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Torn (Life Tree: Master Trooper 1)

Page 7

by Alexa Kim

  Larona cries out when I’m suddenly inside of her, filling her, but relaxes quickly. I pull out a few inches, then thrust back in just as hard. There are stars dancing in front of my eyes… I’m so tense and aroused, I feel like I’m going to black out any second. Maybe it’s the whiskey… or maybe it’s the scent of Larona’s arousal that’s especially heady and potent right now. An alarm screeches in my head, but I ignore it. Larona is simply too intoxicating.

  “Baby… You’re so hot… so sexy…” I moan the words and continue to piston in and out of her like a remote-controlled robot. Hearing her moan and seeing her soaking wetness glistening on my throbbing dick… it’s all I can think about.

  “Torn… Make my come.” She’s begging me in the sweetest tone, so I slip my finger between her folds and rub her clit, even though I was determined to only think about myself this time.

  The tidal wave that is her orgasm is both compensation and reward as I’m swept away to my own release. Her already tight walls are clenching around my cock… it’s a torture so agonizingly sweet I almost pass out as I shoot my load.

  The orgasm shuts down my brain. This is heaven! My mind is completely blank. There’s only her and me…



  It’s been almost three weeks since I got here… to Terra Alpha, to Torn’s bungalow… into his bed, his arms… his possession. And it feels like I never knew any different! It feels good and right – even if it’s totally sick if you think about it objectively. But I stopped thinking a while ago. I accepted what has happened to me. Torn was right; submitting to him had been inevitable.

  Today is Saturday. I go to the bathroom and put my finger on the red circle of the screen. The past two screenings had been negative, and I’m not really concerned now either since Torn can smell my fertile days. He wouldn’t want them to take me away. That this is only a temporary fix is something I don’t want to think about at the moment. At least for a while longer, I just want to enjoy what I have found with Torn.

  The needle shoots out, piercing my finger. Screening positive…

  I freeze. That’s impossible! It’s a mistake… The damn thing must be wrong!

  I put my finger onto the circle again – of the other hand this time. The needle shoots out a second time. Screening positive…

  I’m getting light-headed. How is that possible? When did it happen? I’m three days late, but then I’ve never been very regular. Shouldn’t I have felt something? A change in my body?

  A moment later, it dawns on me that I have to tell Torn – and that I don’t have much time to do so. Dr. Barner said the test results are sent to Life Tree immediately, which means they already know.

  I move to the living room and wonder what to do. Torn left about an hour ago. I was still in bed, so I don’t know where he is, or when he will be back. I never asked where he went… It wasn’t important – not until now. My heart races. What if they come get me before he’s back?

  I move on to the kitchen and dig around in the drawers until I find pen and paper. I’m pregnant… They took me back, I scrawl in a hurry, thinking about where to hide the message so Torn – but not Life Tree – would find it.

  I go into Torn’s bedroom where the crumbled state of the sheets is testimony of how I fisted them in my hands last night, wild with lust while Ton was inside of me… on top of me… everywhere around me. You’ll never see him again, a voice inside my head screams. I hide the paper under the covers. Maybe I won’t need it… maybe Torn will be back soon enough.

  I go into my room, where my bed is still made because I haven’t slept in it again after my first night with Torn. He wanted me to next to him… and I wanted that, too. On autopilot, I take fresh clothes out of the closet – a light blue summer dress and underwear – and slowly get dressed. I can’t help the tears streaming down my cheeks. My hands are shaking, and I’m numb inside.

  If I only knew where to hide! But I have a feeling they’d find me anyway… and that it would get Torn in trouble. That he’s not here might even be a good thing. He wouldn’t let me go, not willingly. What’s more, I don’t think Life Tree would tolerate his rebellion. I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand. It was a nice fantasy, staying with him. We’ve been ignoring reality, I see that now.

