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Once Upon a Royal Wedding

Page 14

by Laurie LeClair

  A shiver went over her. “You’re laughing at me.”

  “I’m enjoying you.”

  “H-how are you?” Her question came out fraught and disjointed.

  “Bad news travels fast, I see.” His sigh whistled through the lines. “He’s impossible.”

  “Why hurt you like this? I just don’t understand.”

  “That is a very good question. I have no answer.”

  “Have you asked him?”

  “It appears we are not on speaking terms. I have asked for an appointment many times and have been turned down.”

  “A what? You can’t be serious?” Who in their right mind would do such a thing to their own son? The man needed his head examined.

  “I can’t wait to see you, my Bella.” His voice held such yearning.

  “Do you mean I can still come? I won’t get kicked out of the country or anything?” That had weighed on her mind.

  “He could decree it; however, there will be repercussions for him. Not just from me but the people. You see, Bella, you are being championed, especially in my mother’s village. They adore you.”

  Tears smarted her eyes. “Oh, Stephan. That makes me want to cry.” It touched the deepest part of her heart.

  “With happiness, I hope.”

  “Yes. I’m so glad they’re not turning on you.” Could she even hope he’d find some peace and solace there?

  “Even if my father has.” He said it so matter-of-factly.

  “He’s wrong. All of this is so wrong.”

  “Deidre is distraught over it. She wanted me to give you her best and to let you know she has nothing to do with it.”

  “Of course not. She’s not like that at all.” Belle sighed. “What can I do for you?”

  “You’re doing it. Just to hear your voice, Bella, is helping. I can’t wait to see you in a few days. My private jet is arriving for you, your family—”

  “Peg and Rico, too. They can’t stop talking about all the fun they had last time.”

  “Ah, the cake.”

  “Found out.” She chuckled.

  “Meet me at the charity ball in three nights.”

  “Still? I…thought you’d be better off if I didn’t show.” Her heart thumped. This could end badly.

  “Never. You are my date. My love. We will be a couple at the fundraiser for my mother’s charity and the school. You belong with me, at my side.”

  Those were such sweet words to her ears. She’d always wanted to belong somewhere. “I’ll be there, Stephan. For you and for us.”

  “My Bella…”

  She ached for him, to touch him and hold him and most of all to soothe his pain.

  But she wondered how they would stay together with his powerful father so against them. There was so much at stake…

  Chapter 11

  The whirlwind of activity did not stop for the next three days for Belle. She packed in as much as possible—finishing her dress and adding a dark-blue velvet cape, taking her finals at school, working at King’s, and gingerly placing her wedding gown in a special garment bag to travel with her.

  Finally, the jet took off and she nearly cried when she saw Oscar was on board. “Stephan sent you.” He’d done it for her.

  Oscar shrugged it off; however, he did give her a ghost of a smile in greeting.

  Sleep eluded her on the long flight. Rico and Peg talked nonstop for the first two hours, selecting colors and styles to try on a Deidre makeover they’d promised her on their last visit.

  Lewis dozed between magazine articles. Her mother rose from her spot and then slipped in the seat beside Belle’s.

  “It’s all right, Isabelle.” Her mother patted her hand. “I’m here.”

  “I know. And the King family will be at the ball, too, since Charlie is on the board and they’re staying for the royal wedding. I’m worried for Stephan. What if there’s a scene?”

  “Plan B?” She smiled. “We always had one, didn’t we? What shall it be this time?”

  Belle would like to know that one herself…

  “I’m shaking.” Belle let out a pent-up breath as the royal limo whisked them away to the ball. She’d spent the last hour frantically getting ready—due to the late flight arrival—at the palace and her mind raced with all kinds of scenarios to come.

  “Well, I’m all for some drinkie-drinks.” Rico reached for the champagne bottle sticking out of the ice-filled bucket nearby.

  “Geez Louise! Fill her up, already.” Peg plucked up the etched glasses and held them out. “I’m a ball of nerves.”

