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Ruthless Passion

Page 4

by Noah Harris

  I came to the end of the bed, my cock leading me like I had no mind of my own. It wanted what this man could give it, and it wasn’t taking no for an answer. I moved like a panther, crawling onto the bed between his legs with my eyes looking into his own.

  “I have to warn you that I’m a little bit more than a mouthful. I’ve had guys in the past find out what I am blessed with and turn the other way. I don’t expect anything and whatever you do is entirely up to you.” He was saying the words, but I wasn’t sure if I believed him. “Give me a chance and I promise that I will not make you regret it. The one thing that you’ll find after we’re done is that neither one of us will be disappointed.” That was something to live up to, but I was ready to go all in.

  “I need to taste you. It’s not a matter of want. I desire to touch you and to give you an experience that is above all others.” I spread his legs and found myself sniffing at his balls like some kind of animal. His natural scent was that of something that I would find in the animal kingdom. The pheromones wafting through the air was like a drug of its own. “You have the kind of body that I could spend hours getting to know.” I inhaled one of his balls and then did the same thing to the other. It wasn’t long before I was taking both of them in at the same time.

  He had his hands up on the headboard holding it with his body lifted into the air to enjoy what I was doing to him. “I’ve had this…before, but nothing can even come close to this. You are in a league of your own, Duncan, and I think you know that. You claim to be this innocent lamb, but I think that I might have bitten off more than I can chew.” The only person that was biting off more than he could chew was me. I looked up at this huge piece of his anatomy, and it seemed to be a daunting task that was meant for someone in a professional service.

  “I think that you’re only telling me what I want to hear. You sweeten the pot with your words, but trust me it’s not necessary.” I went back to popping his balls in and out of my mouth loving the texture and almost apprehensive about taking the next step. After I had suitably spit shined them, I slowly slipped my hand around the thick piece in his possession. The vein was pronounced, and the head was flared and ready for some kind of attention.

  “I say what is only in my heart, Duncan. You can take it, however, the way you want, but trust me my words are nothing, if not honest.” The syrup seeping from his lips had given me the perfect incentive to look at the eye of the storm. There was already a fair amount of fluid streaming down the sides. It slid smoothly over my fingers, and I used it to supply him with the necessary lubrication. I lifted my sticky fingers and fucked each individual one into my mouth with him staring at me with unabashed passion in his eyes.

  “I love the way that you talk and the way that you move, Derek. I feel at home right here in your arms like a dream come true.” I held his eyes while descending on his tool. My mouth opened. I noticed that he didn’t blink the entire time that I was making him wait for it. “How does it feel to be on the other end? I’m this close to giving in, but I find it that much more delicious to make you wait.” The waiting was over, and my mouth was salivating for the chance to taste the elixir that was right there for the taking. I had my mouth on top of him, and I sucked back to get a squirt of the good stuff. What he had said was only his reaction from getting what he wanted. I smacked my lips and encircled the bulbous knob in a way that he found pleasurable.

  “I’ve never had a man service me like this before. I’m not saying you are my first, but you certainly have exceeded my expectations.” He rose up to meet my mouth and in the process he made me deepthroat him for a second. It was a 10-inch baseball bat. He obviously knew what he had and was trying to choke me on it. I slathered all over it, making it slippery when wet. I saw the rivers of my drool collecting at his balls. I made a decision to cradle them with a massage that was meant to make him go out of his mind.

  It was working better than expected. His eyes were closed, and his hair was matted with the sweat that had accumulated. He moved his head back and forth, and I could hear some kind of language coming from his mouth that wasn’t English. At first, I didn’t know what to make of it, but then it came to me, as a dying dialect. It somehow enhanced the moment and made me ravenous for the contents within his balls. Those shaved orbs were being manipulated by my fingers. One of my fingers touched on that spot underneath the balls. With enough pressure, I was able to elicit a growl of approval.

  Squeezing them a little bit tighter, I endeavored to take this thing all the way. I was no stranger to sucking cock, but this one was something that would make a seasoned professional a little afraid. I was more anxious to make it happen, and the sound that he was making was indeed giving me the idea that I was on the right track.

  “I can’t believe that you have the gall to do this to me. I am the king of the jungle. People bow in my presence, and you shouldn’t be anything different.” He was full of himself, but then I got a glimpse of something that didn’t seem possible. His fingers had changed, and his body had transformed. I was a little taken back, and suddenly my mouth was awash with a very thick and delicious nectar. I wasn’t ready for it.

  I pulled away with my razor sharp canines raking along the length. He howled like a man in pain. I scrambled away to the foot of the bed. I was on my knees, not quite believing what I was seeing. He ripped into the headboard, tearing it into splinters and the only thing that I could do was wonder how I had got myself into something like this.

  He probably didn’t even know that I was there, as he continued to shoot the rest of his load all over himself. I jumped off the bed. I went into the bathroom to wash my mouth out with whatever I could find. It was wrong, and I knew deep down that we were forbidden to have any kind of relationship. The one that changed me was gone, but he stayed with me long enough to teach me the finer points of being a vampire. He was considered the sire and the only one that was capable of making another of his kind. He told me of the possibility of others of a supernatural quality lurking in the shadows.

