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Blackmailing his Love: (His Love)

Page 5

by M. J. Perry


  After Callie excused herself I sat at the dining room table and tried to get a hold of myself. She looked so fragile and it was my fault. Guilt was a heavy feeling in my gut and I had the urge to go after her and wrap my arms around her. The look of hurt on her face when Violet had told her we had a date set for our wedding will stay with me forever, so will the guilt of telling her I’d only booked her dream church for appearances when really I’d done it for her, because she’d always dreamed of being married there. I don’t know where my revenge plan started to go wrong, but it has and now I found myself unsure of where to go from here. The plan was to use her until I’d got her out of my system, but last night proved it would never happen. All the feelings I’d denied for her after she’d ripped me apart were still there. The reasons behind our marriage are becoming blurred, sure I still want the company, the man has been throwing obstacles in my path for a long time and even though I don’t need the money it will bring me, I like the challenge. Now though it seemed I wanted Callie more and marrying her would tie her to me completely. The need to make her happy, to make her smile like she used to was strong and I had a hard time fighting against it. Whether I admitted my feelings or not, the past hadn’t changed, she’d still cheated on me. If I wasn’t enough for her before, what made me think I would be now?


  Standing at the altar with my best man and brother Mark, I found myself feeling nervous, and I realised it’s because I’m worried Callie won’t turn up. I couldn’t wait until she walked down the aisle towards me and said I do. She'd be mine then, my wife, my beloved, and she’d finally belong to me. This wedding was supposed to be my revenge, it was supposed to be a quick registry office service, but I’d found myself thinking back to when we used to live together. I’d found a scrapbook filled with wedding ideas, I’d asked her about it and I still remember the pretty blush that had lit her face as she’d told me about the church her parents married in and the ideas she had for how she wanted her wedding to be. Her excitement had invaded my mind, and I’d found myself paying a couple a generous amount of money to cancel their wedding at the church and then helping them find a different venue so I could let Callie have her dream. I’d made sure she had the perfect dress, the flowers she loved and the car as well. All I had on my mind was making sure she’d smile on her wedding day and actually mean it. None of those forced smiles that didn’t reach her pretty brown eyes. I’d lay awake last night thinking of the photographs I’d received and found myself for the first time wondering if they could be fake, if I could really imagine her cheating on me. It didn’t make sense, she’d never been a person persuaded by money or expensive gifts. She liked simple things, not big baubles or shiny trinkets. I’d given her a credit card once, and she’d never used it. After she’d left, I’d found it in my sock drawer and I think it had been there all along. The night we’d gone to the hotel Peter the man from the photograph had walked straight past us, neither of them had acknowledged the other and at the time I’d figured they were just being discreet, but at the bar Peter had bumped into her, put his hand out to steady her which had put me on edge, but he’d only apologised and turned back to the person he’d been speaking to. All I’d seen was politeness, nothing to show they knew each other, no recognition. It made no sense, none at all. No one was that good an actor.

  My brother nudged me as the wedding march drifted to my ears. I turned to watch as Callie walked towards me. My breath stopped at the vision of her. She looked spectacular, she was glowing with happiness and I knew it wasn’t a show. The radiance of her smile nearly floored me and it took everything in me not to walk towards her and drag her faster up the aisle. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her and I could see she was having the same trouble, her eyes were on me and her smile touched something deep within me. It occurred to me right there that I was about to become the luckiest man in the world.

  When they were standing in front of me I saw Jon smile as he placed her hand in mine. I gripped it tightly and as one we turned to face the priest. I didn’t realise it would affect me so much but as we exchanged rings, I felt like something clicked into place and my eyes felt wet. My eyes caught Callie’s, and hers widened as she got a look at me. Her eyes are shiny too and I prayed with all that I am that they were happy tears. When the priest announced we were at last, man and wife and I could kiss my bride, I cupped her face gently and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose before taking her lips in a kiss so sweet it left us both breathless. I heard our guests whistling and I pulled away not in the least embarrassed. Callie seemed to be in a daze and I smiled down at her. I’ve never felt so proud in my life.

