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Master of Her World

Page 9

by Lily Harlem

  Behind her, Gast roared. The sound was primitive and raw as it echoed around the dome.

  His semen jetted into her. He was so deep, deeper than ever before. Or so it seemed.

  She dragged in a breath and it shot to the base of her lungs, filling her with what she needed.

  “Ah, yes, slave, yes…” he moaned, once again pulling out then barging back in, more of his life-giving fluid flooding her.

  Briella gripped the bedding and allowed her master to hold her up as he continued to empty into her.

  He was so strong, so virile, his semen so potent and powerful. She’d never dreamed it would be this way, so incredible and fulfilling.

  He stilled as a final pulse of fluid left his cock. He’d dragged her onto him, his fingers pincers on her hips.

  She breathed fast and deep, enjoying the moment and the way the air from his lungs cooled the sweat-damp skin on her back.

  “You take me very well,” Gast said breathlessly. “I’m very pleased with your progress so far.”

  “Thank you, Master. I only want to please you.”

  “You have, but you know there’s still more.” He withdrew but kept a hold of her. “Keep still. Just like that.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  As he released Briella, her heart rate began to slow. He reached beneath her and peeled away the vibrating pad.

  She sighed; it was a relief to have it removed after the erotic pleasure had taken her. The stimulus was too much.

  He stepped away.

  She was aware of the room darkening for a moment. A cloud over one of the suns.

  Then he was back behind her, stroking her smarting buttocks and the room lightened again. “You’ve gone as red as the third sun,” he said. “It’s very pretty.”

  “Yes, Sir.” His touch was hypnotic to her, stroking her flesh, spreading the heat from his slaps. Her pussy trembled.

  “And you will look even prettier with this inside you.”

  He tugged at her left buttock and cool air washed over her anus.

  “What… Sir… is it?” she asked, once again gripping the sheets.

  “It’s a device for stretching you, preparing you for my cock.” Something cool and slippery touched the very center of her hole.

  She bit on her bottom lip and tried not to shift away from it. Crying out or wriggling would displease her master and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “Good girl, keep still and take it. It’s not impossible for you to do this.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He began to ease the cold hard device into her. Her hole stretched, as if the diameter was increasing the deeper it got.

  The sensation wasn’t painful as she’d feared, only different. New nerve endings were being stimulated, a virginal set of muscles stretched by an alien object.

  On and on he pushed, slowly and determinedly.

  “Oh, please, Sir,” she moaned as it reached the point she wasn’t sure she could accommodate any more. The nip of pain was making her toes curl. She shut her eyes and tensed her belly.

  “It’s nearly there. You are doing so well. So pretty…”

  Pretty? She wondered how she looked with her asshole being filled and her buttocks flame red. They hadn’t told her about this at the training camp. Many details had been missed. But then perhaps they were unique to her master. He was rather special, and he also didn’t play by anyone’s rules but his own.

  “That’s it,” he said, rubbing the taut skin around her hole. “Last… tiny… bit.”

  It didn’t feel tiny, it felt huge. A cry was beginning in her throat. It was too much.

  Suddenly there was a popping sensation, as though whatever it was had gone into her entirely. The stretch in her anus disappeared and the tight ring of muscle clamped shut.

  “That’s it.” He tipped forward and spoke at her ear. “It’s in. You managed wonderfully.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “And now you will keep it inside you for the afternoon, while you complete your tasks.”

  “As you wish, Sir.” Really? Just keep it up there?

  “And later, when it’s time for your final medication of the day, I will deliver it here.” He rubbed her hole.

  There was something there, on the outside. To stop it from disappearing completely?

  “If that would please you, Sir.”

  “It’s about medicating you effectively,” he said. “And avoiding an enforcer thinking that he has the right to sink his cock into my slave.”

  The way he’d spoken those last words left Briella in no doubt that was something that would anger her master very much. It seemed he was quite possessive over her already. Not that she minded. She only wanted to be medicated by him.

  “Do you understand, slave?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He wrapped his arms around her chest and pulled her to standing, nestling her back against his chest. “How does it feel?”

  She squirmed against him. The denseness in her back passage was all-consuming; it sent trembles down her legs and up her spine. But she couldn’t get away from it; the feeling followed her despite the twitching of her hips.

  He chuckled and held her tighter. “You’ll manage perfectly.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll try.”

  “If you don’t at least try, you’ll be punished.” He nibbled her ear, sending a fresh trickle of awareness through her body.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “But now…” he said. “We must continue with our day.” He paused. “Though looking at the sky I’d guess we’ll soon be confined to indoor tasks. A storm is coming.”

  Briella stared out of the huge windows.

  The lilac and pinks that were usually a pretty wash over the horizon had turned to bruised purple and blood red. A fat-bellied roll of black clouds obscured the suns and as she looked, a neon green fork of lightning streaked like a cobweb over the mountain tips.

  “Yes, Sir. I can see a storm is on the way.”

  “And you will stay inside. I do not wish you to be out in a Roun storm. They can be very dangerous and stir up many things from the basin of the valley.”

