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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

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by Kincheloe, Allie

  "What the hell, Laney? I can't even kiss my girlfriend?"

  "In case you forgot, I'm not your girlfriend anymore." I would not compromise on this. Besides it just being wrong, I couldn't imagine kissing Austin again after knowing how wonderful Jake's lips felt on mine. I stalked away from his car. Forget that, forget him. I turned to walk back to my apartment. I didn't have to deal with more crap from Austin Davidson.

  Following alongside me, Austin begged, "Laney, get back in the car. I won't try anything else." When traffic began to back up behind him, he finally had to give up and drive on. He pulled over at Starbucks and got out to try and convince me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

  "Damn it, Austin. Get your hands off me. This was your stupid idea in the first place. Do you think this is some kind of joke for me?" My voice carried further than intended. Some woman coming out with a coffee snickered, and a man shot me a sympathetic glance. Great, once again we drew a crowd. What I loved more than anything, public attention.

  "Just let me take you home. I won't try anything else. I'm sorry. I didn't think." He shrugged. "I just don't want to lose you."

  Lose me? What the hell? He should have thought about that before he screwed around. If he didn't make a habit of not thinking, we wouldn't be here. I glared at him for a minute to gauge his sincerity. He wouldn't hold my gaze and shifted under my scrutiny. Maybe he really was sorry. And I really didn't want to walk another ten blocks. The wind blew cold this morning, cutting through my thin sweater. Even though I was pissed, I wasn't pissed enough to keep me warm for ten blocks. My feet already throbbed from the stupid shoes I put on. I hadn't planned for a hike when I dressed. I agreed to let him drive me home, but didn’t speak to him the whole way. I stared out the window, arms crossed over my chest, trying to get warm.

  He let me out in front of my building, without even turning the car off or saying goodbye. Guess he didn't want to piss me off anymore. Which was fine. I didn't want to talk to his stupid ass anyway.

  I stomped inside and Kelsey asked me what's up. "What's up? Really? Do I want to be in the middle of a damn love triangle that belongs on one of those stupid soaps my mom likes to watch?"

  Hell no. I don't even know how I let myself get into such a position.

  Oh, right. Jake Davidson's wicked lips lured me there.

  Jake's lips. Mmmm... He could not get back from Vegas fast enough. How on earth would I make it 'til Thursday without his kiss? Or his touch? I couldn't get enough of him and it's just a matter of time 'til I had every glorious inch of him. As hot as we were for each other, waiting didn't seem like a real possibility. Would the sex be as good as the kisses seemed to indicate?

  My only experience came from Austin. Our first time was a disappointing mess. It was over faster than the time it took him to open a condom and get it on. He enjoyed it more than I did, for sure. While it did get some better, being with Austin was still... boring. Predictable. I mean, yeah, it's fine. But it's not all that.

  Jake's kisses got me more worked up than actually being with Austin. Hell, thinking about Jake's kisses did more for me than being with Austin. That had to be a sign I wasn't meant to be with Austin.

  Oh crap, Kelsey kept chattering at me. I didn't catch any of what she said. Mumbling that I had to get ready for class, I hurried into my room hoping I didn't commit myself to Kelsey for something by accident. Last time I got lost in a daydream around her, I ended up working a kissing booth at her sorority for a festival. Not my idea of fun. I hated crowds. And strangers. Add kissing strangers and well, saying I was miserable that day would be like the understatement of the year.

  My phone buzzed again and startled me. I almost dropped it in my hurry to get out of my pocket. I hyperventilated for a second before I realized that it was only a text, not a call.

  Jake: Good morning beautiful. I miss you more than words can express. I have plans for Thurs. evening, make sure you have a pretty dress.

  A dress? My heart raced when I thought of the possibilities. Hmm. I could wear a pretty dress. A visit to the mall might be in order, but I'd do it to make him smile.

  I managed to make it to my Psych class on time, but just barely. I'd spent too much time daydreaming. I was so ready for this semester to be over! Yet at the same time, unless I could find a summer job, I'd be heading back to Free Will to live with my parents for the summer. And Jake lived here in the city. I didn't want to leave him.

