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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 169

by Altonya Washington

  Marc watched his father closely. He was trembling hard then and; any minute; the nurses would be there to administer sedation drugs. He stood and leaned close.

  “Thanks Pop,” he whispered near the man’s ear. “Had I known this would be the result, I’d have arranged it so you could’ve walked in on me and Hous screwing all those other young department candidates.” He kissed his father’s cheek and left the room.


  As Quentin Ramsey’s doctors feared and expected, the man didn’t last much longer. He died on one of those rare days when his children didn’t drop in for visits and his wife had allowed herself to be bullied into a day of rest.

  What the doctor’s hadn’t expected though, was that Quentin wouldn’t die of the stroke which had taken his speech. Instead, it was a heart attack brought on by that final visit from his second eldest son.







  Quentin Ramsey’s death threw the family, the company and the community into a tailspin. Marcella Ramsey’s anguish over her husband’s sudden demise made everyone wonder whether the woman’s despair would cause her to sell off the company and leave Savannah. As Quentin’s trust in his wife was well known, no one was surprised that he’d left her in charge of it all with their eldest son at his mother’s side.

  Marcella took it one step further and gave over the entire kit and caboodle to Westin; who had assumed his responsibilities in Seattle with an ease that stunned and impressed everyone. The Savannah headquarters was ripe for picking with Houston and Marcus putting themselves in line for the top spots. As Westin had always championed for them to have more power in the business, the young men made very successful attempts in impressing their brother.

  The same could be said for Damon. Now on the brink of his senior year in college, he was working doggedly to secure a place at Ramsey before graduation. Damon knew Marc’s and Houston’s…endeavors wouldn’t wait for him to become a more permanent fixture of the place. Nothing was more important to him, than keeping the promise he made to his father before the man did.

  Like her brothers, Carmen was working towards security as well- her own. She pleaded with her mother to be sent off to school. With her father dead, West and Damon involved in their own interests and her best friend Catrina Jeffries, away at college as well, Carmen had no desire to remain under the same roof as Marcus and Houston.


  Catrina Jeffries thrived being away at school. Realizing her ideas to streamline her father’s business weren’t as far-fetched as she thought; Catrina often returned home to make her dad’s head spin. Despite his daughter’s dazzling advice, King Jeffries was pleased that his money to put her through school was being well spent.

  It was no surprise that Catrina’s head was filled with figures and facts. In an on going effort to forget the mystery boy; who fizzled out of her life as smoothly as he’d entered, Catrina accepted more than a few dates while away at school and when she returned home. Young men who came courting were disappointed that the outings never went beyond a kiss on the cheek or worse; a handshake. Still, they were pleased just the same to have Catrina Jeffries on their arm.

  Catrina even saw Houston Ramsey on several occasions. Of course the time spent seemed less like a date and more like an excursion with a cousin. That suited Catrina just fine. In spite of her best efforts to forget Damon, she was far from accomplishing that feat.

  As hopeful as he was to push things to a more intimate level, Houston remained patient. That wasn’t difficult, considering he had Daphne Monfrey still tending his sexual needs.

  While Daphne’s hopes spanned far beyond the bedroom, she’d not make the same mistake with Houston that she had with his brother. She’d be satisfied with sex…for a while, confident it would get her what she wanted in time.

  Marcus married Josephine Simon two weeks after his father’s death. If anyone was shocked or disapproved of the timing, nothing was said. Marc of course had a ready excuse and simply reasoned that after all the unhappiness it was time for the Ramseys to cast off old sorrows and look forward to new joys.

  Following a whirlwind courtship; that she felt extremely guilty over in light of Quentin Ramsey’s death, Josephine Simon was introduced to a world she would have never imagined for herself.

  Marcus Ramsey liked to impress and; being the object of his ‘impression’ Josephine could scarcely catch her breath amidst all the incredible experiences Marc lavished. The same was to be said for the bedroom and Josephine could see why her sisters fought like cats and dogs over the man. He had a skill that was a mix of sin, seduction, danger and attentiveness that brought her to orgasm even before the act was consummated. Knowing that she’d benefit from such exquisite service each night, she couldn’t help but feel a mite smug.

  For her smugness however, Josephine couldn’t drown out the hollow persistent voice that warned her not to be fooled by the act.


  “Sorry.” She apologized from her spot just inside the doorway of the study when Marcus looked up and saw her there.

  He used the papers he’d been reading to wave her over. “Everything alright?” He asked once she was seated on his lap.

  “I shouldn’t complain.” Josephine kept her eyes trained on the silver belt buckle which gleamed from his waist.

  Marc nibbled along her jaw until she giggled. “What’s wrong?” He encouraged once she was more at ease.

  “I…” Josephine stared up and around the study. The paneled walls and leather furnishings made her shiver. “I honestly don’t know what to do with myself in this big house of ours.”

  “Well haven’t you enjoyed the things we’ve done so far?”

  The tease brought heat to her cheeks and a darker tinge to her honey complexion.

  “I bought this house for you. It’s your decision to do whatever you like to make it a home.” Again, he began to nibble her skin infrequently grazing his nose along her jaw and neck. “You should be done with it by the time our sons arrive, right?”

