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Tainted Love: Sinful Souls MC #3

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by Jones, Amo

  She stared at me as if I was an alien before picking up her shots, shooting them back and ordering another round of drinks. “You mean, who is twenty-one, still a virgin, and look the way you do?” She scoffed in disbelief, throwing back her drink. “You’re on your own with that one.”

  I skulled the new drink in record time and placed it down in front of me, signaling for more, and ignoring the judgmental eyes that came from the young girl behind the bar. Please, when she had her big girl panties on, she would understand why people resort to drinking. She should wear pink lace, though. It would suit her skin tone and definitely needed to be Victoria Secret.

  Yep, I’m drunk.

  “Okay, so now that we have established my known innocence can we move on to drinking more,” I said to Vicky as I threw back my—I’d lost count, but I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

  She nodded her head, lifting her drink in the air. “That we can do.”

  “Wait,” she paused mid drink, “Oh God. Please don’t tell me this is your first time being drunk?”

  “Well, I’ve tried drinking before, but yes, this is the first time I’ve been…what’s the term? Buzzed.” I laughed to myself briefly before shutting my mouth when I realized I was one of those stupid drunk girls.

  “It’s fine Vicky, it's spring break!” I said, swinging my hands up in the air.

  “Fuck it, let’s dance,” she retorted. We pulled each other up off the stool, dancing and laughing our way over to the dance floor. Glancing quickly over to the table, I saw that all eyes were on us. Weird, I thought to myself. Before going back to doing my own thing.

  It wasn’t long before a hot guy with dark blond hair came over and started to chat up Vicky. Actually, scratch that, he was not just hot, he was sexy, I guess, in a way. They were chatting to each other, but I couldn’t hear their conversation, I was too busy dancing my moves around to a rock song.

  Vicky pulled on my top. “Come on.”

  After he had lured us over to his table, I looked around, attempting to pull my eyes into check, and try to at least act sober. I couldn’t help but feel as though I had a set of eyes on me at all times, I could feel a magnetic pull, and it was something I’d never felt before. The feeling was intense. When I meet the eyes of one of the guys who were sitting at the table, it confirmed my suspicion.

  Holy shit.

  He was out of this world good looking. He had a square defined jaw, tattoos running up his neck and down his arms. I couldn’t tell how tall he was from where I was sitting, but if I had to guess, I would have said he’d definitely be over six foot, and he was huge. Like Hulk, smash muscle—huge. He looked at me with bright blue eyes that were so blue, they could pass as contacts and dark, thick lashes. I drew my eyes down to his piercings, one nose ring, and two lip rings that were sitting next to each other. And just as I was looked at his lips, I saw his tongue draw out and lick across his lower one. Smirking at me, while showing a tongue piercing and straight white teeth that were framed by dimpled cheeks. I couldn’t deal with how hot this man was. Couldn’t even put together the words that would justify him. I would have said he could be a model, but when you feel the energy that surrounds him and how he held himself, you just knew, that there was not a model-like bone in his sexy damn body.

  Before I knew it, I noticed I’d been staring a little too long and began feeling that familiar pull that I felt deep in my belly because I’d felt it before. I’d just never been interested in giving it away—until now. I dragged my hungry eyes away from him before I embarrassed myself. There was no way this man would ever be interested in me, I was not experienced enough for him. I carried on sipping my drink, glancing around the bar and then at the men sitting at this table. They were all good looking in their own way. My eyes stayed a little longer than what was necessary for a guy with shoulder-length hair and a beard—there’s something seriously sexy, alluring, and dangerous about him. But he didn’t appeal to me the way the beautifully tattooed and pierced monster appealed to me. Something stirred in my belly, telling me that these men were no good, but I was on a mission.

  I dragged my eyes back to—I think Zane said that his name was Ade. Dropping my eyes to the leather vest he was wearing, I noticed below where it read ‘Vice President’ on the front left, there was a 1% patch and then a crossbones patch. A cut, I think that was what they called it. A cut was a leather vest that all men who were a part of an MC wore. It identified membership of their respective club and territorial location.

