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Blackmailing his Love: (His Love)

Page 6

by M. J. Perry

  “Yes, she has, I saw her. I don’t know who the man was, but they looked cosy.” Her lips tipped up in a smug smile because she thought she had me believing her when in reality I wanted to throttle the lying bitch. Things were making sense now, I should have seen that Sofia was out to cause trouble before, but I always brushed her off as a nuisance.

  “Don’t worry Sofia, I’ll ask her myself,” I told her as I spotted Callie coming towards us. Her step faltered for a second, but she quickly pulled herself together. Sofia touched my chest before I could move away from her and the anger that flashed in Callie's eyes fascinated me.

  “I didn’t mean to cause trouble, Alex.” Sofia purred in what she obviously thought was a sultry voice, but to my ears it sounded like a whine.

  “Oh, don’t worry Sofia you didn’t.” The only trouble you’ve caused is for yourself, I thought.

  I looped my arm around Callie’s shoulders as she got close and I led her away from the bitch not wanting her to poison anything else with her lies. Callie was stiff, and I saw her trying to rein in her anger. Her eyes were flashing, and it was such a turn on. I had to ask although I know the answer already. “Were you outside earlier with a man?”

  She sighed. “I haven’t been outside, but I don’t expect you to believe me.”

  “I believe you,” I said without hesitation.

  Her shocked eyes met mine. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.”

  “Good, because I have no proof.”

  “You don’t need proof. Now shall we dance my wife?”

  She smiled at me and my heart sped up. I’ve missed her smile, her laugh, everything. “Yes, husband.” She said shyly and I could tell the words felt strange on her tongue, she’d get used to them though because I didn’t plan on letting her go after three months. She was mine forever now.

  I led her to the dance floor and pulled her into my body holding her as close as I could. I knew she could feel my hardness; I wanted her to feel it, to feel what she did to me. The blush on her cheeks let me know she did. The song started to play, and she instantly recognised it, her teary eyes met mine. It was the same song her parents danced to on their wedding day.

  “Thank you.” She whispered.

  “I wanted you to have this; I hoped it would help you feel like they are with you.”

  Her soft hands reached up to cup my face, and I leaned down so she could place a kiss on my lips. It wasn’t lost on me that this was the first time she’d initiated contact with me since we’d reunited. “It’s perfect.”

  “Exactly what I think too.” And I did, having her in my arms dancing our first dance felt just how it should be.

  The song ended, and it was time to cut the cake. The more time that went on the more I resented having to be there. I wanted Callie all to myself. I was almost dragging her around the room to say our goodbyes when we bumped into Mr and Mrs White for the first time. They were the reason we’d done this, yet I hadn’t thought of them or even noticed I hadn’t seen them. I introduced Callie to them and she instantly charmed them just like she did with everyone. As she was talking, I realised I didn’t even want the company now, I almost felt bad for tricking them and I could see Callie didn’t like the deceit either, but without the reasons for the marriage we wouldn’t be here right now at our wedding. I couldn’t regret that, but I was going to pull out of the race. I had a new wife now, and she was going to be enough of a challenge.


  I’d had an amazing day. The day I’d been dreading turned into a perfect day except for the odd moment. I knew Sofia had tried to cause trouble between Alex and me, and it shocked me he hadn’t believed her. Now we were in the car on our way to Alex’s home and we were both quiet, for once it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Alex hadn’t let my hand go since we got in. I was so nervous, it’s our wedding night, we're husband and wife and it’s strange to think just a few days ago he’d blackmailed me into this. He’d changed his attitude towards me and it was a struggle to keep my guard up against this Alex because he reminded me so much of the old Alex, the one I fell in love with. All the sweet things he’d done couldn’t be for appearances sake could they? I wanted him with every breath in my body and when he looked at me when he held me close on the dance floor and I’d felt his hardness against me I got the feeling it was exactly the same for him too.

