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Dragon's Soul

Page 19

by Bri Sailor

  “S’héré thóyu áré. There you are.” said the ethereal female voice. “Hiding are we? Híhhílth? Coward! Sóvvárh! You think I didn’t figure you would do this? M’sárhéh? Are you scared? Scared because the Wheel has turned and not in your favor!?”

  The mass of rock glowed evilly.

  “Am I right?!” yelled the woman.

  She wavered a moment and then changed into a masculine form.

  “You know there is to be balance.” he said. “Karma. You thought that you could get away with this? That I would not find you? I offered you redemption time and again. But you still choose the Dark. You chose Darkness.”

  The light being changed back into female.

  “How many lifetimes have we done this dance?” she asked.

  She changed back.

  “How many worlds have we seen?” he asked.

  “How many stars have died?” she asked.

  “How many were born?” he asked.

  “This is unto eternity.” she said.

  “I will never tire.” he said.

  “I will never falter.” she said.

  “I will not fail.” he said.

  “No matter how long you take.” she said.

  “No matter what you do.” he said.

  “You know the ending to this story.” she said.

  “Even when you do win.” he said.

  “It is short-lived.” she said.

  “Now, come out and finish this one!” he yelled.

  The being split into two, male and female.

  The light beings spoke in unison. “The Light will always triumph over the Darkness. Until you Ascend, the cycle will continue unto eternity! I am your Balance! Inescapable!”

  They collapsed into each other and became a ball of light once more. The crystal began to glow brightly and suddenly disappeared, and the light spoke once more in a dual male a female voice.

  “It is near its end. The cycle continues.”

  Chapter 35

  Ehren and Kova tried to scramble their forces, but Ky and Atreyis stopped them.

  “This is our fight.” the said in unison. “This is not meant for man. This fight is older than the stars. The Light will prevail.”

  Before Ehren could protest Ky and Atreyis leapt into the air and flew towards the crumbling mountain. They hovered in silence as the mountain collapsed beneath them. Another loud roar shook the earth. Their friends and family stood in anxious anticipation with the soldiers. A massive dark gray cloud of dust plumed out of the rubble. Another loud roar shook the earth. Suddenly, the entire mountaintop exploded. Black smoke erupted as flames shot out. Ky and Atreyis maneuvered to avoid them but remained calm as their silver feathered wings steadily beat. Out of the flames and smoke a pair of pale white wings expanded into the sky. The Guardians could see movement. Hot air blew in their faces as glowing sickly yellow eyes peered out of the black smoke. With swords readied, the guardians gave a yell and dove into the smoke. Back on the battlefield no one could do anything but watch the terrible sight unfold before them. Many fell to their knees in defeat. What looked like lightning crashed with every blow Atreyis and Ky were landing on the dragon.

  “We need Cora. Ailana save us.” Said Ehren solemnly. “I fear our Guardians may not be enough.”

  Ky flew up into the sky and rained down her silvery fiery fury. Atreyis flew inside the flames and crashed into the dragon’s head with all of her might. The dragon screeched and hid its head. Atreyis came around for another but was greeted by white-hot flames. She and Ky fell from the sky to escape the onslaught. Suddenly, gale-force winds knocked them from the sky. They looked behind them and raced away from the mountain. Hundreds of thousands screamed and yelled in fear as Béloneras flew out of the smoke and dust. The pale white dragon was as big as the mountain itself. His wings stretched for miles. A single claw was nearly three times larger than any man. The dragon roared in anger and unleashed more flames at the pair. They quickly climbed into the sky. The flames nearly reached the battlefield and everyone could feel the heat. Béloneras chased after Ky and Atreyis. He screeched in anger as the two hid in the clouds. Suddenly, something crashed into his face and knocked him off-balance. Before he could regain he was hit again from the other side. As he fell he was engulfed in a volley of silver flames.

  Béloneras fell roaring from the skies and crashed into the ground, knocking everyone off their feet. Atreyis and Ky fell from the sky with pointed swords ready for the kill. Béloneras suddenly opened his eyes and swung his mighty tail. The Guardians weren’t quick enough and were knocked from the sky like meteors crashing into the side of the mountain range with a deafening boom. Béloneras wasted no time and covered them in a never-ending stream of stone-melting fire.

  “No!” screamed Ehren.

  When the dragon was satisfied he turned and faced the battlefield.

  “I am the only true god!” his deep evil voice boomed.

  Their friends and family fell to their knees in disbelief. The dragon walked towards them.

  “I’ll show you what true power is!” he roared.

  The sky instantly turned black as night and thunder rumbled. Lightning crashed. A bolt struck the ground between Béloneras and the people. In its place stood a small woman. Her white hair blew in the wild winds. The tattoos that traced over her body were bright silver that matched her eyes. Her white silk dress blew in the wind. The dragon stopped and hissed.

