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Hook & Ladder 69: Eighteen Authors...One Sexy Firehouse.

Page 7

by Anthology

  We walked side by side, our arms touching as we went. I wanted to hold his hand, but I wasn’t sure how he felt about public displays of affection. Hell, I didn’t even know if he was out to anyone. I came out of the closet when I was nineteen, and it wasn’t really a shock to anyone around me. When all my friends were hooking up with any girl they could get their dicks into, I lacked the desire to join in the pussy race. I know people took notice, but no one ever said anything to me directly.

  Lucky for me, my family was supportive of my lifestyle. I knew it could have played out very differently; I’ve heard horror stories. The only horror I had to deal with were my three sisters, who tried to set me up with anyone they knew was gay. I told them, just because they were gay didn’t mean it was an automatic love match.

  “No roommates for you, huh?”

  “Hell no. It’s bad enough when I have to crash at the firehouse and deal with the guys’ shitty habits and snoring. I love them like brothers, but a couple of them snore like chainsaws. Plus, they’re messy motherfuckers.”

  “So, you're a little OCD?”

  I laughed. “Nah, I just like my own space. Maybe I’m a little neat freak, but I wouldn’t say I spend hours cleaning my oven.”

  “Are you from St. Louis? Is your family here in town?” Logan took my hand in his, eradicating any fears I had about PDA.

  I held my other hand to my heart. “Born and raised here. My family is mostly west, in Wildwood. One of my three sisters, Samantha, moved to San Francisco after college. The rest of us are all here, though. It would break my mom’s heart if we all moved away.”

  “Wow, you’ve got a big family. You’re the only boy?”

  “Yup, and the youngest. Let me tell you how fun that was growing up. Samantha is the oldest and the bossy one. Caroline is the carefree one, she loves to make anyone laugh. And Rebecca is the genius in the group; has a popular business she built from scratch. But as kids they always made me the baby whenever they played house. Even my bedroom was invaded by Barbie shit when all I wanted was G.I. Joe.”

  “I’m sure G. I. Joe appreciated Barbie’s presence though.” He chuckled.

  “Maybe. Until G.I. Joe found Captain America.” I winked and Logan broke into a smile. “Things got pretty heated between them-undeniable chemistry.”

  “It sounds like you had a great childhood, even with the annoying sisters. I just have my brother and sister and we are close, but that’s pretty much it.”

  “I take it you’re not very close with your parents?”

  Logan rubbed his chin and paused before answering. “My mom didn’t work, but did a lot of stuff for charities and different foundations, so it was like she worked. My dad is a pretty cold, hands off kind of guy. We speak, but I wouldn’t exactly say we’re close by any means.”

  We walked up the sidewalk to my apartment building, and I unlocked the door. Holding it open, I waved Logan to go ahead of me.” After you.” I said. I might want to fuck the guy senseless, but I hadn’t lost my manners.

  “Well, aren’t you all chivalrous.” Logan winked

  I gave his arm a playful punch. “I’m on the second floor.” I pointed to the staircase, and Logan climbed up first. I almost tripped over the stairs because I paid more attention to Logan’s sweet, round ass than watching my step. The thought of biting the flesh of his ass popped into my head, making me salivate. Maybe, I can leave a nice red handprint on that ass while taking him from behind, I mused.

  Shit, my dick was hard again. I had a feeling my dick was going to remain either at half-mast or fully erect anytime Logan was around. He was so hard to resist. The fact I had made it this long without relief was a damn miracle.

  We reached the landing, and I put my hand on the small of Logan’s back to steer him toward my apartment. I unlocked the door, again letting Logan enter first. Flipping on the lights, I did a quick scan to make sure everything was presentable. Maybe I did have some OCD tendencies.

  “Nice place.” Logan walked into the living room and looked out of the window.

  “Thanks. It’s nothing special, but it’s home.” I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter. “Can I get you something to drink? A beer?”

  Logan turned from gazing out the window. “Sure, that would be great.”

