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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 170

by Altonya Washington

  “What?” West’s handsome dark face registered pure innocence. “She said she was gonna eat some soup.”

  Briselle shook her head.

  “Georgia’s gonna be fine.” West blew across the chunk of casserole on the spoon. “She’s just kickin’ herself in the ass ‘cause she knows she made a mistake with Felix.” He savored the macaroni and cheese.

  Bri slapped her hands to her sides. “Well what the hell am I gonna do with all this dinner?”

  “Trust me, it’ll get eaten.” West turned and wiped his hands on her apron. “Right now you can just forget about it.”


  Westin tugged her close again. “I think we were sayin’ somethin’ about the bedroom.”


  “Cotillions and birthday parties are what’s puttin’ you through school lil’ girl.”

  “Daddy…” Catrina closed her eyes and struggled to find the additional swell of humbleness she knew she had stored somewhere. “Daddy I’m sorry and I don’t mean to make it sound like I’m looking down on those things only…” she worried the tassel of her robe fastening and spoke carefully. “Business could quadruple if you were only willing to add just a few other services to the client list.” She bit her bottom lip watching as her father massaged his jaw-a telling sign that he was deeply concentrating.

  “All the time I’m seeing businessmen at the café holding their business meetings.” She continued, “Maybe you’d consider catering business lunches and a few hospital functions. People would pay well for something like that.”

  “Girl, stop aggravating your Daddy with all this talk.” Rosa Jeffries had walked in wiping her hand on a dish towel.

  “My talk could make us rich, Mama.”

  The natural arch of Rosa’s brows raised a notch when she heard her favorite word.

  “You tellin’ me this stuff off the top of your head, Cat?”

  “No Daddy,” Catrina shuffled through the notebooks beside her. “I’ve got it all written down.” A smile brightened her lovely face when she proudly pushed a folder across the table.

  “I’ve been working on it all summer.” Catrina’s mahogany stare shifted from her father to her mother who hovered over his shoulder and studied the proposal as well. “Talking to you about this is all I’ve been able to think of.”

  Rosa pursed her lips and cocked a brow towards her daughter. “You’d do better to think about returning some of Houston Ramsey’s phone calls.”

  Leaning back in the dining chair, Catrina tried not to appear smug. “I have returned his calls, Mama. We’ve been out several times when I’ve been home during my semester breaks.”

  “Well…” Rosa was obviously impressed.

  “Don’t get too involved with them people, Cat.” King warned.

  Catrina straightened and nodded fast. “I won’t Daddy and I only see Houston as a friend anyway.”

  Rosa brought her hands together in a quick clap. “That’s what me and your Daddy started out as.”

  Catrina smiled and watched as her father eased an arm about her mother’s waist. “Sorry Mama, but if I ever marry into a family with money I’ll definitely be bringing in some of my own.”


  “And this stairway takes us back to the parlor,” Josephine’s tone was airy with a touch of regality as she led her mother and sisters through her home.

  Of course Martha Simon had visited several times since her daughter became Mrs. Marcus Ramsey. Clea and Rosselle had yet to accept any of their sister’s offers to visit, until that day. It was obvious that Martha wasn’t all together pleased by the gathering. She knew Ross and Clea well and could only hope their decision to visit their younger sister wasn’t part of an ugly plan. Well…she could always hope.

  Josephine was discussing the furnishings and their origins, when the phone rang. She was pleased to hear her husband’s voice on the other end of the line even though he barely responded to her greeting.

  “I’m bringing some people home for dinner tonight.”

  Josephine managed to keep her smile from wavering. “Tonight?” She inquired softly, well aware that her sisters were watching like hawks.

  “Gerald Scales, William Green and Horace Monroe- along with their wives. And one of ‘em’s allergic to seafood, so none of that Etoufee you like to make.”

  She ignored the rumblings of frustration in her stomach. “Thanks for letting me know, Honey. You’ve um, thought of every detail.” Except how long it’ll take to prepare a meal for eight people and what in the world to serve. She tacked on a sweet laugh for her family’s benefit.

