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Worthy of the Billionaire

Page 3

by Krista Lakes

  I could feel his erection pushing against my hip, straining to escape its cloth confines. I rubbed my hips towards him, dancing along his body. He groaned into my mouth before pulling back and stepping to the nightstand. I could only hear him open a drawer and pull something out.

  He came back into my line of sight with a bamboo skewer, like one a person would use to make shish-kabobs. He had a devilish gleam in his eyes as he loomed in front of me. He ran the small wooden stick down my arm. It felt sharp, but didn’t even leave a mark on my skin. A twinge passed through my stomach in excitement at the possibilities. He reached behind him, pulling a second scarf from his back pocket. With a mischievous grin he tied the silky black fabric across my eyes.

  Darkness enveloped me, as I heard him chuckle. He kissed my neck, down to my collar bone, and gave a small kiss to the middle of my cleavage. A sharp line flared down my cleavage line. I gasped and puffed my chest out towards him, liking the razor-sharp sensation. He kissed a nipple, making it stand to attention. The pink nub went into his mouth, and then he blew a breath of warm air on it. I shivered and suddenly felt the tip of the skewer pointing into the upraised flesh. I knew that the stick was not sharp enough to hurt me, but it still felt as though he were pushing it through my skin. I whimpered and he pulled back, running it along the curve of my breast. He repeated the piercing sensation again, waiting until I whimpered to stop the pressure.

  He backed away from me and I heard a rustling noise that could only be the sound of him removing his shirt. I could feel his warmth radiating next to me as I heard a click as the skewer hit the floor and I wondered what was coming next. A hand caressed my hip, tracing the outline of my panties. A single finger grabbed the waistband and slowly pulled them down.

  I stood still as they lay around my feet, not trusting my balance in heels to remove them further. An appreciative chuckle filled my ears as he looked me over, blindfolded with my hands held high and naked but for a strappy pair of heels. I groaned as he tenderly touched my pussy lips, a light touch that made my juices flow. He fondled my lips, slowly opening me like a flower and finding my sweet clit. He pinched it between his fingers and grabbed my ass.

  “Come for me. Come like a good girl” he whispered in my ear as he rubbed my clit between his fingers. I panted as my body ached to fill his command. A second hand reached up and began playing with my nipple, the dual sensations threatening to tip me over the edge. He kept chanting for me to come, and in a matter of moments my body tensed and released, a flood of color surging though my blindfold. As I swam in eddies of delight I could feel him back away and remove the rest of his clothing. Part of me was disappointed that I had a blindfold on and missed the show, but the thrill of not knowing what was coming next was worth it.

  I felt his cock on my slit, lightly running up and down my opening, the only thing touching me. I leaned forward, but he stood his ground, keeping the only connection between us the tip of his cock. I moaned as my juices leaked onto his member and he slowly leaned into me, pushing on the entrance to my pussy.

  I wanted to feel him in me, and I tried to move my hips to take him in, but he blocked every attempt and just kept himself on the edge. I could feel my lust and desire building inside of me, and I seriously considered begging him to fuck me. The words were forming on my lips when, suddenly he thrusted up, and railed his cock deep into my pussy.

  I wasn’t expecting anything like that and I yelped, fighting my restraints. He grabbed my hips and penetrated me, pinning me to the bedpost as he took exactly what he wanted. He grunted with the effort as he slammed his massive cock deep into my tight pussy. I wrapped one leg around him, his skin hot against my leg as he dove deeper and deeper. I wished my hands were free to bury into his back, but I loved having them up in the air. I was helpless to his desire and I loved it. His mouth found my shoulder and he bit down, a surge of endorphins flooding my skin. My cries only spurred him on, my calf feeling his ass contract with each thrust upward.

  He ripped off the blindfold, the light of the room momentarily blinding me, as he pulled out and stepped back. There was a delicious sheen of sweat on his brow, and his cock glistened with my wetness.

