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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 28

by Deila Longford

  “Baby our ride is on its way.” I gaze into the night sky as I notice a helicopter approaching the building. It gets closer and then it finally lands onto the rooftop. Adrian clutches me by the waist as he leads me over to the black aircraft. He opens the door and gently pushes me inside. I smile nervously at him as I try to hide my fear. I vividly remember the last time that I was in a helicopter and a shudder runs down my spine. It was a few years ago and my dad had booked a helicopter for his sister’s wedding. I was all dressed up in my bridesmaid dress and I was ever so happy that my aunt was getting married. My dad, mom, Penelope and I all entered the helicopter with such excitement. However, our excitement quickly faded when the helicopter broke down in mid-air. Something had happened to the rotators and the pilot began to lose control. The aircraft dropped thousands of feet and to this day, I still do not know how we survived. The rotator began to spin again and just in time. The pilot and my entire family were convinced that was the end. I shudder again at the thought and Adrian notices.

  “Baby, is there something wrong?” I sigh at him as I feel that he has gone to a lot of trouble in planning this evening. However, my heart is racing and I feel that I cannot stay another second in this helicopter.

  “Adrian I have to get out.” I confess as I try to rise from the seat. Adrian gently pushes me back down.

  “Why what’s wrong?” He says almost shouting.

  “Adrian my family and I had a very bad experience with a helicopter and you need to let me off.” I say almost shouting back at him. He gives in to my demands and he opens the door. He gets out and he reaches out for my hand as I quickly step out. I gaze at him and I feel that he is mad at me. He makes a signal to pilot and soon after the helicopter takes off from the rooftop.

  “Adrian I am sorry,”

  “Don’t apologise,” he says as he walks over to me. He pulls me tight and he kisses me softly.

  “Have I ruined our evening?”

  “No baby.”


  The next morning I wake to the sound of Adrian talking on his phone. His voice sounds tense and I open my eyes so that I can see him. He is gazing out of the window onto the streets of London. He is dressed casually in a crisp white shirt and dark blue jeans. His thick hair is messy and his face is clean-shaven. I gaze at him and I realise that I am in his room. I gently close my eyes as last night I must have made my way into his room - again. Every night without fail, I manage to sneak into his room and I huddle into him until morning. Every night I wake at the same time and it is usually after a vivid dream of Michael. I lightly shake my head as I wish that I could stop my dreams of Michael. I have no idea why I dream of him every night, but I do. What alarms me most about my dreams is that, I am always in love Michael. He is the one that I cannot live without and Adrian does not even come close. I feel very irritated by my dreams and I blush every time that I think of them.

  I sit myself up into the bed as Adrian ends his phone call. He walks over to me and gently sits on the bed next to me.

  “Good morning baby,” he says as he kisses me. “You must get up as we have to leave soon.” I smile at him as I try to hide my dread. Today Adrian and I will be driving to Surrey to Mr and Mrs Jenkins country estate. It is their anniversary and they are having a massive party that spans over the entire weekend. Adrian has informed me that everyone will be there. A whole list of Adrian’s business colleagues will be attending and even local celebrities are invited. In total there are about 450 guests but only family and close friends are expected to stay at the country house over the weekend. The rest of the guests will arrive on Sunday and just in time for the main party. I again try to hide my anxiety about the weekend as I think of Michael. I have not seen or heard anything from him since that night at his parents’ house. I really must have upset him even though I don’t know what I did to him. Surely Michael cannot blame me for his relationship with Katharine ending. Then there is Chad and Tabatha, I have no idea of how they will react to me and I petrified about coming face to face with them. I try to shake off my anxiety as I break a smile from my lips.

  “Okay doll, I will go and get ready,” Adrian kisses me as I jump out of the bed. I rush into my room and I immediately head into the bathroom. I quickly shower and blow-dry my hair and then I make my way into the closet. I reach for my overnight bag and I begin to throw in a few pairs of jeans, sweaters and of course a selection of evening dresses. I zip the bag and I fling it out into the room. Quickly I get dressed into, black skinny jeans, my Jimmy Choos and a white turtleneck sweater. I grab my coat and my luggage as I head out into the lounge.