  Oh wow... That's something I hadn't considered before. Leaving Jake for the summer? Finding a summer job? The electronics store I'd been working at cut their labor budget, so I hadn't had many hours the last few weeks. Only one shift, tomorrow, this week. I couldn't afford rent with that, so I'd have to try and find something full time for summer. If I wanted to stay in the city close to Jake...

  Did I want that? God yes, I did. Austin would go home for the summer, as always. He didn't have a part time job. Scott and Martha gave him spending money though. My parents helped my Granny run a small bridal boutique. There wasn't a lot of extra money. They struggled to pay my tuition and help me with room and board. I couldn't ask them for more. Wouldn't ask them for more.

  Instead of searching for a dress, I spent the afternoon applying for summer jobs. It was a long shot, but I fired off a resume for a receptionist job at a psychiatry office. Couldn't hurt to try, right?

  I called my Granny for our usual weekly chat. I'd almost stayed in Free Will to work at the boutique rather than come to the city for school, but Granny'd refused to let me. She didn't mention Jake, so I guess Mom hadn't told her. Wanting to keep it quiet until I figured out for myself what was going to come of it, I didn't mention him either. She fussed about my cousin's loser boyfriend and how she'd told Sheila that boy was no damn good. We ended the call with a good laugh about Sheila's new fake boobs.

  Kelsey came in and we settled on the couch for an evening of chick flicks, entirely too much junk food, and a healthy dose of gossip.

  "Can you believe Austin's dumbass tried to kiss me earlier? Ugh, he was all sweet and holding doors for me. I should have known he was up to something."

  "He knows he done messed up. He's trying to get you back, girl. You aren't going to fall for it, are you?" Kelsey was appropriately outraged for me, slapping me with her Twizzlers to emphasize her words.

  "No, I'm not that stupid. He cheated once, he'll cheat again, right?"

  My phone buzzed loudly and I dropped it before I could answer. She laughed at my excitement when I picked it up and saw Jake’s name on the screen.

  "Girl, you got it bad for that boy!" She teased as I fumbled with the buttons. She had no idea how bad.

  Rushing into my room, I answered the phone with a breathless, "Hello."

  "Uh, did I interrupt something?" His deep voice came through. God, I'd missed that voice.

  "No, I was just in the living room with Kelsey. How's your conference?"

  "Boring. I'd rather be there with you. Miss me?"

  Had I missed him? Did a duck have feathers? "More than you can imagine! I can't wait 'til Thursday! Where are we going?"

  He chuckled. "Unfortunately, you do have to wait. And where we're going is a surprise. Wear something nice though, okay?"

  "I got that from the wear a pretty dress message. But where are we going?"

  "You'll have to wait and see, beautiful. Crap, I have to go. My boss is waving me over. I'll try to call you tomorrow if I can. Bye."


  It's amazing how a short conversation could be both a desperately needed treat and a torture at the same time. I could have rejoined Kelsey for the rest of the movie, but I cuddled up with the pillow Jake had used when he stayed. With my nose buried in the cotton, the faintest hint of Jake clung to the cloth. Sigh.

  He had turned me into a sappy mess.

  Chapter Twelve

  Why did I torture myself with an early morning Lit class? I tried to hide my yawns, but I was not a morning person. I'd clearly hated myself when I set up my schedule th
is term. Lesson learned. Eight a.m. classes were not for me. Forcing myself to take notes, I jotted down what Professor Moore said about Emily Dickinson.

  "She was an introvert. A fact I know some of you can relate to." Why did I feel like she looked straight at me when she said that? Well, at least I'd remember that fact about Dickinson. Might be the only thing I remembered from today's lecture. Ugh, I was so tired.

  I needed coffee. Lots of coffee. A quick glance at my watch told me I should be able to make it to the coffee shop at the corner of campus and back across to the History building in time for my next class.

  But, of course, who did I bump into at the coffee shop? Austin. He's everywhere. Sigh. He sat with Dave and Randy at one of the little bistro sets outside the door. No way could I get in and out without being seen. How bad did I need the coffee? Ugh, bad enough to risk dealing with Austin. I managed to slip inside without their notice, luck on my side for once.