  Bringing my eyes back, I was surprised to see him still looking at me and with so much intensity that it made me squirm. Those eyes were going to haunt me. When I looked into them, I felt the darkness seeping from the depths of his irises, and it terrified me. It was as though they had seen things that no one should ever have to. I was a strong believer in the saying, “Your eyes are the windows to one’s soul,” and this man’s soul, felt almost demonic. Judging by the way he was looking at me, he was beautifully menacing. I looked away quickly, drinking my drink and pulling myself out of the trance he had trapped me. A trance that he managed to hook me in without so much as speaking a word to me.

  I really am drunk.

  Everything was beginning to spin a little. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Vicky and Blake were all over each other, I roll my eyes to myself. She hadn’t wasted any time at all. They stopped what they were doing, Vicky stood, straightening herself up.

  “Do you want to come?” she whispered into my ear.

  I looked at her feeling a little confused. I didn’t want to go, especially if I was going to be third wheeling it.

  “Where?” I asked. Feeling like my plan to get rowdy was stepping into desperate territory.

  Blake pulled his face down between Vicky’s and mine, looking into his lazy eyes and —my God, this man had player written all over his face.

  He simply replied, “On Vicky’s face.”

  My eyebrows shot up as I laughed at his crass mouth and Vicky’s eyes roll to the back of her head. I took a second glance to Ade, who was sitting opposite me, only to see an almost naked skank spread out across his lap.


  I looked back to Blake. “Okay.”

  Walking into the hotel, Vicky tried to give me a pep talk. Obviously, I didn’t want to do anything with Vicky, but I did with Blake, just for fun. I promised myself a good time, and that was what was going to happen…I hoped.

  Dirt. That was all I was fucking thinking with this slut’s tongue down my throat. Why had I done it? The feelings Kalie was giving me had me feeling fucked-up. I was never that interested in fucking a girl, especially with just one glance. What I did for the club and the COA (Confederation of Assassins) had me shutting my feelings off a long time ago. Although, my childhood also had an impact on my feelings—or lack thereof.

  Below my Vice President and 1% patch was a crossbones patch, which meant that I did the majority of dirty work when it came to our enemies.

  Was I proud of my kills? No.

  But did I care? Fuck no.

  And that was why I needed a distraction from those fucking alluring green eyes. They pulled me in, hook, line, and sinker. Her eyes were like lasers, melting through the ice wall that had been present most of my life, and that scared the fucking shit out of me.

  I pushed the slut off my lap with such force that it had her stumbling to the ground, and looked up to Zane, who had a cocky smirk on his face.

  “What?” I spat at him.

  “Oh, nothing bro, nothing at all.” He tipped his drink up to his mouth around a smile.

  I narrowed my eyes at him before noticing that Blake, Vicky, and green eyes were gone.

  “Fuck,” I grunted to myself. “Where did they fucking go?” I asked around the table.

  Harvey laughed. “Bro, Blake took them both. Fucking felt that shit right down into my soul.”

  I pushed my chair back and made my way out the door while listening to the chuckling coming from the b
oys behind me. I’d deal with them later.

  I began dialing Blake’s phone on my way out.

  Fuck, I was going to kill this fool if he had touched her.

  I was standing in front of the bed when Blake handed me a glass. I had taken a long drink before he pulled my chin up to meet his lips. When his warm lips touched mine, I felt the alcohol take over. The kiss was hot, I guessed. Trevor and I had never really kissed. As stupid as that sounded, I had no point of reference to go by. But I was always too scared because kissing always led to him trying to get me naked.

  I moaned into Blake’s mouth as I felt myself slowly warming up to the situation. He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and threw me onto the bed. I laughed as the alcohol hit me at full force.

  I wanted this to happen.

  “Have any limits?” he asked both of us. I was spread out on his bed, Vicky was still standing.

  I nodded my head. “I’m a virgin, and I want to keep it that way. Anything else, I’m fine with,” I replied with certainty.