  “Baby you ready to go?”

  “Yes,” I say as I smile at him.

  Adrian carries my bags as we head out into the hallway. We walk along to my friend’s room and Adrian firmly knocks onto the door. Emma answers and she stands in the doorway with her hair flowing down her face and she is dressed smartly in black jeans, black shirt and black leather jacket.

  “Are you ready?” Adrian asks his sister. She smiles at him as she rushes back into the room. She quickly returns and she is holding a blue overnight bag.

  “I am ready,” she says as she steps out into the hallway. Sophie rushes over to us as she hears our voices.

  “So you guys off then?” She says in a curious voice.

  “Yes, now are you sure that you do not want to come with us?” Adrian asks with kindness in his voice. Sophie briefly smiles but soon her smile fades.

  “No thanks; Katharine and I are going to spend the weekend out on the town.” I let out a little giggle as Sophie embraces me with a hug. She gently closes the door and Adrian, Emma and I head down to the car.

  “So how long does it take to get to Surrey?” Emma asks once we are settled into the car. Adrian turns to her and he releases a dark laugh.

  “Just over an hour,” Adrian pushes his foot hard onto the gas pedal as he speeds off.

  Our journey is quiet as Adrian drives steadily along the country roads. I smile out the window as we pass by the gorgeous countryside. The gaping landscape goes on forever and I could gaze at the view all day. The trees are calm and they are beginning to get green again after the long harsh winter. The sun is lightly beaming but the air is still crisp. However, we feel no cold as we sit toasted in Adrian’s black Range Rover. The radio is playing lightly as we sit in silence. I glance at Adrian for a moment and he quickly notices my action.

  “Alanna are you okay?” He asks gently. I lightly exhale as the feeling of dread again takes over my body. I look over at Adrian and he briefly takes his eyes from the road to gaze at me. His eyes are sinful and his face is stunning as he again concentrates on the road. I take a deep breath and I am compelled to tell him the truth about how I am feeling.

  “I am a little nervous about this weekend,” I say lightly and Adrian nods at me.

  “I see and what are you nervous about?”

  “Everything,” I confess. Adrian turns to me again.

  “Alanna you need to be more specific,” he says in a quick, firm voice. I nervously bite my lip as I begin to tell him how I am feeling.

  “Mostly I am nervous about Tabatha,”

  “Why, what did she do?” Adrian says awkwardly. I roll my eyes, as I am beginning to feel uncomfortable. Tabatha means a lot to Adrian and I feel super-guilty that I have issues with her.

  “I guess she made me feel uneasy at the dinner the other night. I feel that she doesn’t think that I am good enough for you.”

  “Don’t be absurd she wouldn’t think that,”

  “Yes she does and she made it clear that she did not like me.”

  “Alanna stop, Tabatha is not like that.” I shake my head at him.

  “I know that she means a lot to you but I felt attacked by her.”

  “Okay then I will have a word with her. Alanna you must promise me that you will make an effort this weekend.” I stare at him and I am not sure what he is meaning by his words.

  “Now you have to
be more specific,” I say a little too sarcastically.

  “This weekend is very important to Charles and Tabatha and they are very important to me. Baby, you know that you are the most important thing in my life. But Alanna I will not stand for you being rude so promise me that you will try to get along with my family.” I am a little hurt by his words, as I would never be rude to anyone. Adrian means the world to me and I would never disrespect his family in anyway. I frown at him.

  “Adrian you know that I would never be rude to your family. You have hurt my feelings by saying that.”

  “So are you mad at me now?” He says firmly. His hands are beginning to grip the steering wheel very tightly and his teeth are clenched. As I stare at him, I feel that his anger is a very significant part of him. Whenever I talk back to him his temper, increases and I fear that he will lose it completely. I am always scared that he will lose his temper and lose himself. I know that I should not be with him if I feel scared of him. However, I love him too much to walk away.