  I opened my refrigerator, which contained most of the bachelor basics: beer, leftover Chinese food, and ketchup. I grabbed two longnecks, popped the tops off, and walked over to Logan. He had sat on my leather sofa, making himself at home. I smiled, thinking how incredible it felt to have him in my home. As I got closer, though, I noticed his hands knotted together and his knee bounced. I handed him the beer, and he promptly took a long swig.

  “You know, if you changed your mind…”

  “No!” He quickly stood, sloshing beer on his shirt from his bottle. “Shit!” He covered his face with his hand.

  I couldn’t help smiling at his eagerness. I took the bottle from him and set both of them on the coffee table. Grabbing his hand, I pulled it away from his face and laced it with mine.

  “Talk to me.”

  “I just…” He paused and looked me straight in the eyes. The colorful arrangement of greens and browns sucked me in. “I just really want this. I don’t want to mess it up by doing something completely stupid. I already managed to make myself look like an ass by spilling my beer.” He looked down at his shirt and shook his head.

  I took his chin and lifted his head. “I really want this, too. And trust me, you’re not the only one worried about fucking things up. After what happened in the past I tend to be too cautious. But I know I want to try this.”

  Logan’s eyes brightened and he smiled. “Really?”

  I shook my head. “What did I just say?”

  He laughed, stepped closer, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Well, now we’re both wet.” I laughed.

  He pulled back and bit his bottom lip in worry. “Oh shit, sorry.”

  Fuck, if he only knew how sexy he looked doing that. I traced where he had bitten his lip with my finger. His tongue peeked out to lick the tip of my finger, and the image of him licking the tip of my cock invaded my mind.

  “I think I need to get you out of this wet shirt.” I gave Logan a devilish smile.

  He raised his eyebrow, knowing full well where I was headed. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, ruffling his blonde hair. His bare chest made my pulse pound, and he had a six-pack that put all of my male fantasies combined to shame. I dragged my fingers down the ridges of the stomach to where a very fine line of hair went from his belly button and disappeared into his jeans.

  Logan let out a low groan. “You know, your shirt is pretty wet also.” He quickly reciprocated the action. He took off my shirt and threw it to the ground next to us. Unlike Logan, my chest was covered with dark, coarse hair. I wasn’t a wooly mammoth, but I was nowhere near smooth and bare like him.

  “What are the chances of having a normal conversation with both of us half naked?” Logan asked, unable to take his eyes off my chest.

  I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Fuck, I know. I don’t want to make tonight about sex, I want us to get to know each other more. But it’s your fault for being so fucking irresistible.”

  “Same can be said about you big guy.” Logan leaned in and kiss me, but I stopped him before it got more heated.

  “I’ll get us some clean shirts, you can borrow one of mine.” Logan stuck out his lower lip, pouting. “Careful with that lip or I’ll bite it.” I growled. This only made Logan stick it out further. He was definitely going to be a handful, in the best possible way.

  I got two shirts and threw one over to Logan. I watched as he lifted his arms up to put the shirt on and was disappointed to see those fantastic abs go away. I knew it was for the best, so we could focus, but that image will provide some nice spank bank material. I went to get Logan a fresh beer out of the fridge and we sat down on the couch.

can ask me three questions before I kiss the shit out of you.” I said, bringing Logan’s legs up to rest on my own. Even though we couldn’t get down and dirty, I still wanted to be touching him in some way.

  Logan snorted. “Only three, huh? Well, I better make them good.”

  “You just can’t ask where I stash dead bodies, who I stalk, or why I have an usual amount of chloroform in my bathroom.” I said with a wink.

  “Ah, so the rumors are true, then?”

  “I know nothing of what you speak.”

  Logan smiled and then turned pensive. “First question: Why did you want to become a firefighter?”

  “My dad is one. Works at a different house in Wildwood. I always had a fascination with it since I was a kid. Being the only boy, he would bring me toy fire trucks and even brought me to his station to sit in the trucks. I loved it; probably why I love being the driver, too. In Missouri you can start volunteering at sixteen, it sealed the deal for me.”