  Lewis tugged at the bow tie around his neck. “You’d think I’d be used to these things.”

  Belle’s mother chuckled. “I think it has more to do with not being in the driver’s seat, dear.”

  “True.” He grinned.

  The chatter continued. Belle watched the pretty lights and grand buildings rush by as they drove through the vibrant city streets.

  It seemed like only minutes before the car slowed to a crawl.

  Peeking out, Belle noted the long line of sleek, dark cars waiting in line. Her stomach knotted the closer they inched to the front.

  “We are here.” The dull voice of the driver ricocheted through the suddenly silent interior of the vehicle.

  Belle gulped.

  Oscar jumped out of his side of the car and raced around to stand watch as another guard popped open Belle’s door.

  She shook. The bright lights nearly blinded her and the constant clicking of the cameras sounded.

  “Miss Belle.” Oscar assisted her. “Breathe.”

  The simple directive made her giggle. It seemed like a hundred clicks rent the air and flashbulbs went off.

  “Oh, what a shot!” a faceless person in the crowd yelled.

  “Over here, Isabelle,” some disembodied male voice called out.

  “This way, miss.”

  Waiting patiently for her family and friends to join her, Belle noted the many blurry faces behind the mics thrust in her face.

  “You got this.” Oscar stood slightly behind her.

  “Remind me to thank you later.” She smiled and talked, trying not to move her lips—something in one of the training sessions Deidre had given her weeks ago about professional lip readers employed by numerous news outlets…

  Rico and Peg drank in the reporters. He posed. While Peg—clutching a bedazzled clipboard—drew her own attention for being a rock star’s wife.

  “Look who’s with her!”

  Finally, Belle got the signal from Oscar to move forward. She accepted her mother’s hand through her arm as they ascended the many stairs to the famous museum. Lewis remained on the other side, assisting his future wife.

  There were doormen nodding to Belle at the now open entrance. However, inside, the atmosphere changed. Tension throbbed as conversation stuttered. Some women stared openly, looking at her up and down.

  Belle straightened her spine and lifted her chin.

  She would not embarrass Stephan. This was his night.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Belle watched Deidre gently push aside some attendees. “Do excuse me.” She rushed to Belle and hugged her close. “You’re so beautiful, my dear. Oh, I’ve missed you.”

  Returning her embrace, Belle whispered, “You’re so kind to meet me like this. In front of them…”

  “Oh, nonsense. We’re family. Well, almost, but who’s counting.” She stepped back and beamed. “He has been putting out fires for days—for this and the other thing.” A shadow crossed her features.

  “Dee Dee!” Rico approached her, giving her an air kiss on each cheek. “How lovely. And me?” He stuck out his shoulder.

  “More handsome than ever.”

  “See, I knew I liked her for a reason. She has great taste.”

  Swift greetings came next for the rest of Belle’s party, coats were taken, and then the daunting moment arrived.

  “Ready, dear?” Deidre didn’t wait for an answer. “Don’t worry. The kin
g is under the weather and won’t be putting in an appearance tonight.”

  “Why didn’t you say that in the first place?” Belle blew out a breath. Her nerves calmed a notch or two.

  Over the next half hour, Belle received a combination of weak smiles and frosty glares from most of the attendees. Then, when she saw her bosses—the King family—she smiled with relief.

  They embraced her and her family—well, Griff, only halfway as was his nature. Rico and Peg gossiped with Francie and Priscilla, whispering about the stares and going on about the palace.

  Charlie—beautiful in a shimming rose gown—hugged Belle. “I love your dress. The bare shoulder look is so daring for one of these hoity-toity affairs.”

  Belle giggled. “You didn’t just say that.”

  “Even for me, they’re stuck up. Alex agrees and he’s been to hundreds more than me.” She tilted her head to her tall, handsome husband.

  “If this wasn’t such a worthy cause, we would have skipped it.” Alex smiled.

  “Phew! It’s just not me then.” Belle tried to sound hopeful.