  Talk of such things moved a shiver of anticipation along Josephine’s spine. No seeds of that nature had yet been planted, still she found herself praying for the day.

  She kissed him. “Are you so sure they’ll be sons?”

  “Without a doubt,” Marc’s expression was razor sharp and provocative in its intensity. “You’re perfect. I picked you because you’d be the perfect wife to the man I intend to become- a great man. A great man needs sons. Beautiful sons.” He nuzzled her cheek while stroking the line of her thigh covered by the silk of her lounging robe.

  During the hug they shared, Josephine dismissed the shiver of unease mingling with her desire.


  The saying ‘be careful what you wish for’ rang true in Carmen’s mind more often since the bulk of her family seemed to have been scattered to the winds. As a result, she rarely made trips back to visit unless her mother made an issue of it.

  That day; as she lounged in her favorite room overlooking the rear of the property, was one of those times. Carmen counted the days until she had to catch the train back to school. At least she and her mother had nice visits- rather prophetic visits in her opinion.

  It seemed as if Marcella were schooling her, preparing her, telling her things she’d need to know as she matured. Carmen recalled teasing her mother that it sounded like she wouldn’t want to tell her those things later.

  While Marcella’s smile was easy, she’d offer no response to the observation.

  Shaking off the thoughts, Carmen rolled her eyes to the magazines and mail one of the housemaids handed her on the way into the sunroom. Her mother had lost interest in seeing to the mail- the task fell to Houston or to herself or Damon when they arrived home from school.

  Shuffling through the glossy Ebony, Vogue and Gentleman’s Quarterly along with the usual litany of bills and special offers she came across a worn env
elope riddled with stamps. Her name was on the front along with Jasper’s.

  Carmen shrieked, scooting up in her chair as it dawned that Jasper had written to her from Vietnam. Turning her back on the overcast day beyond with windows, she ripped into the envelope.

  A foreign scent rose from the pages and; for a time, she inhaled the aroma imagining herself actually taking in the same air with Jasper. She began to read; loving his descriptions of the beauty, chilled by his descriptions of the horrors and intrigued by his awe with it all. It was as if he were a student researching instead of a soldier on tour.

  Whatever the case, he sounded more content than ever and Carmen told herself that had to be a good thing. Her heart flipped when at the end of the letter, he wrote that he was curious to see the woman she’d become. He hoped she’d write to him although he planned to be home soon and she was the only one he hoped to see.

  ‘Jasper’ he signed.

  Carmen’s eyes closed as she pressed the pages to her face and inhaled.


  Damon raised the volume just a tad beneath the Duke Ellington/John Coltrane arrangement in an effort to drown his brother’s usually welcomed voice. As Westin was presently warning him of how busy a college senior year was, Damon rolled his eyes in no mood for a lecture.

  “…you won’t have time for poking around Ramsey with all that going on, D.”

  “I’m fine with it, I swear. And anyway, what better time to come to learn at Ramsey than while I’m literally still a student?”

  From his home office in Seattle, Washington Westin relaxed behind his desk and nodded at the young man’s reasoning. His mouth curved down in the tell-tale sign of being impressed. “You sure I can’t talk you out of this?” He tried again.

  “Not a chance.”

  “D, isn’t there a girl or three who wouldn’t be wanting a bit of your time?”

  Damon’s fist clenched on impulse, his thoughts going to Catrina Jeffries which was where they usually were when he wasn’t obsessing over getting into Ramsey to keep an eye on his brothers.

  “It won’t be a problem.” Damon said before his silence grew too telling.

  “So have you thought about what department you’d like to be in?”

  “I don’t think that department’s been invented yet, West.”

  Westin turned his suede swivel toward the windows lining the rear of his office and listened while Damon spoke on what was called troubleshooting.

  “Lots of companies are putting the area in place.” Damon leaned over to turn down the Ellington/Coltrane arrangement. “The idea is to have a department that pretty much keeps watch over the business dealings and ensure things run…above board and by the numbers.”

  “Sounds like a company police.”

  “More or less.”

  Westin shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Why would you think we’d need somethin’ like that?”

  “I think it’s important we put this in place now- as a safeguard while there isn’t a reason for it.” Damon relayed the explanation he’d already rehearsed, knowing West would ask and knowing he wasn’t prepared to give the man his true opinion.

  “West, with all the changes taking place at Ramsey- more people are gonna be coming to work for us.” Damon shrugged and slid down in the hardback chair before his desk at home. “It won’t be the same as working exclusively around family and friends who’re from where we’re from. They’ll be different people with different ways of doing things. Ways that; while productive, may not be in Ramsey’s best interest.”

  The explanation gave Westin pause and he began to consider the validity in his brother’s argument. Suddenly, he laughed. “Man, you sure you haven’t already gotten that degree and runnin’ your own biz someplace?”

  Damon joined in the laughter, propping sneaker-clad feet against the desk. “When I first heard of the concept, I knew it’d fit in well at Ramsey.”

  “And you want in on the ground floor?”

  That he’d mentioned any floor told Damon the man was surely warming to the idea.

