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Worthy of the Billionaire

Page 2

by Krista Lakes

  “Your posture is improving, Claire.” His breath caressed my ear, sending a shiver down my spine again. I was so proud I was doing what he wanted. He pulled back my collar and touched the duct tape running down my spine. Without warning he ripped it off, the tape pulling all the small hairs down to the middle of my shoulder blades, where my bra stopped him from pulling further.

  I yelped with surprise. My skin tingled with pain as the hair roots screamed. I almost came. The pain was the perfect accompaniment to the pleasure in my nether regions- an added sensation to the growing bubble inside me. He brushed his fingers against the reddened skin, the soft touch zinging my nerves. I bit down hard on my lip to keep my orgasm in check, the vibrator merciless against me. He chuckled behind me as I heard wood scrape against the box.

  Again he knelt in front of me. My lip hurt from biting it so hard, but I didn’t dare release it. The shadows highlighted a predatory grin as he reached around my torso and skillfully undid the clasp of my bra with one hand. “A trick I learned,” he murmured as he pulled his hand out. With the clasp undone, he pulled the bra down, sliding the straps down to my elbows and releasing my tits.

  He reached out and touched the soft curve of one of them, following the underside and up the cleavage. My breath was ragged and harsh, every muscle in my body taught and waiting for him to tell me I could have release. Every fiber in my body screamed with need. He showed me one of the clothes pins, opening and closing it.

  “When I put this on your nipple, you are allowed to come once. Only once until I say so. Do you understand?” His voice was like velvet in the gray of the room. I nodded vehemently, eager to please. He slowly pinched the ends together, the tip opening like a hungry mouth, and he grazed the open mouth up the outside of my breast. I held my breath waiting for him to place it as he slowly circled it around my areola. I was losing control of myself as he slowly moved the clothespin, perspiration beading on my brow.

  He slowly positioned the hungry maw over my erect nipple. It snapped shut and my bubble of need popped. I screamed in delight as my nipple radiated electric pain through my body triggering an overwhelming orgasm. My insides quivered with bliss as my pussy clenched and vibrated. When I opened my eyes, I could see Mr. King sitting in front of me obviously enjoying the sight. I could feel another tidal wave of pleasure threatening my shores and I bit my lip again. He eyes glowed with lust as he played with the second clothes pin. I watched him with eagerness and a little apprehension as he squeezed and relaxed it in his fingers.

  “Remember, you can’t cum this time.” He whispered playfully at me. The wood clenched onto my nipple. I whimpered, the pain shooting and mixing with the pleasure from the vibrator. “Good girl,” he praised me. I practically beamed, my back arching to display my new accessories to him. I could feel the bottom half of the duct tape pull on skin reminding me to keep straight. He dragged a finger across my breast, flicking the clothes pin when he came across it sending a sting through my core. He stood slowly and I could see the erection bulging in his pants.

  He undid the leather belt at his waist, undoing the button, then lowering the zipper. He reached in and brought out his erect cock. The light from the entryway reflected off the smooth head, a drop of pre-cum oozing out. I licked my lips with anticipation as he moved forward and straddled my legs. His manhood was an inch away staring up at me as he brought the tip to my lips. I opened my mouth and he dragged the tip across my cheek to my outstretched tongue. A little shudder of pleasure floated through him as I flicked my tongue across the tip, tasting a sweet saltiness.

  “You may cum again when I cum. Keep your posture” He guided himself deeper into my mouth. I started sucking, moving my tongue to please him, eager to cum myself. He groaned and grabbed my hair, using both hands to guide his cock in and out of my mouth. I fought my gag reflex as he pushed deep into my throat again and again. His rhythm increased as he began fucking my mouth. The tape on my back resisted my motions, giving tiny twinges as it slowly gave way as I leaned forward.

  My whimpers only spurred him on, his cock massive in my mouth. I tried to cry out, but he made no room in my mouth for anything but him. I could feel him swell even more in my mouth, my body protesting the wait to release the tension in me. He forced himself deep into my throat, my hair tangled in his fingers. He thrusted again and again, until he finally released his semen into my mouth.

