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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 31

by Deila Longford

  “Baby I can’t go through that despair again with Alice. I am sorry that I control you but it’s just who I am. I need you to tell me that you accept that and that you accept me. If you don’t then you and I can never be together. Is this the reason why you won’t marry me?” I shake my head in disagreement and my heart aches at the sound of not being with Adrian. I lunge forward as I try to convince him that I do accept him.

  “Adrian if I didn’t accept you then I would not be with you. You talk as if I have said that I will never marry you and that is not the case. I just said that the timing right now is not right. You can’t throw marriage in my face every time you think that I don’t love you. Because right now you are all that I love, you consume every part of me and I cannot breathe without you by my side.”

  “Baby if that’s how you feel then why do you need Michael?”

  “Michael is your brother and my friend. I promise you that it does not go beyond that. I love you and only you,” I leap into his arms and I hold on to him tightly. Adrian lightly exhales as he strokes my hair.

  “Baby you are my life and if have to wait an eternity to make you my wife then that is what I will do.” I gently laugh as I pull back from him.

  “We are not vampires and I wouldn’t make you wait an eternity!” Adrian cannot hold in his laugh as he kisses me.

  When we arrive back the house, I notice that the guests for tonight’s party have already stared to arrive. The lawn of the house is lined with every type of luxury car there is. The guests are dressed in black tie and are making their way into the house. I stop for a moment and stare as they glide out from their cars. Adrian continues to walk but he soon notices that I have stopped. He instantly turns me.

  “Alanna,” he asks smoothly. I tear my eyes from the crowd and I look at Adrian.


  “Why have you stopped?” I smile at him.

  “Sorry, moment of madness on my part,” I say as I rush over to him. He takes me by the arm as he leads me into the house. Many people are greeting us as we walk in and Adrian introduces me to every one of them. After what seems like forever, Adrian finally notices that I am bored. He smirks at me then he excuses us from the crowd.

  “Thanks for that,” I say as we begin to climb the stairs.

  I rush into the room and I instantly slouch on the bed. I reach over to the bedside table and I take my phone from the drawer. Adrian sits over by the window and he is also on his phone. I quickly begin to search through my phone and I notice that I have five unread messages from my mom. I quickly send her a text, as I feel guilty for forgetting to call to her.

  Hey, mom sorry it took me so long to reply. I am fine and yes, Adrian is treating me well. London is amazing and I cannot wait for you to visit here soon, all my love Alanna.

  I quickly hit send and it takes literally thirty seconds for my mom to reply.

  Sweetie I am glad you are having such a wonderful time but your father and I have been out of our minds with worry. We told you to text us regularly and you never did.

  I frown as I read my mom’s words and now I feel even guiltier because she has said that she has been worried and I hate that. I quickly try to ensure my mom that I just forgot.

  Mom I am sorry and I know that I was supposed to text you regularly but I just forgot. Things have been going really well here and I have been distracted, but I am really looking forward to my birthday and I cannot wait to see you, dad and Penelope. My mom replies instantly.

  Okay sweetie but please be careful and again I am very happy that you are having such a great time and that guy of yours is a keeper. See you when you return, love you. I smile as all is well again. I quickly reply,

  I love you too.

  I place my phone down onto the bed and I turn my intention to Adrian. As I lock my eyes on his he lets his phone drop onto the table. He smiles at me.

  “Baby who were you texting?” He asks nicely. I smile but inside I am rolling my eyes at him. Here he goes with the control thing again.

  “My mom, she was worried because I forgot to text her.” Adrian rises from the seat and he makes his way over to me. He kneels at my side as he gently pats my head.

  “You have a wonderful mother and you should never forget that. Now I am going to take a shower, you should get dressed for tonight.” He gently kisses my hand as he rises from the floor. He walks halfway over to the bathroom and then turns back to me.

  “Oh and baby, please wear the red, Nina Ricci dress tonight.”

