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Ruthless Passion

Page 3

by Noah Harris

  “I’m sorry that I almost put you in an awkward position.” The only awkward position that I was interested in was using my vast knowledge of sexual positions. Derek Strange might’ve been some kind of power, but what I was most interested in had nothing to do with his money. “I apologize, and I promise that I will never do something like that again. I guess I got a little carried away inside that sports car. It made me feel like a different person. I got caught up in the hype when I should’ve known better.” It wasn’t a lie, but it really didn’t have anything to do with the sports car.

  “I understand the need to dream, but you also need to keep your feet firmly planted in reality. It’s not easy to do around here, but it’s the one thing that separates us from those that think that they are above us.” He had an old soul and the wisdom to back up the words that were coming out of his mouth. “I’ve been here exactly four years to the date. It’s not hard work, and you make a fair wage.” Sven was hiding something, but I didn’t have the time to delve into his mind to find out what it was. My shift was ending, and the very idea that Derek was waiting for me was making me giddy with excitement.

  “I’ll have to be more careful, but I doubt that I will take that kind of risk again. You’re right, and it was a little too close. I don’t need this type of drama in my life, and neither do you. You obviously have a lot on your plate. There’s no reason for me to heap more on it. I don’t want to take advantage of your good nature.” My mind conjured up images of Derek in various states of undress.

  Sven looked haunted by something and maybe the truck driver was right. He had said that people came here to either run away from something or run toward something. I would say that Sven was running away from something, but maybe he was running toward something at the same time. He had a girl and a child, and that made him look for that easy score. I didn’t take him for someone that would do something foolish. Then again, I’d known people that were good that were pushed into a corner like some kind of animal.

  I suddenly had this melody in my head. It was a certain harmony that gave me a sense of peace. I didn’t know where it came from, but I suspected that I would find out. There was something vaguely familiar about the tune. It got caught in my head, and I couldn’t shake it.

  “I’m not one to pry, but are you sure that there isn’t anything that you want to talk about.” I really didn’t have time to give him the expertise of my wisdom. I’d lived a long time, and I knew some of the pitfalls that people find themselves in. I also had pretty good knowledge of what it took to leave stress at the door. It didn’t hurt that I couldn’t feel what that emotion was. The one thing that was more powerful than anything was the feeling of wanting somebody. The last time that this happened, I got a little carried away, and I hoped that I could control those urges, or at least keep down a particular part of myself that would want to come out.

  “No offense, but I really don’t know you. I don’t think that we are at the juncture in our professional relationship that we share secrets. I can tell that you have some of your own, and I doubt very seriously that you want to talk about them. Those things in the closet should remain there until they turn into brittle bones.” It was an interesting way of looking at things. I had to admit that Sven was a man that had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  “No offense taken. I understand perfectly and don’t think anything of it. You didn’t hurt my feelings if that was what you were worried about.” Those were the kind of feelings that were beneficial to someone else. To me, they were inconsequential and didn’t make much sense. “If you ever change your mind, I am more than happy to listen. I don’t know what I can do to help, but you never know, until you ask.” I waited for him to unload, but he decided to keep quiet. Whatever was bothering him had caused the silence between us for the rest of the shift.

  Our replacements were coming on, and we were soon relieved of our positions. It was not fast enough for me, as I had places to be and one particular person to see. It was after 1:00 AM and I was worried that he would be tucked into his bed for the night. Would he even open the door?

  “This city is not healthy for anyone. It’s especially dangerous for those that don’t have any money. Some people don’t have two pennies to rub together. They think that the answers lie inside one of these machines. I’ve seen people come here with their life savings and leave with their hat in their hand. Trust me; it’s a vice that gets a hold of you and strangles you.” A gambling addiction was not uncommon for people that were around this type of stuff all the time. I got this feeling that Sven hadn’t got caught in that trap, but he was certainly thinking about it.

  “There is nothing warm and fuzzy about this place. It makes you think that you’re safe, but there’s nothing safe about this city. It kills a man’s hopes and dreams without even thinking about it. I make it sound like it's alive, and maybe it is in some way. We are the lifeblood of this place. Without those gamblers that come here with fortunes to make or lose, this place would be nothing. It would wither up and die like that of a flower that didn’t get enough sun or water.” I think that I had made my point. He listened, because I didn’t give him a choice.

  “You, my friend should not be a valet. You’re better than this, but maybe you don’t see that for yourself. I see you, as damaged and your life has not been your own for quite some time. I’ve got a sense for these kinds of things. I’m usually not that far from the mark.”

  “I would really like to debate this issue, but it is getting late. I’m probably going to sleep the next 12 hours.” I moved my feet back and forth to make it look like they were fatigued. I didn’t want to be looked at, as some kind of superhuman. In a place like this, there was no telling what someone would do with that type of information. I shivered to think of what my life would be, as some sort of specimen.

