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Page 17

by Becca Jameson

  Katy eased her hands down her belly and used one to lift the hood off her clit. With the other, she stroked through her wetness and then circled the throbbing nub. She lifted her butt off the bed at the first contact.

  “That’s good,” Rafe soothed. “Show me what you like.”

  Katy couldn’t imagine what he could do that she wouldn’t like, but she closed her eyes and tried to ignore his presence. If she got off under his gaze, it would be a miracle. But she had been so close…

  For Katy it had always been about her clit. She flicked her fingers over it again and again as the need built. Her pussy gripped at nothing, remorseful that Rafe’s cock was no longer inside. Although she loved being filled with him, that wasn’t where her orgasm would come from anyway.

  She pressed two fingers below her clit and continued flicking over the tip. It had always seemed that more sensation came from the roots than the external parts. And she gritted her teeth as she worked herself to a frenzy.

  Even with her eyes closed, she could feel Rafe’s intense gaze on her. He didn’t speak again though. She tuned him out and let her mind wander to the images she knew would raise her ardor. New images came to mind. Instead of random faceless men with firm muscles and knowing hands, Rafe became her new object of arousal. She pictured the intensity in his gaze as he came into her earlier. The way he held her head and forced her to meet his eyes. The way his mouth fell open before he came.

  She lifted her hips, planting her feet on the bed for traction. Instinct always made her do that.

  So close…

  Katy rubbed faster and pressed harder on the base of her clit. She held her breath as she reached the edge. And then she shattered, dropping her ass back onto the bed and slowing her strokes as her clit pulsed beneath her touch. She continued touching herself for a full minute as the pulses slowed down and finally stopped.

  When she opened her eyes, Rafe was gazing at her face. “Thank you, baby. That was beautiful.” He reached for her hand, lifted it to his lips, and sucked each finger into his mouth one by one.

  Katy lay mesmerized. She couldn’t move. She was sated and spent.

  When he finished, Rafe lay down alongside her and gathered her against his chest. “I’m totally falling hard for you.”

  “Mmm. It’s mutual.”

  “Good.” He kissed her temple and she fell into sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sunday evening after they’d ordered room service for the third time that day, Rafe wandered into the second bedroom to find Katy shuffling through her clothes again. She’d worn nothing more than the tank top and panties all day. He wished she’d have spent the day naked, but he needed to remind himself she wasn’t accustomed to such an idea. Baby steps.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Something not too wrinkly for work tomorrow.”

  Rafe swallowed. “Work?” He toyed with the edge of the closest item of clothing on the bed at his fingertips.

  Katy lifted her face to meet his gaze. “Of course. We can’t hang out here in the hotel for the rest of our lives and let this asshole control our actions.”

  He knew that, intellectually, but he wasn’t fond of the idea of Katy traipsing around on her own either.

  Katy put her hands on her hips. “Rafe. Come on. I have to work tomorrow. I have cases that need my attention. I have clients to see. Surely Bobby isn’t going to come into the law firm and hunt me down in broad daylight.”

  She was right. He knew that. But he didn’t have to like it. “I’ll make a deal with you.”

  “You and your deals. Am I going to like it?”

  “Probably not. Negotiate. Remember?”

  “That was in reference to your dominance, not my job. My job is not negotiable. I’m going in and you’re going to suck it up and live with it.”

  “You don’t have to get all defensive. Hear me out.”

  “Fine.” She set the shirt she’d picked up aside and gave him her full attention.

  “I’ll go with you. I can work from anywhere. If you need to be in your office, I’ll find a nice corner and we’ll both be happy.”

  She chuckled sardonically. “Both? You following me around all day is going to make me happy?”

  “I thought you liked having me around?” He smirked.

  “Yeah, but not in the office. I’d never get anything done.”

  “Why not?”

  “Look at you.” She pointed at his frame, running her finger up and down in the air. “Lawyers don’t have physiques like yours, and they don’t bring bodyguards to the office either.”

  “Lawyers who have a stalker who has twice made it clear he intends to kill her take whatever precautions necessary and listen to reason when their boyfriends speak.”

  She liked the way he said “boyfriend” as though it were a forgone conclusion. And obviously after what they’d been through and done together, it was a truth. He was now her boyfriend.

  Her shoulders drooped. “You’re right. I’m being unreasonable. I just want it to go away.”

  He stepped closer and took her in his arms. “And it will. Soon. The police with find him and it will all be over.”

  “I hope so.”


  Rafe looked in every direction as he followed Katy into her building. No one seemed to be trailing them, but he didn’t let his guard down for a minute.

  She’d called her boss Sunday night and given him the lowdown on what had happened over the weekend to worsen her situation. According to Katy, the man had been glad she had someone coming in with her. She hadn’t specifically told him Rafe was more than a bodyguard, but at least she’d ensured he knew what was happening.

  “Nice office,” he said as they entered the spacious room on the fifth floor. She had a view of the town outside. He hadn’t expected anything so swanky from the way she spoke of being on the bottom of the office totem pole without the desire to sleep her way to the top.

