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Torn (Life Tree: Master Trooper 1)

Page 6

by Alexa Kim

Torn strides in and pulls me up… against his chest. He’s wearing pants but no shirt because he just got out of the shower. He smells good… quite unlike me, I notice embarrassed. I smell like sex and sweat.

  “Your smell is driving me nuts. You should take a shower,” he growls. “Otherwise, I won’t be able to stop myself from taking you again.”

  I look at him with disbelief. “You like it when I… stink?” I ask a little bewildered. I’m reminded again of the cougar cage in the zoo on Earth…

  Noticing my confusion, his lips turn up into a grin. “I like your scent, Larona. The smell of your arousal when you’re ready for me…” His nostrils flare briefly. “Like right now.” He looks at me hungrily, then sighs with regret. “But your body isn’t used to me yet. I guess you’re sore.”

  I nod and feel my cheeks growing hot. Oh dear! Why am I so embarrassed? After last night, there’s nothing about my body Torn doesn’t know about. However, I realize I don’t know him… at all. Not yet, anyway. About time that changed. “You can smell it when I want you?”

  He gives me a strange look, pondering something, before he continues, “I could smell your fear… and your arousal. I know the best time to impregnate you. Women smell differently then.”

  “That’s–” I want to say ‘scary’ but manage to avoid the word at the last moment and say, “unusual.”

  “Not for us,” he replies, not taking his eyes off me. I guess ‘us’ refers to all Master Troopers in this case. I don’t recall Dr. Barner mentioning this.

  “Now you know something about me no one else knows – not even Life Tree or Dr. Barner,” Torn answers my unspoken question.

  “Why? Why would you tell me?” I ask confused.

  He lowers his lips to mine for a kiss… one that’s gentle and tame. “Because I want you to think of those things as positive, doll. I’ll always know what you’re feeling – sometimes before you even know yourself – and give you what you need. For you, that’s a good thing that shouldn’t scare you, but for Life Tree… They’d perceive this ability as a threat if they knew how much insight it gives us.”

  “You’re keeping it a secret from them?” I whisper, trying to process this new information.

  He grins. “They don’t need to know everything, do they?”

  His admission puts things into a different perspective. Up until now, I thought Torn and the others were doing Life Tree’s bidding without questioning it. Now I’m not so sure anymore.

  Torn takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom, positions me in the shower and cleans me up. His large hands on my body feel good. I feel the need to lean into his touch like a cat… to lean into those hands that make me wanton, warm me up, and hold me tight – that keep me safe.

  I’m almost sad when Torn turns off the water and wraps me in a towel. On the other hand, he’s right. If he were to take me again right now, the soreness wouldn’t let up in days, and I’d be very uncomfortable.

  I want to go back to my room to get dressed, but Torn holds me back. “Wait… one more thing.” I look at him questioningly, and Torn retrieves something from his pants pocket that I identify as a razor. “I want your pussy clean-shaven.”

  I swallow as he advances on me. It’s one of those moments I know I don’t have the option to say no. So I drop the towel. It’s only a small patch of hair, mind you, but the thought of Torn wanting to shave me down there… it triggers a flood of very diverse feelings, arousal being one of them – and I don’t need Torn’s keen sense of smell to know that.

  He guides me to the edge of the tub, and motions me to sit and spread my legs. Then he drags the razor across my pelvis until it’s all smooth. He’s taking his time, too. I’m sure he can sense my want. Teasing me turns him on. Every so often, his finger touches between my folds, but not once does he get close to my clitoris.

  When he’s finally done, he puts the razor down and looks pleased at a job well done. “Beautifully soft and open...” he says, his voice thick.

  I look down too, and I can understand why the sight turns him on. Wetness is glistening between my folds, and now that there’s no more hair in the way, it’s dripping out of me, leaving wet stains on my naked skin.

  Of course that doesn’t go unnoticed by Torn. He takes in a sharp breath, then grabs hold of my waist without warning and buries his head between my thighs. I emit a stifled scream when his mouth latches onto my newly exposed flesh and sucks. His tongue thrusts between my folds, first tasting my wetness, then moving on to lick my clit mercilessly, almost brutally, and without hesitation.