  Half an hour passes, then I hear the bungalow door open. My heart rate picks up. I hope it’s Torn, but at the same time pray that it’s not. I’m not making sense, but I can’t help how I feel. When I open the door of my room, I see Dr. Barner entering the bungalow, and all my hopes turn to dust.

  She sees me and smiles – friendly as usual. “Hello, Larona. You did it. I’m taking you back to the compound.”

  I bite my lip. An irrational part of me is still trying to find a loophole. “Torn isn’t here. Shouldn’t I… say goodbye?”

  She looks at me, and something like understanding dawns in her eyes. She glances around as if she’s afraid someone might be behind her. Then she comes over to me. “That’s not necessary, Larona. Let’s just go.”

  I don’t move an inch. And then I do something totally stupid – I beg. “Please… I want to wait until he’s back.”

  Her eyes narrow, and her gaze turns stern. “Larona… That’s not good. Did you… fall in love with Torn?”

  I shake my head, but she isn’t buying it.

  “What about him? Does he reciprocate your feelings?”

  I shrug. Somehow I doubt it’d be wise to tell her anything more.

  Her hand clamps around my arm like a vise. “Come on… We have to leave before Torn gets back.”

  “No… Please!”

  I try to struggle, but Dr. Barner is stronger than me. Just before we’re out the door, she turns around to look at me. Her voice is a merely a whisper, and I can see panic in her eyes. “Do you want to get Torn killed?”

  “No!” I whisper back, horrified. “Of course not.”

  “Then you can’t let them know how you feel… or how he feels. When Life Tree gets wind of this, they’ll terminate him. Those feelings are unacceptable.”

  I stare at her. “But–“ I stammer.

  “Come with me, and don’t let anyone else see what you have shown to me so openly. I’m on your side, as far as I can be. But that’s all I can do for you, or for Torn. I can take you, and hope that he will calm down… that his hormones will level out if you’re far away from him.”

  I let her drag me along. I’m rattled by her words – and I believe her. I believe her that they’ll harm Torn if he goes postal because of me. When we’re out the door, I glance back at the bungalow… at the beautiful illusion I’ve lived in for the past three weeks. In my mind, I say goodbye to Torn. I press a hand on my stomach when I think about the small part of him I’m taking with me. It’s only a small comfort, but it’s all I have left.

  Dr. Barner motions me towards the electro car she took to get here. “Be strong, Larona,” she says with a sad smile – and we’re off.


  I’m in a piss-poor mood when I get back from Crow’s. We’ve been talking for the last few weeks, trying to find a way for me to keep Larona. But everything I come up with… Crow’s cold analytical mind breaks it down until I see it’s impossible.

  “Brother… you have to let it go. They’ll execute you, just like Arrow. Let’s assume you and her make it to the outer zone. Crawlers will find you sooner or later, and you can’t fight them all. Besides, Larona… she’s not cut out for this harsh environment. We’re different – we are trained to survive out there. Even if you could manage that… What kind of life would you be leading, alone with her in the jungle?”

  He’s right… He’s so damn right… but that doesn’t make it any easier to accept. In all honesty, trying to accept that they’ll eventually take Larona away from me again gets harder every day. The idea of going back to my old life like nothing has happened is absurd! Things are different now… Everything’s changed!

  I pause in the kitchen and draw in a breath. There’s Lar
ona’s scent… but not just hers. Someone was here! The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I call out her name. No answer! I search the living room, bathroom, and both our bedrooms – nothing! She’s gone.

  I ransack the whole bungalow like an aggressive animal, following her scent. Back in my bedroom, the sheets catch my eye. Instinctively, I lift them to take a whiff… Larona’s sweet female scent is strongest here. As I do so, something flutters to the ground – a note with her handwriting on it.

  She was nervous when she wrote it… her writing is all scrawly, but the more obvious evidence is the stench of fear left on the paper. A moment later, I know why: I’m pregnant… They took me back, is the message she left me. I crumble the note in my fist and fight the urge to scream. I should have been here to protect her!

