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Page 18

by Becca Jameson

  Rafe didn’t say anything. She needed time to process. If there was one thing he’d learned in the last week, it was that Katy tended to enjoy almost everything he introduced, but in her own time. Pushing her too fast never got good results.

  Rafe pulled up to his favorite store and turned toward her. “Relax. We’re shopping. Not robbing the place.”

  She gave a half-hearted smirk and opened her door.

  Katy stayed by his side, holding his arm in a tight grip as he wandered through the women’s clothing section. There were about a dozen other people in the store, not unusual for a Friday night. People liked new things when they went to their clubs.

  Rafe grabbed several items and held them in one hand while he searched through racks with the other.

  Katy seemed to pay little attention to what he picked out. Her gaze wandered around, her head moving back and forth as she took in the rest of the store. “Do you own any of this stuff?” she whispered, leaning into his ear.

  “Some of it.”

  She didn’t respond.

  Finally he led her to a fitting room and shut the door.

  “You’re going to stay?” Her eyes widened.

  “Of course.” He turned the lock.

  She bit her lip. “People will wonder what we’re doing in here.”

  He chuckled as he took the first item off the hanger. “No they won’t. They have their own agendas.” He made eye contact with her. “Take off your clothes, baby.”

  Katy pulled her tank over her head and then squirmed out of her jeans. She stood before him in a matching bra and panty set he was about to dispose of also.

  “Everything,” he stated, holding her gaze.

  She sucked in a breath, but lifted her fingers to unclasp her bra.

  Rafe took the lacy material from her and set it on the stool behind him. “Panties too. I’ve seen you naked. Why are you so shy all the sudden?”

  He knew the answer to that question, but he wanted her to contemplate it also.

  “We’re in public,” she hissed.

  “The door is locked and no one can see you.”

  “You can.”

  He smiled. “And I love the view.” He handed her a corset dress.

  When she held it with two fingers, he took it back. “Turn around.” After she obeyed, he reached from behind her and nestled the bodice against her front. “Hold this.”

  Katy grabbed it with both hands to keep in in place.

  Rafe pulled the laces together in the back and tightened the bustier until it lifted her breasts and narrowed her waist. He then threaded the rest of the laces down the skirt. “How does that feel?”

  Katy lowered her hands and turned toward him, her gaze on her chest. “How did you do that? I look much fuller.”

  “Magic.” He winked. And then he stared down at the flesh of her breasts pushed up from the top of the leather. Her nipples were well hidden. She was completely decent.

  “I don’t know, Rafe?” She stroked her hands down her sides, clearly in awe of how sexy she knew she looked. A smile took over her face. “In public, though?”

  “Didn’t you feel more self-conscious in jeans there last week than you would in this?”

  “True…” She tugged on the skirt. “It’s kinda short.”

  “It’s perfect.” Rafe drew a finger along the bottom edge of the hemline. “Covers everything.” He lifted his hand and traced the swell of her breasts. “Covers too much.”

  She glared at him. “Hardly.”

  “So yes?”

  “Okay.” She inhaled deeply. “But I want my panties.” She held out her hand.

  Rafe picked up the scrap of lace and tucked in into his pocket. “Highly overrated.” He gathered the rest of her clothes and draped them over his arm.

  She rolled her eyes and dropped her hand. “So domineering.”

  He kissed her lips. “You love it though.” And then he opened the door.


  “What?” He turned back to face her as he exited.

  “I’m going to wear this now?”

  “Of course. We’re going to the club now aren’t we?” He snagged the tag hanging under her arm and yanked it free, and then he headed for the checkout.

  Katy looked both directions as they left the store.

  Rafe loved the way she got so easily ruffled. As though anyone would care about a woman in a discreet leather dress.


  Katy knew she was fidgeting in the truck. She couldn’t stop tugging on the hemline. Her bare ass was on the leather seat, and every time she looked down at her cleavage she was shocked.