  I thought over my words, I really hoped he didn’t take that too literally, it didn’t mean he could go back door. I meant that I could play with him and he me.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, Kalie? You can stop anytime. Okay?” he responded, which took me back a little. I warmed up to him even more because he was actually a decent person.

  “Thanks, Blake, but I’m sure.”

  I continued looking at him, internally working myself up to get this started. He nodded with a small smile, throwing Vicky onto the bed with me. Standing for a few seconds, he looked at us before crawling up the bed and over the top of me. I swallowed, sliding myself down the silky sheets.

  What have you gotten yourself into Kalie?

  He had his fists on each side of my head, smiling down at me. Cocking his head to the side, he pushed my legs open with his, which resulted in his groin pushing into me, right between my legs. My face heated instantly from the bold move, and just when I thought this situation could not get any hotter, he leaned down to my neck, licking me from my collarbone up to just below my ear, then bit down. He raised my dress above my head while beginning to pull my bra and panties off. Slowly he started sucking on my nipples. I was panting a little again.

  He moved over to Vicky, beginning to undress her, sucking on both her nipples and pulling her panties down her legs. I watched as his head began to go lower down to her sweet spot. When he latched on, her head flew back. I took that as my cue to—do something. So I got in between his legs and took him deep in my mouth. Oral sex was about as far as it ever went with my ex Trevor and me. Never thought I’d hear the day when a man complained about being sucked off too much. It was what we’d done instead of sex, it did get old fast with him, though. I went down on him more than he did me. That was okay, considering he wasn’t very good at it. I had to constantly remind him that my clit wasn’t fucking chewing gum.

  After hearing Vicky come out of her daze, I popped him out of my mouth and moved back to the head of the bed. Blake moved his body back to mine, opening my legs.

  Please don’t chew.

  Please don’t chew.

  And just as he was about to go downtown, his phone rang. I slumped my head back, blowing my hair away from my face. I needed a release. The look Ade was giving me earlier was directed right at my center.

  “What?” he snapped at the person on the phone.

  “Oh yeah? Is that right, Ade?” He chuckled, looking over at me.

  “Oh, trust me, brother, I’m almost one hundred percent positive she’ll be worth it. Looking at the position she’s in now. All pink and wet, waiting for my tongue to slide all over that sweet pussy. Oh, and did I mention she’s a virgin?” He laughed while throwing his phone back onto the bed. I couldn’t believe he’d just outed me as a virgin. Fuck.

  “I can’t believe you told some random guy about my virginity,” I said as I was pulling on my dress.

  “Trust me, baby, he’s not going to be some random guy for much longer.”

  I was pulling my hair out of the back of my dress when the door burst open with Ade storming directly toward me in all his beautiful glory. Even when he was mad—and boy was he mad—he was still beautiful. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  “Oh my God. What are you doing?” I protested as he began walking out the door. “Seriously? You’re not going to grunt or bang on your chest too, are you?”

  He didn’t answer, so I decided I’d wait until he put me down. This was so humiliating.

  Once we reached the underground car park, he placed me down to my feet. I brushed my hair out of my face, narrowing my eyes at him. Which was brave considering he was a whole foot taller than I was and wider than the average heavyweight bodybuilder.

  “What the hell was that about?” I asked him.

  He matched my stare and I noticed his jaw ticking.

  “That, was me saving you from the biggest mistake you almost made.”

  I laughed at him. “Why would you actually care? I don’t even know you!” I yelled.

  He walked to his bike, passing me his helmet.

  “Get on the bike Kalie, I’ll take you home.”

  I shook my head vigorously. “Nope. There’s no way I’m getting on that,” I replied. I’d always been terrified of bikes. I witnessed a bad car accident one time that involved a bike, and ever since that time, I’ve not managed to be near them. Not that I’d actually had the opportunity arise. He looked to me, so obviously annoyed.

  “It’s this,” he waves to his bike with a bored expression, “or you’re staying with me. What will it be?” he asked.

