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Hook & Ladder 69: Eighteen Authors...One Sexy Firehouse.

Page 6

by Anthology

  I had been with the rescue squad for five years. Colt and I crossed paths often. From the beginning, I knew there was something special about him, but he was taken, and I didn’t mess with someone else’s man. Two years ago, his boyfriend cheated on him and they split. I started flirting with him about six months ago. Flirting was as far as we ever got, and it wasn’t even hot, sexy flirting. It was basic shit. Nothing exciting. With him, I always hit a brick wall.

  Even though I didn’t like dating within the firehouse or rescue squad, I couldn’t resist him. There was something about a shy, sexy as fuck man that drew me in. No one filled out their gear like he did.

  The second my ass hit the seat in the ambulance, a call came in for the warehouse blaze. One firefighter had already been injured and the building was in threat of collapse. They were calling all available units in anticipation of more injuries. I grabbed the mic before Ella could and radioed in that we were responding.

  With lights and sirens going, we made it in record time. Ella parked the ambulance and I hopped out. Grabbing my bag out of the back, we ran down the block to get closer to the scene. We waited and watched. I scanned the area, looking for the man I knew would be there. I couldn’t help it. Anytime we were on the same scene as his station, my eyes went in search of him.

  Colton stood by his rig, talking with one of the police officers. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. We weren’t needed at the moment, so I was free to peruse the scenery.

  I wasn’t sure how long I stood watching him before I felt an elbow gently nudge my rib. “See something you like, Carlisle?”

  “Shut it.” Ella knew I was gay. She also knew I never looked at anyone while working. This wasn’t the first time she caught me staring at him.

  “You’re lucky that I’m with you and not Lyss. She’d take one look at you and walk right over to Speedy to ask him out for you.” She was right. My sister would do exactly that. Shit, she’d done it in the past. “You should ask him out. The two of you have been dancing around each other for far too long.”

  My head turned toward her. “There is no dance. Besides, the attraction is one-sided.”

  “I don’t know about that. I’ve seen him checking you out when you’re not looking.”

  “The fuck you have!”

  She laughed. “You’re completely blind, you know that? Speedy has a thing for you.”

  “Nope. No fucking way.”

  “Believe whatever you want. You can continue to live in your delusional world and stay on the sidelines looking in, but I know what I’ve seen. And I’ve seen that man checking out your ass.”

  I rolled my eyes and ignored her for the rest of the time we stood there. I wasn’t one of those guys who had a hard time approaching someone. Shit, I’d been flirting with him for a while now. I didn’t think he was interested. If what Ella said was true then I really did need to up my game. Maybe I needed to bite the bullet and ask him out. Be more direct.

  Fortunately, no one else got injured and we weren’t needed. That was the way I liked it. I didn’t want anyone hurt.

  The rest of the shift was fairly quiet. Back at the station I changed out of my smoky-smelling clothes and into the pair of torn jeans and navy t-shirt I had on when I came in. The scent of the fire was still fresh on my skin, but I decided to forgo the shower and clean off when I got home. That smell reminded me of seeing Colton, and I wanted to latch onto that memory a little while longer. Maybe until I got my fist around my cock in the shower.

  Grabbing my keys, I walked into the bright sunshine, my eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky today. I dropped my sunglasses from the top of my head to the bridge of my nose, effectively blocking out the strong rays.

  My white Dodge Ram wasn’t brand new, but it was mine. I paid for it outright when I bought it. Debt wasn’t something I wanted to be in and taking money from my parents was out of the question. I earned everything I had.

  Stepping up into my truck, I turned the key, making the engine and throaty exhaust come to life. I feathered my foot lightly on the accelerator creating a steady purr. Ah, the sound of pure, American muscle. The Hemi under the hood was well worth the additional cost of the truck.

  I pulled out into city traffic and went light by light, block by block, heading toward my apartment. It was rush hour and I was exhausted. I wanted a hot meal, a hotter shower, and my bed.