  I nearly gagged as it hit the back of my throat, but upon tasting the salty slippery liquid my body seized. My body rocked with bliss, finally releasing the orgasm that I had been saving for these long minutes. The feeling was intense, but I knew I had to keep working to please Mr. King. I kept sucking and swallowing every ounce out of him. He kept fucking my mouth as I milked the rest of his seed from him. It wasn’t long before he grew soft and pulled out, leaving a line of white down my chin.

  He reached out and wiped my chin with his thumb. His hand caressed my neck and down to cup my breast. He undid one pin, relief flooding my body to the point of pain. He rubbed his thumb across my abused nipple. I squeaked as he slowly rubbed it, sensation threatening to overwhelm me. He reached down and removed the vibrator. My clit ached from the prolonged exposure to the vibrations. I barely felt his fingers run across my underwear as he soothingly touched me.

  He picked up the scissors and cut the twine releasing my ankles and then my wrists. I brought my hands in front of me, massaging the red lines like bracelets around my wrists. I had struggled into my bonds without realizing it; there would be bruises later. He undid the second clothes pin, the shock causing me to whimper. He put a hand to my cheek for a moment, before standing and letting me catch my breath. My body was throbbing with pain and the aftermath of pleasure, my mind lost on endorphins. He kissed me gently on my forehead before moving towards the window.

  I sat for a moment collecting myself. I reached around and re-clasped my bra, and tried to pull my shirt together to cover my front. I looked down at my skirt wondering if I could mend the slice his scissor had made. I had a feeling I couldn’t, but a few clothes were a fair price to pay for this mind blowing experience. I stood on shaky legs and gathered my coat and slid on my shoes. I stood by the door for a moment, unsure if I should leave.

  “Have a good evening Miss Vanders. Drive home safely.” He was just a dark silhouette as I opened the door, his back to me as he looked out the window. He radiated an emotion that I couldn’t place- a strange combination of contentment and heartache. I quietly closed the door behind me and returned to my car. I managed to make it to my couch before collapsing from exhaustion and launching into amazing sexy dreams.


  I arrived the next day to find a box on my desk. Inside was a brand new designer dress suit. I knew it would fit perfectly. I smiled and held the jacket up admiring the color and stitching. It was beautiful and I knew it must have cost about two months of my salary. I suddenly wasn’t mad about my skirt being ruined anymore. I noticed a note tied to the box in Mr. Kings messy scrawl.


  It was great to see you last night. I hope you had as wonderful a time as I did. It was just like old times. If you are interested, I would love to have you for dinner at my place tonight. 7pm.


  I tucked the box under my desk and started in on my work.


  As Mr. Jenkins and I walked into Mr. King’s office to give him his daily briefing, I hoped that Mr. Jenkins wouldn’t sense that anything was different with Mr. King and I. After all, he probably already believed I slept my way into this position, and anything that vindicated that thought could possibly work against me in the future. I needn’t have worried.

  As we walked through the double doors, Mr. King was talking on the phone. As part of my training, Mr. Jenkins has made sure to let me know that if Mr. King was attending to other business, I was to wait. Mr. Jenkins left me in the room with him, to wait for him to be ready for me. I looked him over. He was as strong and confident as ever as he let the party on th
e other end of the phone know in no uncertain terms that this was his company, and that if he wanted to keep arguing the point, he could start his own company. My thoughts couldn’t help but flash to the night before, and how it had been his show then too. He hung up angrily.

  “Hello, Mr. King,” I said, eager to get to my report. I had spent all morning working on it, putting extra emphasis on a department that had a time-sensitive matter that needed Mr. King’s attention.

  Mr. King wasted no time. “What can you tell me about the antivirus department’s development on our efforts to become compatible with the latest mobile phone operating system?”

  “Um, uh,” I stammered, searching through my notes. “I know I have something in here about them in my daily report, if you’d like me to start from the beginning.”

  “No, Ms. Vanders, I want the information about them now. Are they up to speed or aren’t they?” Mr. King insisted, obviously growing impatient.