  I felt as though that had a double meaning.

  “I’ll stay with you.”

  I watched as his face softened a little. He took hold of my hand and led me back to the elevator.

  Well, you’ve found trouble now, Kalie.

  Walking into his room, I was feeling a lot soberer than I wanted to. I guessed that was a good thing, now I could appreciate him more through calm eyes. I looked down at my hand and saw he was still holding onto it.

  “You want anything to drink? And by drink, I mean water,” he asked while walking into the kitchen, leaving me standing there awkwardly in the living room.

  “Yes, please.”

  He walked back into the living room, handing me a glass of water, and then looked down at me.

  “You get into an awful lot of trouble for a virgin,” he said casually, putting his hands into his pockets.

  “Hmm…I came here a little reckless, I guess,” I responded, taking a few small sips of my water.

  He walked over to the sofa, patting the spot next to him. When I didn’t move, he rolled his eyes and I swear to God that it was the sexiest eye roll I’d ever witnessed.

  “Sit down, Kalie.”

  Walking to the sofa, I sit beside him.

  “Why did you come and take me away from Blake and Vicky? You know, I sort of wanted to be there,” I said a little too honestly.

  He chuckled and narrowed his eyes at me. “Don’t ask me that.”

  I widened my eyes at his clipped tone.

  “Why were you feeling reckless?” he asked, spreading his legs out in front of him and running his index finger across his upper lip.

  Goddammit, the man was delicious.

  “I just got dumped. It seems my virtue is sort of getting in the way. I wanted to get it over with if you will. Not with Blake, though, with someone…hot. He has to be…” I trailed off because actually, I wasn’t making any sense. I was sort of sounding like a predator, or worse—sounding like Vicky. “Let’s change the subject. Why did you come and play hero with me?” I responded, licking my lips nervously. He made me nervous.

  Looking at me with his jaw clenched tight, and his eyes narrowed, he smirked, placing his drink down on the coffee table in front of him. “Want me to help you with that?” he asked mischievously with a half-smile.

  I snort. “What? Are you s
erious?” Taking a long, nervous, pull of my water, I looked up.

  Shit! This was not part of the plan.

  However, I came here on a mission. He was hot, that was a plus. Sure, a biker was never part of my plan, but I needed to get this taken care of. At least I knew he wouldn’t expect anything from me, he screamed ‘emotionally unattached.’ He was, well, he was perfect. I wished I could’ve said that we have some sort of great chemistry or some romantic crap like that, but we just didn’t. I just wouldn’t have minded having sex with him, even if it was my first time. Hell, I thought it would be better than most, with their sometimes-tragic first-time stories.

  He studied my face for a few seconds before smiling and looking down to the floor with a shrug. “Sure, why fucking not.” His eyes were glistening with mischief.

  I smiled, putting my glass on the table, shrugging back to him. “Okay.”

  He laughed and grabbed onto my hand, pulling me over to him. He brushed a few of my stray hairs away from my face.

  “You sure?” he asked out of complete sincerity.

  I gulped and nodded my head. “Yes, yup. I’m sure.”

  Wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, I glanced down to his plump lips. He must have seen me looking because he half smiled. Showing perfectly straight, white teeth, then he swiped his tongue over his lips. Smiling I looked up into his eyes, right before he brought his lips to meet mine.

  His lips were perfect, warm and soft. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip, before dipping it back into my mouth to dance with my own. He laced my tongue with his, in soft strokes, feeling the ball from his tongue ring brush over mine. I moaned into his mouth quietly, noting that I was more worked up about this man than I was with Blake and Vicky. I was horny, that was a given. It was hard not to be when this perfectly sexy, rough, bad boy, was licking and sucking on my lip as if it was his favorite ice-cream.

  He began to undress me, slowly removing my clothes. I dropped my arms and let him run the fabric over them until my dress fell to the floor in a pool at my feet. I pulled his MC cut and T-shirt off, eager to see him in all his naked glory.


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