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Once Upon a Royal Wedding

Page 13

by Laurie LeClair

  “Sadly, it’s a necessity, Bella.” Stephan sighed. “I’ll join you. I can sharpen some of my skills while helping you.” He pointed to the workout area nearby and the large punching bag hanging down.

  She noted the one guy slamming his foot into it.

  “I get to kick something? Now, I might enjoy that part.”

  “And throw and toss and pummel.” Stephan nodded to the half-dozen men and women training on the mat, where one just flipped another over their shoulder and pounced on their chest.

  “Me? I’ll just watch.” Rico flinched at the flying punches and grunts between two opponents in the ring to their left.

  “If I have to then you have to. And we brought cake for later.”

  “Cake! Oh, you said the magic word. Pegster, come on, what are you waiting for? Hop to it!” Rico marched to his friend and hooked an arm through hers.

  “Holy guacamole! There’s cake!” Peg race-walked alongside Rico to the mat.

  Belle giggled. “Works every time.”

  “Food.” Stephan tugged her hand to follow him. “Even the mention seems to delight all of you.”

  “Oh, that hurts, Stephan. Really hurts.”

  He chuckled.

  The rich sound whisked heat through her body. She shivered.

  Of course, Stephan noticed and shot her a wicked grin. “Ah, Bella. I do need to work off some excess energy. However, it may prove challenging with you around.”

  “Tell me about it,” she muttered under her breath, wondering how she was going to get through the next few weeks when he looked at her that way.

  Each station proved a higher degree of difficulty and required another skill set, Belle discovered soon after changing into all-black gear.

  Who knew there was a clever way to throw a punch? And she’d learned ducking quick helped tremendously. She did enjoy the kickboxing, getting her aggressions out. However, climbing vertical half-walls and falling to the other side was not high on her to-do list ever again.

  With Stephan at her side, he made it fun and entertaining. At one point, he shucked off his soaking-wet T-shirt and she thought she’d faint at the sight.

  “Buff-a-roni, honey!” Rico grabbed Belle’s bottle of water and took a long swig. The crinkling of the plastic sliced through the air.

  Peg slapped Rico’s arm. “Holy hotness! Don’t hog it all. Give me some.” She splashed herself with the water.

  “Really?” Belle gawked at Stephan, with his beautiful big biceps, glistening sinewy muscles, six-pack or whatever abs, and broad shoulders. “Did you have to do that?” She’d seen him shirtless before—and wet, from swimming. But today the impact made her gulp a half-dozen times.

  He grinned and leaned close enough to whisper in her ear. “Bella, I’m all yours.”

  “Not yet. Stop teasing me.”

  “Me? I think it’s the other way around.”

  Belle glanced down at her clinging top, damp with her perspiration, and then to her skin-tight yoga pants. Heat climbed up her neck and settled high on her cheeks. “Not fair.”

  “Tell me about it, Bella. I did say it would be a challenge, didn’t I?” He nodded to the lanes. “Shall we work off some more steam?”

  She huffed and puffed in sprints, with Rico giving up the first few feet.

  “I’m done, girl! I can’t mess up my hair.” He fanned himself with a hand.

  Peg refused to drop her clipboard and scribbled notes half the time while on the sidelines. “Note to Boss 1: Never again. Note to Boss 3: I need a raise.”

  However, Stephan outpaced Belle, came back, and then slowed down enough to join her to the finish line.

  “Why running again?” She leaned over and placed her hands on her burning thighs, sucking in air. “I am so out of shape. Ugh!”

  “You need to be faster…”

  “Than who?” She stood and stared at Stephan, still dazzled by him and his potent masculinity.

  “The bad guys, Belle.” Lewis came up to them. He waved a hand. “That’s what this is all about. Safety. Protection.” He nodded to Stephan. “I got a tour of the escape rooms. Some setup you have here. Ex-military.”

  “Only the best.”