  “Here, I’ve got something. ‘The antivirus department reports that they are working towards full compatibility with the new operating system.’”

  There was a pause. “And...?” he asked.

  I started to sweat as I shuffled through my papers. “That’s all I seem to have on them,” I said frantically.

  “Well what the fuck do I pay you for then? I expect you to be intimately aware of many of the details of this company, not just regurgitate press releases. If I was happy with what you just told me, I could have got it from the asshole I just talked to.”

  His anger was palpable, and I was starting to get pretty angry myself. Just who did he think he was, talking to me like that. He’s your boss, the voice inside me said, and I resigned myself to just taking the tongue lashing. I looked at him, unsure of what to say next. He finally broke eye contact with me and seemed to get angrier.

  “Why are you hunching again?” he said, as if he could hardly believe his eyes. I sat up with a jolt, almost as if he had torn that piece of duct tape off my back again. He pulled off his shoes, and I was worried for a moment that he was going to ask me to do the same, to punish me right here in his office. Instead, he pulled a pair of tennis shoes from a desk drawer. He put them on, unbuttoned a couple buttons on his dress shirt, and jumped on his treadmill.

  “I want you back up here at three o’clock, this time with a more detailed report. Don’t disappoint me again, and don’t hunch when you come up here. Do whatever it takes, and hopefully I’ll have cooled off by then,” he said, as he cranked the treadmill up to a full running speed.

  I left his office in a hurry, mad at myself for disappointing Mr. King and disgusted at myself for being so sexually turned on by his dressing down. I was no longer sure I’d show up at his house for dinner as he requested, but I had a couple days to decide.


  I worked through lunch to make the report he requested, hounding Mr. Cirrus, the department head who was already mad at being yelled at by the boss. I talked with some of his managers and even some of the software production employees, and they walked me through it and explained some of it. From what little I understood of it, they were making good progress, and the department head had nothing to worry about, they would hit their deadline. One manager, Mr. Thayer, even offered to send me weekly progress reports personally, a courtesy that would make my job even easier. I thanked him and went to write up my report.

  As I walked into Mr. King’s office for the second time that day, I was much more confident in my ability to impress him outside of the bedroom. Fuck him and fuck his dinner. I could do this job and I needed to prove it to myself and to him.

  He was much calmer than he had been earlier as I made it to his desk. He saw the report in my hand as I walked up, and with no small talk held his hand out to accept it from me. He read it in silence, asking no questions. I managed to keep my posture correct through voluntarily reminding myself that it would set him off if I slouched for even a moment. I could see him making mental notes as he read. Suddenly, he hit his intercom button.

  “Send Mr. Cirrus and Mr. Thayer up to my office, please.”

  They continued to sit in silence as they waited for the two men to be summoned. Mr. Thayer was there almost immediately and sat down quietly. However, Mr. King had already read through the report and had started looking up a couple of things before Mr. Cirrus showed up. I watched as the scene unfolded in front of me, an observer to the real management of this company.

  “Mr. Cirrus, Mr. Thayer here has offered me more operational details in an afternoon than you have offered me through the length of the project. Why is that?” Mr. King started off, seeming pretty calm.

  Mr. Cirrus seemed taken off guard. “I’ve given you summaries every week, sir!”

  Mr. King snickered. “Your one sentence blurbs are no longer going to cut it around here.” He paused. “Mr. Cirrus, Mr. Thayer, you’re both aware of how important it is we meet this deadline, correct?” Both men answered with an affirmative. “Then you’ll understand that I can’t afford a shakeup in your department right now. Mr. Cirrus, at the conclusion of this project, your role will turn into more of an advisory one. You will be teaching Mr. Thayer the ins and outs of your current job, and once he’s ready, I’ll be transferring you to a position in R&D.”

  Mr. Cirrus sat there, with his mouth agape. “R&D? A demotion? Are you serious? After my department has hit all of its goals?”

  Mr. King shot a glare back at him. “Yes, Mr. Cirrus, a demotion. You’ve disappointed me, even failed me, but you’re too valuable to fire. A few months in R&D will remind me why I hired you, and remind you of...”