  Logan nodded. “Second question: Star Wars or Star Trek?”

  “That’s what you want to know?”

  “Hey, this could be a make or break deal for me. My inner geek is super picky.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Star Wars.”

  “That was a trick question. I would have accepted either answer.” I smiled and started tickling his foot as punishment. He laughed and thrashed around until he begged for mercy. Deciding he’d had enough, I relinquished and let him finish his questions.

  "Last question.” He paused, his brow wrinkling. “Do you want to trust me?”

  I was caught off guard by the question. Logan knew I had trust issues in my past relationship, so my initial response was to tell him I didn’t know if I could trust him. What surprised me more than him asking was that I really did want to trust Logan. I wanted to see where this would take us. I knew it would take work on both of our ends, but after all this time, it was Logan’s smile, his character, his pride and his dedication to the things he cared about that made me want to try.

  “I will do everything I can to be open with you. All I can possibly ask is that you do the same. Trust comes with time.”

  “Fair enough.” The worry line between his brows disappeared and he grinned.

  Our conversation didn’t stop at three questions. In fact, we talked well into the night about everything and anything. Some of the things we shared were funny and some more serious. We ordered pizza while we chatted and kept our hands mostly to ourselves. Logan wasn’t going to be a quick fuck for me, I wanted more. I wanted someone to wake up to in the morning, to bitch to if I had a shitty day, to cry with if there was someone we couldn't save. I wanted the forever that people talk about and I had a very strong feeling that Logan could be that person. And if I had to wait to get it all, I would.

  Three months have passed since Logan and I had started seeing each other. Three months of getting to know each other’s likes, dislikes, quirks, and bad habits. I’d happily take it for the best three months of my life.

  I had just worked a double and we had gotten back from a run, when one of the guys asked if I would cover their next shift. My body screamed for rest, but I knew I had it in me to help out one of the guys. He had an emergency, and my crew would cover me if I needed them so the decision was easy. Since I was the one in charge of driving the rig, I decided on a quick nap before the next call came in. The city needed to be fire and accident free for at least thirty minutes, so I could recharge, I thought. Choosing one of the bunks, I flopped down and reveled that I no longer had to stand upright and pay attention to anything. Sleep found me without a problem.

  I wasn’t sure how long I had been dozing when I felt something, or more interestingly, someone, getting into bed behind me.

  “Sleeping on the job?” Logan’s smooth voice filled my ears, and he wrapped me in his arms.

  “I was until you came along.” I yawned. “I really need to talk to the guys about letting the crazy people into the place.” I teased.

  “I bribed everyone with donuts.” He snickered.

  “They are such donut whores.”

  “I missed you and was thinking of you.” Logan pressed himself against my backside, making it quite clear with his erection that he had indeed been thinking of me.

  I rolled over onto Logan, trapping him under me. Taking each of his hands, I lifted his arms over his head.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I looked at my lover, who gave me a sheepish smile.

  “I came to poke the sleeping bear.” He pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

  What started as sweet quickly turned into heated. Logan arched upward, pressing his dick against my growing erection. A moan escaped me, and I returned the move by thrusting my hips up against him.

  “Fuck.” Logan said, letting his eyes close and head fall back onto the pillow.

  “Anyone can come in.” I said, while trailing kisses over his jaw and then down his neck.

  “I locked the door when I came in. Now, suck me.”

  “Demanding little thing, aren’t you?” I bit down on the skin between his neck and collarbone. He sucked in a deep breath and dug his nails into my back.

  “Trying to add more of your design to my back?”

  Logan opened his eyes. “I didn’t hear you complaining in the shower this morning.”

  “Baby, you can mark me all over my body if it means you’ll scream like that for me again.”

  I pushed myself up and straddled my legs over Logan’s. His eyes danced with excitement and desire. I’ve never known this kind of want before. I thought I had it with my ex, but that was nothing compared to what I felt with Logan.

  I pulled his uniform shirt over his head, dropped it to the floor next to the bed, and leaned down to take one of his nipples in my mouth. I swirled my tongue on the hard peak.