  We walked down the aisle together towards the front door and I wished we could miss our reception so I could take her home and ravish her. My body was on fire for her. I held her close not willing to let her go for even a second as we posed for photos, and then it was time to go to the reception. Callie hadn’t spoken one word to me or to anyone else, but her eyes hadn’t left mine. Could she feel the difference in me? Maybe, but I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it yet. I held her hand on the journey and left her to her thoughts, tonight would be here soon enough so we could talk, and then I could finally make love to my wife.


  Today was my wedding day. Those words seemed surreal; in fact, the whole morning felt surreal. I was sat at the dressing table watching in the mirror as the hair stylist tried to pull my long hair into a complicated up-do. I had way too much hair for it to work, but she seemed determined.

  “I’d like to wear it down.” I told her and her she sighed in relief.

  “I have some beautiful hair slides which will pull your hair back from your face.”

  “Perfect.” While she hurried off to get them I studied my reflection. My lips were painted perfectly. The make-up artist had wanted to do a Smokey look to bring out my eye colour, but I’d disagreed with her. I never wear much make-up and I didn’t want my face looking like someone else on my wedding day even if it was a fake wedding. The woman hadn’t been happy, but eventually she’d given up trying to talk me round and agreed on mascara and a red lipstick which I adored. The stylist placed the slides in my hair and stood back to look at her handy work. She gave me a nod and a smile before she packed her things away and said goodbye.

  Once she’d gone, I stood and reached for the underwear laid out on the bed. Jon had gone to get coffee, but he’d be back soon so I quickly pulled my underwear on, silk stockings included and stepped into my wedding dress. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen and exactly what I would have chosen myself if I’d had the choice. The beading was exquisite and ran along the neckline, and the hem. The off white colour and style was perfect for my figure, and as I pulled it up over my breasts tears fill my eyes. I felt like a princess.

  A knock at the door startled me. “Come in,” I called.

  “Wow,” Jon exclaimed.

  “Can you tie my ribbon please?”

  He placed our coffee down before walking over to me. I turned and gave him my back.

  “Are you sure about this Callie? We could always run away.”

  I giggled. “I’m sure Jon.”

  “How can you want to marry him after everything he did?”

  “Simple. I love him.”

  “He treated you like shit.”

  “He had his reasons.”

  Jon scoffed. “No one has good enough reasons to treat the person they supposedly love like he did you. He broke you.”

  “He didn’t break me.” I denied. Who was I kidding? Jon knew he did, he was there, he saw the state I was in. “Ok, he broke my heart but as you can see I recovered. I got over it but I never got over him, and if I don’t at least try to make a go of our second chance, I’ll never know if we can make a good life together. A life of babies, grandbabies and a happily ever after.”

  He’s quiet for a moment, thinking over my words I guess and I hope I’ve convinced him. As I was saying them I realised,
I’d meant every word. It would be a hard road trying to convince Alex I was innocent of what he believed, but I was willing to try because I would always regret it if I gave up. We belong together, I’ve always known it, and I thought Alex knew too, but it seemed he needs a reminder.

  “As long as you’re happy Callie I’ll support you, but remember I’ll always be here to help you no matter how it turns out.”

  “I know and I love you.” My eyes blurred with tears.

  “I love you too baby, now, no crying else you’ll smudge your make-up and we’ll be late.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said as I blinked quickly to stop my tears sliding down my cheeks.

  “Here, these should make you feel better.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. “Alex gave me this earlier.”

  I gasped as I opened the box and saw what was inside. “They’re beautiful.”

  “They’re perfect for you.”

  I picked up the pearl teardrop earrings carefully and placed them in my ears. They were charming in their simplicity and I smiled. Alex knew exactly what I liked.