  “We’ll be there by seven.” He hung up without as much as a thank you.

  “Alright then, no no you don’t have to do that, I’ll be fine.” She carried on the phony conversation with Marcus and then tacked on another laugh for her sisters. “I love you too. Bye bye.”

  “Two guesses who that was Clea.”

  “Rosselle hush.” Martha ordered with a scowl. “It’s sweet to have a husband call in the middle of the day. Your Daddy does it and we’ve been married almost forty years.”

  “Yeah it is sweet, Ma.” Clea sauntered around the beautifully furnished white brick parlor. “But some men act that way just to cover up things they’ve done that are less sweet.”

  “And Marc’s just full of sweet gestures.” Rosselle said once Clea’s words had hung heavy in the air for the better part of a minute. “Like all that money he’s sending to Daddy for the family.”

  Josephine’s light eyes widened briefly but long enough that the girls took note of her surprise.

  “Hmph, I’d say he’s buying redemption. Wouldn’t you, Clee?”

  “You two stop it!” Martha hissed.

  Josephine wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of seeing her crumble. “Isn’t it time for y’all to get past the jealousy?”

  “Talk to me about jealousy when all the women your husband’s still fuckin’ start to come out of the woodwork.”


  “It’s alright, Ma.” Josephine ignored the pricks stabbing her heart and held her head a smidge higher. “Are you upset Clee because you’re no longer one of those women?”

  Rosselle came to her sister’s defense. “You may be livin’ high and fancy now but Marc’s still the same nasty muthafucka he’s always been.” She tucked her purse securely beneath her arm. “You have no idea what he is and that’s probably good. Better to be shown than told. I’m sure that’ll be soon. Ma, we’ll see you at home.”

  Josephine waited for the door to slam before giving in to the desire to break down.

  “Oh baby,” Martha rushed to soothe and drew her daughter into a rocking embrace. “Don’t pay no mind to that talk.”

  Josephine shook her head against her mother’s bosom. “I never dreamed of living this way. I never cared about living this way.” She sobbed.

  “I know baby, I know…”

  “Daddy gave us a good life.” Josephine sniffed using the lace sleeve of her cream smock to wipe at the tears. “That life would’ve been good enough for me and to have a man who’d love me as much as Daddy loves you.”

  “Honey…” Martha stroked the braid crowning Josephine’s head and kissed her temple. “Marcus loves you.”

  “Now that I’ve tasted this life, nothing else will do.” Still resting against her mother’s breast, Josephine studied the elegance of the room. “I have to make this work…”

  “You listen to me. I don’t want you talking this way.” Martha jerked her daughter slightly as if trying to bring sense back to her head. “Remember the day he came to propose? How handsome and gentlemanly he was? Clee and Ross are just jealous.” She used the hem of her sweater to dab a tear from Josephine’s cheek. “Men come courtin’ ‘em all the time in spite of their reputations but those two still got high hopes of livin’ like you are.” She nudged Josephine’s chin. “What’s eatin’ away at them is that you got all this beauty ‘round you and you didn’t have to open
your legs first to get it.”

  Josephine cherished the embrace and the patented mother cooing that was a sure path to contentment. While the words and comfort should have eased her mind, Josephine couldn’t silence the nagging voice that chanted Marcus Ramsey was a mistake she’d live to regret.



  “I like it. I like it a lot.” Roland Bray was a boisterous heavy set light-complexioned man with a quick humor and slow yet formidable temper. Damon had known the man all his life and knew he couldn’t have asked for a more suitable partner to help run his department.

  “Obviously your brother’s got a lot of confidence in you.” Roland noted, referring to Westin who’d gained his own share of confidence and respect in the wake of his father’s death.

  “The last year and a half has seen lots of changes at Ramsey.” Roland braced thick fingers against one another as he reared back in his seat at the table. “I believe Quentin would be proud.”

