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Master of Her World

Page 10

by Lily Harlem

  “Stop.” He pressed his hand on her lower back, ceasing her movements. “It’s time to remove the device.”

  “Yes… Sir.”

  She was panting, her breaths hard to catch. She slumped over him, used to being inverted now.

  He was twisting the device again. There was a coolness around her hole. Then he tugged very gently and the stretch in her anus was back. But this time it reduced quickly, the girth of the device diminishing.

  She was glad the room wasn’t brightly lit. What must she look like? Scarlet ass cheeks, hole widened and ready for his cock.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, slipping his fingers into her pussy. “You coped with that admirably and now you’re ready.”

  Her clitoris was more than ready. She wanted to rock on him again. But she had no doubt in her mind that would get her into trouble.

  He lifted her upright, standing at the same time, and drawing her to her feet.

  Her head swam and her knees weakened.

  “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, holding her close.

  “Yes, Master,” she murmured. He’d sounded as though he was talking underwater. She’d stood too quickly.

  “Shh, it’s okay. Deep breaths.” He stroked her hair, then tipped her chin.

  She did as instructed.

  “You’re okay,” he said gently. “Just dizzy from being upside down.” He looked into her eyes. “Plus it’s medication time.”

  She nodded. Her body didn’t feel like her own. That’s because it wasn’t. She belonged to Gast. He was her master. Her everything. He gave her life and pleasure and a home.

  “Like this.” He turned her to face the table, then tipped her over it.

  Briella kept her eyes open and stared out of the window. The wild flashing lights of the storm gave her something to concentrate on as Gast rubbed her ass cheeks.

  She knew he liked the way they glowed red, but wasn’t sure if he’d be able to appreciate that in this light.

  “You’re ready to take your medication in your ass now,” he said, fingering her pliant hole.

  “Yes, Sir.” She curled her fingers around the edge of the table. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “I’ve done all I can to prepare you. But now it’s up to you how much it hurts.”

  “I understand.”

  “So just relax and let me in.” His voice was calm and soothing.

  The tip of his cock pressed against her hole. It was cool, damp, slippery almost.

  She shifted forward and her clitoris bashed up against the edge of the table. Shifting her hips a little, she rubbed it on the hard wood. Instantly she was back where she’d been before, with her bundle of erotic nerves ready to explode.

  “Oh, Master,” she whimpered as he exerted a steady pressure.

  Her band of muscles opened around him.

  On and on he went.

  She knew there was no stopping. No going back. This had to happen.

  She humped against the table, not big movements, just enough to build up the pressure in her pelvis. “Please, I need to…”

  “Yes, you can, when you need to, take the pleasure.” He groaned. “Oh, yeah, that’s it, slave, good girl.” He slid in deeper, then set upon a steady ride, filling her so absolutely, so utterly, that she didn’t know where he began and she stopped.

  As his testicles touched up against her pussy lips and his body hair scraped on her sore ass, she allowed the erotic pleasure to spin her upward, sideways, every which way.

  She cried out, ecstasy wrapping around her. Her pussy pulsed. Her asshole contracted around his cock and her clitoris thudded. Bliss spread over her body. She’d done it. She’d taken his cock in her ass and it was amazing.

  Tears of happiness spilled from her as her master unloaded his semen inside her. He grunted, long and low, jerking slightly as his cock pulsated.

  A huge rumble of thunder shook the room and the room lit up with a jade and gold flash.

  She moaned, delirious with joy.

  “Breathe now, slave,” he said, running his hand up her back and taking a fistful of her hair. “Breathe.”

  She did, and was grateful he hadn’t thrust in and out of her the way he had in her pussy. It would have been too much and made the pain bad instead of good.

