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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 27

by Deila Longford

  “Children,” Janet gently shouts. The kids immediately stop what they are doing and they turn their attention towards us. I watch as their faces light up at the sight of Adrian.

  “We have some visitors, please say hello to Mr Black and the lovely Alanna.” In one rhyme, the kids embrace us.

  “Hello Mr Black and Alanna,” I gently laugh at their voices and I cannot contain my smile. Adrian’s grip on me loosens as a few children run up and grab onto him. He gently pats their heads as they embrace him and I smile at the sight.

  “Mr Black, I have missed you,” a little, dark haired boy says. Adrian leans down to him.

  “I missed you too mate,” I literally cannot stop smiling at the sight of Adrian with these children. His eyes are happy and he cannot contain his smile as he tells them about his business trips. My heart tingles, as it is clear to see that Adrian adores children and they absolutely adore him back.

  “Miss Alanna,” I hear a little voice say. I turn to see a little fair-haired girl standing before me. I instantly smile at her as I kneel down to her level.

  “Yes sweetie,” I say as I gaze at the little brown-eyed girl.

  “You are very pretty,” my heart melts at her kind words and I gaze at her little beautiful face.

  “Oh well thank you, but I must say that you are a very beautiful little girl. What is your name, sweetie?”

  “My name is Olivia,” she says brightly.

  “Well Olivia, it is very nice to meet you.” The little girl leans in and gives me a gentle hug. My heart melts at her affection and my earth shatters as I realise that this little girl has no parents. I wonder what happened to her family and I hate to think that this little girl possibly has no one.

  “Miss Alanna, it is my birthday today.” The little girl says in a very quiet voice. I smile at her.

  “Well happy birthday Olivia, tell me how old are you today?”

  “I am seven,” my heart again sinks as I take in her words. She is the same age as my little sister Penelope and that really hits hard with me. I think of how lucky my life is as I stare at this little girl. I never had to want for anything and I feel so guilty. This poor innocent child is an orphan, I slightly gaze up at Adrian and I realise that he is the same as this little child. He had to live in an orphanage because of what Alice and David did to him. I stare back at the little girl and my heart races as I think that perhaps she went through something similar.

  “Here,” I say as I slip of my charm bracelet. “Happy birthday,” Olivia beams as she takes the bracelet from my hand. She quickly slips it onto her small wrist and she turns to me.

  “Thank you Miss Alanna,” she again pulls me in for hug and I gently hold onto the little girl. Her long hair lightly caresses my face and I try to hold back a tear. She pulls back.

  “Miss Alanna, can you stay for my party?”

  “Of course,” I beam.

  Janet escorts Adrian and me into the large dining room. The room is decorated in pink with, pink balloons, pink drapes and pink banners. The table is set and filled with pink flowers. There is a large pink cake at the centre of the table and Olivia rushes me over to it.

  “Miss Alanna come look at my cake,” she shouts.

  “Wow that is the most beautiful cake that I have ever seen.” I gush and the little girls face lights up. Adrian walks over to us.

  “Now I heard that it is your birthday today, am I right?” He says as gently picks the little girl up into his arms.

  “Yes Adrian, it is my birthday I am seven.”

  “Wow seven, that’s old,” Adrian jokes with Olivia.

  “I know but I want to grow up,” Adrian straightens his face.

  “And why would you want that Olivia? Being a child is the best thing in the world and it is something that you never get back once it is gone. Enjoy your childhood my little darling.” Again, my heart melts at the sight of Adrian and the little girl. I smile at him as he moves over to me. He is still holding Olivia as he leans into me. He gently pulls me towards him as he kisses me softly on my head.

  “Adrian look at what Miss Alanna gave me,” Olivia shouts as she holds up her wrist to Adrian.

  “Wow isn’t that beautiful,” he says.

  “When I grow up I want to be just like Miss Alanna.” Adrian laughs at her words and he again kisses my head.