  “I told you!” boomed Cora as she threatened the dragon. “The Light will always win against the Darkness!”

  The dragon roared at her. Cora hovered high in the air. She pointed her hands to the ground on her left and right. Suddenly, the unconscious bodies of Atreyis and Ky appeared at her sides.

  “You can try and escape the cycle…” boomed Cora. “But until you find and open your heart you will be forever doomed to the Darkness you love so much. It is impossible for you that which you cannot perceive!”

  Cora shined like the sun and the bodies of Ky and Atreyis hovered in the air.

  “Lucifus! Béloneras! Meet this life’s end!” Cora roared as she clapped her hands together like thunder. The bodies of Atreyis and Ky smashed together in a white light. Everyone, including the dragon, shielded themselves from the light. When it faded what stood was a dragon just as large as Béloneras. Its entire body was covered in silver feathers. It had one gray eye and one blue eye and both glowed with silver light. The dragon unfurled its massive wings and stood on its hind legs and let out a terrible roar.

  Béloneras backed into a defensive stance and screeched in response like a feral cat. He spit flames at the silver dragon. It leapt into the sky. The people screamed in fear as the world-ending flames raced towards them. Suddenly they were extinguished. Cora was still floating high in the air. Her arms were extended and a magical barrier encompassed all of the people. Her white hair floated around her and she was unfazed by the fiery onslaught. Everyone watched in awe as the two titanic beasts battled in the air. The exchanged blow for blow. All watched with baited breath. Béloneras flew at the silver dragon and locked claws with it. The two titans struggled in the air a moment. But then Béloneras flipped and slammed the guardian into the earth. The very ground cratered and split from the force. Taryn, Ehren, Kova, and Riker tried to fly through Cora’s barrier but were stopped.

  “Let us help!” yelled Ehren as he pleaded with the Goddess. “Cora!”

  Cora didn’t move.

  “It is not over.” She said calmly.

  The Guardian struggled to its feet before being hit with a barrage of flames by Béloneras. The silver dragon leapt into the air. Béloneras roared and followed it. A glowing aura began to emanate from Béloneras’ body. The silver dragon began glowing as well. Béloneras roared as lighting flashed all around. The bolts began striking his body and he absorbed the energy. The very air around the white dragon crackled with electricity. The silver dragon flew at Béloneras with a roar. The evil dragon focused everything on the Guardian. An apocal
yptic mix of fire and lighting poured out of his mouth. The blast connected with the silver dragon and sent it soaring beyond the clouds. All was deathly quiet. A deep, menacing, evil laugh echoed in the expanse as Béloneras landed heavily.

  “Pathetic mortals.” He laughed. “I told you I am the only god of this world!”

  Pure terror and fear filled everyone as the evil beast laughed.

  “Your time is over!” said a voice that sounded like Ky’s and Atreyis’ from the heavens.

  Béloneras snarled and looked up.

  “No!” he yelled.

  The clouds parted and there, flying in the sun was the Guardian.

  “We are the Guardian.” Said the dragon. “We are the Light. And the Light is reclaiming this world!”

  The silver dragon spread its wings. The sun outlining its silhouette. Silver tendrils of electricity crossed it body. Béloneras let out a roar and belched flames towards the sky. The silver dragon returned in kind and breathed silver flames down from the heavens. Within the brilliant silver were streaks of gold, emerald green, ruby red, pastel pink, electric blue, and bright violet. The roar of Béloneras faded as he was overpowered. The silver and rainbow flames covered the earth and beyond. When the light of the flames was gone nothing remain of the evil dragon.

  Cora stopped the spell and lowered to the ground. She didn’t say a word as the silver dragon landed safely before her. Everyone stood in awe.

  “Your task is complete.” Said the Goddess with a smile. “You have fulfilled the prophecy and returned the Light unto your world.”

  The silver dragon bowed its head to the goddess.

  “The time of gods has ended for this realm.” Said Cora calmly, she looked back at the people. “We will return again one day, when we are once again needed. But now is the time of man.”

  She walked over to Ehren and held his face. “Teach your children what happened here today. Teach them of the incredible good that all are capable of. Remind them of the pain evil causes. But most importantly, teach them, show them, the Light that resides within all. This Light is more powerful than any Darkness will ever be.”

  She looked back to the silver dragon. Its body turned to pure light. When it faded, Atreyis and Ky remained in its place. Cora bowed her head and the white light left her body and she returned to her normal self as the tattoos faded. The ball of light hovered in the sky. It spoke again in the dual male and female voice.

  “All have the Light within. All have Darkness within. It is your choice which path you chose.”

  The cloud parted and blue sky shone brightly. The silvery-white ball of light flashed and disappeared.

  “The cycle continues…” carried on the wind.

  Everyone ran to Ky and Atreyis. Nothing had changed. Their hair was still white, they were etched with silvery tattoos, and they still wore the crystalline armor.