  He was breathing fast too and she remembered that he’d said he liked medicating her. It stopped her feeling guilty that it was a chore for him. She’d worried once that it would be something to bear three times a day on Roun. In fact she and Nhah had been convinced that would be the case. But the way it was going here, with Gast, it was the ultimate pleasure three times a day.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gast pulled out but kept her tipped over the table. “Wait,” he said. “I must put some balm on your ass.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She was content to stay double, staring out at the storm-heavy sky.

  Without another word he began to massage her buttocks. The balm was cool and smelled refreshing. Maybe how flowers would smell. She wasn’t sure. But it was soothing and took away the sting.

  Not only that, it was wonderful to feel so cared for and adored. Her master left no patch of skin without attention. He was thorough and methodical, and paid special attention to her anus, spreading the cream around her tiny wrinkles of skin and just into her hole.

  When he’d finished, he ordered her to stand straight.

  “Yes, Sir. What would you like me to do?”

  “I’m going to shower. I’m not hungry. If you are, you can eat.”

  “No, Sir.” She didn’t want to have a meal if he wasn’t going to. Besides, she felt satisfied in many other ways. Ways she didn’t have the words to describe.

  “Very well. In that case go to bed.”

  She held in a sigh of relief. Bed. That was just what she needed. She was weak and boneless after the way he’d just spanked and then medicated her.

  He strode from the room.

  As the shower fall came on, Briella slipped into her cot. Sleep would soon wash over her.

  Thunder rumbled overhead. She thought of home and her parents. Her mother would have loved the diamond clear rain tapping on the window. Her heartstrings tugged. She missed her parents. She’d never see them again; that was the deal between the two planets’ kings. They’d said long goodbyes, but that didn’t mean a part of her soul didn’t ache for them. If her mother had been a younger woman, and unmarried, then she could have been picked for Roun too. But then, of course, Briella wouldn’t exist.

  The shower fall clicked off and after a few minutes Gast walked naked into the room.

  He padded to his bed, flicked back the covers, and for a moment his silhouette came alive as a flare of lightning lit the room.

  Her heart tugged in another direction, one of admiration and adoration. Her master was the finest man on Roun, of that she was sure. And his cock, thick and long even when not erect, was a thing of beauty—although she did pause to wonder how she’d ever managed to fit it into her body.

  “Come here, slave.”


  “Do as I say.” He lay down.

  “Yes, of course.” She stood, then, moving slowly on her tired legs, she walked to the bed.

  “Lie with me.”


  “Stop questioning me or I’ll be forced to spank you again.”

  “Sorry, Sir.” She slipped onto the bed.

  He tugged at the cover until it came up to their waists. Then he pulled her close, wrapping his thick arms around her and tangling his legs with hers.

  “I wish to hold you tonight,” he said, his lips moving against her hair as he tucked her head beneath his chin.

  “I wish for what you wish.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” She curled her hand over his waist. “Very much so.”

  She closed her eyes. And this time, surrounded by her master’s strength and listening to his heart beating, sleep stole her away.

  * * *

  When Briella awok
e, her chest was tight and her eyes stung. Her master was asleep on his back, his hair spread on the pillow and his lips slightly parted.

  She wiped at the fluid around her eyes. It was as if she’d been crying but she knew she hadn’t been. Her night had been full of dreams of contentment.

  Clearing her throat, she sat. Her mouth was itchy and so was her neck. She scratched it and stared out at the once again clear sky. The storm had passed.

  But in its place was a blazing heat. She was hot, the skin at her temples prickled.

  “Slave?” Gast sat suddenly and studied her. “What’s the matter?”

  “I… I don’t know, Sir. Perhaps I just need my medication.”

  He touched her forehead. “You’re burning up.”

  “Yes, it’s hot in here.”

  He shook his head. “No, it isn’t.” He pressed his hand to her chest, above her left breast. “And your heart is clattering.”

  She coughed again, a wheezy, sharp sound.

  “I will medicate you quickly.” He rose up onto his knees, holding his cock.

  She dragged in another breath. The medication couldn’t come soon enough. Then she’d take a cool shower and blink away the scratching in her eyes under the water.

