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Dragon's Soul

Page 18

by Bri Sailor

  “I’m hurrying, my Goddess!” panted Nya, her eyes glowed a fierce red.


  Ehren raced on his steed towards the front lines. Everyone but Joslette was right behind him. Drax blew a ram’s horn to alert Kova’s troops. Túmos blew a brass horn for Vex. Deep war drums of the Aznurro and Quinmor drove the marching of the rest. The bright gray sky darkened as the winged hoard came closer.

  Joslette was gathered with hundreds of priests at the back of the armies. They began chanting a protective spell in unison.

  “Rónsésm. Rónsésm. Ílwílsídmé m’híémh. Ílwílsídmé m’híémh. Rónsésm üm. Thóhhém rónsésm.”

  An iridescent bubble of magic formed around the priests. Joslette concentrated and pushed the bubble out. It creeped over the armies. Sweat beaded on the priests’ and Joslette’s brows. The shield came to a halt a few feet in front of Ehren. He looked across to his left. Vex, Túmos, Rússe, Taryn, and Riker nodded in readiness to him. The prince looked to his right. Toran, Arainya, Kova, Drax and Doan nodded as well. He maintained a white knuckle drip on his reins as the demons drew closer. He sent a final prayer to the Goddess.

  “Protect us, my Goddess. Let our shield hold until Cora, Ky and Atreyis return. Even if it costs my life. Bring us victory today.”

  Fear filled all as they could finally see their winged foes. The demons were covered in an assortment of furs, thick hides, and some even had scales. Some had single horns on their heads while others had multiple. Some had claws, other paws, and still others with hooves. Every single one had sick yellow eyes and sharp dripping teeth, and ugly thin bat-like wings. Everyone collectively held their breath as the demons crashed into the magical barrier. Joslette and the priests grunted against the force but the shield held. The demons continued to throw themselves futilely at the barrier.

  “Fire!” screamed Ehren madly.

  Tens of thousands of archers fired their arrows at the mass of demons. Catapults lit their payload and sent them flying into the swarm and exploding. The demons seemed hardly deterred as hundreds fell from the sky. Ehren looked around as the catapults reloaded and watched in horror as those that fell from the sky simply got up off the ground and jumped up into the fray once more. Many wore the same expression as the prince, fear; could these things even be killed? Suddenly, a loud roar rang out and fire exploded in the sky. Demons engulfed in flames fell screeching to the ground. A ruby red and magenta dragon exploded out of the cloud of demons.

  “Nya?!” shouted Vex.

  Ehren wasted no time. He jumped off his horse and focused. This is what they had trained for. He quickly transformed into a deep blue dragon. With a roar he leapt into the skies and began to unleash his hellish fiery fury.

  “Come on!” yelled Kova.

  She too, quickly transformed once again into her green dragon self and flew into the air. By the thousands almost all Descended followed suit. Different hues and shades of blue, green, red, and purple took to the skies for their aerial battle. Flames blanketed the sky and those below could feel the heat. The demons that weren’t killed by dragon fire fought back with a feral intensity. Taryn bit the neck of one and threw it towards the ground before sending a fireball after it. Riker slashed with his claws. Kova belched a fire storm and flew through it, surprising the demons burning on the other side and smashing them down to the ground with her powerful tail. The Descended that remained on the ground stood in awe with their fellow soldiers as the demons were slowly being beaten back. Tears streamed down Joslette’s face as she thanked the Goddess for her incredible gift. Over the din of the fighting suddenly sounded deep horns and the steady beat of drums. Vex, Túmos, Toran, Arainya, and Doan looked on in abject horror towards the mountains. A portal had opened in the middle of the battlefield and an army of evil was steadily pouring out of it. They were dressed in a dark metal armor that looked like it was made out of rock. They looked like their winged brethren but had no wings and were nearly twice the size of an average man. The dragons above saw the approaching army but when they tried to attack they were swarmed by the winged demons. Some of the demons had also turned their attention back to the shield.

  “Now, Nya!” said a voice inside the Keeper’s head.

  She ceased her fighting and dove for Joslette and the priests. She landed hard and changed back to her human form.

  “Nya!” gasped the sweaty Joslette. “Where is Cora? We need her!”

  “No time!” rushed the Keeper. “I need you to drop the shield!”

  “What?” yelled an incredulous queen. “It’s the only thing protecting us!”

  Nya’s eyes had a different red glow to them as she looked into Joslette’s burning purple. The queen hesitated and ended the spell. Instantly, the winged demons fell from the sky. Not skipping a beat, Nya grabbed Joslette’s hand and began chanting the words she heard in her heart.

  “Lóvv ím s’hé síné. Éwím nálílém. Míths líth’n. S’hé Thóhhém rémyurm líth. Rónsésm. Líth’n. Srth’mámílé míths désóném Éwímm dálé!”

  A sudden rush of golden energy flowed from Nya to Joslette and to all of the priests. All of them, Descended and not, glowed with golden light and their eyes turned gold. Vex, Túmos, Toran, Arainya, and Doan stared in awe and amazement as their weapons glowed with a gold light. When the light faded a collective gasp could be heard across the armies. What was once wood and steel and stone was now solid crystal as clear as glass with a soft, other-worldly glow. A voice that sounded like Cora’s boomed across the fields.

