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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

Page 5

by Kincheloe, Allie

  I paused for a minute before continuing. "You know, it's probably best we work through this now. Think of how awkward it would be if one day we bumped into each other at Thanksgiving, and the sparks flew. My parents may not forgive me for seeing my brother's girlfriend. Imagine their reactions if I made love to his wife on the dining room table."


  "You know that's where we are heading, right? And once will never be enough. You can go back to Austin, and I'll do my damnedest to respect that. But I'm still gonna want you. And when you lay in his bed, you’ll wish he was me."

  Her response was a breathy, "Yes."

  "Yes to which part? Yes to that's where we're heading? Yes to once never being enough? Or yes to me being who you fantasize about while in Austin's bed?"

  "Well, I'm thinking about you in bed now, does that count?"


  My harsh exhale made her laugh. "Damn, baby, what are you wearing?"

  "A tank-top and panties."

  I dropped my voice lower. "If you say they're lace, I'm telling my boss to fuck off and hopping the next plane home."

  "Not lace, so I guess I won't see you 'til tomorrow. I'll have to wear this black satin thong for you another time."

  I sucked in a quick breath as that image filled my mind and my response seemed to egg her on.

  "The matching bra has lace, but it's already off. Just this thin little satin tank. More of a cami really."

  "Fuck, Laney. You have any idea what you're doing to me?"

  She giggled. "I have an idea of what I want you to do to me."

  "Oh, I have plans for what I'm going to do to you tomorrow night. I have condoms on the nightstand, in my wallet, and my computer bag. I'm like a damn Boy Scout, always ready."

  My phone beeped at me, signaling a dying battery. When I told her I had to go, her groan of disappointment mirrored my own. I whispered a reluctant goodbye and we hung up.

  The clock had moved well past midnight, but sleep was a long time coming.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Waking with a groan, I peered over at my alarm clock. Damn, I still had twenty minutes until I needed to be up. Mumbling a curse, I rolled over and buried my face in my pillow. Maybe I could go back to sleep.

  Thirty seconds later, my head popped right back up. Jake would be on a plane back in a few short hours. Staying in bed no longer appealed.

  I doubted class would go well. I couldn't focus for anything. Jake filled my every thought. The promise of what was to come dominated my daydreams.

  Jake had become an addiction for me. One I wasn't sure I wanted to shake. This intense longing between us had been building. Would the chemistry carry over or burn out in fiery disappointment? Not finding out didn't seem to be an option.

  I stepped out of the shower to my phone flashing a message.

  Jake: Breathless in anticipation for tonight. Pick you up at 6?

  Me: Absolutely! I can't wait!

  It might be too soon to take my relationship with him to the next level. It felt right though, the thought of being with Jake.

  I spent a couple hours getting ready for our date. I shaved again so that my legs were silky smooth. Added faint dabs of perfume on my pulse points, then slipped on a new dress.

  Kelsey worked her magic on my hair and laughed at my nervous fidgeting. "You got it bad for this guy, don't you? What about Austin?"

  How did I answer that? Austin had been sweet yesterday and I liked Austin. But the passion that flamed up like a flickering candle with Austin could not compare to the roaring blaze between Jake and me. When Jake said we had to see what this was, he was right. Maybe it was a one-time thing and once the tension released, we would be through. I didn't know, but I had to find out.

  Oh, who was I kidding? Jake and I had more than just passion.

  I glanced in the mirror. Damn, I looked good. Dating Jake was good for my self-esteem. Twice this week I had put on makeup and felt good about my appearance. This dress even made my boobs seem bigger and that's a miracle right there. My cleavage was pretty well non-existent, but not in this dress.

  The doorbell rang and I stumbled in my urgency to answer. Stupid heels, I really should practice wearing them more. I swung the door open and there he stood.

  Lord, he still hadn't shaved. That beard may do me in. It gave him a rough and rugged look that my poor heart couldn't take. My knees quivered at the sight of him. He grinned and yanked me to his chest. His lips met mine and I was in heaven. I shifted in as close to him as I could get, arms around his neck, and kissed him for all I was worth.