  They pulled up to Extreme at eleven o’clock. Rafe circled the truck and reached for her hand. “Relax. Remember, compared to most members here, you’re overdressed.”

  That much was true. Most of the submissives she’d witnessed last week had been mostly or completely naked. At least he hadn’t requested that of her. She didn’t think she could have complied.

  The same man was working inside the entrance. “You’re back.”

  “Harper.” Rafe nodded at him. “Katy is my guest. She needs to sign the forms this time.”

  Katy couldn’t stand still. She trembled next to Rafe. He wasn’t touching her at the moment and it left her feeling vulnerable. She preferred when he held her hand or grasped her shoulders. Any contact seemed to calm her.

  Harper led them through a side door and handed Katy a clipboard. “Read everything and sign at the bottom of each page.”

  She took the pen he handed her next. “Yes, Sir.” Was she supposed to address other people at the club the same way she did Rafe?

  “Yell if you have any questions,” he told Rafe and left them, shutting the door behind him.

  “Sit. I’ll give you time to read through everything.” He smiled. “I know how thorough you are. I’ve watched you in action at the office.”

  “I’m a lawyer. What do you expect?” She took the seat, perching herself on the edge of it to keep from being overly aware of her bare ass.

  Katy read closely. She decided nothing was unexpected. Mostly the papers outlined a general code of conduct. No touching other people’s subs. No interrupting scenes. Red was the universal safe word. On and on.

  She signed all the pages and handed them back to Rafe. “Now what?”

  “Now we go in.” He took her hand as she stood and led her back through the entrance area. After handing the forms to Harper, they entered the club.

  Katy felt more nervous this time than the last. She’d clearly been a visitor the first time, standing out like a sore thumb. This time anyone could mistake her for a submissive. You are a submissive…

  Rafe took her cheek in one palm and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Remember what you’ve learned so far. Eyes down. Mouth shut unless I ask you a question.” He tapped her shoulders and then her thighs. “Shoulders back. Don’t squeeze your legs together.”

  Rafe threaded his fingers with hers and headed for the main section of the club where it was the noisiest.

  Katy could hear a low beat of music in the background. She was nervous and held Rafe tightly, glad she didn’t have permission to lift her gaze or make small talk with anyone.

  Rafe greeted several people as they past. He stopped walking when he came to a group of guys. It only took Katy a moment to realize these men were the ones she’d met at the gym. The Fight Club, they called themselves. She thought it extremely appropriate.

  She also felt super self-conscious standing next to Rafe wearing a leather dress that barely left anything to the imagination. These were his friends.

  Of course they were also members of the club, so that meant seeing Katy in the leather dress wasn’t out of the ordinary for them. Wait? Did Uncle Joe know about this side of Rafe?

  Heat flushed her cheeks as she remembered some of the things he’d said last Friday night. She hadn’t understood his cryptic words at the time, but now she wanted to disappear into a hole. It’s F
riday night… Be careful with my niece… I mean it… Uncle Joe did know about this. Ugh.

  None of the guys addressed her. She’d expected some sort of razzing from them. But they more or less pretended not to notice her.

  Rafe leaned in to whisper in her ear. “No one speaks to someone else’s sub without permission. So don’t worry about making conversation with the guys. Not here in the club anyway. The rules inside don’t apply outside, but there’s a code we live by within the community. You won’t be teased about anything that happens here, so relax.” He shook her arm, making her realize how stiff she was and how hard she gripped his hand.

  How did he know exactly what she was thinking?

  Eventually the guys wandered away, leaving Katy alone with Rafe. He turned to face her and pulled her against his chest. He buried his face in her hair. “Do you know how fucking horny it makes me to have you here at my side? I’ve never been so damn turned on in my life.” He ran a hand down her back and then settled it at the base of her spine, splaying his fingers.

  Katy’s pussy clenched at his words. He made her as aroused. Even though she was nervous, Rafe had a way of soothing her nerves with a touch and his words.

