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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 32

by Deila Longford

  “Thanks for that love,” he says smugly.

  “You are disgusting and I hate you.” I scream out at him. He again laughs at me.

  “Do I look like I care?” I roll my eyes at him. “Now brother dearest, tell the lovely Alanna what you were discussing with my wife.” Adrian is furious, as he stands motionless. Chad maintains his hold on the gun and Adrian does not take his eyes from the weapon.

  “She doesn’t need to know; now if you don’t release her then I will not be responsible for my actions.” Adrian shouts.

  “You don’t think the girl deserves to know why she is in danger.” Chad says as he rushes over to me. My heart is pounding and I cannot bear another second of this torture. Chad looks at me and to my shock; he slaps me hard across my face. Adrian lunges forward and he takes Chad by the throat. Adrian punches him hard and he falls to the ground. The gun slips out his hand and Adrian instantly reaches for it. He quickly unloads the gun and then throws it onto the floor. He reaches over to me and he quickly loosens the tape from my arms. As soon as my arms are free, I wrap them around Adrian. He briefly holds onto me and then he pulls away.

  “I am sorry,” he says in a weak voice. I clasp his face as I stare deep into his eyes.

  “This is not your fault,” I say. Adrian shakes his head.

  “Yes it is I have put you in danger again.” I do not get a chance to respond to Adrian’s words as Chad lunges forward and pulls Adrian towards him. Adrian quickly breaks free from him and he stands up. Chad rises slowly and then he reaches out and punches Adrian. He stumbles back onto me but he quickly regains his balance. He hits Chad hard and then he does it again. Chad begins to fight back and now they are in a full fight. My ankles are still tied to chair and I quickly try to loosen the tape. However, my hands are shaking and they have no power. I try desperately but I still cannot break free from the chair. I watch as Adrian, Chad beat each other, and then I see Michael.

  “What is going on?” He shouts as he enters the room. Adrian turns to him and shouts. “Michael, get Alanna out of here,” Michael sees me tied to the chair and he instantly runs over to me. He loosens my legs and then he swoops me into his arms. He marches out the door but I try to stop him.

  “Michael, I can’t leave Adrian, please you have to take me back.” He smiles at me in agreement and then marches me straight back into the room.

  “Adrian no,” I shout as I see that he is holding Chad down onto the desk. He is towering over him as he holds the bottle of scotch over his head.

  “Alanna leave,” he shouts at me. I ignore him and I rush over to him.

  “Adrian look at me, put the bottle down, he is not worth it.” Adrian glares at Chad and then he looks at me. His face is blood stained and his clothes are hanging from him. I shake my head at the sight of Adrian and at what he has done for me. As much as I hate Chad for what he did, I cannot let Adrian hurt him. I look into his eyes are I try to plead with him. Adrian gently puts the bottle down onto the desk and he takes his hands away from Chad. I smile at him as he walks over to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and I flinch at his touch.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks firmly.

  “I hit my back on the desk,” Adrian exhales and he looks again at Chad.

  “I should have killed you for what you have done to her.” Chad doesn’t respond as Adrian leads me over to Michael.

  “Will someone please explain what is going on here?” Michael says in a confused voice. Adrian turns to him.

  “Chad had Alanna tied to that chair, he beat her and he forced himself on her.” Adrian screams. I lightly squeeze his back to get him to calm down and he looks furiously at me.

  “Is that true?” Michael says as he rushes over to Chad and grabs him by the neck. Chad pushes Michael away from him.

  “Yes its true, I wanted him to suffer and the only way I could do that is by hurting her.”

  “After all these years you can still not get over the fact that your wife is a whore.” Michael shouts, Chad lunges forward and grabs Michael he pulls him close and he says.

  “Don’t talk about my wife like that,”

  “Don’t talk about your wife like what?” Zara says as she enters the room.

  “Oh here she is now my darling wife; please enlighten us about what you were discussing in the kitchen with Adrian.” I turn to look at her and she wrinkles her face at me. I shake my head at her and I would love nothing more than to leap forward and rip off her smug face. However, I control my desire as I crave to know what has brought on Chad’s horrendous behaviour. Zara quickly walks over to her husband and I gaze at her.