  He worked his cock just inches from her face, fast and methodical, his movements industrious and well-practiced.

  After just a few minutes, a pearly drip appeared on the end. “Open.”

  She did as instructed, angling her mouth ready for his semen.

  He captured her jaw in his hand, and just before he erupted, he slid gently into her mouth.

  He groaned, a deep guttural sound, as he flooded her tongue.

  She swallowed gratefully, tugging him as she did so.

  Again he groaned and sank a little deeper.

  Another spurt of thick healing fluid.

  She rested her hand on his hard torso. His muscles were like bricks beneath his skin.

  Another draining shot of semen and then he withdrew, his attention fixed on her. “Better?”

  “Yes, a little. I think.” She drew in a breath. It didn’t sink to the base of her lungs the way it usually did. Her tubes were still tight.

  She attempted again, trying not to panic.

  It was the same. Usually her medication worked with instant effect.

  What was happening?


  “I don’t feel right, Master.” She worried on her bottom lip. “My breathing…”

  “Shh, don’t panic. That is the worst thing you can do.” Again he felt her heart. “Just relax. I can fix this.”

  “You can?”

  “Yes.” He pressed her shoulders, urging her flat. “I want you to lie down, quietly, while I get help.”

  “Help? What can help me?” She grabbed his hand. “Please, what’s happening? Am I going to die?”

  “The storm. The dust it blows up from the basin, it’s been known for viruses in that dust to affect Zoid women. Roun men are immune, but it’s new for you.”

  “I have a virus?” The thought alarmed her. She’d heard of these fatal diseases that took out whole civilizations. “I’m going to die.” She clasped her hand over her mouth. “Aren’t I?”

  “No.” He cupped her cheeks and said firmly, “I won’t let that happen.”


  “This is not the end. We have more time together, slave. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes.” But what if it was the end? A few precious days of light and breathing and clear raindrops. Of Gast…

  She wanted more. She’d hoped for a life on the beautiful clean planet of Roun.

  “I’ll get a healer here quickly.”

  “A healer? What’s… that?”

  “Shh, don’t speak. Just rest.”

  He bent to her cot and dragged it to the doorway. “We cannot be seen to be sleeping together.” He disappeared from view.

  Briella nodded, then stared up at the ceiling and concentrated on pushing the air in and out of her lungs. A healer? They’d had doctors on Zoid. Men who’d battled to save people’s poisoned lungs. Was that what Gast meant by a healer?

  Her throat was scratchy, as though she’d swallowed a handful of sharp stones and they’d left their mark on the way down. Her eyes were gritty and she wanted to rub them but knew it wouldn’t help.

  On and on she breathed, tugging the air as deep as it would go, then expelling it slowly. She hoped the dizziness she’d experienced on Zoid wouldn’t return. She knew what it meant… hypoxia.

  It felt as though Gast had been absent from the dome for days. But in truth she knew it had only been an hour or so.

  When he returned, he was not alone. Deep male voices came from outside the door.

  She closed her eyes and prayed the healer would be skilled and have the right equipment to save her life. She didn’t want to die and would do whatever it took to stay alive. To stay with Gast, her wonderful master.

  She’d hated the worry in his eyes when he’d last looked at her. She never wanted to cause him pain or angst.

  The door opened just as she was blowing out a long low breath. It took concentration to do that but she knew she needed to in order to breathe in the next one.

  At the end of the bed stood Gast and the healer. Gast had his hands on his hips and his face was set in a worried expression. The healer wore a black mask with the eyes and nose cut out. He was as big as her master, his shoulders broad and his abdominal muscles well defined. He was absent of body hair.

  “Slave,” Gast said. “All will be well now. The healer will deliver you his special medication.”

  “Special… medication?”

  “Yes. It will help.” He paused, then said quietly, “I hope.”

  Special medication? Was the healer super virile? Did he have optimum strength semen? Was it laced with anti-viral drugs?