  “No, I am not mad at you and I will make an effort with Tabatha.” I give in to his commands and I watch as his grip on the steering wheel become looser. His tense face is slowly fading and is replaced by a gentle smirk. However, it quickly fades.

  “Baby, there is something that I need to tell you. But I need to tell you right now and you need to stay calm when I do.” My eyes widen at his words and I sense the serious tone in his voice. I instantly agree to his conditions.

  “Okay, tell me,” I say weakly. Adrian shifts up into the seat and he glances in the mirror at Emma.

  “Emma I need a moment to talk to Alanna could you please put in your headphones.” Adrian asks firmly.

  “Sure,” Emma instantly agrees. My heart races, as I fear what he might say.

  “Alanna this is hard for me but I want you to hear this from me.”

  “Adrian you are scaring me,” I say quietly. He rolls his eyes as he continues to talk.

  “I don’t know how to say this so I am just going to come out with it.” Adrian briefly pauses as he exhales deeply. He runs his hands nervously through his tousled hair and I cannot hold back the anxiety that fills my body.

  “I had an affair Chad’s wife, Zara.” Adrian says in a strong voice. My heart races and I cannot take in his words. I desperately try to process this information but my head will not accept it. How could Adrian do a thing like that and to his stepbrother? I think back on all the horrible things that Chad did to Adrian but now I understand his reasons.

  “How could you do that?” I say firmly. Adrian again exhales.

  “Baby I was young and stupid and I know that’s not a valid reason for what I did. Zara made me feel special and wanted. She always reassured me that no one would ever find out therefore no one could get hurt. I deeply regret my actions and how I hurt Chad.”

  “Adrian, why are you telling me this?”

  “Wouldn’t you rather hear it from me?” Adrian shouts. I lean back from him and I stare at him shock.

  “I am sorry,” he says as he reaches out for my hand. I look at him and I gently place my hand in his. He smiles at me and I lose myself. I hate what he did but I truly feel that he is sorry for his actions. He made a mistake and he was young and desperate for love. He wanted to feel special and wanted and that is exactly how Zara made him feel. My mind is racing as I realise that I now have another person to stress about this weekend.

  “Yes, I am glad that you told me but I am finding it hard to take in what you are saying.” Adrian again glances in the mirror at Emma and he briefly smiles as he sees her stare back. He squeezes my hand gently.

  “Baby I felt that you deserved to know because this weekend, people will be talking about it. I did not want you to hear about my affair from some old gossiper. I am actually glad that you are finding this hard to take in. If you were instantly okay with it then I would have thought that you were heartless.”

  “Can we just stop talking about it now?” I ask Adrian. He lightly lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my skin softly.

  “Okay baby,”

  We again sit in silence as our journey ends. We have turned off the main road and we are now travelling along a rough country track. The car is bumping from side to side as Adrian manoeuvres the car away from the massive holes in the road. The rain is starting to pour from the sky and the windscreen is plastered in water. The wiper blades instantly come on as we turn off from the bumpy road. I sigh as we are once again on the smooth surface of tarmac. The road is long and seems to go on forever. There are trees for as long as I can see and they arched along the road. In the distance, I can see a massive country house. As we get closer, the house looks more like a castle. The car comes to a stop in front of the house and I gasp as I gaze at the manor. The house is classic stone and the entire front of the house has some type of green plant growing up its walls. The front lawn is huge and manicured to perfection. There are statues and water fountains at the front of the house and flowers hanging from the doors. There are a few cars parked in front of the house and one of them I recognise. Next to a white Rolls Royce is Michael’s black Lamborghini and my heart races as I think of him. I quickly try to shake of my anxiety as Adrian parks the car next to the Lamborghini. Adrian steps out of the car and soon he is at my door. I carefully take his hand as I make my way out of the car. Emma quickly follows and I gaze at her in amazement.

  “Adrian, this house is spectacular,” I gush. He smiles at me as he begins to unload our bags from the car. I notice that he has an extra bag and I wonder where it came from.

  “Adrian, who does that bag belong to?” He rolls his eyes at me.

  “Baby it is your bag,” I shake my head at him.