  “Now who wants cake?” Janet says as holds up paper plates filled with cake. Olivia bounces down from Adrian’s grasp and he turns to me.

  “Baby I told you this was sentimental.”


  Later that night when we arrive back at the hotel I, feel blissful. My mind is spinning happily, as I think back on my day with Adrian. I adored seeing him with the children of the orphanage and I was delighted to see that they loved him. He sat for ages watching a little boy draw him a picture and he listened to their stories. His patience was divine and I loved seeing him so happy. I have also learned more about how generous Adrian really is. I talked to Janet for a while and she told me that Adrian provides everything for the children. Janet is the co-founder of the orphanage but ever since her partner died, she has struggled to keep up with the payments. Then that is where Adrian comes in, he takes care of all the money worries. He organises trips for the children and he stops by once a month to visit them. If there is anything that the children need, Janet knows that Adrian is only a phone call away. She is very grateful to him and I know that she cares deeply for him. She understands what he has been through and I feel that he can confide in her. He talks to her as if she were is grandma and I love that. He listens to everything that she says and even when she gives him hell for staying out late or not visiting enough he rejoices in her concern. I really love the side of Adrian that Janet brings out and I am relieved that she seems to like me.

  “Hello” Sophie shouts as she enters my room. I quickly rush out from the bathroom.


  “Wow you look nice,” Sophie says as she claps eyes on me.

  “Thanks, so what’s up?” I say as I take a seat at the dressing table.

  “Adrian invited us to some important event tonight and I was wondering if I could borrow a dress?” Sophie says in a slow tone. I smile at her.

  “Of course you can,” Sophie rushes into my closet and she begins to rummage through my clothes.

  “So where did Adrian take you today?”

  “We went to visit an orphanage,” I say proudly. Sophie cocks her head out of the closet.

  “Seriously, could that guy be any more perfect?” I gently laugh at Sophie’s dramatic response.

  “You should have seen him with the children.”

  “Oh let me guess he was perfect with them?” Sophie says a little sarcastically. I do not really like her tone and I feel that I should change the subject.

  “Anyway how is Katharine?” I ask as I think of my friend.

  “She is great, we went shopping today and out for lunch and she did not even mention Michael once. I am little worried that she might be a robot.”

  “No, she is just being Katharine; remember when she broke up with that guy Josh. She gushed that she loved him and that she could never be with anyone else then the next day she went out with his friend Tad.” I break into giggles as my words press from my lips.

  “No, you are right,” Sophie agrees.

  “Hey do you mind if I wear this?” Sophie says as she holds up a light blue, floor length, Alexander McQueen dress. I smile at her.

  “That dress would look amazing on you.”

  I carefully comb my hair as I apply some final touches of makeup. I gaze at my outfit in the mirror and I smile at the sight. I really adore the dress that I am wearing and I hope that Adrian does too. I slowly brush the fabric with my hand as I take in its beauty. The dress is a light shade of purple and is very figure-hugging. My shoes are Jimmy Choo and my dress is Nina Ricci. I hear a gentle knock at my door and I quickly walk over.

  “Are you ready baby?” Adrian says as he stands in t
he doorway. He is wearing a crisp black suit and a plain white shirt underneath. His chocolate hair is slicked back and his green eyes are glowing.

  “Yes I am ready,” I say as I take his hand.

  We arrive at event and the cameras that greet us, stun me. We step out of the car and onto the red carpet in front of the building. Adrian grips me tightly as the light bulbs flash. The girls stand either side of us and Adrian stands proudly in the middle of four girls. I grip Adrian tighter as I begin to feel more anxious. Sophie on the other hand is beaming and as is Katharine. I gaze up at Adrian and he is standing coolly with a wicked smirk on his face. I take a deep breath and then I face the cameras once again. I notice that Emma also looks a little uncomfortable so I flash an understanding smile at her. I am relieved when Adrian finally walks us into the large building. We enter and I gaze at crowded room. The music is playing loudly as the guests dance. The chatter is deafening as we walk further into the room. I notice that people are beginning to stare and I feel awkward at their gazing. Adrian leads us up to the bar and he quickly orders a bottle of champagne. We take a seat at one of the many tables as the server brings over a crystal ice bucket with a bottle of Krug champagne lodged into it. Adrian pours us a glass each and then he turns to me.