  “I hear you. My dogs are killing me. I’m going to have to find some way to soak them in hot water. I think that I might be able to find what I’m looking for in the kitchen after hours. I’ve done it before, but I could use a wingman.” My skills had been honed over the years. I didn’t want them to get rusty, so using them in this way might help me to keep them fresh. I was still craving another kiss from Derek. He would most likely be waiting for me, and I had no desire to disappoint him by standing him up.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Sven. Keep a stiff upper lip and don’t let things worry you. There’s no place for that around here. Money doesn’t cry for you, and you shouldn’t cry for it. If you need anything, you know where to find me.” I offered him my shoulder to lean on, but apparently he wanted to do this on his own. I admired that about the man, but I got this impression that he was teetering between what was right and what was wrong.

  I was sick of that same old kind of love that leads only to heartbreak. I had no idea what this was between myself and Derek, but I was anxious to find out. I walked to the elevator, but I decided that the stairs would give me the kind of adrenaline rush that I needed to go through with this. Normally, I would be the one holding the man’s heart hostage, but this was something that made me believe that I was alive for the first time. It awakened something that was dormant, sleeping and waiting.

  I bounded up the stairs, hearing my footsteps hitting the stairs and making this echo like that of somebody that was in a hurry. With each step, I began to forget about where I was, and suddenly I was leaping from one landing to the other. It was that intensity and the feeling that I got from standing in Derek’s presence that made me feel like I was walking on air.

  Chapter six

  I came to his door, and I was about to knock, but I didn’t have to. He opened it wearing a white robe that was courtesy of the hotel. It had the name of the hotel stenciled on the front of it. They probably lost more than their fair share of those robes. People would take whatever wasn’t nailed down, but I had to believe that the owner had taken that into account. The extravagance and the wealth that permeated the air had grabbed me and wouldn’t let g

  We stood there staring at each other. I wasn’t sure if he really expected me to show up, but it wasn’t like I could walk away. There was this air of authority and the way that he looked at me made me feel like I was standing there completely naked and at his mercy. He had a cigar in his mouth and what looked like a glass of brandy in his hand. He reached out that hand and gave me the glass, before turning around and going back inside. I stood there like a damn idiot until I found it necessary to take a drink.

  I didn’t need alcohol to loosen my inhibitions. Why people thought that consuming vast amounts of different concoctions would make them turn into a different person was beyond me. When I was turned, I had not had the pleasure of getting drunk. I had seen many a man or woman fall victim to its influences.

  “Are you going to come in, or not. You probably have butterflies in your stomach. That’s to be expected. You’re young, but you also project a kind of experience. I can’t explain it, but I find it absolutely delicious.” He sat on the black leather couch with his legs crossed. In that position, he gave me a hint of what lie underneath. “I know that this is scary, but it’s up to you to decide how far we go with this.” I had this feeling that walking into this room was like stepping into a different world.

  “I’m not scared.” I didn’t mean to blurt that out. I certainly didn’t think that my voice was going to crack as it did. “I’ve had my fair share of men.” It was like I was trying to convince myself that this was the right thing to do. Normally, I would’ve already thrown the glasses into the fireplace. I didn’t think that was going to happen this time around.

  If this was an addiction, then I was about to have a relapse in the most profound way possible. I was going to give in to that feeling, even though I had nothing to compare it to. I was the dominant force, but for some reason, he made me feel like a weak little kitten.

  “You can say what you want to, but I kind of find it is endearing that you are having this type of reaction to me. You take me for a strong person.” I walked through the door, and I leaned back against it with my hands firmly planted behind me. I walked towards him, taking off the tie and tossing it aside. I unbuttoned my shirt halfway down, and I could see the eagerness in his eyes. “That’s a good start. I do love the anticipation and the rush that comes from having somebody for the first time. Show me what I’m getting.” I was half expecting him to say for the money, but thankfully he didn’t.

  I felt like I had this laser-like clarity, but at the same time, I was feeling like I was drowning in a pool of water. “I’m not normally like this.” I unbuttoned my shirt all the way down and then it flowed freely to either side of me. My physique was that of a man that had gone a few rounds in a gym. It was one of the byproducts of what I was. I had no need to put myself through the unnecessary exertion of pressing my own weight over my head. I looked like this every day of my life and sometimes I took it for granted.

  “I can’t believe that you were hiding that all this time. You should be on stage with the Chippendales putting on a show that would put everybody in their seat. They would be clamoring to see each individual piece of clothing fall from your body. I feel blessed that I have the opportunity to see this show for myself. You have a captive audience.” He sat there with his glass of brandy. His eyes were on fire. He had moved a little closer on the seat like he really couldn’t sit still for the life of him.

  I swallowed hard, pushing my hands through my hair, which of course made the muscles of my stomach more pronounced. He made this audible gasp. I looked at him to see that he was licking his lips. “I feel like I’m walking in somebody else’s shoes. It’s clear to me that you know the effect that you have on people. They are intimidated, and they fall all over themselves to make you happy. I’ve never been of the sentiment to bow down in any kind of servitude.” I had my belt open, and my zipper pulled down. The bulge in my briefs made it evident how excited I was.