  It was my day off and I was fucking thrilled. I slept in until noon, did absolutely nothing all afternoon, then decided I wanted to hit a local pub for dinner and a drink. This particular pub was a place I knew Colt frequented.

  Pushing open the heavy steel door, it took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dimly lit bar. It was still early in the evening and it wasn’t packed yet. I liked to get in, eat, and leave before the nightlife got going full force. I wasn’t a clubber or a heavy drinker. I’d seen far too much in my line of work and made a vow long ago to only drink lightly with meals or socially.

  I took a seat at the bar and ordered a beer. The televisions hanging high were showing the Cardinals game. I wasn’t a die-hard fan, but I followed them. Sports weren’t really my thing. Tall, sexy firefighters, however, were. When I looked around the bar, I found the exact specimen who’d been on my mind.

  Colt was sitting at the opposite end of the worn wooden bar top. There was an amber bottle in front of him, along with a plate of wings. His deep green t-shirt clung to his muscular arms, hugging his biceps like a second skin. My mouth watered at the sight.

  A loud thud from the bar in front of me brought my attention back to the bartender setting down my drink. I ordered a burger and fries, while trying to focus on the game before me. I could feel Colt’s eyes on me, though. I was hyperaware after what Ella told me. I wondered if I whipped my head around fast enough, if I could catch him looking at me. If so, it was just the opening I needed.

  My head snapped to him so fast I’m surprised I didn’t pull a muscle. Sure as shit, he was staring at me and I caught him. He rubbed a hand along the back of his neck, then his eyes dropped to his plate. Subtle wasn’t working so it was time to be assertive and show this man I meant business.

  Picking up my beer, I walked with a leisurely pace to the end of the bar where he sat. I didn’t wait to be invited to sit beside him. I didn’t wait for him to even look up. My ass sat down as soon as I got there. After placing my beer on the bar, I looked at him and held my position, my eyes not wavering. After what felt like an eternity, his gaze met mine.

  “Logan,” he said in a husky, sexy as fuck, voice. No one on the rescue squads or fire stations called me by my first name, except my sister, and Colt.

  “Colton.” His eyes refocused on the plate, and if I wasn’t mistaken, his hand shook a little as he picked up a wing.

  That wing was the luckiest thing in the bar at the moment. It met his mouth and he savored every bit of its juicy flavor. He sucked the meat from the bone with those succulent lips, which I hoped would one day wrap around my dick. His tongue snaked out to lick the remaining sauce from his lips, only he missed a spot. When he put the bones back down on the plate, I reached over and used my finger to wipe the sauce from the corner of his mouth. His eyes went wide when I sucked that finger into my mouth, relishing the fact that it just came from his. I groaned deep in my throat before removing it.

  Colt was watching me raptly now. I wasn’t done playing. My tongue licked my bottom lip before I brought the bottle of beer to my mouth, taking a hefty swig. His eyes moved to my throat as I swallowed the dark ale. Oh yeah, I had him now. I wasn’t letting go yet.

  Placing the bottle back down, I leaned toward him and plucked a wing from his plate. He remained frozen in place, not moving a muscle, except for the one in his jaw that twitched slightly. I was going to show him just what I could do to a wing. Hopefully, it made his dick as hard as mine was.

  I brought the wing to my mouth, biting and sucking it clean within thirty seconds. Drawing it back, I dropped
the remaining bones on his plate then licked my fingers one at a time. His eyes never left my lips. I hoped he was wondering if I could do that with a wing, what else could I do that to? I loved the fact that I was affecting him the way he did me, at least from what I could tell. It was a high almost as powerful as a save.

  Just then, the bartender brought my meal, breaking us from our spell. Colt cleared his throat before ordering another beer. At least I hadn’t scared him away yet. That had to count for something.

  I ate my meal in silence, my eyes fixed on the game. Maybe he would make a move. Maybe what I did was enough to show him I was interested. Maybe not. Only time would tell. If he didn’t get the hint, then I would have to do something more obvious to show him I meant business.