  “Get on the bed” he growled. I put a knee up on the bed and crawled up, managing to be semi-graceful despite the lack of my hands. He stalked around and jumped on the bed, grabbing my hips and positioning me into a modified doggy style. My hands held the banister close to where they were tied, my ass pointing back into the bed where he was waiting. His fingers dug deep into my hips, grabbing my hip bones and he again began thrusting. I arched my back thrusting my ass up to meet him.

  A sizzling hand print found my ass with a loud smack as he continued to rail into me. Another spank followed behind, a satisfying slap sound filling the air. I wanted every inch of him. I pushed my ass back into his abs with his every thrust, his balls bouncing on my ass. Our skin met with a carnal slap with every plunge, the sound filling the room and mixing with our cries of passion.

  His thrusting was growing erratic and stronger; I knew it wouldn’t be long now. I felt him swell within me and then with a guttural roar, spray his hot seed deep into my loins. Hot cum seared into my pussy, filling me with white. He kept ramming his cock into my backside, his cum leaking out and making it slippery. He fucked me until he could fuck no more, and when he pulled out, I moaned with release, feeling empty and full at the same time.

  He slapped my ass again, my ass-cheeks red with handprints from the previous spanks. I held still waiting for him to release me. Instead, he stood up and walked to the dresser, opening a drawer. He pulled out a delicate pearl necklace. He carefully undid the clasp and placed it around my neck, reaching around and closing it on me. He then reached up and undid the scarf holding me in place, my hands going to my throat once they freed themselves of their satiny bounds.

  It was a strand of iridescent black pearls that just hovered above my collarbone. They were all perfect matches of each other, and so dark they seemed purple in the gleam of the light. I had never seen anything like it; it was simple yet absolutely stunning. He had a sheepish grin on his face as he watched me play with it.

  “You like it?”

  “Love it.” I beamed at him.

  His smile lit up the room. He looked like a proud child, happy to have pleased.

  “Do you promise to keep it?” His brow crinkled a little at the thought that I might return it. I couldn’t dash the hope in those eyes. Besides, I knew whatever it cost he could afford it. I promised and he practically danced around the room. His happiness made me laugh as he did a happy dance.

  He clicked the light-switch off and tackled me back into the bed, his grin contagious even in the dark. He deftly maneuvered me into the nook of his arm as he settled back onto the pillows. I played with the pearls, wondering why he had made me promise to keep it. He whispered into my hair as we snuggled down for the night. I felt safe and warm. I felt sleep tugging me with its sweet embrace, and I let it take me as I relaxed into his strong arms.


  $6,000. That’s what a strand of similar pearls was going for on Ebay. My hand trembled as I stroked the beautiful beads. I almost took them off, feeling like something worth that much should not be gracing the neck of someone with $127.65 in their bank account. I was afraid I would somehow lose them, that they could magically fly off my neck the minute someone found out how much they were worth. I took a deep breath in, finding that it really didn’t help soothe me as much as I had hoped. So, with a shaky hand I collected my papers and went into my first meeting of the day knowing that I had a small bank on my throat.

  As I walked into the boardroom, Mr. King caught my eye and grinned at me. He touched his neck and winked, making the gesture look random, but knowing that I would see he was glad I was wearing his gift. I shook my head and took a set my supplies down at an empty seat. The meeting hadn’t started yet, and only three of the five board members were present. Two older men stood by a coffee pot discussing a round of
golf, while a stylish woman sat at the table glaring at her laptop.

  My fingers shook as I shuffled my papers and tried to look calm. I was just being introduced to the board. I didn’t have to present anything yet or answer any questions, but the pit in my stomach apparently thought I was. The woman at the computer glared at me, waves of disdain radiating off her. I wondered what had her in such a mood.

  The last two members shuffled in, deep in conversation that stopped as soon as they sat. Mr. King introduced me and the meeting began. The meeting didn’t pertain to me, so I began looking over the financial reports for the quarter. Something about the numbers felt off and I buried my nose into the laptop, trying to catch the scent of what bothered me.