  “Will the seeds be okay, Sir?”

  “Yes. We will likely get rain, which will water them.”

  “Oh, yes, good.”

  “Indeed.” He released her.

  Instantly she felt cold without him pressed against her back.

  “You will work in the eating area. I would like the refrigerator, heater, and cupboards all cleaned out. The view of the storm will be spectacular from there but you mustn’t be fearful; in fact, try and enjoy it.”

  “I won’t be scared and I will work hard for you, Sir.” And she would, as best she could, considering she had an arse full of a strange device that was preparing her for tonight’s medication.

  Chapter Eleven

  Briella set to work in the dimly lit eating area. Without the suns’ light the dome had been cast in shadows. As she wiped out the refrigerator and the delivery shoot the drones sent the weekly allowance of food down, the room lit several times; an eerie green that seemed to stay on her retinas for several seconds giving everything a strange hue.

  Gast worked outside until large spots of rain began to hit the window. Then he stomped indoors and appeared to start fixing something in the sanitation room.

  Briella paused for a moment, wondering at how the rain landed clear against the glass. On Zoid it was black and gritty and a constant stream drizzled down coating everyone and everything that was out in it. Here, though, it was like liquid diamonds and ran happily down the panes.

  She hoped her seeds were getting a good soaking and enjoying their first drink of life-giving water.

  She bent to wipe out the cupboard beneath the sink. The device in her arse shifted and she caught her breath. It was hard to concentrate when every twist and turn, bend and stretch, created a cacophony of new sensations deep inside of her.

  Her clitoris was tingling too, as though so
mehow there was a hot wire from her anus to that bundle of nerves.

  After carefully wiping the cupboard and setting the cleaning products back in their slots, she stood. Her pussy clenched, which again shifted the device. After drying her hands she felt between her legs.

  Gast was still banging in the shower fall area so she gripped the counter and examined her pussy. She seemed to be permanently damp down there, not something she was used to. It amazed her how her body was always ready for her master to medicate her and ease his way in.

  Delving farther back, she came into contact with something hard and protruding. The end of the device. It was smooth and round and stuck rudely from her body.

  She shivered and widened her legs, gave it a small nudge.

  “Ahh…” she gasped. It wasn’t painful, just so extraordinary, and she wondered what the size of it inside her was.

  Gast ceased his banging.

  Quickly she stopped examining herself and rushed to the table to collect the plates from their meal.

  As she stacked them, her pussy once again trembled. Her buttocks clenched and the device seemed to shift, pressing forward. A dart of longing shot to her clit and she moaned and shut her eyes.

  It felt good, and she wanted more. Clutching the plates to her chest, she slipped her fingers to her clitoris and began to rub. Instantly, delicious sensations bloomed. She worked harder, faster. Any moment now it would consume her, the erotic pleasure. She knew she shouldn’t be touching herself this way, instinct told her that Gast wouldn’t be happy. But he’d never know and she needed it to get through the rest of the afternoon. Frustration and want swarmed within her. Soon satisfaction would be hers…

  For a moment she was swirling, dancing in her mind. Bliss swamped her as her pussy pulsated. Then she became aware of her body unbalancing. She opened her eyes and saw that she was off kilter, toppling over.

  She dropped the plates and gripped the table.

  The violent sounds of china smashing on the hard floor screamed around the eating area.

  Gast was there in an instant, filling the dark doorway with his big frame.

  “I’m so sorry, Sir,” she gasped, her clitoris still throbbing through the pleasure. “I… I…”

  “You were clumsy.”

  Through the shadows she could see he was scowling.

  “Stand still.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She glanced downward. All around her bare feet, shards of sharp white chips were scattered.

  Suddenly she was scooped into the air. The device shifted again and she held in a whimper as Gast locked her against his chest.

  But no sooner had she registered the pleasantness of being pressed against his body, did she find herself plonked unceremoniously on her cross at the opposite side of the room.

  “You will stay there until I instruct you otherwise.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He tipped his head closer, breathed deep, then his eyes widened. “What the…?”

  She looked away, unable to hold his gaze.

  He gripped her wrist and pulled her hand to his face, set her fingers beneath his nose. “You weren’t just clumsy,” he said, in a low, gritty voice, “you were disobedient.”

  “No, Sir. I wasn’t, Sir—”

  “I would advise you not to lie to me. That will only serve to harness a more severe punishment.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for touching yourself or sorry for breaking the plates?”

  “Both, Sir. I shouldn’t have done either. I know that.”

  “But still you did.”

  He was angry. She knew he was. There were only four plates and she had broken two of them. Not only that, she’d touched herself, when she knew that displeased him unless he’d given her permission. She was so ashamed. Hated herself for being so blundering and for being so distracted by the device she’d been unable to resist working herself to erotic pleasure.

  “Face the wall.”

  She did as he’d instructed and was aware of him stepping away.

  The cupboard door opened and banged shut. The sound of sweeping mingled with the patter of the rain on the window.