  His lips felt soft as they pressed against mine. The texture on his beard was different now. I cupped his cheek and enjoyed the slight prickle of his facial hair beneath my hand. The roughness of his palm dragged against the material of my dress on its downward quest, stopping at the curve of my ass. Something poked at my side, but I ignored it. Jake's groan matched mine when he snugged my lower body to his.

  "Can I put those flowers in water for you?"

  Kelsey's voice cut through my thoughts of getting naked. I'd forgotten she was even there.


  Jake released me and chuckled as he held out a ragged bouquet of spring flowers. The stems of the flowers were bent and broken. I'd completely missed that he had flowers in his hand when he walked up.

  "You didn't need to get me flowers," I muttered, smiling softly as I sniffed one intact bloom that survived our embrace. I loved flowers, but got them so rarely.

  "Yes, I did. And I will have to replace these sometime since we messed them up." He tipped my chin up and forced me look at him. "Nothing that makes you smile is a waste of money. You are worth it." He leaned down to kiss me again. Soft, slow, and gentle.

  I let Kelsey take the bouquet from me and stepped closer.

  He groaned and pulled back. "I could kiss you all night, but we have reservations. Let's go, beautiful."

  Kelsey winked at me as we walked out the door. I blushed, because I knew what she was thinking. She's right. In just a few short hours, I planned to find out just how hot things between Jake and I could get. Already my skin tingled with longing.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I drove us into the city. She stared out the window and watched the buildings go by as we passed. When I reached across the console and clasped her hand in mine, she jumped. She smiled though and tightened her fingers against mine. A brush of my thumb across her palm made her quiver. Every nerve in my body seemed connected to my hand. Damn, I wanted this woman.

  When I pulled into valet parking at an expensive steakhouse, she voiced a protest. "This is too much! I don't need anything this fancy!"

  I handed my keys to the valet then helped her out of the Jeep. Cradling her face in my hands, I whispered, "I know you don't need it. But you deserve it. You are absolutely beautiful tonight."

  I kissed her softly before stepping back and taking her hand. "You do realize I'm not a poor college student? I can't afford this place all the time, but I can afford it tonight. Don't worry."

  She let me lead her inside. A sharp-dressed waiter led us up to a balcony. Flickering candles sat on crisp white tablecloths. The dim lights up here didn't reflect off the wall of glass next to our table. No, they allowed the city lights to twinkle from our magnificent view.

  I helped her with her chair before taking my own seat.

  "I just now realized that you were in a full suit."

  When she commented, I laughed out loud. "Well, I couldn't have you in a pretty dress while I wore jeans." I winked. "Besides, they have a dress code here."

  She bit her lip as she stared down at the menu and tried to decide what to get.

  "Stop overthinking it. Pick what you want, Laney."

  "How'd you know I wasn't a vegetarian?"

  "At every family dinner, you usually have the biggest cut of steak or meat you can get your hands on piled on your plate."

  Moisture welled up in her eyes at my words. Shit.

Hey, what's wrong?" I reached out toward her. She struggled to blink back the tears in her eyes. "Is it what I said? I didn't mean..." I took a deep breath before continuing, "Laney, I like that you eat. I don't want my woman to have the curves of prepubescent boy. You are pretty damn perfect. And I hope I get to see more of those curves of yours later."

  When she glanced up, the hope in her eyes stole my breath. The stupid waiter in his stupid bow-tie walked up and ruined the moment. We ordered to get him to leave. I never released her hand. My fingers trailed over hers, across her palm, up her wrist. We didn't speak.

  Our food arrived and I quit eye-fucking her for a moment to turn my attention to my rib-eye. I cut into my steak and it looked perfect. Popping a bite into my mouth, I almost moaned. The succulent meaty flavor nearly gave my taste buds an orgasm. Hell, who was I kidding? I was so turned on already, it about gave me an orgasm, period. I was planning to go light on the food tonight, but I savored every mouth-watering bite.