  “Are you ready to marry the man of your dreams?”

  Was I? Probably not, it felt all too real now and not the farce it should feel like. I slipped my feet into my white heels, and Jon handed me my bouquet of pale pink roses that I would have chosen for myself as well.

  I wish Alex had done it all for me, but he’d already put me straight. It was all for appearance sake only.

  As I walked through the door, my emotions were all mixed up. I was happy, I was sad and my nerves were so strong I worried I might pass out. Half of me wanted to rush to the church and the other half wanted to run the other way. Jon put his arm out for me to take and I slipped mine into it, holding him so tightly my fingers hurt. He gave me a surprised look but didn’t speak; covering my fingers with his other hand he gave them a gentle squeeze until my grip loosened. We walked out arm in arm towards a wonderfully decorated white car with flowers, and white and pink ribbon covering nearly every inch. Hope filled me at the sight of it, for Alex to go to these lengths to make our wedding day seem real surely he had some feelings for me rather than the hate and dislike he projected most of the time. I’d expected a registry office service, but instead he’d given me the wedding of my dreams. All I had to do now was win back his love.

  As I climbed into the car, flashbulbs went off but I didn’t let it bother me, I didn’t even worry about how the press knew I was getting married today when I’d only found out yesterday. All I could think about was Alex.


  I’ve spent the whole day in a daze. The reception had gone just as smoothly as the service. Alex has introduced me to his family and friends, the ones I hadn’t met before and while he did this, he’d never let me go. He’s different, I can’t put my finger on why, but I was sure of it. It’s in his actions, in his kisses and the looks he kept sending my way. He got pulled into a conversation about banking and I excused myself. I needed a couple of minute’s breathing space. I pulled away from him and saw his reluctance; he didn’t want to let me go. He raised my hand to his lips and kissed my palm setting my whole body on fire for him. I gave a quick smile to the man he was talking to and walked towards the toilets catching sight of Sofia my whole body grew tense. I hated that woman. Earlier she’d come over to give us her congratulations, the look of contempt she gave me was nothing new, but when she’d tried to kiss Alex on the mouth, I’d wanted to slap her face. He’d moved his face and presented his cheek to her but I hadn’t missed the way her lips had lingered on him before she’d pulled away. She drove me mad, especially when I knew she had something to do with the fake photos although I had no proof of her guilt, just a gut feeling. Why the hell was she here in the first place?

  I took my time reapplying my lipstick and powder enjoying the quiet. The whole day although fun had been tiring, and it wasn’t over yet. I couldn’t hide away though; if I didn’t go back out there soon Alex would be in here looking for me. With a sigh, I walked out and back towards the room Alex had hired for us. I smiled at the people I recognised. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, they were laughing and joking and it made me feel like an outsider until I saw Jon. He was frowning and I could see he was upset. When I reached him at the bar, he took my arm and led me to an empty table at the back of the room. Before I could ask him what was wrong he spoke.

  “Did you marry Alex because he’s blackmailing you?”

  I stared open-mouthed. “Why are you asking that?”

  “Answer the question Callie.” He ordered.

  “Ok. No, I didn’t marry him for that reason.”

  “And to think you almost had me convinced, especially at the church when I saw how he looked at you. You suck at lying Callie.”

  I wanted to ask how he thought Alex was looking at me, but I couldn’t. I had to convince Jon. “I’m not lying.” My fingers were crossed behind my back and I wasn’t sure if it was because I was lying about lying, or if I was hoping Jon believed me.

  He stared at me and I tried not to fidget giving myself away. “So he isn’t holding something over you to make you marry him?”

  Come on Callie, time to act. “No, he isn’t. I married him because I love him.” At least that was the truth.

  “And does he love you?”

  “That’s a rather personal question don’t you think?” Alex asked from behind me making me jump. How long had he been standing there?