  My first impulse is to storm the research facility like a rabid beast and take Larona back. I feel like an addict going into withdrawal. It’s probably all the talking Crow has done that keeps me from mindlessly rushing into things. Crow holds some control over me… and in this moment, that’s a good thing.

  So instead of following Larona, I rush out of the bungalow and right back to Crow’s. I’m still hell-bent on getting Larona back – but I know I can’t make it happen on my own.

  Crow opens surprised, because I just left barely ten minutes ago. “She’s gone. They took her,” I burst out before he has a chance to say anything.

  Crow recognizes my explosive mood and steps aside. “Come on in… and if you want to go ballistic, better do it in the gym so no one’ll hear you.”

  And that’s exactly what I do. I attack the heavy bag like it’s a damn Crawler, battering it until it rips open and sand trickles onto my feet. Then I move on to the innocent floor mat, ripping it apart until the shreds are strewn all over the gym. My hands are bloody, my breathing labored, but the fog of wild rage is slowly lifting, and my mind is starting to clear.

  Crow pokes his head in, ignoring the utter chaos I have created. “You ready to talk now?”

  “Let’s talk,” I force out and follow him into his living room.

  “I want her back,” I burst right out as soon as we’re face to face.

  He’s regarding me with his clear blue eyes. Nothing about Crow betrays how he feels inside. “That’s impossible – you know that.”

  “But why? Why do we let Life Tree dictate our lives? What are they going to do if we reject their rules?” Crow’s face still doesn’t change, so I keep going, “Do you really think that wimpy pack of scientists would stand in your way if we stormed the facility? Damn it, brother! Who invents the rules, regulates our alcohol consumption, our diet, our time? They even tell us who to fuck, and when. Who’s allowed to pass on their genes, and who’s not. I told you it’s different on Earth… Why do the rules apply to us here, but not to them?”

  Crow is still clam, but I can tell that deep down, my words are having an effect on him. “It’s not just about Life Tree and the research facility,” he answers. “Don’t you think there’s someone else dictating to them? Someone far more powerful? And how can you be sure that not all this certain someone has to do is press a button to annihilate us?”

  He’s right – I know that. But I won’t accept that there’s no way. I’ve already made my decision. “Maybe that’s true… Then it’d still be better than living like this – against our true nature.”

  Crow sighs. “You talk about rebellion.”

  “Yes,” I don’t hesitate to answer. “We take over Sector A, then we’ll go from there.”

  For a long time, we just look at each other. I can see the wheels turning in Crow’s head, and suddenly he does something I don’t expect – he nods. “Alright… but not the way you’d go about it. We need help. From our unit – and from Kryo.”

  I stare disbelievingly. “But that entails waiting until we’re sent on our next mission, which won’t be for another whole month!” A storm’s brewing inside of me. I’m supposed to leave Larona with Life Tree for over a month? Then maybe even another, until we have laid out a plan and are certain our brothers are on board with it?

  The way Crow is eyeing me, I know that’s exactly what he’s suggesting. “They won’t harm her. She’ll stay in Sector A until she gives birth, and nothing’s going to happen to her there. We have enough time to come up with a plan. We need Kryo! He’s the only one with access to Sector C and the control center. We need to get in there. We can’t risk Life Tree sending a distress signal to Earth. We have to be prepared. Taking Sector A won’t be enough – we need to take control of Sector C, too.”

  I press my lips into a thin line. A part of me insists this is the lousiest plan ever, because Larona will think I abandoned her. The other part is rational enough to know Crow’s plan is the only one that will actually work. It’ll kill me a little every day, but I nod in agreement.

  “Okay, brother, we’ll do it your way… Thanks,” I say – and mean it.

  Crow’s usually stoic face looks bemused, but also sympathetic. He’s not popular with all the guys from our unit. His analytical mind often makes him appear superior, and that’s not always gaining him points – especially not with assholes like Strike, who lack discipline. I believe Crow will take over leadership of our unit at some point. After he’s sown his wild oats and has found his place in our ranks. Until then, Kryo remains our leader… although rumor has it Life Tree plans to pull him out and station him in Sector C due to his keen understanding of technology. I realize Crow is spot-on with his assessment: We’ll need Kryo.