  “Hell, we might have to get a room, and that’s not like me at all.”

  Get a room? What did he mean by that? Did they have rooms here…to have sex in?

  Rafe took her hand again and led her to the row of scenes. “Let’s see what turns you on this time.” He stopped at the first scene, the one with the cross. A man was roped to the cross this time. He was facing out and wore only bikini briefs. A woman was circling him with a flogger in her hand. She tapped it repeatedly against her other palm, making him flinch.

  “She’s a Domme,” Katy whispered, although it was obvious.

  “Yes. And she’s a fantastic one at that. She’s been coming here for years. Many people, men and women, request a scene with her.”

  “She’s not with that man?”

  “Nope. She’s between permanent subs right now.”

  Katy watched, mesmerized once again by the show. Indeed it was an art form. Every act of dominance and submission inside the club made her think she was watching a short play.

  She stared without blinking as the Domme swung the flogger through the air and hit her target perfectly. The man on the cross moaned as the leather hit his thighs. Katy flinched at least as much as he did every time the Domme struck.

  Katy finally ducked her head. “That’s more than I can handle.”

  “The flogger or the cross?” Rafe asked, rubbing her arms.

  “The flogger, I think.”

  “’K. Let’s move on.” He led her along the hall to the next scene currently taking place.

  A woman leaned over a bench, her arms stretched over her head, her bare ass exposed for everyone to see. Her Dom rubbed her white cheeks and spoke to her softly. He told her not to move. And then he swatted her ass. He spanked her.

  Katy squeezed her legs together. The immediate pulse that shot to her pussy unnerved her. Something about the way that woman leaned over of her own accord and let that man spank her made Katy burn.

  He did it again, the pink rising up on the woman’s butt cheeks, a palm print for each swat.

  Rafe pulled Katy’s back against his chest as he’d done last week. He nudged her legs apart and separated them with his knee. He splayed his hands over her belly. “What do you think?”

  Katy moved her head subtly back and forth. “Not sure yet.”

  She jerked when another blow landed on the woman’s ass. The woman clearly enjoyed every swat. She moaned and squirmed against the bench.

  When she drew her hands back to block the next blow, the Dom stopped and came around to face her. “Leave your hands by your head, or I’ll stop.”

  Katy stared, confused. Why would she willingly want this Dom to spank her?

  The spanking itself was very erotic, more so than Katy wanted to admit, but she didn’t see how she could endure such an act by giving up her free will. Attached to the bench maybe, but intentionally keeping herself still and not moving her hands would be asking a lot.

  The Dom swatted both her thighs and then parted the subs legs wider. “Are you horny?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” The woman’s voice was deep.

  “You want more?”

  “Please, Sir.”

  He spanked her several more times in succession until the woman writhed against the bench.


  “Yes, Sir.”

  The Dom stepped closer to the woman, set a hand on her lower back, and thrust his fingers between her legs.

  The woman screamed her instant release while the Dom rubbed her pussy rapidly.

  Katy held her breath. She almost came herself, shocked beyond belief by that last act. Her breasts felt full and she glanced down, expecting to see her nipples peeking out of the bustier.

  “Hmmm.” Rafe nuzzled her ear. “So spanking is a yes.” It wasn’t a question. He lowered one hand from Katy’s belly and reached between her legs. She couldn’t move to close them with his knee between them holding them apart.

  Rafe was fast. He swiped his fingers through her pussy and brought them back up to her face. He spread her moisture across her lips until she opened and let him enter her mouth. Katy moaned around his fingers. Tasting herself on him was so fucking erotic. Never would she have dreamed of being in this situation, but she’d changed. She wasn’t the same woman she’d been last month.

  Rafe Walker had turned her world upside down, and she was beginning to think it was for the better. The life she’d led before this had been empty, superficial, fake. She’d never really been alive…until Rafe.