  Jon tensed and faced Alex. “It’s not too personal when I’m worried for my friend. I want to know if you’ve forced her into this marriage.”

  “Callie is my wife now. You have no rights what so ever to her, but she’ll be upset if we’re at odds so I will answer your question. Yes I love her and I did not blackmail her into marrying me. What possible reason could there be for me to do that?”

  Jon nodded, but he didn’t look like he believed Alex. “I don’t know why you would blackmail her especially after all you’ve already done to her, but if I find out its true, I will make you pay. No one is untouchable, remember that.”

  I looked at Alex and his fury was obvious, he didn’t like being threatened, but surprisingly he just nodded, not saying a word.

  Jon stepped in front of me. “Call me if you need anything, anything at all sweetheart.” He kissed my head. “I have to go now; I find it hard to act happy for prolonged periods of time. Be happy Callie.”

  “I will. I’ll call you.”

  “Yes, you do that.” With a last warning glance at Alex he walked away. My shoulders drooped in relief. When I got a look at Alex’s face my tension returned.

  “Where have you been, and why did Jon ask you that?”

  “I went to freshen my lipstick like you already know and when I came back to the room Jon seemed upset. I don’t know where he got the idea from, but it wasn’t me. What could I possibly gain from telling him when I have the most to lose?”

  “Well, someone’s been talking.”

  “Maybe it’s your girlfriend.”

  “My girlfriend?” He looked confused, at least that’s something.

  “Sofia. Why did you even invite her to our wedding?”

  “There is nothing between Sofia and me. She doesn’t know anything, but if she did, I can reassure you it wouldn’t be her opening her mouth. There’s no reason for me not to trust her.”

  I flinched at the accusation in his voice. I wasn’t stupid, that he didn’t trust me shouldn’t be a surprise, but for him to tell me he trusted the person who was very likely out to get me, well it had the power to destroy me. “You’re wrong, but who am I to judge when our wedding is a farce, anyway.”

  “Our wedding night won’t be a farce Callie. You can trust me on that.”

  Sex, that’s all I was good for. I shook my head. “I can’t do this, we’ve made a mistake. We shouldn’t have married.” I whispered. I knew he could hear the tears in my voice, but I was unable to stop them. A tear slipped down my cheek and I lifted a h
and to wipe it away.


  I was such a heel. I knew she wouldn’t say anything to Jon, she wouldn’t want him knowing, but I still had to ask. I couldn’t trust her as easily as I did before. I wasn’t sure if I could make myself trust her at all, but I wanted to. One look at her down-bent head and I felt like shit. I’d hurt her again and on our wedding day no less. Sofia was a malicious cow, I didn’t trust her one inch, but I wanted to hurt Callie and I’d managed that, only hurting her had hurt me.

  “Baby please, don’t cry.” I almost begged.

  “I’m not.” She sniffed making me grin. Stubborn to the end.

  “Come here.”

  She looked at me for a moment then moved closer. Her sigh hit my neck as I wrapped my arms around her. “A bride should only cry tears of joy on her wedding day.” I declared.

  “If the groom wasn’t such a jerk, maybe she wouldn’t cry. And I’m not crying.”

  “Whatever you say baby now shall we dance our first dance as husband and wife?”

  “I need to freshen up first.”

  “Of course.” I couldn’t see why she needed to; she looked just as beautiful as she did when she’d walked down the aisle towards me earlier. I let her pull out of my arms and she made her way to the ladies room. Her body swayed seductively with every step she took, but it wasn’t deliberate. She was sensual without even trying.

  Something touched my arm, and I tore my eyes away from Callie's backside to find Sofia standing next to me.

  “Now her hissy fit is over maybe you’d like to dance with me?” Her snotty tone pissed me off.

  “Callie didn’t have a hissy fit as you call it Sofia, something upset her.”

  “What, or should I ask who, upset her? Perhaps it was the man she was outside with earlier.”

  “Callie hasn’t been outside.”


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