  “Baby I have to go and mingle with my colleagues.” He says as he takes my hand in his. I gently roll my eyes, as I do not want him to leave me but I know how much his business needs him therefore, I have to let him go.

  “Okay,” I say as he leans in and kisses me. I lightly sigh as I watch him walk away. I turn back around to the girls and I am happy that they are here. I smile as I take in there looks. Sophie is dressed in my blue dress and Katharine is in a white, mini dress. Her hair is tied in a high ponytail and her smile is stunning. Emma also looks very nice tonight in a bright red, floor length gown. She has also chosen to wear her hair up and her green eyes are sparkle in the gentle glow of the room.

  “So how have you been Katharine?” I ask as I take a sip of my champagne. She instantly smiles at me.

  “I am good.” She beams. I gently giggle as I continue to sip the overexpensive champagne. I gaze around the room and I take in the crowd. Everyone is dressed to the highest standard and no-one looks out of place. People are dining on the tiniest of appetizers are they engage in general chitchat. Jazz music is playing loudly and everyone is moving in some way with the beat.

  “So, how is everyone enjoying London?” I ask as I stare at my friends. They all answer at the sometime.

  “We love it!” I smile and I am relieved.

  “Are you looking forward to your party Alanna?” Sophie asks in a smug tone.

  “You know that my mom makes a big issue of birthday but, to be honest, I could really do without the party this year.”

  “There is no way that is happening. You should see your mom in action, she is like a women possessed.” Sophie informs me. I break a smile form my lips as I think of what over-the-top theme she has planned this year.

  “Did she tell you what theme she has chosen this year?” I quiz Sophie. She looks down at the table and I instantly know that she knows what the theme is.

  “Come on Sophie tell me,” I protest. She shakes her head firmly at me.

  “No Alanna I promised your mom that I wouldn’t tell you.”

  “Ah okay then,” I give in.

  “If you don’t mind me asking how old are you Alanna?” Emma quietly asks.

  “I will be twenty-three on my birthday.” Emma nods and I feel that she has more that she would like to say.

  “Adrian is two years older than you?”

  “It is almost three years actually, his birthday is soon - I think.”

  “Oh… Alanna does the age gap bother you?” Emma asks in a concerning voice.

  “No I don’t feel that it is big age gap.”

  “No, I don’t suppose it is but don’t you think that Adrian acts older than he is?” I am a little worried about Emma’s words and I am starting to think that she has worries of her own.

  “Yeah, I suppose he does act older than he is. You have to understand that he is a very successful businessman and a lot of his time is spent with older people. He has tons of responsibilities and sometimes I feel that he forgets that he is only twenty-five. But it is just who he is and I know that he does not act in the average way but as his family we have to accept that.”

  “Yeah, you’re right but sometimes when I look at him I think that he is bored with all the business. I would love to take him out and get him drunk and show him how to be young.”

  “No, he doesn’t drink and he would never go out to a club or anything like that. He would prefer it if you took him to a nice dinner or the opera.” Emma rolls her eyes as she downs a glass of champagne.

  “Oh no, I could never sit through an opera show. I just feel like we have not spent any time together. I feel that we are yet to bond as siblings. I would really like to get to know him better but he doesn’t seem to like the things that I do.” Emma says firmly. I feel compassion towards her and I feel that she really wants to spend time with her brother. As I am his girlfriend, I fell that it is my duty to get the two of them together.

  “He likes to watch movies,” I say as I smile at Emma.

  “I bet he likes boring movies?” She says as she smirks.

  “No he watches all sorts of movies, from romance to action to comedy. He doesn’t really mind and I think that he would enjoy a night in at the movies.”