  “Some is, I’m afraid.” Charlie sighed. “It will blow over. All bad stories do eventually. And your true friends know you. That’s all that’s important.”

  “Have you seen…” Belle glanced around. “Stephan?”

  “In the ballroom, surrounded by donors. Do you want me to take you there?”

  “No, no. I’ll drag Rico and Peg away.” She needed her sidekicks to help ease her frayed nerves.

  “Did I hear my name, sweetie?” Rico popped up behind Charlie and squeezed his boss in a quick hug. “Who would have thought moi would end up staying in a palace and doing a makeover tomorrow on the king’s future bride?”

  “Only you, Rico, my friend.” Alex shook his hand.

  “If you don’t need us now, then we’re going to put in a call and hopefully it goes through this time to our little ones. Only one day and we miss them so much.” Charlie and her husband said their good-byes and then slid through the crowd, Alex shouldering the way.

  “Ready or not, here we come.” Rico grabbed her arm. “Pegster, get the other side.”

  “Where’s my mama and Lewis?” Belle looked around for more backup.

  “With Dee Dee, I think. Never mind. We got you.”

  Dodging many curious couples into the ballroom, Belle’s steps stalled behind several people blocking the way. They shifted and parted and she nearly got to the front, only to have more cross her path. To her right, she heard raised whispers coming from a small group.

  “That’s her. The gold digger.” The woman’s voice carried, though.

  “What is she—eighteen?” another female asked.

  “Early twenties. Not that it matters. She has plenty of experience with rich men. Her mother was a maid for them.”

  They chuckled.

  Swallowing hard, Belle forged forward and broke through the holdup. However, she shook.

  “Catty crows,” Peg grumbled under her breath.

  Rico stepped in, nudging Belle’s side. “Do you know what’s missing from this soirée, Belle? Shapewear!” He cringed. “O-M-G! It’s like a room full of Jell-O all around me.”

  She tried to muffle a laugh.

  Peg snorted. “Good one, bub.”

  The nearby women gasped and then discreetly looked to their waist and hips.

  Rico leaned in to Belle. “I got your back, sweetie.”

  “Thanks, friend.” Tears clogged her throat. If anyone was more true-blue friends than Rico and Peg, she hadn’t found any.

  The slight commotion brought Belle more attention. Now, people part and turn.

  Across the room, she spotted Stephan. He glanced once and then jerked his head back again. His intense gaze landed on hers. Her heart tumbled over and over. He looked perfect in the black tux he wore.

  A ripple of voices floated through the room and then grew silent.

  With a ghost of a smile, Stephan placed a fisted hand on his heart and then nodded to her. Next, he sought out the band. When they started playing, he strolled to her—now everyone stepped back in a large, wide circle, watching what he’d do next.

  He walked to Belle with single-minded focus, stealing her breath away. “Gorgeous.”

  “I was going to say the same about you.” Her cheeks warmed. “The way you fill out a tux should be one of the deadly sins.”

  His firm, mesmerizing lips lifted at the corners of his mouth and she longed to kiss him. “Dance with me.”

  A moment ago, in the mix of the richy-rich people avoiding her like the plague, she’d have never agreed. However, it was Stephan’s unrelenting confidence in her that sparked her sheer force of will to abandon the naysayers and their negative attitudes.

  She placed her hand in his large outstretched one. Oh, the touch of his skin. Ever so slowly, he backed up, bringing her with him with each step. Belle moved with ease as she captured and held Stephan’s warm, loving gaze.

  When he halted in the center of the room and put an arm around her waist, she asked him, “Can I touch you?”

  “Be my guest.” His voice held a deep rumble that shot through her to her toes.

  Instead of taking his hand in the traditional style, she flattened her palms against his chest. “So strong, my Stephan.” Not just physically, but in spirit; he braved the ugly rumors and tradition for me.

  The slight gasps of the partygoers reached her, most likely at her boldness to touch him in public.