  The room was suddenly quiet. I looked up realizing that almost everyone had left. The angry woman slammed her laptop into a case and stalked out, silent fury dripping from her every pore. I looked after her for a moment, the funny numbers in my laptop forgotten. Mr. King shook his head at her as the door slammed behind her. He sat on the table next to my computer so he could look at me.

  “What’s her problem?” I asked him as I stared at the closed door.

  “No idea. Dinner tonight?” He managed to keep an innocent face.

  I did my best impression of coy, as I slowly closed my laptop and pretended to think about it. He laughed at my pitiable attempt and ran a finger across my pearls. I shivered with anticipation.

  “They look good on you.”He paused, obviously deciding if he should say more. My curiosity piqued at why he had chosen these pearls, and I resolved to ask him at dinner.

  “Dinner’s at 7 sharp. I’ll give you a ride.” He winked and hopped of the table.

  “Oh, and I was planning something special for dessert...” He let the sentence drift as he strolled out the door. I bit my lip and started counting down until dinner.

  Worthy of the Billionaire's Trust

  I woke with a start, the room dark and unfamiliar. A warm presence to my right mumbled and hugged me in closer, and I slowly relaxed back into his soft embrace. The clock in Gregory King’s ornate bedroom read a little after 3am. I still had at least two more hours left to sleep before my day would begin. I knew I was going to want to stay in bed, the idea of playing hooky with Mr. King made me smile, but I knew he would never go for it.

  Running his business was practically an obsession with him. I was very much his employee, not his lover, at work, so these quiet moments were precious and few. I snuggled back into Mr. King’s warm arms, letting his gentle breathing lull me back to sleep. My wrists ached from the cuffs he had me in earlier that evening, but the bruises were worth it. Every night spent with him was worth it. I let my thoughts wander as I closed my eyes to shut out the numbers on the clock.

  My brain immediately tried to tick off the various meetings on the schedule that day; three development meetings, a payroll issue, lunch, a board meeting in which I was presenting the financial stability projections for the quarter, and the myriads of small issues I knew were going to pop up throughout the day. I let them all wash over me, letting each one have a second of my time before going on to the next. It was strangely relaxing to plan out my day in the safety of the dark morning. I loved my job.

  I had been working directly with Mr. King for almost three months now, and I had found my rhythm. It had taken a few weeks to acclimate, but I was excelling and finding solutions to problems before they even registered as problems. It was also wonderful to be with Gregory King again. I felt him twitch in a dream, holding me tighter as he mumbled into my hair.

  He was two separate people, and I found myself wanting to please both of them. The sweet and thoughtful man from college only came out when we were alone and filled my nights. The powerful businessman version, demanding and controlling, filled my days. He made sure to keep the two identities separate, and I had learned quickly that despite our evening rendezvous, I could expect no quarter from him if I failed any of his business demands.

  I could feel sleep slowly creeping up on me. My brain slowly let the sweet darkness envelope me and I drifted off, safe and warm in Mr. King’s arms.


  Something felt off. The office had its normal hum, the secretaries busily clicking at computers, the phones ringing, and sporadic chatter filling the morning air, but I felt a tension in the air. It felt like a thunderstorm was coming, the office mood heavy and jumpy. The interns seemed to be hiding more than usual, and the secretary’s voices seemed to squeak too brightly. Just as forest animals know when a storm is coming, the office knew something big was going to happen. I gathered my usual morning information, and went to find Edward Thayer, head of the antiviral department, to get the production updates I needed to brief Mr. King with that morning. Thayer was in panic mode when I found him.

  “Oh God, Claire! I don't know how something like this could have happened! What the hell are we going to do? What am I going to do? I can't face him alone with this...”

  Claire could almost see the life draining from him as he spoke. His skin was pale, except for flushed cheeks, and his hair looked like he had run his hands through it all morning. He was fluttering about his office like a frightened butterfly, never landing anywhere, but almost touching everything. He tried to pick up a folder, but it slid through his hands and fell to the floor. He stood for a moment and stared at the papers, his face crumpled like he might cry. I quickly bent and picked up the scattered papers and put them back in his shaking hands.