  His hand squeezed mine when the car came to a stop, and he helped me out of the car and dismissed Arnold before leading me into the house and straight to his bedroom. The door opened slowly, and I got the feeling he was nervous which was silly because Alex didn’t get nervous. When I got a look through the door, I gasped in surprise. Candles were lit all over the room and there were rose petals scattered on the floor and the bed. It was romantic, so romantic it left me speechless.

  “Do you like it?” It sounded like he cared.

  “I love it.”

  “Good. I have one more thing for you.” He pulled me into the room and closed the door. He walked over to his drawers and pulled a black velvet bag from the top one. When he was standing in front of me again he took my hand and placed it palm up. “I think it’s about time you had this back.” He told me as he tipped the contents of the bag into my hand.

  Again I was speechless. In my hand, I held my rose necklace. The most special gift he’d ever given me. “You kept it?” I ask stunned.

  “I couldn’t seem to throw it away Callie. In fact, I threw nothing of yours away.”

  As I was still processing his words, he stuffed the bag into his suit pocket and took the necklace out of my hand. I turned to give him my back and reached up to hold my hair out of his way so he could fasten it round my neck. He turned me back to face him and kissed the tip of my nose. The look in his eyes caused me to freeze. I knew my love for him was beaming from me I couldn’t hide it anymore, didn’t want to hide it anymore, but I’d never expected to see the same look in his eyes. It made me feel bold and gave me the confidence to reach up on my tiptoes to kiss his lips. It started out as a soft and sweet thank you kiss, but it didn’t take long to transform into a kiss that blew my mind. I couldn’t get enough of him and he was with me completely. He suddenly pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

  “If we don’t stop, I’ll take you here and now. Is that what you want?”

  Silly man. “Yes, I want that.”

  He looked taken back for a second before he gave me a sweet smile. He picked me up and carried me to the end of the bed. I slid down his body and he steadied me when my feet touched the floor. I watched him strip until he was just wearing his underwear, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the beauty of his body. He stepped closer and didn’t stop until we were touching chest to chest. I could feel his heat through the fabric of my dress. He reached behind me to untie the ribbon on my dress; it loosened and he pushed it down my body helping me step out of it. He gently pushed me onto his bed and crouched down to take my heels and stockings off. Next, he gripped my knickers, and I lifted my bottom up so he could take them off. He threw them on the floor with the rest of our clothes and finally took off his underwear. He was so hard; the veins stood out angry and I licked my lips wanting nothing more than to taste him. A quick look at his face told me he was hanging on by a thread. “I wanted to go slow but seeing you spread out naked for me has made that impossible.” He admitted in a strained voice.

  I opened my arms to him and relief crossed his face before he climbed on top of me careful to keep his weight off me by leaning on his elbows. “I’ve missed you.” He whispered so quietly I almost didn’t hear.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  He closed his eyes almost like he was in pain and I stroked my hands gently down his back in comfort. He shifted, and I felt him at my entrance. Quicker than I expected he thrust into me causing a groan to rip from my throat. He stayed still letting me get used to his invasion, but I couldn’t bear for him not to move for even a moment. I lifted my body into his trying to chase the pleasure onl
y he could give me. Taking the hint he moved slowly at first but just like his kiss it didn’t last. His body dominated mine, causing sensations that I’d all but forgotten to run through my body. His rhythm sped up and with no hope of keeping up with him, I wrapped my arms around him and gave myself up to the ride, to the feelings he was tearing from my body. We hit our climax together staring into each other’s eyes with me biting my lip so words of love didn’t spill out. It terrified me how easily I could let slip, to put myself in a more vulnerable position than I already was.


  I woke with a groan at the sunlight shining in my eyes. I was so tired; Alex hadn’t let me sleep much at all waking me up twice in the night to make love. I’d loved it but my body was paying for it now. Muscles I didn’t even know I had were aching. A light touch brushed against my shoulder and I rolled over to face a sexy, sleepy Alex. The grin on his face drew an answering one from me.

