inside when it was cooler. She climbed the steps and stood at the railing. The sky was an explosion of blues, oranges and reds, and palm trees swayed with the gentle breeze. Lauren turned and noticed that Malcolm still stood at the bottom. She walked over to the steps. “Are you going to join me?” Instead of answering, he took the steps two at a time until he stood on the one below her. He wore such a serious expression she started to worry. “Is something wrong?”

  He lowered himself to one knee.


  “Lauren, I have loved you since the first day you crossed my path in college. And even though we spent eight years apart, you’ve always had my heart. From this moment until I take my last breath, know that I will still be loving you, and only you. I promised you eight years ago that I would replace the promise with the real thing, and I’m here to make good on that promise, if you’ll have me. Be my wife, baby, and complete my dreams.”

  He produced a black velvet box holding an emerald-cut solitaire—far bigger than the first one—with two rows of smaller emerald-cut diamonds flowing beneath it. Emotions clogged Lauren’s throat for a moment, and she couldn’t utter a word. She finally found her voice. “I would be honored to be your wife.”

  He removed the promise ring and replaced it with the engagement ring.

  “Thank you for completing my dreams, too.” There under the setting sun, they sealed their love with a kiss that promised forever. She couldn’t wait to tell Valencia and her parents. Her dad was finally going to get those tickets.


  Malcolm watched his beautiful wife of ten minutes smile and mingle with their guests and couldn’t wait to get her alone. They had decided to get married right after the football season ended, when the Cobras had won the championship for the second time in three years. His mind went back the moment he’d spotted her while waiting in the gazebo that overlooked the mountains. She’d come to him on her father’s arm in a sexy, strapless white creation that hugged the curves he loved so much. Her beauty had nearly knocked him to his knees.

  “I can’t believe all my babies are finally married. You and Lauren have made me so happy today. The family circle is complete. How long do I have to wait for grandbabies?”

  Malcolm shook his head and chuckled. “Mom, you already have three, and with Lexia and Faith expecting, that’ll be five. That’s not enough to keep you busy for a while?” Even now as Malcolm stood listening to his mother, his eyes were following his stunning wife.

  “Oh, I guess. And didn’t Christian look so handsome and serious as the ring bearer?”

  “He did.” Christian fit in so well that it was as if he’d been born into the family. “I’m going to find my wife. Thanks for everything, Mom.”

  “Okay. I’m so proud of you.” She patted his cheek and strutted off.

  He made his way through the guests standing around talking while nibbling on the predinner appetizers and stopped to talk to his brothers and four cousins from Sacramento.

  Cedric clapped him on the back. “I’m glad things worked out with you and Lauren, but now my mom is hounding me and Jeremy.”

  Jeremy took up the tale. “Yeah, she said, ‘DeAnna has five children, and if they all can find spouses, surely the two of you can,’” he mimicked in falsetto.

  Brandon and Khalil burst out laughing.

  “Exactly,” Lorenzo added.

  Lorenzo’s younger sister, Alicia, who had a two-year-old son and was eight months pregnant, shook her head. “Been there, done that. I’m done.”

  Malcolm wondered if something had happened, because she’d come to the wedding without her husband.

  “Anyway,” she said, coming up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek, “this is your day. Go find your beautiful wife.”

  He smiled. “I think I’ll do that. Later.” He spotted her talking to Valencia and made his way to her side. “Do you mind if I steal my lovely wife away for a minute, Lyn?”

  Valencia smiled. “Not at all.”

  Lauren looked up at him, smiled and hooked her arm in his.

  He led her to a secluded part of the garden. He’d been waiting all day to get her alone.

  “What are you doing? We have guests.”

  “I needed a private place to kiss my wife.”

  Lauren’s gaze flew to his. “I know you’re not thinking...”

  “Yep, that’s exactly what I’m thinking.”

  “We can not do that here.”

  She started backing away, deeper into the garden, which was exactly where he wanted her. He closed the distance between them and kissed her possessively, his tongue sliding in and out of her mouth in a way that he knew would only have one result. He slowly gathered the material of her dress, lifting it higher and higher until he had it above her hips. He moved her skimpy lace panties to the side and pushed two fingers deep inside her, keeping rhythm with his tongue. Moments later, she flew apart in his arms, and a deep wave of satisfaction washed over him.

  “I love you, angel eyes,” she said, her body still trembling.

  “I love you, sunshine.” She was his first love. His last love. His only love. And from now until eternity, he’d still be loving her.

  * * * * *

  Don’t miss other books in Sheryl Lister’s THE GRAYS OF LOS ANGELES miniseries:





  Available from Kimani Romance.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from A BILLIONAIRE AFFAIR by Niobia Bryant.

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  A Billionaire Affair

  by Niobia Bryant

  Chapter 1

  “Have a good evening, sir.”

  Alek Ansah nodded sharply at the pilot and crew of his private plane just before disembarking. Quickly he jogged down the metal stairs, not even paying attention to the crisp London night air whipping against the hand-tailored tuxedo on his well-built frame. He checked his de Grisogono watch as he strode across the airfield to his waiting black Bentley Mulsanne. By the time he reached it, his longtime driver had exited the vehicle and held the rear door open.

  “Julius,” Alek greeted him, his accent a blend of his Ghanaian ancestry and his upbringing in England. He unbuttoned his jacket and slid onto the smooth leather seat.

  “Sir.” His driver gave him a polite nod of his head.

  As soon as the door closed, Alek relaxed and settled his chin in his hand as he released a heavy breath and looked out the darkly tinted window as the vehicle eased forward. The sights of London were reflected in the depths of his coal-black eyes. The capital of both England and the United Kingdom had served as his home base for the last five years.

  That would change tomorrow.

  Alek was surprised at the slight tinge of nervousness he felt. Was it leftover anxiety about the fear of flying that he hid so well, or the day of reckoning fast approaching? He sighed, his mood now pensive.

  The ride from the airport to his penthouse apartment in the heart of historical and prestigious Westminster took less than fifteen minutes. As the car rolled to a smooth stop outside the building constructed of stone, granite and bronze, Alek looked up at the illuminated floor-to-ceiling windows of his apartment. It was the lone flat on the tenth floor.


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