  “I want you to come right now,” he instructs in his usual demanding tone, and I give him what he wants in ten seconds flat. I thrust my pelvis up to meet him, levering back on my hands and moaning softly. “Just like that, baby…” he murmurs content.

  He doesn’t let up until the last waves of my release have rolled through, and I’m clutching the edge of the tub with shaking hands. His tongue traces across his lips to lick off every last drop of my taste. Then he gets up as if he hasn’t just given me the orgasm of my life, and sighs. The bulge in his pants is evidence he’d like to continue, but he just takes my hand and pulls me up onto legs still shaky from my release.

  “Go get dressed. I’m making breakfast.”

  A while later, we’re sitting across from each other in the kitchen. It’s the same scene as yesterday, with the difference that everything is settled between us now. The way Torn watches me eat and drink doesn’t leave room for doubt on the matter.

  “Why did they bring you here? You don’t look like a druggie.” He takes a bite off his bread and chews. “Besides, then you wouldn’t be here – not as part of program INBREED. They only use the finest genetics for that.” His tone is slightly mocking, like he detests the whole concept.

  I know he’d probably smell a lie… and I’m pretty sure the reaction to that would be roughly the same as if defied. He’d think of it as an attempt of me to escape his control, so I decide to just tell him the truth. “They found drugs at my apartment, but they weren’t mine. My boyfriend planted them on me to safe his own skin. No one believed me, though.”

  The last bite gets stuck in his throat when he swallows. Torn stares at me, his eyes ablaze. Right now, he’s dangerous to me again. Something is bothering him… and I realize it was probably a mistake on my part to use the word ‘boyfriend’.

  “Your… boyfriend? As in… a male friend?” His voice is cautious, and I know he can smell fear taking hold of me.

  I contemplate lying to him again, but that would be even harder to do than telling him the truth – although he’s not going to like that, either. “N-no… the man I used to live with.”

  His hormones are raging. I guess if Trake were here right now, he’d breathe his last. Almost makes me wish from him to actually be here!

  “He was an asshole!” I hurry to reassure Torn.

  He’s not appeased in the slightest. “Did you want him?” he asks coldly.

  The prospect of darkening his mood even more has my mind racing to find the right words. “I thought I wanted him.”

  “And do you want him… now?”

  Damn it, this is the most uncomfortable interrogation I have yet been subject to. Not even the UG agents could intimidate me so thoroughly after they hauled me out of my apartment for questioning.

  “No!” I answer truthfully. “I don’t want to see Trake ever again! I trusted him and he betrayed me… He lied to me and he used me.” Although I try to stop it, tears spring to my eyes. Remembering Trake’s betrayal, the fear and despair… it’s too much.

  Torn’s eyes soften when he sees my tears. He takes my hand and squeezes. “That’s not going to happen with me. When I want a woman, I’m not letting go. I’m… not easy to handle, probably… because of what I am – which isn’t tame, or even friendly most of the time. I claim you as mine, and mine alone… but I’ll also protect you.”

  I look at him through my tears. I want to believe him, and I would if it weren
’t for Life Tree. If it weren’t so damn impossible… He notices my hopeless mood, and I know he’s thinking the same thing.

  “How long did you stay with him?” he asks, more interested than jealous this time.

  I blink against the tears. “We were together for two years… almost two and a half, actually.”

  I flinch when I see Torn’s face fall. His expression changes from disbelief to irritation. “They allowed him to keep you for over two years?”

  I’m reminded that he doesn’t know anything other than Life Tree and the rules they have established for his kind. I try to find the right words to explain, “On Earth, there are no rules. No one regulates how long you are to stay with your partner. If you want to, you can live your whole lives together… and no one dictates who to be with, either. You meet someone, and then you decide for yourselves if you want to give it a try as a couple. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t… In the latter case, you split up and look for another, more suitable partner.”