  She wanted to ask all of these questions but didn’t have the energy.

  Gast turned to the healer. “We shouldn’t waste time. I fear her lips will turn cyanosed if we wait any longer.”

  The healer nodded once, then dropped his trousers.

  Even through her breathlessness, Briella gasped. She’d never seen anything like it. Hadn’t known such a thing existed.

  The healer had two cocks, one above the other, each nearly as big as her master’s and standing tall and ready for delivery.

  “But… Sir?”

  “It’s okay.” Gast came to the side of the bed and carefully helped her sit. “It will work, you can take this.”

  “Take it?” Did he mean what she thought he did?

  “Yes, one in your pussy and one in your arse.”

  She shook her head. She wanted to live, but…

  “Remove that look of fear from your face.” Gast’s voice had become firmer. “This is essential for your survival.”


  “And you can tolerate this. You know you can.” He cupped her breast, his thumb running over her nipple. “You’re a wonderful giving slave and receive medication with such enthusiasm and obvious pleasure.”

  “I don’t know if…”

  “You have no choice. And I prepared you for this.” He cupped her other breast and flicked that nipple until it hardened under his touch. “Now onto your hands and knees. We will medicate you well. This virus will soon be gone from your body.”

  He didn’t wait for her to respond, simply maneuvered her onto her hands and knees with her ass facing the end of the bed.

  His touch was everywhere, gliding over her body, tweaking her nipples, stroking her buttocks.

  Briella enjoyed his caresses as she continued to concentrate on breathing.

  Suddenly something hard was at her anus and her pussy. She flinched away from it.

  “No, wait. I need a minute,” Gast said. “I’ll not have her hurt.”

  The healer didn’t answer but Briella sensed him backing off.

  “It’s okay, just relax, slave,” Gast said by her ear. “And I’
ll make sure you’re ready to receive your medication.”

  She nodded, feeling too sick to argue now.

  The familiar cool fresh scent of yesterday wafted over her nostrils, then Gast was touching her pussy. He slipped into her, two, maybe three fingers.

  Despite her state of distress she clenched around him. Her master inside her was always something to be enjoyed.

  Steadily he pumped in and out. She was wet and hot, burning up. She wanted his cock, not the healer’s. But that wasn’t going to happen.

  He moved to her anus, spreading the cool lube over her back hole. After a few minutes, and she’d relaxed into the sensation of being touched there again, he slipped into her.

  She closed her eyes and allowed him deeper. He added another finger, working them in ‘v’ shapes so that she stretched wide.

  “That’s it, nearly there,” he said. “Just a little more.”

  Another finger. So much. She wasn’t as relaxed as the previous night. She tensed, went to cry out but didn’t have the breath.

  Quickly, she sought out her clitoris and began to rub it. It altered her position slightly but she didn’t care and she didn’t think Gast would mind either. Plus she didn’t have the pad on today, and that was what had helped when Gast had taken her ass the night before.

  “Let me.” Gast nudged her fingers away from her clitoris and began to circle it. He continued to pump in and out of her arsehole with the two fingers from his other hand.

  She groaned and twisted her head from left to right. That was what she’d needed; her master’s fingers on her clitoris. It felt wonderful, so right, so perfect.

  He withdrew but didn’t let up on her clitoris.

  Then the pressure was back, at her pussy and anus.

  Gast was at her side, his mouth against her ear. “I’ve got you. I’ll rub you. Think of my fingers, not him. It’s just me and you.”

  She kind of nodded but as Gast had spoken, the healer had gained the first inch of entry to both her pussy and her ass. A double penetration that was dense and dark.

  “Ohh…” she gasped, a sharp, stuttering sound.

  “He’ll make this all go away,” Gast said. “Take it, take it all.”

  Her internal tissues were stretching around the thick girth of two cocks. Her clitoris was throbbing, Gast’s touch firm and unrelenting.


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