  “Darling, Adrian and I were just talking that’s all.” She says as he places her hand onto his shoulder. He quickly pulls her hand away from him and he grips her tightly.

  “Don’t lie to me I heard you. Now tell them before I do.” My heart is racing and I cannot breathe. I turn to Adrian but he does not make eye contact with me. I am frozen as I await Zara’s words.

  “No I can’t,” Zara says firmly. I stare at her and I feel that I need to say something.

  “I have just been through hell and I deserve to know why, now tell me.” Adrian pulls me closer to him and he looks down at me.

  “Baby, we cannot discuss this here please lets go and I will explain.” I shake my head at him. “No, I need to hear it from her.” I turn again to face Zara and she looks as if she is made of stone. Nothing seems to bother her and she is standing very arrogantly. I almost think that she likes this situation and that she wanted this to happen.

  “Tell her,” Chad shouts. Zara jumps at his voice and I see that she is human after all.

  “Okay, okay, Adrian and I were talking about William.” She finally says.

  “What about him?” I ask quickly. Zara exhales as she begins to talk.

  “William is not Chad’s son, he is yours Adrian.” My heart sinks at her confession and I cannot keep my balance. I grip onto Adrian as hard as I can and I cannot hold back my tears. Adrian lifts me into his arms as he glides out of the room. My tears are flowing and I cannot take all this in. The little boy with green eyes belongs to Adrian. He has a son and I cannot breathe as that thought enters my mind. I faintly hear Mr Jenkins as Adrian glides through the hallway.

  “What on earth is going on?” Mr Jenkins says in a worried voice. Adrian does not stop to fill him in he keeps walking as he says, “I am leaving and you can ask Chad the reason.”

  Adrian places me onto the bed and then he franticly begins to change his blood soaked clothes. He quickly takes off his jacket and throws it on the floor and then he does the same with his torn shirt. He replaces them with a black jumper and then he rushes into the bathroom. He does not fully close the door and I can see him slipping on his jeans. He glides out of the bathroom and then he starts to pack our things. He throws all his clothes into the Louis Vuitton carry bag and he zips it firmly. He walks over to me and he kneels at my feet. I lift my eyes from the floor and I look at him. His hair is messy and his face is blood stained. I reach over to the table by the bedside and I lift the box of tissues. I take one out and I begin to wipe away the blood from Adrian’s face. He gently closes his eyes at my touch and I can finally speak.

  “Adrian do you really have a son?” I ask quietly. Adrian opens his eyes.

  “I don’t know if I believe her,” Adrian admits.

  “The boy has your eyes and your beauty.” Adrian leans forward and leans his head onto my shoulder.

  “Baby, I am sorry,” Adrian says in a slow voice. I lift his head and I clasp his face in my hands.

  “Adrian it was not your fault.” Adrian pulls back from me.

  “What if he is my son, how will you feel about that?” I take a minute to think - what if. What if Adrian does have a son I could not stand in his way if he wanted to be around him and I would not expect him to chose. Adrian has wanted a family all his life and now he may have a child. Although it may not be the traditional way but never the less William may be Adrian’s
little boy. His green eyes spoke to me and I should have realised who he was. Adrian is wondering how I would feel if William is his son and the only way I can respond is truthfully.

  “Adrian it wouldn’t be easy but we can get through this.” I say as I pull him closer to me.

  “Did he hurt you?” Adrian asks as he kisses my neck.

  “Yes he did, he slapped me and he kissed me and I hate him.” Adrian quickly rises from the bed and he begins to pace.

  “Alanna I know that this is hard and that you have suffered a terrible ordeal tonight. But baby, I need you to change out of that dress and gather up your things. I can’t stay in this house another minute because if I do, then I will kill him.” The look in Adrian’s eyes alerts me that he is sincere in his threats. I slowly get up from the bed and I walk over to my closet. I take out my jeans and a pink sweater. I glide back over to the bed and I throw my phone into my handbag. I clutch the clothes in my hand as I walk over to Adrian.