  “The weapons of the gods are now yours! Now fight for the Light!”

  Toran, Arainya, Vex, Doan, and Túmos quickly leapt into action and charged for the demon army. The ranks quickly followed with a thunderous yell. The demon horde screeched and charged as well. With a mighty yell Toran jumped from his saddle and spread his light blue wings and soared into the gray with his trusty, now crystalline, war hammer and struck down the first of the enemy. The two sides clashed and the battle for the fate of everyone and everything had begun.

  Chapter 33

  A few catapults were destroyed and strewn about the battlefield. The battle raged on in the air and on the ground. Many had fallen on both sides and neither were making progress. The numbers of the winged demons had dwindled down enough that many of the dragons had turned their fiery fury to the battle below. Ehren had changed back and was fighting with his crystalline claymore and breathing flames whenever he could. Kova followed suit and was dual-wielding crystal swords as she cut her way through. Arainya had taken to the sky and was firing crystal arrows from Atreyis’ bow. Joslette and the priests had joined in as well. Spells were being thrown left and right and all around. Others wielded crystalline weapons as well. Kova suddenly flew up into the air. In a flash she dove with her swords in hand, pointed sideways. She flew close to the ground and her blades cut through the knees and legs of the demons, felling them instantly, like a reaper. She rolled and headed for the sky once more, breathing heavily. It seemed like no matter what they did more demons seemed to spring up out of the place of the fallen. Just as she was about to attack again something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Off in the distance were two silver streaks of light that were cutting through the clouds. They moved with such speed that even Kova knew she couldn’t keep up with.

  The lights suddenly disappeared before they got to her. Some distance away the streaks of silver light fell to the earth in the middle of the demon army. The shockwave from their landing shook the ground and nearly knocked Kova and others out of the sky. All nearby fighting ceased for a moment. Nothing could be seen in the dust. All within a one hundred yard radius had been obliterated by the impact. Suddenly, all of the demons forgot about their opponents and charged for the impact site. The dust cleared. There, standing in the center, clad in silvery white and crystal armor wielding large crystal swords, their hair twisted in warrior’s braids and their silver glowing tattooing stood Atreyis and Ky; gods in human form. Many had tak
en to the skies to see what had happened. Pride, excitement, joy and power surged through Kova as she gave a victorious yell. Taryn, Riker, Ehren, Toran, Arainya, Joslette, Nya, Drax, and Rússe could not believe their eyes. Ky and Atreyis’ faces were calm and cool and the demon horde attacked.

  Kova saw it, just before the first of the horde could attack. The two Guardians grinned at each other and took off at lightning-fast speeds. Those watching could hardly keep up with their movements. They skillfully cut through the demons and numbered their kills in the hundreds in a matter of seconds. All of the soldiers felt a renewed sense of vigor as their Guardians cut through the masses. Kova smiled and dove headfirst into the fray once more. Soon, all of the demons forgot their opponents and turned the full force of their attentions onto the silver Guardians. Nya and Joslette felt something deep within their heart. As did the rest of the priests. Purple wings raced to find magenta-ruby. Joslette spotted the Keeper and flew to her.

  “Quickly!” she yelled.

  Nya leapt into the sky. “I know! There aren’t many of us left!”

  “We have to try!” cried Joslette.

  They flew to the remaining priests.

  “Quickly!” shouted Nya.

  “Join hands!” commanded Joslette.

  The priests immediately fell into formation like they had before and concentrated. The same iridescent bubble formed around them again. Many saw what they were doing and retreated. The powerful priests extended the protective spell as far as they could. Ehren finally saw it and gave the order.

  “Retreat! To the shield!” he bellowed and blew his horn.

  More horns sounded as everyone retreated to the safety of the protective barrier. The demons continued to only focus on Ky and Atreyis. The two Guardians continued their rampage against the Darkness. Their body count was nearing hundreds of thousands, with hundreds of thousands if not more to go. Ky looked across at Atreyis. Their minds were perfectly in sync. They both nodded at each other from across the battlefield. Ehren, Kova, and the others watched in awe as the two suddenly grew wings covered in silver feathers and flew high into the sky. What remaining winged demons were quickly felled with ease by their swords. The sky was free once more. Atreyis and Ky locked silver glowing eyes. Silver flames spewed out of their mouths in quantities unlike any Descended were capable of. They swept their flames over the masses, the bodies instantly catching fire, engulfing them in their silvery heat. Soon the silver flames were brighter than the sun as they swallowed every last demon. The flames spread up and over the protective shield as they went after every last demon that tried to flee. Everyone shielded their eyes from the light. After a minute the stunning fires were gone.

  Nya and Joslette removed the spell. Not a single trace of the demons could be found. Even those that had been slain by dragon fire and crystal weapons early on were gone, but the battlefield remained untouched. All that remained were mortals, dead and alive. The Guardians slowly descended from the heavens. All of their friends and family were instantly in the air and flying towards them with the rest on horseback. Ehren was the first to land. He ran up to his sister and engulfed her in a bear hug as he cried.