  The one thing Rafe hoped was he didn’t have the opportunity to meet Jonathan Stewart, the jackass who thought it was a good idea for Katy to sleep with him. He might not be able to control himself if that bastard came around.

  Katy pointed to the small round table across from her desk. “Your work space for the foreseeable future.” She grinned as she set her briefcase on the corner of her desk and turned on her desktop computer.

  “I like it.” Rafe set his belongings next to the table and wandered over to the window.

  “No way is someone going to walk in here and try to kill me.”

  Was she speaking to ease her own fears or his?

  Rafe turned and winked at her. “Not on my watch.”

  People came and went from the office during the day, and Rafe sat in his corner eyeing every individual but not saying a word. Most seemed to assume he was a hired bodyguard, and that was fine with him. As long as Katy was safe, that was all that mattered.

  He took several calls from the cleaning crew working on putting his house back in order. They’d checked out of the hotel that morning intent on returning to his home after work.

  They ordered lunch from the deli downstairs and had it delivered.

  It all went smoothly as long as they both ignored the fact that the police still had no leads. Rafe could afford to work from her office instead of his for a while, but not forever. Eventually his boss would start complaining about his absence.

  As they left that evening, Katy turned to him in the elevator. “Do you need to go to the gym this week?”

  “I should, but I can work out from home for several days and I don’t have a match this Friday, so I don’t have to worry about that. What about you? You usually work out here at the office right?”

  “Yeah, and I’m pretty torn up about the fact that I can’t,” she added sarcastically.

  “You’re welcome to join me in the basement.”

  Katy groaned. “Can’t you let me enjoy my week off?”

  Rafe chuckled. “Whatever makes y
ou feel better.”

  The house was fantastic. The cleaning crew had worked wonders. Rafe thought it was in better shape than before the break in. There wasn’t a trace of evidence that anyone had been there. Few items had actually been broken, so not very many things were missing. Even the television was perfectly fine. Which reinforced the belief Crowder had left a warning, nothing more.

  Katy went straight to the guest room and dropped her bag. She turned toward him at the door. “You want me to continue sleeping in here, Master?” She cocked her hip to one side and leaned on the doorframe.

  Rafe smirked. “Only on days you intend to defy me and earn yourself a night of timeout.”

  Katy gasped.

  Good. He wanted to set a new tone in the house. “When we come through that door in the evening, you’re mine.” He stalked toward her as he spoke. “Mine to command. Mine to explore. Mine to enjoy.”

  She didn’t move until he was an inch from her. “So that’s how it’s going to be?”

  “Yes. Do you have a problem with it?”

  She shook her head subtly and licked her lips.

  “I didn’t think you would.” He cupped her cheek with one hand, his thumb tracing along her jawline. “I’ll act whatever part you’re comfortable with in public, but in private, inside this house, I’d like you to be submissive.”


  Rafe kissed her nose and then raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay, Sir.” She lowered her gaze as she fell into the role.

  “Good. Now you’re wearing way too many clothes. I’ll go start dinner. You make them disappear.” He turned and left her standing there.

  His heart pounded. It was one thing to role play in the hotel for the weekend. It was an entirely different thing to bring the D/s relationship into the home and turn it into a lifestyle. He prayed she could submit to his will for more than the occasional experience. Desperately he wanted her to stay, bottom for him, never leave his side.

  Katy emerged from the hallway, timidly padding toward him as he stirred the vegetables he was sautéing for a stir fry. He watched her inch forward, naked and shaking.

  “This feels awkward to me.”

  “I know. But it also humbles you and helps you remember your place.”

  She nodded.

  “Take a seat at the table. Dinner is almost ready.”

  She did as he said, her breasts bouncing as she lowered herself into the chair. She was the most gorgeous sight in the world, and Rafe couldn’t believe how lucky he was that she was still with him and hadn’t turned running for the door at the first hint of his nature.

  “Submissives live by all different rules. I’ll explore various ideas this week to see how you react. That means I’m going to change things up each day until we figure out what works best for us. And for you.”

  “Okay, Sir.” She kept her head lowered. He imagined it wasn’t completely to follow his rules, but more a means of avoiding his eye contact and thus embarrassment.

  While they ate, Rafe filled her in on many different practices of D/s. “Some submissives aren’t allowed on the furniture, or at the table.” He watched her flinch. That might not go over well with her.

  “Some couples keep their relationship in the bedroom, while others go the other extreme and extend it outside the home.”

  She lifted her face. “But you’re willing to negotiate all this right?”

  “Absolutely. We’ll find out what works best and fulfills both our needs.”

  “I know I can’t take it outside of the house.” She gripped her fork as she spoke.

  Rafe took her other hand in his. “Just because we engage in a few practices beyond these walls doesn’t mean anyone has to know.”

  She swallowed her bite. Gulped rather. “Not sure what you mean. I can’t very well walk around society with my head bowed and my hands behind my back.”

  “No, but you can go without panties for example, as a reminder to yourself throughout the day that you’re mine.”