  “Will you unzip my dress?” He looks at me and then he slowly spins me around. He carefully unzips the dress and I feel a sharp pain as he does. I flinch and Adrian exhales as he looks at my back.

  “Now I really am going to kill him,” Adrian says very loudly. I turn to him and I clasp his face in my hands.

  “What is it?” I say quietly.

  “Your back is all bruised,” Adrian says through clenched teeth. I smile as I touch his face.

  “Don’t worry it will fade,” Adrian shakes his head at me and then I kiss him. I pull back and I head into the bathroom. I quickly slide the dress from my body and then I look at my bruises in the mirror. I gasp when I see that I have a massive bruise that is spread right down my skin. I close my eyes gently and tears begin to flow from them. I silently cry, as I do not want to upset Adrian any more than he already is. I wipe away my tears and I tie my hair into a loose bun. I figure that Adrian will not mind, as he is too annoyed to notice. I change into my jeans and sweater and I quickly throw all my products into my wash bag. I exhale as I gaze at myself in the mirror and then I switch off the light and head back into the room.

  Adrian is standing by the window as he waits for me. I march over to the bed and I begin to throw my clothes into my overnight bag. I zip it up and Adrian makes his way over to me. He takes the bags in his strong arms and then he leads me out the room. We walk along to Emma’s room and Adrian knocks firmly. She doesn’t answer so Adrian doesn’t hang around waiting for her. He takes me by the waist as we walk down the stair. We reach the bottom of the staircase and everyone is waiting. Mr Jenkins, Tabatha, Michael and Emma all wait for us to approach them. Adrian glides over with me by his side.

  “Alanna, my child, are you okay?” Mr Jenkins says as he gazes at me. I do not feel that I can talk therefore I simply flash him a half smile. He returns the gesture and I automatically fix my eyes on Michael. He stands with a worried look on his face and with Emma linked into his arm. I gaze at them and they look close. I try to shake off my thoughts of Emma and Michael as Adrian begins to talk.

  “I am sorry if your weekend got ruined but Alanna and I have to leave now. Emma, are you coming with us?” Emma looks up at Michael and I feel that she is too nervous to answer.

  “I will make sure that she gets home safely,” Michael says as he briefly smiles at Adrian. Adrian nods and then he firmly shakes Mr Jenkins’s hand. He urges me to hurry and I begin to follow him. However, I pause at the sound Zara shouting after us.

  “Adrian, wait please,” I turn to look at her and she is marching down the hallway. Adrian rolls his eyes as he turns his back on her. She rushes over to him and she looks very desperate in her manner.

  “What do you want?” Adrian asks firmly.

  “I want you to meet your son,” Adrian exhales.

  “Yeah ,well before I can call him that I will need proof.”

  “How dare you ask for that, all you have to do is look at him and you can tell that he is yours.” I frown at her and I cannot hold back my words.

  “He has the right to ask you for proof. God only knows how many guys you have slept with. Can you even remember?” Zara reaches out and tries to slap to me but Adrian catches her hand before she does.

  “Don’t you even think about it and I will contact you about the DNA test?” Adrian furiously lets go of her and then he takes my hand in his. Adrian leads me out of the house and into his Range Rover. I sit in a daze as the car speeds off. I turn to Adrian and he briefly smiles at me. I close my eyes and I gently begin to fall asleep.


  The next morning I waken to the sound of Adrian on his phone. We arrived back in London late last night and I went straight to bed. Adrian on the other hand looks as if he has been up all night. He is gazing out of the window as he talks rapidly. I cannot make out what he is saying but I figure its business as I hear something about Edinburgh. I slowly get off the bed and I flinch a little from the pain of my back. Adrian notices as I try to compose myself and he quickly ends his call. He strides over my side and he places his hand onto my shoulders.

  “Are you okay?” He asks awkwardly. I smile at him, as I feel guilty that he is worrying about me.

  “Yes, I am fine it is nothing that a few pills wont sort.” Adrian shakes his head as he leads me into the living area of our suite. He places me onto the sofa and then he walks over to the dining table and lifts a plate of food for me. I lean back and Adrian hands me the plate. I smile at his kind gesture and then I reach out for him. He smiles at me and then he leans down to my level. He softly pushes my hair from my face just before he kisses me gently. He breaks free and he runs his fingers through his hair.

