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Tainted Love: Sinful Souls MC #3

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by Jones, Amo

  Amo Jones

  Tainted Love

  Sinful Souls MC Book Three

  By Amo Jones

  Copyright 2015 Amo Jones

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Note: This story is not suitable for persons under the age of 18 as it contains strong sexual content and explicit language. This book also contains upsetting content, which may set off triggers for some people.

  *If the word “Fuck” offends you, please don’t read this book.

  Welcome to the messed up and broken world of Kalie-Rose Reynolds and Ade Nixon.

  Book design and formatting by Swish Design & Editing

  Editing by Swish Design & Editing

  Cover design by Amo Jones

  Cover image Bigstock Photo

  Copyright 2015

  Kalie-Rose is ‘that’ girl.

  She’s ‘that’ girl who calmed the storm which was held within Ade Nixon.

  She attained the unattainable.

  She silenced his demons with her innocence.

  Ade Nixon is the Vice President of Sinful Souls MC. With his Hulk-like body covered in tattoos, piercings, and don’t give a fuck attitude. He screams, “I’ll suffocate you in your sleep.” And he would.

  Kalie-Rose is a popular dancer living in Hollywood Hills, she dances for some of Hollywood’s elite in their music videos. After giving Ade her virginity on a silver platter two years ago, a wedding brings them back together; even if only for a short amount of time.

  To all my alpha loving addicts, may this give you the hit that you crave.

  Simon—My partner in crime, the Clyde to my Bonnie, and the love of my life. I could not have done all of this without your undying support. You have been the truth to my words and my number one critic. I love you so much, and I cherish the moments you have had to (at times) take up both roles, as mother and father while I locked myself up in my writing cave. I love you - Always and Forever.

  My four little people—My four little critters who are the light of my life. They have tolerated at times a moody mother when all I wanted to do was write, but they enjoy all my guilt gifts and privileges once I’m finished a book, though. So it’s a win-win.

  Isis Te Tuhi—Thank you for always being the ear to my troubles, for going through the emotional rollercoasters of all these stories with me, you are my caramel soul sister. The one and only, Mrs. R.F.

  Kaylene Osborn—My lovely editor, thank you for all that you do. You’re more than my editor, you always go above and beyond with helping me through whatever I may need. I appreciate you and all that you do so much.

  My Readers—My beautiful readers, I love you all. Keep reading and keep writing those reviews. Each of you has contributed to me pushing through my rough patches. You make it all worth it, each and every one of you.

  The Bloggers—Thank you to all the lovely bloggers who have been there from day one, and the new ones who have just started reading my stories now and sharing your honest reviews. You are all amazing and I thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read my book. I hold the utmost respect for you.

  Lastly, thank you to all who have had to endure my yapping as I got excited about a plot in one of my books and all I wanted to do was talk about it. I know I talked your ears off, so thank you.




  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty



  Connect With Me Online

  About the Author – Amo Jones

  I attempt to open my eyes, but they refuse to open. All I feel is the pounding in my head.

  Boom, boom. Where is that sound coming from? Where am I?

  I try to open my eyes again, this time succeeding. Everything is black.

  “What the fuck,” I mumble.

  I think over my jumbled thoughts, trying to think of the last thing I remember.

  “Vicky’s wedding,” I whisper.

  “Kal? Kal, is that you?”

  “Alaina?” I gasp in shock.

  “It’s me, babe,” she quietly replies, her voice hoarse and dry.

  I attempt to move off the bed, but I feel like an anchor is weighing me down. Using all my strength, I push myself up and stand off the bed, only to fall to the ground when my legs give way.

  “Fuck!” I scream out in frustration.

  “Shhh Kal, if they hear you they’ll come back.”

  I begin crawling across the cold hard concrete floor.

  “Alaina? How long have we been here?”

  “I don’t know. You’ve been out for a few days. I lost count. I’d say a week, maybe more.”

  I pause my shuffling. “How have I been asleep for a week?”

  “They’ve been drugging us with something. More you than I. They found me fascinating, being Zane’s old lady.”

  Continuing my shuffling, I keep my hands feeling around in front of me. Feeling cold chains, I follow them up until they lead me to one of Alaina’s hands. They are cold and stiff, she feels like death. I keep feeling around her until she winces.

  “What did they do to you, Lain? Who are they?”

  She pulls her arm out of my grasp. “It’s going to be okay, we just have to be strong until the boys arrive.”

  The metal door swings open and a dark shadow looms. I swallow down and look at Alaina. Now there’s light shining through the doorway, I can see her.

  I wish I didn’t.

  I wish I never looked her way.

  My stomach coils over, as little more than bile spews out of my mouth.