  “Thanks Mr. Bray-Roland.” Damon corrected himself, remembering the man’s insistence that he call him by his first name. “I hope this means you’re interested in my proposal?”

  Roland Bray had been with Ramsey for years. The forty-something businessman held not only experience but a tremendous measure of loyalty and respect from the employees.

  “Having you for an ally would allow this thing to run far easier.” Damon added.

  Roland nodded once again leafing through the bound proposal Damon had provided. “I have been wanting to get involved with a new project.”

  Perceptive as ever, Damon smirked. “But…?”

  Absently, Roland brushed his fingers across the neat mustache he sported. “It’s nothing you don’t already know, kid. Lotta folks will be suspicious about what this new branch will be doing. They’ll be wary, afraid- suspicious may be a better way to put it. Have you thought about that?”

  “It’s the one dark spot I can’t shake since coming up with the idea.” Damon admitted, scanning the crowded dining room at Bowman’s Delicatessen. “It’s the reason I want to bring you in first. With your approval, I’m hoping it’ll assure everyone else that we aren’t spies or cops tryin’ to take anybody down. But if there are concerns, strange or even unscrupulous matters in the wind this department could be the place to air those concerns and have them looked into.”

  Roland was impressed, his brows rose as he nodded. “Overseeing something like this, for a company like this could have huge possibilities. It’d become the heart of the company so to speak. How do your two older brothers feel about you having that kind of power?”

  “They don’t know yet.” Damon grimaced thinking of Marc and Houston. “Westin’s gonna meet with them to discuss it.”

  “And what happens if they don’t like it?”

  “They’ll have to get over it.” Damon pushed aside his unfinished turkey sandwich. “Westin’s for it and he’s in charge.”

  Roland’s laughter started as a chuckle that erupted into a roaring bellow. “You got a shit load of confidence, boy!” He extended a hand. “I like it. Count me in.”

  The new partners were shaking hands when a waitress stopped over to ask if they needed anything else. The girl’s eyes were all but glued to Damon who requested another soda and graced her with his heart-stopping dimpled smile. Roland grinned and asked for more coffee when the young woman finally gave him her attention. When she’d gone, Roland headed off for the bathroom.

  Damon opened his portfolio and put a check next to Roland Bray’s name. He was feeling confident and rather happy until he saw Houston walking into the deli with Catrina Jeffries on his arm.

  No one aside from family or close friends recognized the tell-tale signs of Damon Ramsey’s temper heating. That was pretty much because Damon had such excellent control over his emotions. Also, because little happened to truly rile him. Goings on with his brothers was to be expected, so no emotional upsets there. Now however, there was the telling clench of his jaw, the erratic dance of the muscles there and the narrowing of his black stare as he rested his cheek on his fist.

  He watched the couple looking around to choose a seat in the crowded room. Damon was so preoccupied by the way Houston cupped Catrina’s elbow- the way his hand pressed to the small of her back to guide her to an unoccupied table in a far corner. He didn’t think of what he’d have said if they’d seen him.

  He thought back to his talk with Carmen when she told him of Houston’s interest in Catrina Jeffries. He’d cast it off then with little more than a shrug. Actually seeing them together now…his brother was infatuated.

  Hell, how could he not be? Damon slid his gaze back to Catrina. He accepted that his earlier reaction to what Carmen had said had been a lie. This didn’t sit well with him. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like this at all.


  “This place has the best Chicken fried steak.” Houston idly commented once the waitress had walked off with their drink orders.

  Catrina crossed her arms over the emerald linen jacket she sported. “Thanks a lot.” She retorted and smiled when her pointed remark drew Houston’s head up from the menu he studied.

  Laughter sounded at the table when Houston caught the joke. He reached over to take her hand as their chuckles settled.

  “You know, makin’ me laugh is not an easy thing to do.” He said.

  A playful frown tugged at Catrina’s lovely face and she settled back in her chair. “That’s terrible. Laughter should never be so hard to come by.”