  With the delectable, mouth-watering aroma of coffee engulfing me, I walked toward the counter. I placed my order and awaited my allotment of heavenly nectar. "Laney!" the barista shouted above the hum of conversation in the crowded coffee shop.

  I cradled the fragile Styrofoam cup with both hands and allowed the smell of fresh-perked energy to invade my senses. Oh, sweet caffeine, I need you so and apologize for beginning my day without you.

  Savoring the rich, caramelly brew, I braved the exit to the coffee shop. The crisp April air felt refreshing on my face after the heat of the coffee house. Randy's dark eyes met mine when the door shut behind me. But Austin wouldn't ruin another day for me. Acknowledging Randy with a nod, I turned to walk back toward campus, hoping to avoid another confrontation.

  "Laney, wait!" Austin called from behind me.

  I couldn't get that lucky.

  And there was no way I could avoid him. Crap.

  With a weak smile pasted on my face, I turned to face Austin. I didn't feel like smiling, but didn't want to clue everyone on campus in to our drama either. One eyebrow raised, I waited for him to speak.

  "I... uh... I want to apologize for yesterday. You were right. I just thought... Anyways, I didn't mean to upset you." He reached out and grabbed my hand. I tried to pull away, but he held tight.

  "Were you going to come out to the shelter tonight? It's Wednesday. I wasn't sure if you wanted to be taken off the volunteer schedule because of all this or not."

  I'd forgotten I'd volunteered to go out to the animal shelter with him after work. The tornado that blew through my life this week hadn't made a note on my day planner.

  "No, I'll still come out. I made a commitment to be there." Making commitments I didn't intend to honor wasn't how I got down. Austin should know me better than that. I would have beat myself up when I remembered that I had missed it. If he'd been as committed to our relationship as he was the shelter, we might have made it.

  Austin nodded and said he'd see me there before running back to where Dave and Randy sat watching us. Did Austin tell them about the whole free pass idea? Since Randy eyed me up like a platter of steaks, I'd bet money on it. In fact, I'd say Austin told him about the pass, but not that I'd already chosen Jake. I flashed a bold wink in Randy's direction and his eyes lit up with interest. God, he really was a man-whore. I had on my favorite jeans today, the ones that made my ass look good, so I put an extra sway to my step as I walked away. Might as well give them a bit of a show, even if I wouldn't ever follow through on anything.

  I made it to history on time and even kept up with the lecture. Pretty proud of myself for that. I struggled with keeping the dates and facts straight for this class. Psych facts, I could keep straight all day. But I'd had to retake this stupid history class since I failed it last year. So, to keep up with the lecture was a big deal.

  My classes passed quickly and before I knew where the time had gone, I was stuck at work. Which was oddly busy. Usually weekday afternoons were dead, but I had customer after customer. I'd been working customer service at this electronic store since I started college. I'd seen some crazy shit people tried to return. But this lady, she took the cake. This iPad was bent in the middle, and she said it came out of the box that way. A perfect box. How she bent an iPad, I couldn't figure out. But yeah, had to call the manager in on that one. With the store being so busy, I didn't have time to worry about dealing with Austin at least.

  I left work later than expected and headed over to the shelter. I hoped Austin would be civil like earlier, not like yesterday.

  The shelter was his element. If he didn't live in a restricted apartment, Austin would have a dozen animals. He'd bring them all home from the shelter. He volunteered there all the time. Which, I had to admit, was pretty sweet of him. It's hard to see all those poor animals, caged, starved for attention. The shelter was no-kill. Austin couldn't take working at one that actually put any to sleep. He's too much of a softy.

  The Austin that volunteered his time to care for abandoned animals? That's the guy I fell for. Always the popular basketball player in high school, he never was mean to others. He even stood up for the bullied kids. While many of the athletes barely acknowledged other groups, Austin had friends in all the cliques. He seemed to fit in everywhere, even with my little nerdy friends. I couldn't believe it when he'd first asked me out. I thought there's no way he is actually in to me. Never popular, my whole mission in high school was to be invisible and I succeeded. Well, until I started dating Austin anyways.