  Belle gulped hard. She knew this, yet, she’d been reluctant to acknowledge the dangers. “But the guards…”

  “Can do only so much, my Bella.” His face grew somber and his eyes darker. “Promise me you’ll stay alert—out there. And you learn every tactic you can in here.”

  Certain things were falling into place. “Not just me, right? You’ve invited my family and friends here to train… And wanting Lewis and my mama living close in Dallas.”

  “Really? How close?” Lewis turned and smiled at her mother, who chatted with Deidre non-stop on the outside track as they rounded another curve.

  “Next door, Lewis.” Belle nodded in understanding. “You could have told me, Stephan.”

  “Two-fold, Bella. Safety and for you to have your mother nearby. You deserve to have someone who adores you—me, as your future husband, and your mother and soon-to-be stepfather—always there for you.”

  Life just kept getting more and more complicated for Belle.

  “Can we really do this, Stephan?” Doubts crept in and a bubble of panic rose to her throat. The potential of threats and scary thoughts of not fitting in or being good enough for this royal life crashed inside her hard.

  If she’d been born into it, this would be second nature. However, not only was Belle thrown into the middle of this brand-new world, but her family and friends were, too.

  Could she do this to all of them?

  “I think they are all finally asleep.” Stephan eased down beside Bella on the plush sofa in his parlor.

  She giggled. “It sounds like you’ve put down kids to nap.”

  “Sometimes Rico and Peg could be mistaken for playful children.”

  “That’s what’s so endearing, don’t you think?”

  He gathered her close and savored the feel of her in his arms and the scent of her hair. “Very entertaining—one or both.”

  “Everyone loved the cakes. I’m glad Deidre stayed and joined us.”

  Stephan thought he saw something in her eyes earlier. “She’s lonely.”

  Bella pulled back and looked at him. “She has your father.”

  “Does she?” He sighed and gently brushed a tendril of her silky hair off her cheek. “He’s not demonstrative or verbal with his feelings.”

  “That’s an understatement.” She covered her mouth. “Oops! That slipped out.”

  His chuckle came out of his weary body of its own accord. “Bella, you tell the truth.”

  “Have you seen him yet?” Her inquisitive gaze held his.


  “But you’ve talked, right?”

  “Not that either.”

  “Is he even in the palace?” She threw up a hand.

  “As far as I know, he is. Business as usual.”

  “To be so close and not even communicate with your own son? Correction, one and only child. That’s insane.”

  “He’s punishing me.” There; he’d voiced his own concerns. It didn’t ache like he’d assumed it would. It felt flat and hollow.

  She gasped. Tears glistened in her eyes. “Because of me.”

  “Because of my choice to be with you, Bella. This isn’t the first time he’s been distant due to my decisions. However, it is the only time he’s completely shut me out. I’ve never brought a woman to the palace—the woman I am to marry.”

  “He doesn’t even know me.”

  “Sadly, he doesn’t care to, because he’d discover how wonderful you are and that would make him wrong.” He kissed the palm of her hand and then her fingers. “His loss.”

  “And you? This is yours, too.”

  “No, my Bella. I am not in a battle with him. I am in a war to save my heart from dying as his has. You, and how we love each other, have saved me. Always remember that.”

  Chapter 10
r />   Belle stood near the private jet all too soon. The few days with Stephan flew by and she’d never felt closer to him.

  His words rang in her head over and over again. In a war to save his heart…

  Knowing that and having a part in it had touched her so very deep inside.

  “Stephan, I wish you could come back with us.”

  Her mama and Lewis were already boarded.

  Rico and Peg climbed the stairs as Rico shouted, “Good-bye, my loves. I shall return!”

  “I have much to do, my Bella, to prepare for my new bride and our honeymoon.” Stephan drew her close.

  “At your mother’s castle.” She sighed as his warmth engulfed her. She delighted in their joint decision to stay at the beautiful estate for a week after the wedding.