  Torn doesn’t say anything. I can see the gears turning in his head as his whole world is turned upside down… a world he might not have always liked, but at least believe to be normal.

  All of sudden, he jumps up from his chair. There’s rage burning in his eyes that would scare me to death if I was on the receiving end – which I sense I’m not. So I dare to stand up and touch his arm.

  “Not now.” He underlines the words with a pointed glare, then adds in a calmer tone, “I’m better left alone right now, little one.”



  Larona’s words are like a sledge hammer. I didn’t want to believe what she was saying, but I would’ve spotted a lie. She didn’t tell a single one – which means it’s all true.

  Hatred for Life Tree wells up in my heart, so profound that I can’t even bear to have Larona around me right now. They led us to believe that this was normal… that it was wrong to feel anything more for a female than sexual desire. I never liked them picking out women for us, and I dislike what’s going on in Sector B even more. It’s against our nature to share a mate. It takes all our willpower to sleep with a female who’s wearing the scent of another man… to mate with her although she’s not a good match… to be with someone who doesn’t want us, and who we don’t want either. What does Life Tree think we are? Animals they can control as they please?

  There was nothing wrong with Arrow. They only killed him because they were afraid he could convince more of us that he was right – and that Life Tree is wrong. Now I see the full extent of the lie we’re living. Nothing about the world I live in is right… I’ve felt it ever since they brought Larona to me… But hearing her confirmation leaves me reeling from the revelation.

  I storm out of the house. It’s for the better if I’m alone with my dark mood… But I have to tell someone about it – and the only one I can trust with the truth is Crow. Fuming, I walk the short distance to his house and rap on his door. It doesn’t open. Crow isn’t home. Which means, he’s probably at Meeting Point.

  Meeting Point is a popular place to go, since there’s nothing much else to do here when we’re not out on missions. We can cash in our alcohol units, there’s a fitness gym with lots of equipment, a shooting range, and even a boxing ring for us to fight in. Everything about our lives is tailored for training and fighting – even off duty. I didn’t notice it before, but now I’m starting to see things differently.

  Meeting Point is almost deserted, though. No surprise there – it’s only noon. I don’t spot Crow, but I see Strike trying to trick the scanner of the beverage dispenser with a fake barcode.

  Trooper Strike… You have already cashed in your two permitted alcohol units for this block leave. Please choose a non-alcoholic beverage…

  “Fuck you… stupid piece of shit,” he curses and slams his first against the wall.

  I don’t particularly like Strike. He’s aggressive and always looking for trouble. It’s not a secret that he likes to intimidate his females, and I’m positive he’d do far more than that if he didn’t have to worry about being kicked out of INBREED. He’s a sadist. Sadly, he’s also a good tracker, able to hunt down every damn Crawler one at a time if need be.

  A grin splits his face when he sees me. “Torn… my brother… I’m sure you haven’t used up your alcohol units yet, right? What do I have to do to get one? Take over a night shift on our next mission?” He may be grinning, but his cheerfulness is fake. He shaves his head, and h got several tribal tattoos on it so he looks even more aggressive.

  “Sorry… I’m afraid I need my units for myself.”

  “Come on, man… just one!”

  But I’m adamant and let the scanner have one of my codes. Hello, Trooper Torn… The remaining number of your alcohol units is: Two. Please choose your beverage…

  “Whiskey,” I say calmly.

  A moment later, a metal plate on the dispenser slides open, and I take out the whiskey glass. Strike is licking his lips. I can tell he’s contemplating if it’s worth to get into it with me over a drink, and I shoot him a challenging glare. If it’s a fight he wants… he’s welcome to it. I could really use someone to take apart right now. After a beat, Strike is on the defensive. I’m too strong for him – and he knows it.

  “Shit,” he grumbles.

  “Have you seen Crow?” I ask casually.