  With her hands still pressed to him, she lifted them along the sinewy muscles barely contained in the most expensive black fabric until she reached his broad shoulders.

  “I think they’d faint if I did the same to you, Bella.” He grinned.

  She giggled.

  He wrapped both his arms around her, his delicious heat seeping into her. He dropped a soft, light kiss on her forehead and then a gentle, whispery one on her lips.

  She quivered down to her toes.

  Stephan ignored the fresh wave of gasps and sounds of many camera clicks. “Shall we?”

  “I thought we were already.” Belle’s head seemed light and her feet were moving now, matching his steps.

  The familiar song went to a tender spot deep inside her.

  “That was—”

  “Playing for our private dance.”

  “You remembered.”

  “How could I ever forget? Alone with you and the decorated restaurant all to ourselves…”

  “The tiara you had waiting for me on loan from King’s.”

  “Peg and Rico and two of the sisters putting in their two cents.”

  “It was magical.”

  “So is this moment. So it will be always for us.”

  No matter what they faced, it did feel possible at this very moment with him. “Together, Stephan.”

  “Forever, my Bella. I promise you that.”

  If only…

  Chapter 12

  Hours later, Belle, with Stephan’s kisses still warm on her swollen lips, dropped into her bed.

  The rest of the night with him seemed magical and surreal and she couldn’t stop smiling as she tried to drift off. The music haunted her even now and stirred something deep inside, longing for Stephan and a life with him.

  Her body craved sleep—preferably in his arms—yet her mind clamored with worry.

  What if Stephan’s father shunned him because of her? It seemed more likely as the days dragged on. When was the last time he was civil to Stephan? Or even spoke to him? How long could it go on?

  She recalled the brief, yet dreadful meeting at the penthouse. And it has gone downhill from there. Nothing was the same since…

  “My fault.”

  Belle stirred and blinked.

  “There’s only me standing between them.”

  Sitting up straight, she grasped for an idea. She gulped when she hit on one. Without considering it more, she scrambled off the bed and threw on some clothes—discarded jeans and her now wrinkled s
hirt from her trip. Next, Belle gingerly opened her door. She peeked out and then slowly crept down the darkened hall.

  “Jiminy Cricket, you scared the life out of me!” Peg squeaked.


  “Geez, I could have smacked you over the head with my clipboard.”

  “Thanks.” Belle lowered her voice. “I thought you were sleeping already.”

  “My clock’s all turned around. What about you? Oh, sneaky sneak to Stephan’s room. I get it.”

  “No, no. Not that. We promised.”

  “That again? Have I taught you nothing?”

  “How much have you had to drink?” Belle leaned forward and realized Peg held a martini glass.

  “Not much. I had to play goody-two-shoes at the ball. Here, I’m free as a bird.”

  “Where’s your sidekick?” Somehow she reasoned he wasn’t far behind.

  “Oh, all right, you got me.” Rico slid out of the shadows. “Drinks are free here. We have to partake when we can.” He hesitated and then pointed at her. “Wait, where are you going?”

  “I have to see him.”

  “Who him?” they asked in unison.

  “The king.”

  Belle’s footsteps were muffled by the plush carpet in the outer office. The dimly lit room revealed another light under the door, even at this late hour. Her heart sped up.

  Rico and Peg poked her in the back.

  “Owie!” she whispered. “That smarts.”

  “Criminy, that was nothing. Hurry up while we act as your lookouts.” Peg stuck her head out the door, looking one way and then the other down the long, intimidating hall. “Coast is clear.”

  “Chin up, Belle.” Rico raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Easier said than done, my friend.” She blew out a pent-up breath, silently thanking them for the backup, and then pivoted to face the huge, intricately carved door. He’s behind there. Alone. And I’m about to meet with the grumpy bear.

  She swallowed hard. On shaky legs, Belle walked to the barrier and knocked softly. Her cold knuckles ached at the rough contact.

  A blustery bellow rang out.

  “I guess that means come in?” She winced as she looked over her shoulder at her companions.


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