  “Do you think that you could arrange it?” Emma asks sweetly.

  “I don’t see why not.”

  “Baby,” Adrian gushes as he makes his way over to the table. A tall blonde haired guy is with him. I smile as Adrian reaches me.

  “Baby, I want you to meet Jeff,” he says as he gently kisses my cheek.

  “Hello Alanna,” Jeff says in a cool voice. I shake his hand as I take in his looks. He is very tall and his tight curly hair is a very light blonde. His eyes are a dark shade of blue and he is dressed in a black tuxedo. He is a good-looking guy but his looks are overshadowed as he stands next to Adrian. I watch as the girls lock their eyes on him and smile at their charming rudeness.

  “Well, hello Jeff, it is nice to finally put a face to that voice.” I joke as I remember our little rant about his accent the other day. He gently laughs as he folds his arms casually.

  “Who are your friends Alanna?” He says he eyes up the girls. Adrian quickly jumps in.

  “These are Alanna’s friends, Sophie and Katharine and this is my sister Emma.” He says as points to his sibling. Jeff nods at the girls.

  “Well girls it is lovely to meet you.” He says very coolly. I turn my attention to Katharine and I see that she is gazing freely at Jeff. To my shock, Jeff is returning Katharine’s stare. He is practically licking his lips as he takes in her beauty. I quickly make a dashing look towards Adrian and he instantly smiles at me.

  “Alanna would you mind if I asked your friend Katharine to dance with me,” Jeff says as he holds his hand out for Katharine.

  “No, not at all,” I say and without hesitation, Katharine lunges from her seat. Jeff gently slides his hand on her waist as he leads her onto the dance floor.

  “He doesn’t waste anytime does he?” Sophie says rather bitterly. Adrian does not respond to Sophie’s words instead he takes the seat next to me. He turns to Emma and Sophie.

  “Now girls I have something special planned for Alanna, so would mind if we said goodnight?” I gaze at him and I wonder what surprise he has. Adrian notices my wonder but he does not say a word to me. He stares at Sophie and Emma as he awaits their reply.

  “Of course we don’t mind,” Emma reassures him. Sophie on the other hand is not so supportive.

  “You are just going to leave us here?” Adrian frowns at her.

  “No, I will leave the car for you. Now, I really must say goodnight.” Adrian rises from the seat and I quickly do the same. He urges me to take his arm as he leads me away.

/>   Adrian walks me to the back of the room and along a narrow hallway. I gaze at him in wonder.

  “Adrian I think that the exit is the other way.” I say softly.

  “No, it is this way,” he insists. I resist the urge to disagree with him. We finally reach a door that opens to massive flight of stairs.

  “Come on baby we are going to the top of the building.” I shake my head at him.

  “Not in these shoes,” I say, as I gently stretch my foot out to reveal a six-inch heel. Adrian grins at me and with one swift movement, he swoops me into his arms. I let out a giggle as Adrian begins to climb the stairs. I still cannot contain my laugh as Adrian carries me up the massive flight of stairs. He stops for a second as he says.

  “Baby what is so funny?”

  “Nothing it is just so romantic,” he rolls his eyes heavily at my words as he again begins to climb the stairs. I stare at him as he glides and I notice that he is not even out of breath.

  “I am not romantic Alanna,” I laugh at his words.

  “Are you joking? You are like the most romantic guy in the world.”

  “No, I am strange and the things that I do for you are weird.” I frown at him.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well don’t you think that I am a little bizarre? I know I do, I am not like other blokes Alanna.”

  “You are not weird and, you are right, you are not like everyone else. No one on this planet even comes close to you.” Adrian again rolls his eyes.

  We reach the top of the stairs and Adrian gently releases me. I hold onto him as I thank him.

  “Thanks doll, for carrying me, I would never have made it if you hadn’t.” Adrian leans in a kisses me and then he opens the door. We step out into the cold night and as Adrian said, we are on top of the building. Adrian walks me over to the middle of the rooftop and he points to the sky.


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