  He shakes his head. “No, man… They picked up his female today, and Doc Barner told him to come back to Life Tree with her for some blood tests. Guess he’ll be back tonight.” He shakes his head again. “He probably found some fault in his female again. I really don’t get him… Now he has to jerk off the rest of his leave – and during the four months on duty, too. Our pup is never pleased. He either finds something to complain about, or knocks the wench up as soon as she gets there. I’m not laying a hand on mine on the critical days; I wait to get the job done just before we’re going back out. That way, I really get to enjoy her… and my dick does, too.”

  He licks his lips again, and I get an idea as to what Strike’s partners have to endure. He’s a pig. There are assholes among my kind too, I have to admit begrudgingly.

  I ditch Strike and sit down in a corner. He’s obviously caught on to my bad mood and leaves me be. I could’ve used Crow’s level head right now, but there’s nothing I can do about the fact he’s not here. I sullenly drink my whiskey, and I feel it melt away the tension and aggression. My head gets lighter… I feel better. Since we’re not allowed much alcohol, one drink is usually enough to lift my spirits. But not today! Today I need two to really feel good.

  Strike casts me a questioning glance when I fetch my second drink from the dispenser. “Bad day, huh?”

  I growl and slouch back in the corner with my glass. Since I’m inadequate entertainment in Strike’s opinion, he leaves soon. I’m glad when he’s gone, and have a look at the clock: Two-thirty. My head is spinning pretty fast by now, and I sip the second whiskey more slowly.

  At three-thirty, I get up and leave Meeting Point. On my way back, I stop by Crow’s again, but he’s not home yet. Back at the bungalow I guzzle down a whole liter of water in one gulp. I shake my head to clear it, but I still have a slight buzz. I look for Larona and find her asleep on my bed. That she didn’t go to sleep in her own room appeases me on a primal level. It shows me that she’s starting to see herself as a part of me… that she accepts my claim on her.

  Although my vision is a little blurry from the whiskey, my eyes travel up her slender legs. Larona is on her side, on top of the covers, in a short sundress that has ridden up her butt while she slept. She had probably been waiting for me, then fell asleep. My sweet doll… I know she’s still confused – and sometimes frightened – by my reactions to certain things. But she’ll learn to understand me.

  I stare at Larona’s plump cheeks and the lace panties that reveal more than they cover. My cock is getting hard, I can’t help it. I push down my pants and wrap my hand around my throbbing erection. Then I sit down
on the bed next to her, looking at her while I stroke myself.

  Larona looks like an angel with her blonde hair… and those sexy panties peeking out underneath her dress. My heart clenches at the sight. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want her… have never loved anything as much as I love her!

  I feel like a knife is stabbed into my heart. Is that possible? Love? I’ve never thought about those kind of feelings, since Life Tree told us they were unnatural. But looking at Larona sleeping in my bed, I’m suddenly sure… and the thought that Life Tree would come and take her from me is becoming so terrifying that I have to prove to myself right now that she’s mine, and mine alone!

  My hand slowly caresses up her leg. She sighs in her sleep, but doesn’t wake. With both hands I slide the panties over her cheeks. Then I fondle the plump flesh… so sweet… so inviting. When I part her labia with my finger, she stirs but remains open. Her smooth pussy is already wet again from my touch.

  “Torn…” she mumbles, still half asleep.

  I lean over her without withdrawing my finger from her wet cleft. “Doll… I need you now,” I whisper into her ear.

  She moans softly and presses back against my finger that’s leisurely fucking her. She’s so soaked that there are wet sounds every time I push it in. God, it’s such a turn on! And there’s another image that’d really turn me on…

  Abruptly, I grab Larona and flip her over so she’s on her hands and knees in front of me, and then I pull her panties down to her knees. She draws in a surprised breath, but doesn’t struggle. My pants are still half-way down my ass, and I don’t even get around to taking off my shirt or her dress. I just bunch the material up on her back, and nudge my cock against her wet opening. The view of her smooth pussy is especially appealing in this position.

  “Torn,” she breathes half aroused, half afraid.

  “Hush… You’re wet enough,” I reply, and this time I give in to my urge to slam into her hard. I sink my cock in until my balls slap against her ass. “Fuck,” I gasp surprised because I didn’t expect next to no resistance from her body.


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