  I remembered his words like it happened yesterday. “You can never be with a shifter. It doesn’t matter if you feel like there’s a fire burning inside you. You don’t know this, but those relationships are doomed from the very beginning. You will become, so overwhelmed with emotion that it’ll be hard to pull away. Don’t get caught in that trap or you might find yourself gnawing off your arm to get away. The shifter becomes possessive, especially after sealing the deal with more than just a kiss.” His words echoed in my head.

  I stood in front of the mirror not quite knowing what to do. He was out there in the throes of his passion, and I should’ve been there to receive him. I threw cold water on my face to break me from this trance. It did very little to take down my temperature. I heard the sound of a wolf howling at the moon and then the telltale sound of glass shattering upon contact.

  I thought for sure that he was wrecking the place. I was tempted to go out the window and never see him again. It probably would’ve been the sensible thing to do, but I couldn’t even begin to move my legs. I wanted to go back in there and show him that we didn’t have to be enemies. We couldn’t be lovers, but that didn’t mean that we had to shy away from getting to know each other.

  “I will kill you.” I thought that he was talking about me. I looked down at my hands to see that they were visibly shaking. I shouldn’t have been afraid of anything. I was what everyone should be terrified of. “You think that you can do this to me and not feel my wrath.” His words sent a cold chill down my spine. I steeled myself for the conversation that ultimately had to happen. He was probably pretty upset and calming him down was not going to be easy. “You dare come into my home and treat me like this.” I wanted to say something in my own defense, but it felt like it was necessary to see this through face to face.

  “I wanted to love you longer than these few minutes, Derek. I’m afraid that what we have together is forbidden. I think that you may not know something about me. I don’t like myself for
falling for you. I will be damned to hell for what I’ve already done.” The door was closed. It was just a matter of waiting for his response.

  “You think that you can make this kind of play against me. I suggest that you go back to your master and tell them that my compliance is never going to happen.” This sounded a little weird like we were speaking different languages. The conversation didn’t make sense, and maybe I was having a problem dealing with the context. “I will never go down without a fight. Bring your best and I will knock them down and send them scurrying. Better yet, I will kill them and leave them for examples of why it’s important to know your enemy.” I was curious to know what this was all about.

  When I opened the door, I was greeted by a sight that made me realize that what I’d said to him went nowhere. Kneeling on the bed on all fours was the slobbering form of Derek. Hair was spurting out from his body with his mouth agape ready to strike like the wolf that he was. Standing on the balcony through the shards of glass was the young Japanese man that had attacked him earlier.

  Chapter eight

  I wasn’t exactly in any condition to go out there, but that wasn’t going to stop me from protecting Derek from harm. I walked in and stood between the wolf and the man with the sword. There was something about this Japanese man and then it dawned on me that we had met before. He was younger back then, but maybe I could use that to get him to back down.

  “I want everybody to take a breath and think about what they’re doing. This is neither the time nor place to have this kind of fight. I think that it goes without saying that we don’t want people to know our business. Hiroko Suzuki, how would your father feel about any of this?” I noticed that hearing his name made him take a step back. He had lowered his sword a fraction of an inch. Nobody else would have noticed the change, but I was intimately aware of how small changes could make the biggest difference.

  “You have me at a disadvantage. You seem to know who I am, but I have no idea who you are. I would suggest that you stand down and let Derek Strange, and I finish our business. This is none of yours and by interfering; you have made a grave mistake.” His family was notorious for being the best warriors and why I didn’t see the resemblance until now was beyond me.

  “We don’t have to be adversaries, Hiroko. I spent time with your father, and he taught me what it is to have honor. Have you forgotten all the lessons, or have you become blind because of the influence of the western ways. You betray the very man that gave you life. Think about when you were a child and somebody came in with a dire need of your father’s assistance. He was hurt and bleeding profusely, and you stood there in shock for quite some time. We talked from time to time, and I even joined you and your father in a training regiment that strengthened my core and made me heal faster than I would normally have.” His eyes showed that he was trying to recall, and then there was that look of recognition that came from a memory that had long been buried.

  “It’s not possible, and you should be almost 80 years old by now. You don’t look like you have aged a day. I don’t know what kind of trick this is, but it’s not going to work. I don’t want any trouble, but I’ve been hired to do a job, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. You stepped in my way once already, and I implore you not to make that mistake again.” It was time that I showed him the actual reason why I hadn’t aged. It would not be for the faint of heart, but he had already seen something that was of supernatural origin.

  Derek could not see my face, as I had my back towards him and that was exactly the way that I wanted to keep it. My face transformed, and the glowing red eyes and the blood lust were quite evident in not only my facial features but also by my teeth and by the claws that had come out to announce their presence. Once again Hiroko looked a little stunned, but he was able to look past all of that to the truth that resided in my eyes.