  Cora kissed Ehren passionately. “I love you!”

  She smiled brightly and ran over to the pair. The small priestess tackled them both in a bear hug.

  “I knew you could do it! I love you both so much!”

  Ky and Atreyis hugged her back.

  “I love you too.” They said in unison.

  “Thank you for everything.” Bowed Ky.

  “I never stopped believing in you.” Bowed Atreyis.

  Cora blushed. “I don’t deserve your thanks. All I did…I couldn’t do without the Goddess.”

  Atreyis and Ky looked at each other and smiled.

  “She couldn’t do anything—” said Atreyis.

  “—that wasn’t already inside you.” Finished Ky.

  They hugged the small priestess again. Ehren stepped up.

  “You aren’t staying are you?” he tried to fight the tears.

  “No.” smiled Atreyis. “It was always your destiny to rule over our people. Not mine.”

  Ehren held his head high. “Will I ever see you again?”

  Atreyis’ face softened. “One day. I’m not quite done here yet. Ky and I may share the same fiery soul, but we, us—” she gestured to Toran and Arainya, Cora, Taryn. “We are soul family. We will meet again.”

  Taryn’s eyes filled with tears as she hugged Atreyis close.

  “I won’t forget you.” She whispered.

  The princess hugged her close. “I will never forget you, friend. You more than proved yourself. I do believe my brother, your king, is in need of a new general.”

  Atreyis looked over at her brother. He nodded and grinned. Taryn smiled and wiped away her tears. She gave Ky a hug as well.

  “You keep her safe otherwise you will answer to me.” She joked. “Got that?”

  Ky laughed. “I will.”

  Riker popped up in front of Atreyis and softly kissed her hand. “Farewell my sapphire. I see now that your heart was never mine. I have made my peace with it.”

  Atreyis surprised him with a hug.

  “I will miss you too!” she said.

  Riker smiled sadly and hugged her back. He looked to Ky and she hugged hum too. Joslette, Kova, and Nya stepped up. Ky and Atreyis both bowed.

  “My Queen.” They said in unison.

  “After everything that has happened I never thought I would be here in a million years.” Said Joslette in awe.

  “Me neither.” Added Kova. “Hell, I never thought I would get my people back. At least not this way.”

  The Xaemoan queen and the Quinmorian queen hugged them both. Nya stood tearfully in front of Ky.

  “I never thought I would see my precious daughter ever again. At least, not in this life. But then you came crashing into my life. Much like the day you were born.” She cried.

  Ky felt the tears build up. “And I never thought I would every get my mother back.”

  They embraced in tears.

  “I know you are safe and I know it’s what you must do.” Cried Nya. “But that doesn’t make things any easier.”

  “I know.” Cried Ky. “I will see you again. I promise.”

  Nya held her daughter close and kissed her forehead. She hugged Atreyis too. Vex and Doan were right behind her. They both enveloped Ky in a bear hug.

  “Good job kid.” Said Doan as he struggled to hold the tears back.

  “I knew you had it in you.” Sniffed Vex.

  Ky hugged them back. “Thank you for planting the seeds of doubt and getting me on the right path. I am eternally grateful.” She smiled.

  Arainya and Tora stepped up to Atreyis. The queen brushed back Atreyis’ white hair.

  “I never thought I would have to say goodbye to my little girl. Not like this.” She hugged Atreyis close as the both cried. “I’m so proud of the woman you have become. I love you so much, Atreyis.”

  “I love you too, mother.” The princess hugged her back.

  The queen squeezed her tight and kissed her cheek. She looked over at Ky.

  “You are part of our family now.” She stated through the tears. “Which means you have to visit.” She hugged Ky tight.

  “Thank you.” Said the warrior.

  Tears streamed down Toran’s face.

  “My little girl. Can you ever forgive me for doubting you?” he cried softly.

  “Of course, father. You don’t even need to ask!” she hugged him tight.

  “I love you so much.” He cried. “And I am so proud of you! I always have been.”

  Atreyis held him close. “I love you too!”

  She smiled through the tears. “Look at it this way. If you hadn’t confined me to the palace grounds think of where we would be right now.”

  Toran laughed as he wiped away the tears. “That’s one way to think about it.”

  He sniffed and hugged Ky.

  “I know you will take care of her.” He whispered.

  “Always.” Smiled Ky.

  The king stepped back. Ky and Atreyis looked at everyone.

  “We love you.” Smiled Atreyis.

  “All of you.” Smiled Ky.

  “We never could have done this
without all of you.” Said Atreyis proudly.

  “From the bottom of our heart we thank you.” Said Ky assuredly.

  The pair bowed reverently to their friends, their family.

  “We will meet again.” Said Atreyis.

  “Soon.” Said Ky.

  The pair looked at each other before once again taking flight into the clear blue skies.


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