  Another streak of emerald lightning filled the room and lit up the wall she was staring at.

  Briella closed her eyes to keep in the tears. She was a wretched slave. Her master was having to clean up after her. It was the wrong way around. He was cleaning up after her because she’d been so consumed with the need to rub her clitoris.

  Would he ever forgive her?

  The clink, clink of the china landing in the waste bin told her his task was finally finished.

  Apologies were sitting on her tongue. She wanted to express her sorrow but feared she’d anger him further so kept silent.

  He was behind her again, his heat and scent wrapping around her.

  “I’m busy fixing something right now,” he said quietly. “But when I have finished you will be punished.”

  “Yes, of course, Sir.”

  “And get used to that device. Because you will be punished with it in place.”

  “I understand.” She swallowed a sob.

  He stepped away and his footsteps faded.

  * * *

  Briella stood staring at the wall, stuffed full in her rear and her clitoris tingling, for what felt like hours.

  The storm raged on though the rain soon eased. Now it was only flashing lights, and loud bellows of thunder shook the sky and the mountainside. She would have enjoyed watching it from the window but didn’t dare turn her head.

  Her master would know.

  He knew everything.

  Eventually he came back into the eating area.

  The dome was dark, partly from the encroaching night and partly due to the storm.

  “Come over here, slave,” he said briskly.

  Oh, he was still so very angry with her.

  Her heart sagged.

  Turning, her legs and back stiff from standing, she saw that he was sitting at his usual chair at the table. Except he’d pulled it several feet back.

  Stepping up to him, she was once again aware of the device moving inside her, pressing against her internal walls.

  He tapped his thighs with both hands. “Over my knee so I can punish you.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She could hardly keep the quake from her voice. “Of course, Sir.”

  Was he going to spank her? With the device in? It seemed he was.

  Gingerly, she rested her belly on his knees and balanced herself at a right angle.

  “No, not like that.”

  Her world turned upside down and she flailed her arms. “Ohh…”

  “Keep quiet,” he said, parting his legs so she was trapped between them with her ass offered up.

  He set his hand on her back, folding her tight, keeping her sealed over his left leg.

  “You must learn to tolerate whatever device I wish to use on you, it’s all for your benefit,” he said, brushing her hair to the side so it all hung over her right ear and tickled the floor. “And I cannot allow you to simply laze around or stand on your cross for all the hours I wish you to wear clamps or accommodate plugs or vibrating pads. That’s simply not good enough and will get nothing achieved in the dome. Equally you must learn to resist the urge to touch yourself when you have my devices on or in your body. I expect self-control, is that too much to ask?”

  “Yes, Sir. I mean no, Sir. I mean I understand, Sir.” She stared at the long shadows the table was creating.

  “Do you?” He rubbed over her spine. Up and down, over and over. “Do you really?”

  “Yes… Sir.”

  He smoothed his hand over her buttocks, then tweaked the end of the device.

  She jerked as it moved inside her, the sensation so strange.

  Thwack. Thwack.

  “Ouch!” He’d brought his hand down on her ass cheeks, hard, one slap on each side.

  “Keep still.” He held her more firmly.

  The pain of his palm whacking h
er flesh shot over her skin and through her pelvis. She clenched around the plug and rubbed her clitoris against his thigh.

  Although she’d called out, she didn’t hate the residual burn the slaps had created.

  Which was just as well, because holding her firm he began to slap her over and over, putting real energy and muscle into each spank.

  The layers of sting built, blurring together. Her ass was on fire, her hole so tight around the plug. She writhed and bucked but didn’t move much. She couldn’t. He had her well and truly trapped and her ass was his to do as he pleased.

  She closed her eyes, gasped and moaned with each spank. A delicious pressure was once again building in her clitoris. It was the erotic pleasure again, and rubbing against his hard thigh was taking it to a blistering point. But she couldn’t let it take over. He’d said she must have self-control.

  Gast paused. He was breathing hard, his belly shifting as he dragged in air and huffed it out.

  Briella was aware of tears running from her eyes, but not over her cheeks, as she was upside down. She was gripping his leg and one of the chairs. She couldn’t recall when she’d done that.

  “Do you think you deserve this?” he said.

  “Yes. I know I do, Sir.”

  He twisted the device, then tilted it so it pressed on the thin barrier between her arse and her pussy.

  “Ohh…” she moaned. Was it a crime that it felt so nice? That the filling in her ass was making her pussy wet and her clitoris crave that all-consuming relief? It was hard to keep it harnessed, not let the need take over.

  “You’re nearly ready,” he said.

  He started up the spanking again. If anything this time it was harder and faster.

  She yelped at the first two but then saved her energy for rubbing her clitoris on him and coping with the blooming pain that felt so good. So shamefully, deliciously good. But she didn’t allow it to overspill; when it threatened to, she clenched her belly and kept it at bay.

  After several minutes, and just when the erotic pleasure threatened to completely overtake her, he stopped.

  Her ass was on fire. She could actually imagine licking flames burning up from her skin. It felt hotter than any sun.


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