  Mr. Cirrus cut him off. “You don’t have to worry about giving me a job to cool my heels while I’m pushed into early retirement. I quit!” he yelled as he stood up and knocked his chair over. He gave a piercing glare at me, as if this was all my fault, before storming out of the room.

  Mr. Thayer was clearly in shock from what had just happened. He was about to be promoted up about three levels and just watched his boss’ boss storm out in a huff.

  Mr. King turned to him. “I know this is sudden for you, but I can’t have you take over the whole department immediately. The deadline is the most important thing right now, and so I’ll be bringing in an experienced executive to take over until it’s done. You’ll answer directly to him, and he’ll train you in how to run the entire department. You’ll still be expected to run your current team while doing all this, so there will be some long hours. I’ll be giving you the executive pay package effective today, and you can move into Mr. Cirrus’ office tomorrow.”

  Mr. Thayer seemed overjoyed. “Thank you so much, sir! You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  Mr. King smiled, the first genuine smile I had seen all day. “You’ve got a lot of work to do, so I won’t keep you. Just know that I’m expecting a lot of you, and that I hope you won’t disappoint me.” There was a bit of a steely edge in his voice as he spoke the last words, as if there was an implied “like Mr. Cirrus did” at the end of the sentence. Mr. Thayer excitedly picked up the chair that Cirrus had knocked over and quickly walked from the office.

  Mr. King turned his attention to me. “You’ve managed to keep from disappointing me too, and I am quite pleased with this report. You may have changed the course of this company for the better, and I am already glad I hired you. I’ll see you tonight.” He turned back to his computer, not waiting for any response. As I walked out, I was happy to have pleased Mr. King, and decided I would go to dinner that night, if only to get the opportunity to please him again in a more personal way.


  Dinner was delicious. Roasted tarragon chicken, chili green beans and with a risotto that would make a chef cry. A dry white wine accented the dish perfectly. Then a sweet dessert wine and tiramisu for dessert. The conversation was as good as I remembered it from our college days. He still had that irritating ability to find any hole in my logic and exploit it mercilessly. It made for a fantastic back and forth as
we debated the merits of everything from football to politics. I managed to get him to laugh several times throughout the meal and every time it made my heart beat faster. When he smiled like that it was contagious, and incredibly sexy.

  We sipped on the last of the wine in his study. He wanted to show me a project he was working on. He had me sit at his desk so that I could see the computer screen as he typed. I watched with interest as the next big thing in programming opened before my very eyes. With him hovering over my shoulder to point out what he was planning on doing, I couldn’t concentrate on the screen. I breathed in his cologne, a smell that reminded me of rushing water in a deep woods, and leaned back into his chest. He kept talking, the rumble in his chest soothing and intoxicating as the wine. His hand strayed to my leg, and I leaned into him. He nuzzled my neck and I knew neither one of us cared about the computer anymore. He helped me up and we quickly moved to the bedroom.

  A big four-post monstrosity of a bed dominated the room. The door clicked quietly shut behind me and the room seemed to quiver with excitement. I walked obediently to the foot of the bed, turned around and waited for him to tell me what he wanted. He stood looking at me for a moment, a tender smile gracing his face. I had missed him.

  “Take off your dress and bra. Then give me your hands.”

  I sexily slid out of my black dress, the silky fabric falling to the floor. I made sure he got a show as I wiggled out of the bra. He didn’t say anything about my heels or lacy panties, so I left them in place presenting my hands out in front of me. He sauntered towards me, his eyes like storm clouds of lust. He had a long satin scarf in his hands that he wrapped skillfully around my wrists. The cool fabric felt soft against the bruises from the twine, a gentle caress of black satin.

  He raised my hands above my head and tied the scarf ends to the top of one of the bedposts. He ran his fingers down my arms, down my cleavage, along the curve of my hip, and then along the top of my underwear. His touch was like fire, burning into my skin and turning my insides into an inferno of desire. He kissed me then. It started sweet, but became more powerful as our tongues merged. I bit his lower lip, keeping his mouth close to mine. His hands were strong on my shoulders, his body pushing mine into the bedpost.


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