  No, I wasn’t after him for a quick fuck. Not Colt. He wasn’t the fuck’em and forget’em type. He was the kind you stayed with and created a future. The kind you imagined waking up to every day and possibly having a child with. This man was everything I ever wanted, yet held so far out of grasp. I intended to change that. He was either going to permanently shoot me down or decide to go full in and discover what it could be like to have a relationship with me.

  With my burger finished and our plates cleared, I turned my attention, and my entire body, toward him. He hadn’t said one word, or done anything at all, outside of sipping his beer and watching the game beside me.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I suggested.

  He started choking on the beer in his mouth, sputtering as he tried to speak. I clapped him on the back. He wasn’t really choking. It was only an excuse to touch him. One I happily took. “What?” he finally got out.

  “Come on. Let’s take a walk or go for a drive. It’s a nice night and it’s not late.”

  “Logan, I –”

  No way was I going to let him shoot me down. Not when I had him right in front of me, and I was finally trying to get something started between us.

  “Colt, we’re interested in one another. It’s obvious.” He started to speak again, but I pressed a finger to his lips to silence him. His very soft lips. “Don’t argue with me. I’ve seen you look at me. My coworker has, too. I’m not asking for a wedding, only a chance to get out of here and get to know you better.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not interested in a fling, and I’m not ready to fully commit to anyone.”

  “ I didn’t suggest either.” Although, I did want a relationship with him, I wasn’t going to say it. Scaring him off wasn’t part of the plan.

  I leaned in close to him, my lips only a breath from his ear so I could whisper the next part to him. “Would I like to take you back to my place and sink my dick deep into you? You’re damn right I would, but that’s not how this is going to happen between us. I want you to be comfortable with me and date me first. I want you to know I’m not interested in a fuck only. I want you, Colt. I’ve wanted you for a while now.” I leaned back enough to see the look of shock on his face. No way did he expect me to say that, but I’m not a man who liked to skate around things. I approached them head on.

  He blinked a few times. His lips parted and closed. Finally, he nodded and jutted his chin toward the door. We both stood and paid our tabs. I walked ahead of him, but could feel the heat of his body close behind mine. By now, the bar had filled up and we had to weave our way back to the door.

  As we walked to my truck, I unlocked the doors and went to move around the front to the driver’s side. Colt’s hand suddenly gripped my elbow, stopping me where I stood. Now it was his turn to lean in close and whisper in my ear. His chest pressed to my back. His other hand found my hip in a punishing grip. “If we’re going to do this, explore what’s between us, then I want you to know something right now. You may be the alpha out here, out in front of everyone, but know if and when we are alone behind closed doors, I’m the one in charge. Me. If you can’t agree with that, then we should stop right now.”

  Holy fuck. Agree with it? I wanted to spin around, push him onto the hood of my truck, and grind my dick against him to show him just how on board with this I was. How was I going to rein in my desire to fuck him and take my time getting to know him? It was going to be a hell of a test of my willpower that was for sure.

  Instead, I turned my head, feathering my lips across his briefly. “I agree. Now get in the truck before I show you just how much I fucking want this.”

  Chapter 5

  The Catch by Z.B. Heller

  Thank fuck, it was finally happening.

  I couldn’t count the number of times I dreamed of him or jerked off to the thought of Logan Carlisle. I prayed every time we’re called out on a run, Logan was the paramedic on duty. But I’m glad for the times in the past he wasn’t; I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the task at hand. There were times when we were together socially; all the guys would go to the bar for a drink, and I couldn’t stop staring at him. I just sat back and enjoyed watching him from afar.

  I tried not to be obvious about it, but it seemed as though my attempt at being oblivious didn’t work as his work partner caught me checking Logan out. I wasn’t outgoing or direct as some of the other guys in the house, but when it came to something I wanted, I was determined to get the right man in my bed. And that happened to be Logan.