  “Ed, you know I have your back in any meeting you might have with Mr. King. Now, what on earth is the matter?” I asked gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. His whole body seemed to be trembling.

  “You haven’t seen it yet then? Oh Claire- it is bad. So bad... Mr. King isn’t going to just fire all of us- he is going to personally kill all of us. At least twice.” his voice drifted into a mumble as fear shook through him.

  I knew that, since Thayer had gotten this job he sometimes had a crisis of confidence. I understood, since he had overnight jumped three pay grades and been put in charge of over a hundred people. Usually when he got like this, I could defuse him with humor. “Let me see. It can’t be that bad- at worst he will just kill you and make you zombie slaves. Saves on payroll,” I tried gently, but my humor went right past him. His hands shook as he opened his laptop and handed it to me. Up on the screen was a email file addressed to the head of the antiviral company.

  Dear Mr. King,

  I have hacked your system. You destroyed me and now I am going to destroy you. Attached you will find a portion of the antiviral source code to prove that I have it. I have the entirety of it and will be selling it to anyone interested in purchasing the information. I also have used to it to develop a virus that is implanted in every computer in the King Corp. building.

  If you wish to stop the virus, I want 5 million US dollars wired to an account in the Grand Caymans. If this is done by Wednesday at 5pm EST, I will disable the virus. For an additional 5 million I will not alert the media to the breach in your antiviral system. The last bit, the source code, will cost you 10 million for me to destroy all copies of.

  You should never have fired me.

  If you involve the authorities in any way, I will activate the virus and I will release this information to the public.



  I had to read it twice.

  “I don’t understand. I know that the virus would be bad because our anti-virus software would have no way of finding or stopping it, and I know that the public finding out about this would be bad, but why would releasing the source code destroy the company?” I asked confused. In my mind the worst would be that people would use the information to get free anti-virus, and while bad, not the end of the world.

  “If he releases the source code, we have no way to stop other people from building mal-ware that can hide from our system. Every one of our customers would be vulnerable to attacks. If it got out that this had happened, no one would
buy our software. Lawsuits would occur. Did you know we supply the government with this? National security would be compromised. If the source code is released, the company would never recover. We would all lose everything,” Mr. Thayer explained.

  I tried to wrap my brain around the concept and instead my thoughts flipped to when Mr. Cirrus had quit.

  Mr. King snickered. “Your one sentence blurbs are no longer going to cut it around here.” He paused. “Mr. Cirrus, Mr. Thayer, you’re both aware of how important it is we meet this deadline, correct?” Both men answered with an affirmative. “Then you’ll understand that I can’t afford a shakeup in your department right now. Mr. Cirrus, at the conclusion of this project, your role will turn into more of an advisory one. You will be teaching Mr. Thayer the ins and outs of your current job, and once he’s ready, I’ll be transferring you to a position in R&D.”

  Mr. Cirrus sat there, with his mouth agape. “R&D? A demotion? Are you serious? After my department has hit all of its goals?”

  Mr. King shot a glare back at him. “Yes, Mr. Cirrus, a demotion. You’ve disappointed me, even failed me, but you’re too valuable to fire. A few months in R&D will remind me why I hired you, and remind you of...”

  Mr. Cirrus cut him off. “You don’t have to worry about giving me a job to cool my heels while I’m pushed into early retirement. I quit!” he yelled as he stood up and knocked his chair over. He gave a piercing glare at me, as if this was all my fault, before storming out of the room.

  I remembered him leaving the building, escorted by security. He had yelled out that Mr. King would be sorry, that he would ruin him. Everyone had taken it as the ramblings of an unhappy, disgruntled employee. The implications of this email slowly began to hit me. This would be disastrous. Destroy the company and everyone who worked here’s life disastrous.


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