  I have always loved my job, being a professional dancer has its benefits. I’m not the type of dancer you may be thinking, though. I’m the type who keeps her clothes on—well, for the most part anyway. The only downside is never being able to set down roots because I’m constantly either in Hollywood or in Coronado. I’ve just finished shooting a music video for some drop kick wannabe player who thinks his dancers are his personal escorts. They’re not always like that, just the new younger artists. They seem worse than the ones who have been around long enough to earn their respect.

  I’m heading back to my apartment in The Hills where I live with my best friend, Carte
r. It’s only around the corner from the studio so I walk most nights taking in the sights and sounds around me. Carter is amazing and so easy to live with. We’ve been friends going on ten years now. I do hate his obsessive OCD disorder, and his need to bring home different men every day of the week.

  Yep, you guessed it—Carter is gay.

  Walking into my apartment and pulling my headphones out of my ears with R-Kelly’s song ‘Cookie’ beating through them, I throw my jacket on the counter.

  “Carter?” I yell out while checking the fridge for food.

  Walking through to the living room with last night’s cold Chinese food in my hand—cold food always tastes nicer than hot food—I see Carter coming down the hallway.

  “How’s it going, baby girl?” Pulling me in for a hug, he unlatches himself from me when I hear shuffling come from his bedroom. I look to him with my eyes narrowed.

  “Again? God Carter. It’s going to fall off soon you use it that much.”

  He laughs at my comment, stealing some of my food.

  “Mm-hmm baby girl. Not all of us are able to have sex only the once.”

  Licking my lips and smiling at his comment, not because he’s funny, because he’s not, but because it reminds me of Ade. Ade was my random one night of first-time sex. One night two years ago, and he ruined me. I haven’t been able to go anywhere near sex since. I date, yes, but they all eventually leave when they discover that I’m not the slightest bit interested in sex with them. It’s not from the lack of trying, believe me I’ve tried, but those piercing blue eyes, strong square jaw and his intense, possessive stare has haunted my dreams more times than I can count. Which has resulted in other men just simply, not meeting his standards. To say he set the bar high is an understatement.

  “Carter!” I scorn him. Picking around the honey soy chicken in my dish.

  “Do you even know this one’s name?” I ask with an eyebrow raised, as he walks behind me to head back to the kitchen.

  “No,” he answers directly as he flicks his blond, perfectly styled hair back across his forehead.

  When we first met, I used to call him JB, because his hair looked as if Justin Beiber’s hair stylist had styled it—he hated it, to say the least, which resulted in me loving it.

  “Oh well, I hope you wash it twice a day. Just sayin’!”

  He spits his drink out and looks at me. “Kalie-Rose! That’s not something I expect to hear come out of your mouth.”

  I laugh while I head over to join him in our large open plan kitchen. Our apartment is nice and relaxed. It’s actually a loft, complete with brick walls, and big glass windows overlooking the street below. The area is all open plan downstairs, where the living room and kitchen are located. There are also two big wooden pillars centered in the middle of the large area, between the living room and the kitchen. The stairs leading you to both Carter and my bedrooms and the one bathroom. The bathroom is where all my framed Lakers singlets are hanging nicely in their glass frames. Bryant, Clarkson, Young, and Randle—they all have a spot.

  “You got some mail today, in the top draw.” He points as he pops open a bottle of Veuve Clicquot.

  I slide the drawer open and see a silver envelope with my name written in delicate cursive writing. Looking up at Carter, he’s staring at me, waiting for me to open it. I bite down on my lip and rip the envelope open. A whole lot of confetti spills out everywhere and I pull out a simple card that reads:

  Will you be my bridesmaid?

  Vicky xo

  “Fuck,” I curse a little loudly as I slam the note onto the bench.

  Why couldn’t she just ring, or text me. Ever the theatrical princess is my Vicky.

  Carter walks over, picking up the card. He begins laughing under his breath.

  “Oh, baby girl.”

  Pulling me under his arm, I push off him and huff out, walking back into my room and swearing profanities under my breath. Stripping my clothes off, I slide into my sheets and close my eyes as I relive a crazy night two years ago…

  Two Years Ago

  I was blasting Beyoncé ‘7/11’ as I zoomed onto the highway. I have a massive love for music, all kinds. But in my line of work, I guess I heard more hip-hop than anything else. I was ready to get out of Hollywood for a lifetime after my boyfriend of two years had dumped me for being a virgin. I guess he was sick of trying, can’t say as I blamed him to be honest. So right now, I was driving to my family’s house in Coronado to meet my best friend, Vicky. I hadn’t seen her in a few months, but whenever I did, it was as though nothing had changed. That shows true friendship. I was singing along with my long, light, caramel brown hair flowing freely behind me, and I felt like getting a little wild. I’d always been the good girl, the innocent one. I felt as though I needed to be exposed. I felt like something deep inside me needed to be unleashed. I felt like I need to be tainted.