  “Morning, my beautiful wife,” The pride in his voice lit up the room, I wonder if he was aware.

  Wife sure sounded good. “Morning husband.” But husband sounded better.

  He leaned up to kiss my lips. “We have a day of doing anything you please I just have to make a couple of phone calls then I’m all yours.”

  I smiled in pleasure. I’d thought he’d planned to go straight back to work. “What do you fancy doing?”

  “Well, spending the whole day in bed would be top of my list but you have to be sore so we’ll save that for tonight.”

  I clenched my thighs together loving that idea, but he was right I was sore. “I’m going to jump in the shower then.”

  “And I won’t join you because we know how that will end.” He grinned.

  I watched as he slipped out of bed and the view of his behind almost had me begging him to take me. He pulled on clean underwear and grabbed a t-shirt from a drawer. “I won’t be long baby.”

  “Ok.” I waited until he closed the door behind him before slipping out of bed, not quite as secure of my nakedness as he was. Here’s hoping the shower will sooth my aching muscles. I’d love a bath, but I was reluctant to spend more time away from Alex as I had to. I didn’t want to look at my reasons for that too closely.


  After I closed the door on the temptation Callie presented I headed to my office, she looked so fucking sexy all sleepy and loved. Only the knowledge that she was sore was keeping me from throwing her back on the bed and taking her again and again until we were both sated. I hadn’t been gentle last night, I’d found I couldn’t be, even after the first time. The need to mark her with my body, with my seed had been so strong it had been all I could think about. I hadn’t used protection either and I knew she wasn’t on the pill. She hasn’t realised yet, but I’d left the condoms off on purpose. It made me a bastard, but I wanted her tied to me as tightly as I could and getting her pregnant would ensure she would never leave me, never deny me the right to bring up my child and I will use that to my advantage. No way will I let her go again.

  I picked up my phone and dialled David’s number. It’s about time I found out everything about those photos so we could lay it to rest. Now I’d calmed down I could see Callie would never cheat on me. She loved me; I see it in her eyes when she looks at me and I was a complete idiot to believe it. My hurt had clouded my judgement, but now it was time for answers. I should have rang David up the same night I’d received them and maybe we wouldn’t have lost six months, who better to get to investigate but a security expert who pretty much had his fingers in all the pies.

  David answered on the second ring. “Hey pal, I’ve been waiting for your call.”

  His words knocked me off balance. “You have?”

  “When I met Callie, I knew there was no way she would ever cheat on you. She looks at you like you’re her world.”

  “She does?”

  “You’d have to be blind not to see it.”

  “I guess I’m blind and stupid.”

  “No argument there.”

  “Thanks.” I chuckled. “I need a favour. Will you look at the photos for me?”

  “I thought you’d never ask. Send them over.”

  “Thanks, David, I appreciate it.”

  “You should have asked sooner.”

  “I can’t deny that, but I wasn’t ready.”

  “I know, I’ll call you when I have something.”

  “Thanks, I’ll owe you one.”

  “No, you won’t pal.”

  “Speak soon.”

  “Yeah, see you.”

  I turned my laptop on waiting for it to load. I prayed David could prove her innocence. In my gut, I know she was, but if there wasn’t any proof it would always be between us. The way she gives herself to me is special; I know she couldn’t do the same with anyone else. She was too sweet, too loving and too pure, and I’m a fucking idiot for believing otherwise. I definitely don’t deserve her.

  I sent the email to David not looking at the photos I’d attached, not needing to because they were burned into my brain and logged off eager to get back to my wife.

  My wife.

  The words did something to me; I’ve never felt so happy. The rightness of the words settled me. I’d always planned to marry her from the first moment I’d seen her at the art gallery. Something had clicked into place in my mind, and I’d known she would be mine.