  “I can’t believe that it’s you. You were my friend, and then you disappeared right after my father’s funeral. Leaving me alone was the worst thing that you could have ever done. I became lost, and I started to hang with a bad crowd. I had no father figure and being that young; I felt like you abandoned me. I would have gladly gone anywhere with you, but you decided that I was better off fending for myself. That’s not how friends act towards one another. I watched you with the sword that first day and you were awkward and uneasy about having it in your hand.”

  “As you can imagine, I never really had any need for any weapons. My body was my weapon and holding that sword was like an awakening. It honed my senses and made it possible for me to hold on to that last vestige of humanity.” I had a feeling that Derek was probably wondering what was happening, but so far he hadn’t interjected or tried to attack. “I found my inner strength and your father gave me the courage to stand up on my own 2 feet. He reminded me that I didn’t have to be the monster. I didn’t have to give in to those impulses, unless absolutely necessary.” He still stood with his sword at the ready and one wrong word would’ve made me the subject of his wrath.

  “My father treated you like a son, and I treated you like my brother. For you to leave and not even make any effort to explain yourself, only hurt me. I don’t blame you. I’m sure that you had your own life to lead. I just thought that I meant more to you than just some passing acquaintance. I think I understand that you’re not a man to hold on to things too tightly. I guess I really didn’t know you, at least not in the way that I should have. I am happy to see you. I thought that the day that I would find you that I would kill you, but there’s no way that I can do that. These things happen, and we can’t dwell on them or make them the product of our hatred.”

  “You sound exactly like your father. He would be proud to hear you say his words. I don’t know what kind of money you have been paid to do this job, but it doesn’t have to be this way. I’ve only known him for a short time, but I think underneath he’s a good man. The people that hired you probably thought that this was the only way, but trust me we both know that violence is never the answer.” I used that word in the broadest form possible. Violence was necessary from time to time and sometimes it was unavoidable.

  “I don’t know if I believe you. The things that he has done makes him a target for many enemies. Even if I were to allow him to live, there would be others that will come in my place. Unfortunately, I cannot back down, and not even our friendship is going to affect my decision. There’s nothing personal about what I need to do. I don’t want you to take it like that. Do you know that when you were staying with us that you never actually said what your name was?” I hadn’t said anything, and his father never pressed me to reveal any of my secrets. I don’t think that he even knew that I was a vampire, and if he did, he certainly didn’t shine a light on it. He was a strict taskmaster, and there were times that I wanted to hurt him, but I knew that he was only doing what he was doing for my own sake.

  “Don’t do the name of Suzuki the injustice of murdering someone. Every person deserves a second chance, even if they have squandered that chance over and over again. You can never know what is going to change a man.” I think that I was getting through to him, but there was no way to know for sure. The only thing that could be visibly seen was the indecision in his eyes. I could’ve easily taken that sword and chopped off his head with no more motion than a blur. He wouldn’t even see it coming, but that would have been becoming the monster that his father never saw in me.

  “I have a reputation, and I think we both know that failure is not something that my employers would take kindly to. I won’t be able to lie to them, and that in itself will get me killed.” He was determined. He was most likely considered the perfect killer. He could slip in and out very quickly using the skills that he had acquired by his father’s hand. I was just as proficient, but I also had the added bonus of being a creature of the night. I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Derek was a werewolf. They were a myth and legend, but seeing it up close and personal had indeed made me realize how closed minded I wa
s. I thought my sire was full of it.

  “I want you to do me a favor. We may not be brothers by blood, but I think that the bond we have can never be broken. I would forgive you for killing this man, although I really hope that I can convince you otherwise. I need you to give me one week. All I’m asking is for one week to change this man. Let me give him a reason to be better than what he is. If for some reason I can’t get him to see that there’s a better way, then I will turn my back and walk away.” I was asking a lot of him, but one week was a drop in the bucket.

  He was biting his bottom lip, and he hadn’t even mentioned the fact that I was naked with Derek in the same kind of undress. He was respectful of my wishes and I was going to return that favor in kind.

  “I will give you that one week. I want you to remember that just because I’m not coming for him, doesn’t mean that somebody won’t. There are those in my profession that will never take no for an answer. They’ll see you, as an obstacle and there will be nothing that I can do to stop them from trying to kill you. Take this one week and think about, if he’s worth it.” He backed away slowly towards the billowing curtain at the balcony.

  He swirled around in a circle and then the curtain became the only thing that was there. Like a ghost, he was here one minute and gone the next. I could’ve stopped him, but I had respect for the kind of position he was in. He was going to have to make excuses and possibly lie for the first time in his life. It wouldn’t be easy for him to do, but the alternative was to have his master’s send somebody to deal with him and Derek.

  “I have no idea what that was about, but I thank you for talking him down. Trust me; I could’ve taken care of myself. I do very nicely making people realize that I’m more than I appear. Thankfully, those that find out what I am are not usually living long enough to tell anybody. Are you sure that you can trust him to be a man of his word? I understand that the Japanese are honorable people, and I have spent a lot of time in various cultures. I don’t know what you plan to do, but I doubt that even you can change the man that I am.” I was hoping that was untrue, but I could hear the conviction in his words.


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