  “I’m not going to forget that, brother,” I say sincerely grateful.

  “I think you might be right,” Crow tells me. “Maybe it’s time for a change. And maybe there’s something I want at all costs, as well.”

  I regard him with a scowl. Crow has always been the most even-tempered among us, the one who didn’t want anything, didn’t ask for anything… who accepted things as they were. So his revelation comes as a surprise to me.

  “Whatever that may be, brother… I’ll help you get it.”



  It’s been a month of constant testing and controlling my food, my sleep – everything! Dr. Barner assigned me to a nice room on the compound, but it’s always locked unless they come and get me for more testing. I’ve come to terms with that. Dr. Barner was right – there’s no alternative. They’ll even take the child away from me and bring it to Sector C to be raised by a nanny. I know it’s going to be a boy because the Troopers can only father male offspring. Life Tree specifically manipulated their genetics that way so there wouldn’t be uncontrolled breeding. I still don’t get all the details.

  I know UG is trying to create elite soldiers, but I don’t get why they won’t simply clone. That’d be much faster. I asked Dr. Barner about it, and she told me the first subjects were clones, and because of that they were limited in the efficiency of their development.

  “They were too alike… They couldn’t learn from each other. That’s how INBREED came to be – we had the clones copulate with normal women so we could establish a healthy genetic baseline to work with. The current subjects are merely genetic groundwork. We’re working on breeding out specific qualities – empathy, aggression, intelligence, and obedience. We’re hoping to someday combine all these successfully in a series of Troopers. Then UG will select the best of them, give the order to mass produce them as clones, and they’ll make up the high-performance army UG will take back to Earth.”

  I looked at Dr. Barner, shaking my head. “And you think that’s right?”

  Her gaze swept to the corner of the ceiling to make sure the camera was turned off. Her answer was quiet, barely audible, “I don’t have a choice, Larona. Don’t think I have any more freedom here than you do. I may have come here on my own accord, believing I’d be working for a good cause, but… Do you really think UG would just let me go back to Earth, knowing what I know now?” Her face twisted with disdain. “This is all I can do. I made Sector A int
o a relatively civilized place under my management, without violence… or rape. Please believe me, there are worse places to be.”

  Dr. Barner passed on the opportunity to elaborate on those places, and I didn’t ask. Something… a deep-rooted fear… told me not to. “And the predator DNA? When did you start with that?” I asked instead.

  By now, I’ve met a few of her colleagues. There’s Dr. Dave – a young doctor who’s not unfriendly, but doesn’t regard me as anything but part of the job. He sometimes draws my blood, but hardly ever talks. Then there are the two lab assistants, Crank and Marv. They always act all superior, cracking offensive jokes when Dr. Barner is otherwise preoccupied. Does he have a big dick? Did you enjoy him fucking you? Crank and Marv are pigs. I try not to mind them, but it isn’t easy. I also met an elderly woman named Brianna. She’ll be taking care of my child after I give birth. She doesn’t hurt me, and I have the theory she doesn’t regard me as a human being either.

  I miss Torn so much it hurts. How could I ever think of him as a monster? He’s not the monster… It’s not him who’s cold and soulless. It’s Life Tree and the people working for them, with the exception of Dr. Barner. But even she can’t help me, as she’s told me time and again.

  I don’t know why Dr. Barner has been so open about Life Tree, but I remember her answer to my question. “The predator genes have been part of the sequence since the first generation – which was a total bust, to tell you the truth. The subjects were more animal than human; aggressive, erratic, and uncontrollable. Some of them managed to flee from the lab into the outer zone of Terra Alpha… where they proliferated. Back then, we hadn’t been smart enough to control breeding with a genetic manipulation. They found ideal habitat, and we could never get the problem fully under control, because they breed fast and effortlessly.


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