  “Fuck. Are you trying to make me impossibly hard?”

  “Maybe.” I said roughly.

  I continued kissing, going down his abdomen until I reached the tiny strip hair disappearing into his pants. I’ve come to love that spot since I knew the treasure that waits for me at the end. Making quick work of his belt and zipper, I pressed my nose and lips to the soft fabric of his boxer briefs and inhaled his musky scent. I noticed a pretty big spot on the fabric where Logan’s dick had leaked precum. I looked up to see if my tortuous journey had any effect on him besides the obvious.

  “Colt, take my cock out and suck me.” He breathed the demand as he clutched the sheets.

  With lighting speed, I pulled down his pants and briefs, flipped him onto his stomach, and smacked his bare ass. I bent over his body and placed my lips to his ear.

  “I think someone needs to be reminded who likes to take charge here. As punishment, you have to wait to be sucked.” I kissed the shell of his ear, and Logan tried to grind his ass up against me.

  Reaching for my backpack on the floor, I grabbed a condom and lube. I had gotten into the habit of making sure I always had some on hand, just in case. Maybe it crossed the line at work, but it’s been hard keeping my hands off Logan anywhere we go.

  I sat back on the bed and took Logan’s shoes, pants, and boxer briefs the rest of the way off. “Ass in the air baby.” I said, and lightly smacked his ass cheek. He complied, lifting his bottom half in the air while his head rested on the pillow.

  “Your ass is so sweet. I can’t wait to bury myself in your tight hole.” Logan moaned and wiggled his ass in anticipation.

  I was out of my clothes in a flash. Seeing my lover primed and ready for me was enough to put me over the edge. I uncapped the top of the lube and squeezed a generous amount onto my fingers. I spread the lube around Logan’s opening and slowly pressed one finger past the tight ring of muscles.

  “Fuccckk.” Logan drawled.

  Anxious to get inside him, I quickly added another finger and scissored them to stretch him. When I felt he was ready, I pulled my fingers out and grabbed the condom. I ripped it open and rolled the latex on my hard cock.
  “You ready for me to fuck you, baby?”

  “I was ready yesterday. Hurry up.” He looked over his shoulder, winked and wiggled his ass.

  We both knew he was egging me on. It was his way of letting me know he wanted it rough. Not being one to disappoint, I put more lube on my dick and lined myself up with his hole.

  Slowly, I pressed forward while Logan pushed back. The head of my cock slid in, making it past the tight ring. Logan let out a long breath while he got past the initial burn. I continued to press forward until I was completely seated inside him.

  “Please, start moving.” Logan begged.

  “Patience baby, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I rocked my hips forward in a slow rhythm, holding onto Logan’s hips. The tightness I felt in Logan’s ass was divine, and I knew I wouldn’t last long. My rhythm picked up and Logan moaned for more.

  “Is this what you wanted? To be fucked good and hard?” I asked through gritted teeth as I slammed into his backside.

  “Yes, oh fuck yes. Fuck me fast Colt, it feels so good.”

  I thrust over and over again, watching my dick move in and out of Logan’s ass. I gripped his hips harder, possibly leaving bruises where my fingers dug into his skin.

  “Stroke yourself, Logan. I want to feel your ass squeeze when you come.

  Following my demand, Logan grasped his cock and started to quickly jerk it. All I could hear was Logan’s gasps, the slapping of our skin, and my own ragged breaths.

  “Oh shit, I’m going to come!” Logan said over his shoulder.

  “Do it, baby. Come for me.”

  I could see Logan’s ejaculation spread onto the bed below him, soaking the sheets. Logan’s ass muscles spasmed around my dick, sending me into the abyss. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I growled, coming so hard my vision blurred.

  We both tried to catch our breath as we came down from our mutual visceral high. I gingerly pulled out of Logan and removed the condom. I tied it off, got off the bed, and pulled my pants back up, tucking myself back into my boxers. I walked to the trashcan and threw the condom out. I guarantee there will be bets going around the house to see who fucked in the bunks.


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