  I smile at his words but at the same time, I am a little annoyed that he has chosen my dress for tonight. I slowly get up from the bed and I head over to my closet. I flick through the dresses until I find the one that Adrian was referring to. It is bright red and floor length, very tight around the body and it is strapless. I sigh as I take the dress from the closet and drape it onto my bed. I begin to undress quickly as I hear Adrian is still in the shower. I slip the dress on but I cannot do up the zipper. I frown at myself as I try desperately to reach and zip up my dress. I still cannot reach so I throw myself onto the bed in frustration. I lay still for a moment but then I pull myself together. I walk over to dressing table and I quickly begin apply a very light dusting of makeup. I run a brush through my curly hair and I finish with a gentle spray of Chanel. I lightly touch my neck and I feel the diamond initials of Adrian’s name. I smile and then I hear the bathroom door open. Adrian walks out into the room and he is only wearing a towel. His hair is dripping wet and his eyes look even more sinful than before. I turn nervously to face him as he smiles at me.

  “Baby I love that dress on you,” I blush as I stare at him. I quickly clear my throat as I remember about the zipper.

  “Adrian would you be a doll and zip me up,” Adrian smiles as he walks over to me. He spins me around and he slowly begins to zip up the dress. His touch tingles me and I smile as I blush. Adrian turns me back to face him and I stare up at his mesmerizing green eyes.

  “You smell so good, what perfume are you wearing?” I laugh nervously as I try to respond to his cheesy line.

  “It is Chanel,” Adrian smiles.

  “The scent is irresistible and I want you to kiss me,” he pulls me closer, I stand on my tiptoes I lean in, and I kiss him.


  The party is in full swing and the ballroom is delightful. The lighting is soft and candles are burning everywhere I look. Grand vases of flowers tower as high as Adrian and dining tables are filled with people laughing and joking. The busy jazz music that is playing is captivating in the light. I look around the dance floor and I see Mr and Mrs Jenkins. The music is fast but they do not care as they slow dance. Mr Jenkins clings to his wife like glue and she is tenderly holding her husband. I smile as I take in their affection and it is clear to see that they love each other hopelessly. Many couples fill the dance floor but the one that sticks out at me the most is Michael and Emma. I lean closer as I watch them dance. Michael is handsome in a blue tuxedo and Emma is stunning in a dark shade of green. Her hair is thick and straight and it gently sways as Michael moves her to the music. Her smile is clear to see and what surprises me is that Michael is beaming as he gazes at her. I feel a little uneasy as I watch them dance therefore; I go in search of Adrian. I make my way over the bar but I see that he is not there. I turn around quickly as I glare at the crowd. I focus my eyes but I still cannot find him. I try to walk away from the bar but Chad steps in front of me.

  “Are you looking for someone?” He asks smugly. He is smiling at me and I would feel rude if I did not return the gesture. Therefore, I briefly smile at him.

  “I am looking for Adrian I don’t suppose you’ve seen him?” Chad takes me by the hand and I quickly pull my hand away from him.

  “Alanna, I was only going to take you to him.” I feel bad for my sudden reaction so I again smile at him.

  “Where is he?” I ask quietly.

  “If you come with me I will show you.” My heart races but I need to know where Adrian i
s, so I take Chad’s arm.

  Chad leads me out of the room and along the hallway to the study. We enter the room and I notice that we are alone. Chad closes the door behind him and he walks over to the wooden desk that sits in the middle of the room. I look at him nervously as he rummages in the desk drawers. He pulls out a bottle of scotch and two small whisky glasses. He begins to pour two drinks and he hands me a glass. I politely take it from him and I watch as he instantly downs the scotch. My heart starts to race as I feel that I should not have come to this room with Chad. I place my drink down onto the desk and Chad looks at me in amazement.

  “You really are a good girl aren’t you?” He says as he reaches for my drink. I try to hide my fear as I respond.

  “I don’t know what you mean and you said that Adrian was here?” He laughs at me.

  “Oh don’t worry love he will be here.” His voice is smug and very repulsive. I take a deep breath as I start for the door. Chad rushes over to me and he grabs me by the arm.