  “I can make it work, West.”

  “I don’t doubt that. But you know some won’t look too favorably on this new addition.” West stroked his jaw while concern filtered his black stare. “Many may be offended or plain mad as hell to have their shoulders looked over and worse, by the founder’s youngest son.”

  Damon straightened. “It wouldn’t be like that West. But if there was a problem, it’d be my duty to seek out the source and investigate it. I’m not out to tell people how to do their jobs. I promise you that.”

  “I’ll need something in writing, D. Something I can review before I make a final decision.”

  “Not a problem. You’ll have it.” Damon ordered himself to calm even though his heart was in his throat. “Thanks West.”

  “Makin’ no promises, D.”

  “I know, thanks West.”

  “Get to work on that proposal.”


  Daphne’s blondish curls bounced wildly and she let out a triumphant laugh when Houston cursed viciously as he came inside her. She knew to expect the reaction whenever he’d been pleasured most exquisitely. She delighted over being the one to bring about the sensation.

  “I wish I could put you on a shelf somewhere.” Houston panted while squeezing her hips. “I could have you whenever I wanted you.”

  “You could have that.” Daphne managed to keep her voice calm despite the familiar lilt of her heart beneath her breast.

  “You’d really do that? Take no other clients, but me?”

  Daphne’s lashes fluttered in the wake of tears and wave of shame that clutched at her. Of course Houston Ramsey’s thoughts weren’t even running along the same hemisphere as hers. “Silly,” she pushed playfully at his chest. “What else would you think considering… Besides, my only clients have been you and Marc and not even Marc since that first night after the three of us…”

  “So you’re serious?” Houston scooted up in bed, his dark caramel face brightened by expectancy.

  “Well our time together means a lot to me, Houston.” She shrugged, needing to remain calm to take full advantage of the moment. “I want to be at my best for you and that means not letting myself get tired out by taking on more clients.” She bit her lip when his gaze faltered as though the depth of her confession had unsettled him.

  “Actually I’m glad you brought this up.” She folded her legs beneath her and toyed with the tangled covers. “I had thought about maybe branching out with other clients. I could learn so much more if I broadened my horizons- new experiences-”

  He caught her so suddenly, she’d scarcely seen him move. His grip was painful. She welcomed it.

  “Don’t even think about that.” He kissed her hard. “Ever.”

  They fell into another round of sexual exploration. That time, Daphne’s orgasm surged not from arousal but from power.


  Seattle, WA

  “Are you sure he’s just a college kid?” Briselle Ramsey was asking while she prepared dinner one evening. West had just told her about Damon’s call and the review he’d sent per their conversation. Briselle was surprised and very impressed by the young man’s ambition as well as his ideas for the company.

  “Especially with Marc and Houston posting up to be the top dogs back there.”

  Westin pushed aside the salt shaker he toyed with and fixed his wife with surprised eyes. “What do you think of that?” His wife had never shared any of her opinions regarding Ramsey goings on.

  Briselle checked the macaroni casserole in the oven and shrugged. “Daddy said it wasn’t a secret that Mr. Quent had…concerns about Marc being in charge.”

  West leaned back on the kitchen counter and watched his wife go merrily about her cooking. “Did he say why?”

  “I don’t think he ever went into detail.” She added sugar to a pitcher of tea. “I guess it was the way he was so overjoyed- maybe relieved that you were ready to take over.
Daddy said Mr. Quent always bragged about Damon too, talking about his quick brain and how you two were gonna take Ramsey to great heights. He never mentioned Houston or Marc.” Briselle was checking her greens then and noticed her husband’s silence.

  “Did I say something wrong?” She smiled knowingly while wiping her hands on the apron protecting her gray mini-dress. “I know the wife’s place is in the kitchen and out of the business but you did ask.”

  West braced off the counter and pulled Bri close. “The wife’s place is in the kitchen, in the business and in the bedroom.”

  “Well…we can’t go to the bedroom yet.” Her lashes fluttered when he gnawed her neck.

  “Mmm hmm, didn’t I also say ‘in the kitchen’?”

  The couple was engaged in a heated kiss when Georgia found them.

  “Shit!” She gasped before bursting into a nervous laugh. “Sorry y’all,” she whipped off a checkered jacket and found her key inside. “I really need to give this back to y’all.”

  “Hush girl.” Briselle was headed back to the stove.

  “Seriously,” Georgia set the house key to the dinette table. “Y’all just got married, don’t need me droppin’ in unannounced when you want to be alone.”

  “Didn’t I say ‘hush’?” Bri waved a dipping fork in the air. “Go sit your butt in the dining room, I’m about to bring out dinner.”

  “Thanks Bri, but I don’t really have much of an appetite. That’s what I stopped by to tell you.” Georgia’s tired expression was mirrored in her movements when she shrugged back into her jacket. “I’ll probably grab some soup and call it a night.”


  “Good night.”

  “Georgia?” Bri moved from the stove, but gave up when her sister-in-law rushed out of the kitchen and toward the front of the house. She turned to find Westin sampling a corner of the macaroni. “Aren’t you worried about her?”


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