  “Cottage.” He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Don’t change it too much. It’s perfect the way it is.” He’d spoken of updating it for her.

  “Small things. However, there are my businesses to tend to.” His gaze clouded.

  “You can tell me, you know. I’m here for you. You do not have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Not anymore.” She’d learned so much from him in their talks these last days—his independence, his will to survive in spite of the crumbling finances and lack of attention from his own father after his mother’s untimely death in an accident, the boy who became a man, and a country who adored his tenacity and devotion to their renewal.

  “Ah, my Bella, how I am learning as I go, as you say.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “There are many changes. Good ones for us. They are simple and complicated and necessary.”

  Belle pulled back slightly. “And you’ve told me nothing.”

  “But I’ve told you everything that needs to be said. You are my heart.”

  His fierce declaration should have shaken her; however, it was a proclamation that reverberated deep in her soul.

  “I am yours, Stephan.” She’d never meant it more than she did at this moment.

  Leaning in, she kissed him, soft and sweet and long…

  Weeks went by and Belle focused on her design classes, working at King’s, finishing her exquisite wedding dress with the help of the designers and seamstresses. It touched her that everyone yearned for the best for her.

  She was exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. And she ached for Stephan every second of every day.

  FaceTime, texts, and chats were often; however, it wasn’t the same.

  Now, she raced from school in the late afternoon. She’d been caught up in talking to her pattern instructor on a tricky design and had lost track of time.

  Her heels clicked on the sidewalk as she clutched her red tote to her side. “Owie! That smarts. Oh gosh, I hope I didn’t have any thing sharp in there.”

  The loud familiar whistle coming from the curb brought her a well of joy. “Lewis!”

  Her future stepfather stood in his chauffeur uniform and hat, and waved her over.

  “How did you know I was late again?”

  “You, kiddo?” He chuckled and returned her quick hug. “When are you not lately?”

  “I know. What’s up with that?” She grinned. “Front seat.” She called it before he could admonish her.

  “Here we go again.” He rolled his eyes and opened the door for her.

  She waited until he came around and settled in the driver’s seat. “Can’t a girl catch a break? I get a choice with you. The others—you know, the royal stuff—I won’t.”

  “Heard from him today?” He started the car and eased it out into the light flow of traffic.

  “Later.” She checked the clock on the dash. “In a few hours. I’ll be in the design room, where it’s nice and quiet that time of night. Why?”

  He reached behind him, drew out a folded paper, and then handed it to her.

  “What’s this?” Something hard and sharp sunk and hit rock bottom in her belly. “More?”

  Belle had seen her share of the gossip newspapers about the royals and a few with Stephan and her. Some of those pictures were of them in his mother’s village—sweet and touching—as they shopped that day. The ones where they laughed and held hands she treasured.

  Many were stills from Rico’s vlogs. Funny and warm and endearing with Stephan and her—two people obviously in love. Rico and Peg pulled off a great feat in getting the best of the palace while playing down the pretentiousness. All in all the vlogs were a hit in the States and in Stephan’s homeland.

  But others were not so kind. She’d been painted as an illegitimate gold digger and worse. Thankfully, Stephan had made one very fierce and very direct statement to counter them. Also, a flat-out warning to file lawsuits against anyone who dared to harm or harass Belle and her family and friends.

  “It’s bad.”

  She groaned in agony as she saw the horrible picture staring back at her. “He didn’t.”

  “Yep, afraid he did.”

  The king—Stephan’s father—denounced his own son’s choice for a bride—her. “Poor Stephan.”

  “And only days from the old man’s wedding to Deidre, too. I guess we’re not invited anymore.”

  “I’m going.”

  “Good for you. Your mother and I will be there with you.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “Lewis, have I ever told you I love you like a father?” She sniffed.

  “Oh, you had to go and say that now?” He wiped a hand over his eyes. “I’m driving here.” He cleared his throat. “Thanks.”