  “Oh yeah, you would be a major draw onstage getting naked for the applause of the people in the crowd. They wouldn’t be able to get enough. I know that because I feel the exact same thing sitting here in the presence of a god.” His encouraging words were the kind of enticement that I needed to continue. I pulled my pants down slowly, leaving on my underwear, as a sort of tease for things to come. They were packed with a solid 8 inches of beef that he most likely wanted to suck deep. I wanted that, but I was enjoying this sudden need to please him in some way.

  “Your admiring eyes have me at a loss for words. Normally, you would be standing where I’m at making me beg with my eyes for you to take off your clothes. This is foreign to me, but I find it almost like a natural progression of our relationship.” To call what we are doing a relationship would be tantamount to idiocy. I was a man with my own mind, but somehow he was making me dance to his own tune. “Was there any doubt that I was going to show up?” That question was punctuated with me turning and showing him the hard packed globes of my ass. The cheeks were defined and hard. He would find out for himself that there was not an ounce of fat on my body.

  To him, I probably looked like a sweet candy that melted in his mouth and not in his hand. I looked young and impressionable, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. He had this maturity about him. He knew exactly who he was and wasn’t afraid to let people know exactly how he felt.

  “I think that it’s time for the big reveal.” His smile had made me lose myself. I had my hand on the waistband of my black skin tight shorts. I was about to give him the final curtain. He stopped me with a look, but he didn’t say anything. I found myself walking towards him until I was standing within a hair’s breath of his mouth.

  “This really does thrill me to the bone. There’s nothing better than that taste in the air. You must feel it too. I hope that this won’t end, which is the reason why I’m trying to prolong it for, as long as possible. I’ve always got by on my own. I think that I never really cared about anything until I met you. I wondered from the moment that I came in contact with you how I was going to get you alone.” He was a smooth talker. Standing there almost entirely naked was unheard of for me.

  “I don’t know what you want from me” That was a stupid thing to say. Just looking in his eyes and it became evident what he wanted. He stood and the smell of that cigar was almost sickening. He circled me with an appraising click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth. It was like he was inspecting the merchandise before he put down his hard earned money to acquire it.

  “I’ve never been one to mince words. I want you, Duncan and I think that you want me. You wouldn’t have come here otherwise.” I felt his hands on the waistband of my shorts. I’d literally stopped breathing. He pulled them down until I could feel his hot breath tickling those short hairs in between my ass cheeks. “I thought that this trip was going to be normal, but with you coming into my life it has become extraordinary.” He bit one of the cheeks, and I made this involuntary yelp of discomfort. He slapped both cheeks, giving them a rosy glow, before digging his fingers into the pliant flesh.

  “I just want to go on record to say that this isn’t me. This is somebody else that has taken over my body, but I think I like it.” The tip of his tongue insinuated itself in between those cheeks. His hands had easily separated the gates to heaven. “You’re only throwing gasoline on the fire. I would be careful because I have a tendency to rage out of control.” He rimmed my asshole and then dipped in for a moment to taste the object of his desire. My cock was twice its normal size. Each time that he slipped me the tongue, my cock had the tendency to flex in response.

  “I’ve only just begun.” He once again stood, leaving me shaking in my boots and wondering what he was going to do next. “You are that rare piece of ass that I can’t get out of my head. I had a nice steak, but I’m hungry for more than just food. I had to take a drink to give me a sort of liquid encouragement. You’re not the only one that has been feeling out of sorts.” I knew that neither one of us were virgins, but having him touch me
in that way made me feel like I was.

  He walked up the winding staircase to the bedroom, dropping his robe and leaving behind the naked man of my dreams. He was sculpted from marble. I wasn’t the only one that was hiding something underneath my clothing. The pendulum swing of his cock made my eyes go wide with the implications of what I was looking at. That thing was a one-eyed monster. I thought for a moment that I saw something different about his eyes. There were flecks of gold surrounding the green iris. It was unusual and almost mesmerizing.

  “We have all night, Duncan. Take your time and join me when you are ready for a night of passion that you will never forget. I plan to squeeze every drop from that cock. You’re going to feel the tightness of my ass while I am holding onto the headboard and making such noise that security will be called.” He had a way of painting a vivid picture.

  I found food tasteless, but drinking was a medley of flavors that danced on my palate. The brandy was delicious, but it gave me nothing in the way of bravery. The only thing that was drawing me to him was the man himself.

  Chapter seven

  I stood at the door looking at his naked body strewn out across a bed that was made for somebody like him. The view of the dazzling lights below could easily be seen from the balcony. The doors were open, and that slight breeze was a good way to cool things off. The blaze between us could not be extinguished. We could have the hose put on us and still we would be all over each other.


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