  Callie was in the shower when I got back to our bedroom and I could hear her humming. Such a little thing, but I didn’t realise how much I’d missed the sound. I looked around the room smiling as I saw her earrings and necklace on my dresser and her wedding dress on the bed. All these things I’d taken for granted the first time around. When I’d made her leave, and she’d left behind everything I’d ever bought her I’d been surprised, but when I’d seen the rose necklace lying on the bed, I’d nearly collapsed in agony. She’d never taken it off since I’d fastened it round her neck, only to shower as her hair always tangled in it so to see it lying there had really hit home that she’d gone. I’d got blind drunk unable to deal with my feelings. Violet had found me the next morning and lectured me on my behaviour, and I’d snapped out of it. Instead of drinking I’d thrown myself into work wearing myself out so I didn’t think about Callie at bedtime when I was lying in our bed.

  Things were different now, I had Callie back and hopefully a baby on the way, it was time to start delegating more work to my managers, after all, I’d handpicked them myself so I knew they were capable of doing the job.


  I came out of the bathroom to find Alex sat on the bed. He brushed a kiss across my brow and went into the bathroom to shower. After we’d both dressed, he rushed us downstairs barely giving me time to slip on my shoes. When we made it to the kitchen, I realised why. The table was set for breakfast and it looked amazing. Alex fed me strawberries dipped in chocolate and blueberry pancakes. He poured my coffee and treated me like a queen. That theme carried on all day. We walked into town hand in hand and had lunch at the cafe we used to go to before.

  I’d noticed a couple of men following us and it had me feeling uneasy, but when I mentioned it to Alex, he’d shrugged it off telling me he always had security following him and as his wife I would have it too. I’d worried for a second he was doing it because he didn’t trust me but I brushed that thought aside. Last night he’d shown me the side of him I remembered all too well, he may not admit he trusted me, he might not trust me fully but I think he was on his way; at least I hoped he was. The day had gone by like old times, we’d laughed and teased each other and the past had been forgotten. It was bliss. And then we’d walked through the front door and everything changed. As soon as Violet saw us she burst into tears.

  “Violet,” I asked in shock. “What’s the matter?” I rushed over to her and pulled her close.

  “A woman from the local newspaper rang while you were out.” She said unsteadily.

  “Ok, what did she want?”

  Fear hit me when I glanced at her nervous

  “She wanted to know how I felt about working for a woman who manipulated an old man into leaving her his life savings.”

  I frowned. “I don’t understand?”

  “She said she has a source who’s given her proof you bought your house using money given to you by a dying man who you’d promised to marry.”

  “What?” I exclaim shocked. “Who on earth would make up such a stupid lie?”

  Violet shook her head. “I don’t know sweetness.”

  I turned to Alex and paled at the look of fury on his face. “You don’t believe it do you?” I asked him in a whisper.

  His silence was answer enough.

  “You believe it, of course you do. You always think the worst of me,” I said sadly before I made my way to the kitchen and out through the patio doors into the garden. When I saw the bench, I sat down heavily and closed my eyes. My heart felt like it was breaking into pieces. Tears slip through my closed lids. I’d got my hopes up today thinking things could go back to how they were, but that dream had just exploded. I’d let my guard down and my repayment was Alex accepting sick, twisted lies about me just like he had before.

  Who was doing this to me? Who the hell hated me so much to make up such lies? Why did only one name pop up in my mind? Sofia had tried on our wedding night to cause trouble; I’d known she’d lied to Alex about me being outside, would she do this too? The lie was ridiculous, anyone who looked into my mortgage would see I have one. I don’t own my house and I saved up to put the deposit down. Jon had offered to help me, but I’d refused, it was something I’d always wanted to do on my own. Now someone was making my hard work seem like I’d rinsed an old man. What proof could they have? It wasn’t true so they would have to make some up, just like the fake photos Alex had received. It worried me how far they’d go to get me out of Alex’s life. A sob tore from my throat and I couldn’t stop it. I was helpless again, the one thing I’d promise I wouldn’t be.


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