  “Well it is for me.” He shrugged. “Guess it all depends on who’s responsible for it.”

  Catrina bristled minutely and tried to tug her hand free when Houston’s expression intensified.

  “I want you to meet my family.”

  “Houston no,” she blurted, shaking her head while his hold on her hand tightened consistently. “I- it’s too soon I…” Meeting his family would put a far too serious mood on this- this…acquaintance than she’d like.

  “I’m just not ready Houston and besides,” she reached over to pat his hand. “I’m more interested in getting to know you better first.”

  He appeared to understand, focusing on her hand resting across his. “I’ve never done anything all right Catrina. Not one thing and that’s unheard of for a Ramsey- especially a Ramsey son.”

  The waitress returned with their Pepsi-Colas and Houston quieted until they were alone again.

  “I’ve got three brothers- one who’s smart as hell in business, another who can charm the pants or panties off anyone and then one who’s got it all wrapped into one with looks that can actually stop a woman from talking.” He grinned. “You know what sort of looks it takes to do something like that?”

  Catrina toyed with the straw in her glass while her thoughts settled on Damon for a brief moment.

  Houston was shaking his head. “My great ability is being awkward. Nothing I say or do ever comes out right.”

  “Houston…” Catrina brushed her fingers across the back of his hand.

  He turned the tables, clutching both her hands in his. “You’re the best thing. The only thing I’ve gotten completely right and I want my family to see that. Seeing you would change everything they think they know about me.”

  Silently, Catrina berated herself for not taking pity on the man. At the same time she berated herself for taking pity. Smiling, she nodded. “Alright Houston. Alright.”


  “Mr. King is gonna be one happy man in a few weeks.” Marcus predicted while preparing for bed.

  The impromptu dinner party had been a complete success and everyone had to know how Josephine had managed it. Her admission of relying on Jeffries Catering had her high brow guests whispering about the well known black restaurant few of them had frequented for anything more than a quick lunch or a bite to eat after a day at the office.

  “I’ll bet Mr. Jeffries will be pretty shocked to have a whole list of white folks calling his line.” Josephine smirked w
hile removing her earrings. “Guess I’ll believe that when I see it- or hear of it.” She mused softly, believing her husband’s assurance in his guests was only them saying anything to butter up a potential Ramsey client.

  “Candace Scales swears she’s gonna call him for her dinner party in two weeks.” Marc shared while removing his cuff links.

  “Scales?” Josephine inquired absently, unclasping the pins that secured her chignon.

  “Gerald Scales’ wife. The old guy?”

  “Right,” Josephine had to laugh silently recalling one of their guests referring to the 30ish Mrs. Scales as Mr. Scales nurse.

  Josephine’s amusement didn’t last long though once Marc’s voice filtered in as he continued to rave over the evening. He’d never once really come out and told her she’d done a good job. He’d certainly never apologized for putting her on the spot for planning the dinner in the first place.

  “Oh well, I sure was grateful when Mr. Jeffries took the order. Dinner parties aren’t things they do, but he’s looking to expand so…” She selected a lotion from the array of bottles on the vanity. “I was so hysterical when I called thankful someone had taken pity on me.”

  “Well everybody sure was impressed. I think they’ll give me anything to sign Ramsey.” He began to whistle while unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Did I tell you my family came to visit yesterday?” Josephine’s wicked juices were flowing hot and heavy by then. “They couldn’t stop talking about all that money you’re sending them.”

  Marc turned from the floor length mirror.

  Josephine bowed her head to hide her smile. Her husband’s good mood had vanished.

  “What the hell did they bring that up for?”

  She shrugged, feigning interest in lotioning her elbows. “Actually they were talking about how sweet you were to call me in the middle of the day.” The words made her gag. “Ross or… maybe it was Clea said you were doing lots of sweet things and mentioned the money.” Her sigh was dramatic when she set the lotion back to the vanity. “They did say they weren’t sure if it was really sweetness or for redemption.”


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