  When the waiter cleared our almost clean plates away, he asked about dessert.

  "Who could save room for dessert when the steaks are that good?" Laney questioned.

  I laughed because that was my exact line of thought. I paid and we walked back to the Jeep.

  "I have a meeting at eight am on the south side of town. I'd have to leave your place at like five thirty to get there in time with traffic. Would you mind staying at my place tonight?"

  She murmured an agreement and I tucked her into my Jeep with a tender kiss.

  When we walked in to my house, she looked around. I wondered what she thought... Nothing fancy, it was a simple brick-front house on a cul de sac. It wasn't too messy. There were a few dirty dishes in the sink, and a pile of towels sat next to the open laundry closet. The floors could use a good mopping, but things were picked up at least. Austin and his roommate were the world's biggest slobs, so this was damn near spotless compared to their apartment.

  Leaning one hip against the counter, I took my suit coat off and loosened my tie. "So, you like the beard?" She grinned at me and I think my heart stopped. I know it skipped a beat.

  She threw herself at me without any shame.

  I caught her mid-flight and tossed her up onto the kitchen counter. When her legs spread, I situated myself between them. I sought her soft lips with my own. When her tongue teased mine, I groaned into her mouth and deepened the kiss.

  My hands found the zip to her dress and tugged it down. I slid my hands inside and caressed her warm skin. She sighed when I rose up and pushed the dress from her shoulders. The fabric pooled around her waist and I couldn't stay away.

  Bending back down, I trailed my lips down her throat, nibbling and kissing my way down. She pleaded for more when I slid my tongue beneath the top edge of her strapless bra. I made quick work of that thing.

  Damn. Laney was even more beautiful than I'd imagined.

  My hands were shaking as I caressed her. I prayed she wouldn't notice. I took her nipple in my mouth and twirled my tongue around it. She threw her head back and arched her chest into me, my name escaping her lips as a harsh whisper.

  Her cell phone rang.

  I ignored it. They could call back. I was not capable of coherent sentences at the moment and I didn't think Laney was either.

  I worshiped her breasts with my hands and mouth. Her hands tangled in my hair as if to keep me close. When I drug my teeth lightly across her nipple, she gasped out a prayer for more.

  If she wanted more, she was damn well getting more.

  Sweeping her into my arms, I carried her into the bedroom. I stood her next to my bed and her dress hit the floor.


  A garter belt and stockings?

  I tried to swallow but my mouth was too dry. She moved to unclip one and I swatted her hand away. "Leave them. Please" My voice was hoarse.

  The phone on the night stand rang. I glanced at it. Damn it.

  "No one ever calls me at the house unless it's important. Just...hold that thought."

  I grabbed the phone and answered it. When I heard Susie's voice on the other end of the line, I knew tonight was over. And cursed myself for answering.

  I held the phone out to Laney. "It's your mom."

  By the time they ended the call, great gasping sobs jerked her body. Tears poured down her face.

  Yup. Tonight was definitely over.

  I sighed as I took the phone from her and put it back on the charger. She sat on the edge of my bed sobbing too hard to explain what was wrong. If I'd known her mom's number I'd have called her back to ask. I cursed myself for not replacing that phone when the caller ID died.

  I wrapped a blanket around her and started gathering up her clothes. Getting her back into the dress wasn't nearly as much fun as taking her out of it.

  It took a few minutes, but she was finally able to tell me that her grandmother was in the hospital.

  Well, that explained a lot. She and her Granny are close. I remember Austin saying how much he hated the meddling old woman though.

  "They think she's had a heart attack. I need to go home. I need to go to Free Will," Laney was mumbling as she fiddled with her necklace.

  "I'm sorry," I whispered. "Let me make a call. See if I can get that meeting covered. If I can, I'll come with you. You don't need to be driving this upset. I'll be right back."

  She curled up on my bed and hugged my pillow as I left the room. After making a useless phone call, I came back and climbed in beside her. Her tears and mascara left watery black tracks all over my white dress shirt. I'd have to replace it, but I didn't say a word. Just rubbed her back softly.