  She drew in a deep breath and let it out. Then she checked her muted phone. Nothing. No missed calls. No texts. No word from Stephan.

  Belle exited the limo, closed the door, and then leaned in the powered-down passenger side window. “You’re a lifesaver, Lewis. For picking me up at school and stopping for takeout. I’m starving. I owe you. Tell Mama I’ll call in the morning.”

  “No need. You’ll see her yourself. She took on an extra shift at King’s.” He nodded to the department store behind her. “She loves the Charming Beauty Bar and Rico’s going to fast-track her into cosmetology school.”

  “Yes! Another win for us! We’ve got to celebrate soon. And bring Rico along for drinks.”

  “Don’t forget Peg. Those two are thick as thieves, especially with Austin on his tour.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Gotta go.” She tapped the door. “Be safe.”

  “You, too.”

  Smiling at her mother’s good fortune, Belle shoved down her own bubbling anxiety. Oh, Stephan. Call me.

  She walked the last few yards and then pushed the revolving door and joined the customers entering King’s. Peeking in the guard room, she found her friend. “Hey, Bruno. I took a chance. Another double for you?”

  “Hey, Belle. Don’t you know it. I’m saving up for a nice vacation for my wife and my anniversary. How you doing?” He cleared off a space on his desk.

  “I brought extras.”

  “Man, you know me so well. What do you have there?”

  It took two minutes to unpack the food and another five to divvy it up. “I’m in the design room for the next four hours.” She groaned. “Stop by and chat on one of your rounds if you get a chance.”

  “Will do. When are you leaving again?”

  “Three days to countdown.” Her stomach lurched at the prospect of crashing the king’s wedding.

  “Fancy stuff. You’ll be fine. You can hold your own.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  All the way walking through King’s, Belle greeted and nodded to her co-workers and a few customers she knew. She made friends here, ones who didn’t speculate about her, but who knew her for who she was. Why couldn’t more people be like that? Especially Stephan’s father.

  Finally, she entered the quiet, empty elevator and leaned her head back as it whisked her to the design floor.

  It dinged open and she dragged herself out.

  “Eat and then tackle the sewing.”
r />   With her belly grumbling at being mistreated for hours, Belle inhaled her melted ham and cheese panini with a side of fries. It tasted great, but an hour later it didn’t sit well in her now churning stomach.

  She rechecked her phone. “Nothing. OMG!”

  Being in limbo did not sit well for Belle. She balanced her cell phone—now unmuted—on the corner of her design table and tried to ignore it.

  “Ring, dang it!”

  That didn’t work either.

  “I could call him. What if he’s in the middle of talking to his father? Not good. Come on, focus.”

  Belle rolled up the sleeves on her silky green blouse. “I know, not a good look.” She tackled the task at hand and gingerly unfurled the pinned pattern for her latest design—a gown. The slippery powder-blue Tulle shifted and she got poked with several pins. “Behave.”

  At least the top part was nearly complete—sweetheart neckline, corset-like, in a slightly darker blue shade and beautifully embroidered. She pictured the finished dress—fitted top, nipped in at the waist, and with all the swirls of Tulle in multi-layers draping softly to the floor.

  Note to self: look for matching heels.

  Lost in her sewing, she sat at the machine and pieced together the delicate fabric, careful to go slow and take her time, gently adjusting as she went. The seams came together and she grew more and more pleased at the outcome.

  Her ringtone jolted her, making her pulse shoot up.

  Gingerly, extracting herself from the gown and machine, Belle prayed she’d get to the call in time.

  Reaching out, her fingertips brushing the screen, it stopped.

  She groaned. “No!”

  Picking the phone up, she went to check the caller ID. Before she could, it rang again.

  “Stephan.” She answered breathlessly, half panicking she’d miss it again or thinking she’d press something and disconnect.

  “Bella.” His comforting voice soothed her jangled nerves. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Me, too. I mean you. I missed you.”

  He chuckled, low and husky.


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