  She shivered. He had her there. In fact, if he was judging her correctly, she liked the way he said “Mine.”

  “My mind is swimming and I’m overwhelmed.”

  Rafe squeezed her hand. “And you’re aroused.”

  She brought her knees closer together subtly under the table and then nodded.

  “And that feels good?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then follow your instincts. Don’t think so hard. Don’t let society’s norms dictate your life. Contrary to popular belief, many more couples are involved in some form of D/s than you would think.” He nudged her leg with his own under the table. “Spread your knees.”

  He tipped his head to make sure she complied.

  She separated them slightly.

  “Wider. Open yourself to me.”

  She breathed heavier as she followed his directives.

  “There. See? Not so hard. You’ve accomplished several things. One, Doms often insist on their submissives being open and available at all times. Two, you can’t rub yourself to get relief in this position.” He leaned forward, very much aware his breath hit her face as he said the next line. “And three, you’re so much more aroused now, aren’t you?”

  She flinched, her jaw rigid as she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I thought so. It’s freeing.”

  “I want you to make love to me.”

  “I know. That’s the point.”

  “Every time you dominate me, I want sex. I can’t get it off my mind.”

  “Exactly.” She was catching on. “Stroke a finger through your pussy and show me how wet you are.”

  Katy hesitated.

  “Now, baby. Don’t pause when I give you an order.”

  Her hand shook as she released her fork and lowered her fingers to her lap. Rafe still held her other hand with his.

  Katy groaned as she touched herself, and she ducked her head lower still when she lifted her wet fingers to his perusal.

  Rafe grabbed her wrist and brought her fingers to his mouth to suck them clean. “Mmm. Do it again.”

  This time she was quicker, her fingers just as wet.

  “Suck them. Taste yourself.”

  She hesitated only a second this time and then brought them to her lips.

  Rafe had to stifle his own moan as he watched her suck her pointer and middle fingers into her mouth. His cock grew harder by the second. He was torturing himself at least as much as what he did to her. “That’s so sexy, baby.”

  She dropped her hand back to the table as she licked her lips.

  That did it for Rafe. He couldn’t stand another second of the torture.

  He pushed his plate aside, jerked her chair out from under the table, and lifted her to settle her on the edge right in front of him.

  Katy made a low sound of surprise as she set her hands behind her to brace herself.

  “Stay still.” Rafe lowered to his knees, pressed her thighs wide, and brought his lips to her sweet sex.

  Katy screamed, her legs shooting out stiffly as Rafe sucked her pussy, licking and tasting her everywhere. He didn’t stop. He couldn’t. She was divine, and he needed her like a drug.

  Every little move she made, every tiny sound that escaped her lips, drove him higher. He released one of her thighs to pop the button on his jeans and let his cock spring free. It was suffocating inside the pants he’d changed into when they’d gotten home.

  He gripped his cock with his fist and pumped. He would have liked to be inside her, but he also didn’t want to stop eating from her pussy, so he made do, unable to wait.

  The second he got too close to hold back any longer, he pulled her clit between his teeth and gently bit down.

  Katy screamed again, her hands flying to his head and gripping his scalp as she came against his mouth.

  Rafe’s engorged cock also let loose, shooting onto the hardwood floor beneath the table. He didn’t care. All he cared about was Katy and how good she tasted and how much he adored
everything about her innocence and blossoming submission.

  When he finally eased back to lick her folds and then release her pussy, he found her eyes half closed and her mouth hanging open. She breathed as though she’d been running.

  Finally she licked her dry lips. “I can live with that.”

  Rafe chuckled as he stood. “I thought so.”

  Chapter Twenty

  By Friday, Rafe noted Katy was a ball of nerves. Every little noise at work or at his house made her jump. Even though she easily fell into her role at home and clearly enjoyed her new position, she was uptight and losing ground.

  “We need to get out of the house.”

  She looked at him from where she stood behind the couch. “Where would we go?”


  She pursed her lips.

  “It’ll be good. We’ve been cooped up here all week.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for that.” She grabbed the back of the couch so tightly her knuckled whitened.

  “Come on.” He stepped toward her. “It’ll take your mind off things.”

  “Only to replace the images with new ones,” she balked.

  “You’ve been there before.”

  “And I saw plenty of things I couldn’t possibly participate in.”

  “Who said I was going to ask you to do anything you aren’t ready for?” He tugged her hand from its grip on the couch and pulled her toward the hall. “Jeans and a tank top. We’re going shopping first.”

  “Shopping? Are you crazy? Why would we do that?” She let him lead her toward the bedroom.

  “Did you see many women in Extreme wearing jeans?”


  “Do you own anything else?”


  “I rest my case.”

  “You mean we’re going to a sex store?” She yanked her hand free and backed up.

  “That’s where they have good fetishwear. Trust me?”

  She hesitated for a moment and then dropped her arms. “Fine. But I reserve the right to say no to anything you pick out.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Ten minutes later, they were in the truck. Katy constantly wiped her palms on her jeans, her arms jittering as she stared straight ahead.


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