  “Baby, I have to work today, but your friends will be here soon and please don’t leave the hotel today, okay?” I smile at his words and I instantly agree.

  “Okay doll,” he kisses me again and then he heads out the door.

  My mind is numb from the events of last night. I take a bite of the eggs but I feel too emotionally drained to eat. I set the plate to one side as I curl up on the sofa. The room is quiet and I feel alone – even though I have two massive bodyguards standing by my door. I close my eyes as I feel that they are watching me and as I do my mind races. How could Chad do that to me? He wanted to hurt me because of his jealousy towards Adrian. Zara was the ultimate bitch and she would have slapped me if Adrian had not of caught her hand. Then there is William and I do not know how I feel about him. I love kids and he seems like an amazing child but I don’t know what I will do if he is Adrian’s son. I couldn’t cope with Zara being around us all the time but I know that she will be if she is the mother of Adrian’s child. My heart breaks at that thought as I feel that it should be me. Adrian and I were meant to grow up and have our own kids. Now if he already has a son then that has shattered my dreams. I will not be the first woman to have his baby and he will always have a first child. Although marriage is always on his mind, I feel that children are too. He longs to have a family of his own and he wants to be a great father. What kind of person would I be if I denied him that pleasure? If William is his son, then Adrian will be in his life. But the question I keep asking myself is, can I accept it and can I love William because he is Adrian’s? So many thoughts buzz my mind and I wish that I could put all of them out of my head.

  I jolt from the sofa as I there is a soft knock at the door. I make my way to the door and I open it reveal Sophie and Katharine. Sophie leaps into my arms and I fall slightly back from her force. She pulls back from me and her face is tense, I take a deep breath and I realise that she knows about what happened?

  “Oh Alanna are you okay?” She gushes as she hugs me again. I let out a creaked laugh as I pull away from her.

  “Yes I am fine,” I say as I signal the girls to walk with me into the room. Katharine and Sophie take a seat next to me on the massive, leather sofa. I look over at the bodyguards and I wish that I could have some privacy.

  “Um can I please have a minute with my friends?” I ask in a gentle tone
. The two men gaze at each other and then one of them turns to look at me.

  “I am sorry miss but that is out of the question.” I sigh at his words and I again turn to face my friends. Sophie looks concerned and surprisingly I notice that Katharine looks happy. She is smiling hard although she is trying to hold it in. I gaze at her and I wonder what has her in such a good mood.

  “Alanna what happened?” Sophie asks as she reaches for my hand. I take a deep breath as I try to explain.

  “It was awful, Chad is Michael’s brother and he attacked me. I was tied to a chair and he had a gun.” Sophie gasps and her face is distressed.

  “Oh my god Alanna why would he do a thing like that?” I again take a deep breath as I begin to tell my friends that Adrian had an affair with Chad’s wife. Unsure of they will react to a thing like that my heart begins to race.

  “He wanted revenge on Adrian because he had an affair with his wife.” Sophie’s eyes bolt from her head at my revelation. I can see that she is not impressed by this and I fear what she might say.

  “Wow, when was this?” She asks firmly.

  “About five years ago, she is a lot older than Adrian and I don’t know what I can say. I know it was a horrible thing for him to do but he was young and desperate for love.” I try to protest before Sophie goes on a rant.

  “Alanna that’s no excuse for what he did. But I can understand – I think. Adrian is a wonderful guy and he loves you to pieces. But sometimes he scares me and I have a feeling that he has secrets that he might not be sharing with you. I guess I can understand what he did because he had such a terrible childhood and it has left him with many flaws. But Alanna I want you to be with him so if you have to forget that he cheated with his brother’s wife then do it.” I smile at Sophie as I take in her words.

  “Sophie is right Alanna; remember how miserable you were without him? I know this could easily ruin your relationship but you have to work hard to fight it.” I turn to Katharine and then I turn back to Sophie, I smile at them and I realise that I have amazing friends.


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