  "Mike can't cover the meeting. He's got an appointment of his own. I could take you up after work tomorrow. But I figure you don't want to wait. Right?"

  She shook her head in the negative.

  "Didn't think so. You're too upset to be driving. I'm gonna see if Austin can take you up tonight." I rolled away enough to grab the phone from the nightstand. I hated to make this call. Hated to let Austin near her again. But what choice did I have?

  She snuggled into my side, sniffling, while I filled Austin in on the situation. Austin agreed to drive her back to Free Will and I told him we'd meet him in half an hour at Laney's apartment.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Austin waited in front of my building when we pulled up. He pulled a double-take when he got a glimpse of our outfits. I waved a weak greeting in his direction and brushed past him to go change.

  Kelsey's gasp told me all I needed to know about my appearance. But I ignored her questions, walked into my room, and shut the door. I peeled my dress and get-laid undergarments off and grabbed some comfy sweats. Mascara crusted my eyelashes, so I took a moment to wash my face. Glancing in the mirror, I saw why Kelsey appeared so concerned. My mascara streaked across my face and mixed with my eye shadow. My left eye looked black. Both eyes were puffy from all the crying. I looked like someone used me for a punching bag. My hair, which had been so gorgeous a few short hours ago, now looked like someone grabbed a hold of it and used it for a handle to sling me around.


  I scrubbed my face 'til it was pink and not a speck of makeup remained. Splashing cold water on my eyes, I hoped some of the puffiness would go away. When I turned the water off, the raised voices from the living room made me sigh. I did not need any more drama tonight.

  Kelsey must have decided Jake was responsible for my bedraggled appearance. Bless her heart, she was in his face trying to protect me. All five foot nothing, one hundred pounds of her stood blocking the door. Austin was behind Jake laughing. He's a damn idiot.

  "Kelsey, you can let him in. He didn't hurt me."

  Hearing my voice, she spun around. "What happened, Laney? Are you okay? Last time I saw you, you was happy, smiling, ready for your date with this guy. Then you come home early, looking like someone slugged you in the eye."

  "Granny is in the ICU and they don't know how bad it is yet," I mumbled as she dang near squeezed th
e breath out of me.

  "Oh gosh, Laney, I'm sorry. I saw you come in alone, upset, and then he knocked and I just assumed..." She trailed off.

  Yeah, we're pretty clear on her assumptions.

  Jake extracted me from Kelsey's clutches and held me close. He kissed me, soft and slow. "I will head up there as soon as my meeting is over tomorrow," he whispered.

  I wanted to tell him he didn't need to worry with coming back to Free Will just for me. That I didn't need him there. I wanted to say I was strong enough to deal with this on my own. But I couldn't. Because I needed him there if something happened. I needed his support. So, I nodded and leaned into his warmth for a moment.

  "Uh, I don't want to interrupt, but if we don't leave soon it will be long after midnight when we get home," Austin called, still by the door.

  He was right. We needed to get on the road. I grabbed what few things I needed, and kissed Jake one last time, before I hopped in to the matchbox Austin called a car.

  "I'm sorry about Granny. I know how close y'all are."

  I squeezed his hand in acknowledgment, but didn't respond. My voice was untrustworthy at the moment. Words might come out, or it could be another series of great big ol' sobs. Granny was an integral part of my being. Life without her was just not fathomable.

  My Granny had married my Papaw one month to the day after they met. She was seventeen, and he was twenty-one. Granny always joked that she didn't have no choice but to marry him because he was going to pester her to death otherwise. But you could see the love between them. Fifty years they spent together, never apart for more than a day's work. When he passed away two years ago, she was heartbroken. We worried she was sinking into a depression, but she picked herself up by her boot straps and carried on (as she would say).

  I hoped to find a love like theirs. Strong enough to last a lifetime. I didn't have it with Austin, but they say sometimes love grows. So, I had waited it out. It never did grow with him though.


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