  “Now, now love you need to stay here.”


  “Adrian will come for you and then you will see why I brought you here.” My heart is pounding as my fear is building. I pull away from him but he instantly grabs me.

  “What are you doing, you’re hurting me,” I protest.

  “If you didn’t struggle then it wouldn’t hurt!” He shouts.

  “Please Chad let me go,” I say as I again try to pull my arm from his grasp. Chad’s eyes are bolting and he grips me tighter.

  “No, I didn’t want to do this but you leave me no choice.” Chad drags me over to the desk chair and he roughly pushes me down onto it. I hit my back on the hard surface of the desk as he does and the pain is overpowering. Chad rummages in the drawers and he takes out a roll of duct tape. I stare at him and I fear for my life. The rage that is in his eyes is terrifying and I cannot breathe. Chad pulls my hand on the arm of the chair and he applies a thick layer of tape. He does the same to my other arm and then he tapes my ankles to chair. I try to loosen my arms and legs as soon as he turns his back but he notices and turns to me.

  “Don’t fidget,” he shouts. My heart is beating so fast and I try to compose myself as I look at Chad. I cannot believe that he fooled me into coming to this room with him. I cannot take in that I am tied to a chair and that I don’t know where Adrian is. Chad is a pyscho and I am terrified of him. I don’t know what to say or what to do all I know is that I am trapped. I don’t know Chad and I don’t know what he is capable of. All I can do is hope and pray that he does not hurt me and that Adrian will come and find me.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Chad shouts as he downs another glass of scotch.

  “Like what?” I say desperately.

  “With those huge, judgmental eyes, if you only knew what Adrian has put me through?” I stare at him and I realise that this is all because Adrian slept with his wife. My mind rushes into overdrive as I feel that maybe I could talk Chad out of whatever he has planned.

  “I know what he did and it was a disgusting thing for him to do. But you cannot blame me for that. I didn’t even know him then and you don’t have to prove anything. Zara chose you, she loves you, and you have the most beautiful little boy. Please you can stop all this craziness right now all you have to do is untie me. I won’t tell Adrian a thing he doesn’t have to know about this.” Chad laughs at me.

  “You think I blame you? You are the crazy one; the only way I can hurt Adrian is by threatening you.” My mind is racing and I feel that I have to compose myself as I try again to convince him to let me go.

  “He won’t care; he doesn’t love me like you think he does.” I lie and I hope that Chad believes me. However, I realise that he does not when he bursts into laughter.

  “You think that I am that stupid? Adrian looks at you and he melts, he worships the ground that you walk on and he would rather die than be without you.”

  “Even so I haven’t done a thing to you, what about your son, William what he would think if he saw you here with me.”

  “Don’t you bring him into this,” Chad’s nostrils are flaring and his anger is building. I try to hide my fear as I respond.

  “He is out there wondering where is father is. You cannot do this to him he is your little boy and he needs his father. Please Chad I am begging you let me go.” Chad rushes over to me and takes my face in his firm hand. I swivel my head to break free but Chad squeezes my face even harder.

  “I told you not to mention William,” he shouts. I try to speak but my face is aching in his grasp. I slowly nod my head in agreement and Chad loosens his hand. I close my eyes as my back is painful from when I hit it against the desk and now my jaw is aching. My wrists and ankles are beginning to sweat under the thick layer of duct tape. My head is spinning and I feel drained all I want is to be free and I want to be in Adrian’s arms.

  “You really are a beautiful girl. You know that before I met Adrian I was not capable of anything like this. I used to be nice and safe to be around but what Adrian did to me has made me into a monster. He shattered my life forever and I can never forgive him.” I lift my eyes from the floor as I look at Chad. His eyes are sad and he is trying desperately to hold back his tears. I again feel that if I could talk to him and if he would give me a chance then I could reason with him.

  “I don’t understand how your life can be shattered when you have an amazing family.” Chad straightens himself as he again pours another drink.