  “You want to do a spanking scene?”

  Katy didn’t answer. His breath tickled her ear. She could feel his mouth turning up in a smile.

  Rafe led her away from the scene. He passed several coves filled with other members until he came to an empty one and stopped. He lifted the clipboard on the side of the entrance and gazed at it. He turned to her and smiled. “No one scheduled for the next half hour. You willing to give it a shot?”

  Katy glanced at the bench inside, similar to the one in the other area. She nodded, not believing her own acquiescence.

  Rafe signed the clipboard and led her to the bench. “This one is a little different. Climb onto the top and rest your belly and chest on the center. Your forearms will lie here.” He pointed to the padded area next to the top. “And your knees here.”

  Katy climbed up, shivering. She wasn’t cold. She was nervous…and fucking horny. More than anything she was willing to give spanking a try for the release she’d watched that woman reach.

  “Stay here a second. Don’t move.” Rafe wandered away, leaving Katy with her heart pounding in her ears.

  She was well aware of her ass exposed behind her. The skirt had hardly been long enough to cover her standing. Lying down, she felt the goose bumps that rose on her skin.

  Rafe returned. He had someone with him. “Rider is going to help me. I want to be sure you’re safe.”

  Did he worry he might hurt her? “Rafe?”

  Rafe leaned in front of her. “I didn’t mean it like that. I need to be able to gauge your reactions and it’s tough to do both at once. Just making sure you stay in the right mental place.”

  Katy swallowed hard and nodded. He was being reasonable. At least she could count on him to make sure she was safe.

  “Do you want to be restrained or can I trust you to stay still?”

  She widened her eyes at him and then closed them. What would he think of her answer? “Restrained, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Honesty is number one. If you’d have said otherwise, I wouldn’t have believed you.” He grazed her cheek. And then he wrapped something around her wrist.

  After securing both arms, he leaned in to her ear again. “It’s not a sign of weakness, you know. Most subs like to be restrained. It allows you to let go completely without th
e social stigma of feeling like you should have stopped it. Eliminates that part from the head space. It can take years of practice to be able to endure a spanking on your own free will.” Rafe stood and circled behind her. He attached her ankles to the bench in the same fashion.

  Katy concentrated on breathing. If she didn’t she figured she’d pass out from holding her breath.

  “Relax. Get used to the feel of the bench and the straps.” Rafe smoothed his hands over her skin, everywhere it was exposed, and even on top of her back through the leather. “Breathe.”

  Katy tried. She calmed slightly as Rafe circled her. Where was Rider? She wasn’t sure how she felt about him watching, but then anyone could be watching. She didn’t look in that direction to see if she had an audience.

  “I’m going to start easy, baby.” Rafe rubbed her ass and lifted her skirt out of the way.

  The suspense was worse than the spanking when his hand finally landed on her left cheek. It wasn’t bad. She could do this. Her butt warmed where his hand had struck. He slapped her other cheek soon after and then rubbed and massaged them both. “You okay, Katy?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What’s your safe word?”

  “Red, Sir.” She couldn’t see him, but he was still rubbing her cheeks.

  “Harder this time.” The play by play stressed her out. Did he think it would ease her tension? Rafe’s hand landed two more times, rapidly and hard enough to make her squeal.

  She jerked, but with her arms and legs secured, she couldn’t move more than a few inches in any direction. No way could she have done this without restraints.

  Two swats lower, almost on her thighs, landed next.

  Katy moaned. His hand left a growing warmth in its wake, precariously close to her pussy. She felt the moisture gathering between her legs and couldn’t believe she was so aroused by this.

  Again. Not as hard this time. And then Rafe molded his hands to her burning skin for a moment. When he released her, he came around to her face and pulled up a chair. He sat and leaned toward her. He brushed her curls from her face and kissed her cheek. “You’re doing so well, baby. I’m so proud of you.” He nuzzled her hair and then continued to stroke it with his fingers.


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