  When he came into the pub looking sexy as fuck, I almost came in my jeans. Watching Logan take one of my hot wings into his mouth and sucking the succulent meat between his lips made my body heat with desire. The way his lips curved around the juicy wing only made me think of having his lips around my cock as I fucked his mouth.

  Logan’s jaw hit the ground when I told him that not only was I the driver of our house’s rig, but I was also the driver in the bedroom. I called the shots, mainly because I wanted my lover to feel desired. I was by no means a selfish lover; in fact, I was quite the opposite. I loved talking dirty, telling my lover what I wanted and insisting they tell me how I can make them feel desired. I learned this after my boyfriend of two years decided to stick his dick in someone else. I wasn’t vocal enough or brave enough to tell him what I wanted in bed. So he found someone else who fit the bill. That’s not me anymore, and I had a feeling Logan would be very receptive to that.

  “Where are we headed to?” Logan brought me out of my thoughts.

  “My place, it’s not too far from here.”

  We should take our time, talk, and get to know each other more. I wanted that, but I also wanted to pound his ass into the mattress. I haven’t been with anyone in a few months and in truth, the one or two guys I had been with was just to get my rocks off. I haven’t trusted anyone since Kyle cheated, but I was too drunk that one time and missed the feeling of someone’s body next to mine. My hand only went so far.

  “I’m not going to run.” Logan looked at me and then back at the road.

  “I didn’t think you would. If you did, I would chase your ass down.”

  Logan barked out a laugh. It was a deep, rich sound that made my dick twitch.

  “Would you chase just my ass or the rest of me, too?” His smile was contagious when I found myself smiling in return.

  “No question, I would chase all of you.”

  Logan took his hand off the wheel and placed it on top of mine, resting on my leg. I was still semi-hard from watching his stunt in the pub. The way he sucked his finger after wiping my lip made me want to cover my dick in barbecue sauce and have him do a repeat performance down South.

  I could show him that two can play that game. I moved our linked hands slowly up my thigh until it was just shy of touching my dick. I looked at him and watched as he swallowed hard; his Adam’s apple bobbing. I wanted to drag my tongue down his throat.

  Again, I moved my hand further up my leg until his hand was placed firmly on my now very hard dick. Logan sucked in an audible breath and I pushed my hips up, making sure he felt what he was doing to me.

  “Shit, Colt.” He grimaced. “I’m going to get us into an accident because I can’t focus on the road.”
He took our linked hands and placed them on his thigh. “Now behave until I can get us safely to your apartment.”

  I couldn’t help chuckling because Logan always played Mr. Cool when I saw him around the other guys. It was fun getting him flustered.

  We carried on conversation in between giving Logan directions to my place. We laughed about the rookies in the firehouse and how Logan liked to pull pranks on the newbies who rode with him. Nothing felt forced or awkward between us and conversation flowed easily. Although, I had to admit it was hard to concentrate because he was so beautiful.

  I wanted to run my fingers through his sandy blonde hair. He had a cowlick on the back of his head that stood up that I caught him trying to fix a few times. His eyes were a combination of green, gold, and brown and they shimmered in the light of the early evening as I watched him while he drove. There were even little wrinkles by the creases of his eyes that I’m sure were formed from years of laughter and smiling. He was like no one I have ever laid eyes on before.

  “It’s this building right here.” I pointed to the red brick apartment building on the left.

  Logan found a spot down the street and parked his truck. My apartment was in the older side of Clayton and, for the most part, I lived on a quiet street. Since the apartments didn’t have parking lots, everyone had to find their own space on the crowed street.

  We both got out of the truck, and I waited until Logan joined me on the sidewalk.

  “Nice neighborhood,” he said, looking around at the older buildings.

  “Yeah, it’s nice and central to everything I need to get to. My apartment isn’t huge, just one bedroom, but I don’t need anything more than that.” I knew from a few other guys at the station that Logan came from money. He never gave off that impression and I knew that he worked damn hard, but he needed to know that I was a simple kind of guy. I enjoyed having nice things, but I also enjoyed keeping it low key.


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