  “No that’s my bag,” I say as I point out my luggage.

  “Yes, but this is an extra bag for you.” He insists as I continue to gaze at him in confusion. He walks over to me and he takes my hand. He smiles at me and he says.

  “I figured that you did not have any country clothing so I arranged for my personal shopper to get you some. Do you have a problem with that?” He says sarcastically. I gently roll my eyes and I watch as my action furies him.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me,” he says slowly. I resist the urge to again roll my eyes instead I smile at him and I link into his arm. We walk up to the front door and Adrian instantly rings the bell. As we wait for an answer, I turn my attention to Emma and her face is priceless. I smile at her and she cannot hold back her laugh.

  “This house is amazing,” Adrian, laughs at her forwardness.

  “Yes it is a nice house,”

  “Nice? These types of houses don’t exist. Well except for in Downtown Abbey of course.” Emma gushes and I cannot hold in my giggles as I take in her words. The huge wooden door opens and Tabatha is there to greet us. She instantly takes Adrian in her arms as I watch nervously. She releases him and he introduces us.

  “Tabatha you remember my girlfriend, Alanna, and this is my sister Emma.” Tabatha flashes us a smile as we enter her massive house. When we enter, I realise that the outside was just the start of this houses beauty. The staircase spins from both sides of the room and the oversized chandelier is glowing. The walls are light and paintings of old aristocrats are hanging decadently from them. Flowers fill the tables of the wide hallway and gentle lit candles are placed beside them. The floors are dark wood and they are shining beyond belief. Tabatha escorts us into the formal living area and I smile, as this room is even more stunning than the hallway.

  “Adrian, Alanna,” Mr Jenkins greets us as we enter. Adrian instantly embraces him with a firm handshake and Mr Jenkins ushers me with a kiss.

  “And who is this?” Mr Jenkins asks as he turns to Emma.

  “This is my sister, Emma,” Adrian says in a firm voice. Mr Jenkins also embraces Emma with a kiss on her cheek. I smile as I notice her face as he does.

  “It is nice to meet you Emma, my name is Charles and this is my wife Tabatha.”

  “Yes dear, s
he knows who I am, I met the girl in the hall, now who wants a drink?” Tabatha says rather abruptly.

  “We are fine for now,” Adrian answers for us. Tabatha shakes her head slightly as Mr Jenkins begins to talk.

  “Well, I will show you to your rooms.” Mr Jenkins says as he clasps his hands.

  We follow Mr Jenkins up the staircase and along the hallway. We stop at a door and he slightly pushes it open.

  “Now Emma will this room be acceptable for you?” Emma stares wide eyed at the room and she marches straight in.

  “Yes, this room is perfect.”

  Adrian and I again follow Mr Jenkins along the hallway. However, he stops halfway and he turns to us.

  “Would you like to share a room or would you prefer separate rooms?” I blush at his words and I awkwardly gaze up at Adrian. He looks down at me and he gently smirks.

  “We will share a room if that’s okay?” He says quietly. My heart races at his answer and I again blush. Mr Jenkins flashes Adrian a massive grin as he again leads us along the hallway. He stops in front of a door and when he pushes it open, I gasp. The room is gorgeous. It has a colossal four-poster bed and freestanding bathtub that gazes out onto the luscious lawns. The dark antique furniture is like something out of a castle. Pink displays or roses stand at each side of the bed and the room is modernised by a flat screen TV on the wall.

  “Charles, this room is beautiful,” I gush.

  “Well I am glad that you like it child. Now I must go the wife needs me.” Charles makes his way over to the door and he gently closes it behind him. As soon as Mr Jenkins is out of sight, Adrian pulls me towards him. His hands are caressing my waist as he kisses me.

  “Oh, I forgot,” Mr Jenkins shouts as the door bursts open. I instantly pull back from Adrian and I feel my face burst into flames. Adrian gently laughs as he turns to Mr Jenkins.

  “I am so sorry I really must learn to knock,” Mr Jenkins apologises.

  “It is fine, now what must you tell me?” Adrian says smoothly.


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