  “I never thought I would see you again!”

  Atreyis hugged him close. “I told you I will always be with you.”

  Vex held Ky close.

  “Never did I think that one day such a street rat would turn into an actual god.” he cried tears of joy. “Though I shouldn’t be surprised.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” smiled Ky.

  Vex stepped aside and behind him stood a tearful Nya.

  “My beautiful daughter!” the queen hugged Ky close as she wept tears of joy.

  Ky let the tears flow freely. “I love you, mother. I don’t blame you for anything. I love you so much!”

  “A mother’s love for her child knows no bounds.” cried Nya softly. “I love you too.”

  The Guardians continued to be overwhelmed by their friends and family. Hugs and happy tears abounded.

  “Atreyis!” cried Arainya.

  “I’m so glad you’re alive!” cried Toran.

  They hugged their daughter tightly and refused to let go. The princess hugged them back as the tears freely flowed.

  “I love you so much!” she cried.

  “That was amazing!” exclaimed Kova as she clapped Ky on the back and gave her a hug.

  “I never thought I would be so happy to see you.” said Taryn thoughtfully as she hugged Ky.

  Joslette hugged them both. “I knew you were coming. I could feel it.”

  “Me too!” added Nya. Her face suddenly grew serious. “Where’s Cora?”

  The two Guardians looked at each other.

  “I don’t know if she is coming back.” said Ky.

  “She fused with Ailana when we were in the other realm.” said Atreyis.

  Everyone stood aghast.

  “What do you mean ‘fused’?” asked Nya with some trepidation.

  “Exactly that.” replied Atreyis.

  Nya looked at Joslette. “I wonder if that’s what I felt.”

  “Me too. Though nothing surprises me anymore.” quipped Joslette. “I could feel the evil just before it broke through as well. Same as all the other priests.”

  “Interesting.” said Nya. “I didn’t feel that. All I heard was a voice telling me to fly here as fast as I could.”

  “But we all heard that voice before the battle.” interrupted Taryn. “Without a shadow of a doubt I know that it was her. It was Cora.”

  “I agree.” said Riker.

  Everyone seemed to be in agreement about the voice.

  “So what does this mean?” asked Ehren impatiently.

  Ky and Atreyis shrugged in unison.

  “I don’t know.” they said.

  “Since you two returned and finished off every last one of those demons, does this mean it’s over?” asked Toran earnestly.

  All eyes were on the Guardians. Atreyis bit her lip.

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t feel like it, does it, Ky?”

  Ky nodded her head. “I know what you mean. Too easy. By any standard.”

  “Lusha is nowhere to be seen.” interjected Vex.

  Atreyis held her head high. “You won’t find her. The witch was finally ended by my own flames.”

  “No!” gasped Arainya.

  “The witch is finally gone?” asked Toran hopefully.

  “She is no more.” said Ky confidently. “I saw the aftermath. There is no way she survived.”

  “And what of Béloneras?” asked Nya, unable to hide the fear in her voice.

  Atreyis glanced at Ky. “That’s what I was going to say next. When I found Lusha she was deep within a cave in a mountain. It housed a massive black crystal. It was that crystal that opened the portals and allowed the demons in. It also absorbed Lusha’s spirit.”

  “So that could be him?” asked Kova.

  “Possibly.” answered the princess. “I never saw a single dragon outside the two of us. The only other beasts were the Mälgrav.”

  “Must be him.” said Doan as he hung a heavy, hairy arm around Ky’s shoulders. The warrior smiled.

  “So go back and destroy it.” said Vex matter-of-factly. “Surely your silver flames can destroy it.”

  Atreyis shook her head. “The mountain was destroyed and the crystal was swallowed by the earth.”

  “Wait.” interrupted Ehren. “The mountain was destroyed?”

  Ky nodded. “I saw it. It was split completely in half.”

  “How?” asked Nya.

  The princess shrugged. “Something was very mad that I killed Lusha. As soon as I did everything began to collapse. Then the demons…”

  Joslette grabbed Nya. “That sounds like Lusha was a sacrifice to Him.”

  “Which means his full power is back…” said a wide-eyed Nya.

  “What?” asked Atreyis.

  Suddenly, the ground shook violently, knocking everyone over. A loud groan de
afened them.

  “It’s happening again!” yelled Atreyis. “The mountain!”

  All eyes went to the mountain where the Mälgrav had spawned from. The peak suddenly collapsed and started an avalanche of snow and rocks. An ear bursting roar came from the mountain. Everyone held their ears except Ky and Atreyis. They stood fearlessly facing the mountain as their faces hardened with resolve.

  “Béloneras.” they said in a low tone.

  Chapter 34

  A silvery ball of light gently floated through the darkness and broken rock. A thick dust still hung in the air. The ball of light continued to float around the darkness as if it were searching for something. The light went deeper into a crag. Suddenly, it slowed to a stop in front of a pile of rocks. It morphed into a feminine figure.


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