  I pulled up to my family home and made my way inside. It was overly large, especially for the amount of time my parents actually spent here. But they refused to sell the place for—as my mother put it—sentimental reasons. I used to spend some weekends there, mostly when I felt the need to get away from Trevor. As soon as I walked in the front door, I got a text from Vicky.

  Vicky: Are you almost ready? I can come over in ten.

  Me: Ready when you are ;)

  Boy was I ready. I needed to let loose, and there was no one better to help me with that, than Vicky Abrahams. When I saw her car pull up, I walked out my door.

  “Hey, Vick!” I squealed, pulling her in for a hug.

  “Hey beautiful lady, you ready for a wild time?” She wiggled her ass and threw her hands up.

  I laughed. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

  Shutting the front door and locking it, we walked down the steps.

  “We could walk, it’s not far?”

  She nodded her head. “Good idea.”

  “So, how have you been?” I asked.

  “Good. Man drama with Jesse, but meh, what’s new.”

  I shook my head with a smile. “You’re such a man eater. You could even give Carter a run for his money…” I paused and thought about that for a second. “Actually, no. He’s still worse than you.”

  She laughed. “I guess. How are my brothers?” I brought my glasses down from my head, blocking out the LA sun. And maybe hiding my thoughts.

  “Um, Dominic is great, he’s awesome actually. Jacob is still a little off the rails, but he’s good, running his empire and all that. I did see him driving a new Ferrari, complete with the latest blonde of the week in the passenger seat.”

  She laughed. “So not much has changed there then.”

  I shake my head. “Nope, not at all.”

  “I’m still rooting for you and Dominic you know,” she said, hooking her arm around my elbow. I shook my head and laughed. “I know. I know you are.”

  We walked into the local bar with the smell of cigarettes and beer hitting my senses. The need to lose control took over my body like a wave of rebellion. I was sick of being a virgin, this much was true. However, I at least wanted it to be with someone I felt sexually attracted to. I’d never had that with Trevor. It had always felt more like a business transaction every time we were together. I didn’t know how we’d lasted so long to begin with. I wanted to do all things that I’d never thought of doing. Before I had a controlling boyfriend, I had controlling parents so this would be the first time I’d felt a sense of freedom. When I was little, both my parents were Mormon. Therefore, they were very, very, strict. Now, not so much. Quite the opposite actually. They still had their beliefs, but they were more like normal parents now. Apart from my mom, she was a little crazy.

  I was walking straight to the bar when I felt Vicky stop behind me. I turned to see her purring at a large group of bikers in the corner. I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t take that girl anywhere. Even her vagina needed a GPS. I envied her in a way, she was so free-spirited and didn’t care what people thought. Vicky’s motto was
‘If you don’t feed me or fuck me, then your opinion doesn’t matter.’ Yep, that was our Vicky. So I thought nothing of her perving. Me on the other hand, I had never been one who liked to be the center of attention, and I’d never really paid attention to what was going on around me. Not a smart trait to have when I thought about it.

  When we reached the bar, I slumped down onto the bar stool, placing my handbag on the bench.

  “So,” she said, dropping to the stool. “Why so glum?”

  I ordered our drinks and picked up some mixed nuts that were sitting in a glass bowl.

  “My ex dumped me,” I said with a shrug.

  “Oh well, let’s find some new toys to play with then.”

  She began to look around the room, her eyes landing directly on the bikers. Typical bloody Vicky Abrahams. I looked between her and the group before I started clicking my fingers in her face to gain her attention.

  “Vicky, I swear to God you and Carter are soul mates.”

  She laughed, taking a sip of her drink. “Anyway, so he left you, must be a good reason.”

  I laugh. “Mmm, very.” I threw up four fingers to the bartender, signaling shots.

  “What? Are you going to tell me he left you because you’re a virgin?” She scoffed at her own words, which were laced with sarcasm. I closed my eyes and picked up the drink that had been placed in front of me, pounding it back fast.

  “Oh shit, no way,” she exclaimed.

  I drank my two shots before ordering two more. The pretty young bartender looked at me like maybe I’d lost my mind. I probably had, I wouldn’t know. I think I was drunk.

  “I know it’s hard to believe because I’m only twenty-one. Who is twenty-one and is still a virgin? I just didn’t want to. I don’t do anything that I don’t want to do. Besides, my parents always pushed the whole no sex until marriage bullshit down my throat when I was a child. Who knows, maybe that impacted me too?”


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