  I popped a Benadryl before getting out of my car. Walking inside the plain, serviceable building, excited barks clued me in that someone was back near the dog runs. The front room held a few crates with smaller dogs. A few high-pitched yips came from the right. I burst out laughing when I saw these tiny little Chihuahuas jumping up and down in a baby crib begging for my attention. They earned a quick cuddle before I wandered to the back searching for Austin or one of the shelter workers.

  I found Austin sitting on the floor with a big Labrador in his lap. He rubbed the old dog's ears gently, his murmurs so quiet I couldn't hear his words over the doggy chorus being sung around us. My movement must have caught his attention because he glanced up at me and tears glistened in his eyes.

  "What's wrong?" My heart froze. What happened?

  "Rex has a heart problem. It's pretty bad, Laney. If he doesn't have surgery soon, he's not going to make it. They can't afford to pay over $1000 for him to have surgery when that will care for so many others. I'm trying to see if Mom and Dad would sponsor him or something, but Dad hasn't got back to me yet."

  Damn it, Austin. Sinking down next to him, I pulled him in for a hug. He was really hurting over this dog. That right there. That was the Austin I fell for. I held him while he comforted this sick, old dog.

  After a few minutes, I left him to cuddle with Rex. One by one, I took each of the dogs out for a short walk. I recognized several of them. They'd been here for a while. One sweet pit bull mix had been in this shelter for at least a year. I kept him out much longer than strictly necessary, but the poor baby needed a bit more yard time. Even if it was getting dark on us.

  Austin was working on filling water bowls and cleaning out kennels when I came back in with Blue Boy. I waited for him to finish before I left for the evening. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my hair. "Thanks for coming tonight."

  When I pulled into my space at my building, I couldn't remember how I got there. Not a good thing when driving...

  Why did Austin have to remind me how sweet he could be? The entire drive home, Austin had dominated my thoughts. Yes, he had cheated on me, but he said it was a one-time thing. Over. Done. Or so he said.

  When I walked in to my silent apartment, I breathed a sigh of relief. Kelsey would want to rehash the day, and I wasn't up for it. Knowing she'd be home any time, I hurried to shower. I didn't normally avoid Kelsey. She's my best friend, but sometimes she was a bit much.

  I slipped into some cozy PJs, pulled my comforter up, and was about to doze off when my phone buzzed.
The screen lit up with a text.

  Jake: Sweet dreams, sexy girl. Saw a falling star and wished I could see you. Didn't work since I'm still here alone. But I'm free for the evening if you're up. Wanna chat?

  Sleep was over-rated, right? I smiled as I tapped the screen to call him. When his hello came through the line, I shivered. I never got tired of hearing his voice.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "I'm so over Vegas. I can't get home and see you fast enough. Miss me?"

  A muffled giggle came through the line before she answered. "I've been trying to stay busy so I don't have too much time to miss you."

  "How's that working for you? I referred to one of my co-workers as Laney and had to backtrack in the middle of a conversation with my boss to fix it." I let out a deep sigh. My boss and co-workers had gotten a good kick out of that one.

  "Sounds like somebody's got a crush on someone named Laney," she teased.

  Oh, she wanted to go there, did she? Two could play that game.

  "If you mean crush, like I'm gonna crush my lips to hers, then maybe I have a crush. If you mean crush, like I'm gonna crush her body against mine and make love to her all night long, then yeah, I for damn sure have a crush."

  I heard her gasp, but she didn't reply.

  "Speechless?" I chuckled. This was fun. She was easy to tease.

  "You're just so intense. I'm not used to that."

  "I know what I want. And it's you. I've denied myself for too long, Laney. I want you. I won't hide that." My heart pounded at my bold confession. But I didn't have time to play around too much. Two weeks didn't give me time for a slow build-up. I had to go in, balls to the wall and hope I didn't scare her.

  "I want you too," she whispered.

  Even though I sat alone in my hotel room, I could picture the sweet blush heating her cheeks right now and couldn't help but push her a bit further. "Oh, I know. You call me intense, but damn girl. Your kisses are only just short of nuclear. I'm waiting for the moment when we both spontaneously combust..."


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