  “What a family, that is not mine, you really think that is my dream come true.” I scowl at him, I have no idea what he is referring to, and I feel as if I am missing something but I don’t know what it is? I again focus on Chad.

  “I don’t understand,” Chad drinks another glass of scotch and I feel that he is getting drunk. I don’t know if that is a good thing or bad but either way I am terrified of what he might do. I want to scream out for Adrian but I know that if I did then Chad would not hold back his aggression. My mind is rushing in a million directions and I don’t know what to do for the best. I feel that my only hope is to try to talk things through with Chad. As I wait for his next words, my heart is beating so fast that I think it may burst from my chest.

  “As soon as that bastard gets here then it will all be clear for you my love.”

  “What if he doesn’t come? Then what will you do?” Chad frowns at me and he pours yet another glass of scotch. He downs it quickly and then he reaches into his jacket pocket. I burst into tears when I see what he has in his hand. I open my tear-filled eyes and I see Chad standing in front of me with a gun. Memories of when I was shot are flashing in my mind and they paralyze me.

  “If he doesn’t come then I will shoot you and then myself. So you better hope that lover boy can drag himself away from my wife long enough to realise that you are missing.”

  “What are talking about?”

  “When you couldn’t find him he was with my wife. They were in kitchen and they were whispering about us. You see my love we cannot let them make fools out of us. We have to show them that we are the ones in control and that they cannot hurt us anymore.” Chad’s eyes are raging and he stinks of alcohol, he is leaning in towards me and his face is an inch from mine. His breath blows onto my face as he speaks and my fear is beyond control. I know that he will go crazy and I may end up shot but I have to shout for Adrian. I open my mouth and I scream as loud as I can.

  “Adrian, Adrian…” Chad instantly covers my mouth with his hand and I try to wrestle him off. He holds me tighter and I struggle for breath. I act on impulse and I quickly snap my teeth onto his skin. He flinches in disbelief and he leans back from me.

  “You’re a little bitch,” he shouts into my face. Chad turns around immediately as the door bursts open. I quickly look past Chad and to my relief I see Adrian.

  “Get away from her,” Adrian shouts as he rushes over to Chad. Chad forcefully pushes Adrian away from me and the panic in my heart is building. Chad has a gun and what if
he Adrian gets hurt. I look at Adrian and he has backed away from me. I am guessing that he has the saw the gun and I fear what Chad’s next move will be.

  “Oh you finally came to save your girl,” Chad says in a slurred voice. Adrian is shaking as he stares at Chad.

  “Look mate if you want to hurt me then do it. But please leave Alanna out of this, she is an innocent girl.” Adrian pleads with Chad but his words are not taking affect. Chad bursts out laughing and I begin to cry. Adrian stares at me and sees my fear. He tries again to reason with Chad.

  “Chad please,”

  “Tell me this Adrian, were you thinking of your dear Alanna when you were whispering with my wife in the kitchen?” Adrian turns to face me as he says his next words.

  “That wasn’t what it looked like,” Adrian says in a clear voice.

  “Oh yes it was; now I want you to watch as I do to your girlfriend what you did to my wife.” Chad lunges towards me and he pulls my face close to his. His alcohol breath blows onto my face. I desperately try to look at Adrian but Chad is restricting my view.

  “Get away from her,” Adrian shouts. Chad again laughs as he loosens his grip on my face.

  “You can’t stop me,” Chad says as he holds the gun up towards Adrian.

  “You know that I will take a bullet for her,” Adrian screams. I cannot let him do that. I cannot think of Adrian getting hurt, I have to tell him to leave.

  “Adrian go, please he will shoot you.” I plead. Adrian kicks out at the desk in frustration and he knocks everything onto the floor.

  “The girl is right, I will shoot you, now come here beautiful.” Chad says as he again grabs onto my face. He lunges forward and kisses me roughly. The taste from his lips is pure alcohol and he repulses me. I shake my head to break free of him but he holds me tighter. I cannot breathe as he finally pulls away from me.


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