0.5 Color Me Love

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0.5 Color Me Love Page 2

by Tonya Kappes

  Plus aura dating, believe it or not, was becoming very popular. Especially in older adults. Recently, I had read an article that someone later in life was open to aura dating because they’ve been around the block a time or two and didn’t feel like going around that block anymore. They also claimed they could have a deeper connection with their aura mate and better understanding of one another.

  Park City was not the smallest town, but not the biggest either. We’ve got the usual McDonald’s, Target, Starbucks, and large grocery chains. But it’s still big enough that there are some big players in the community that everyone knows.

  So keeping me, Olivia Davis (anonymous as Jenn, the girl from Splitsville.com that was breaking hearts around the tri-state area) was super important. I get several death threats a month by email from people that I’ve dumped for my clients, but I know it’s only words. If those words ever came to reality, I knew I could depend on Carl and Ian, two of Park City’s finest police officers, to protect me.

  Color Me Love was close to the senior center and Aunt Matilda’s house on Main Street. Aunt Matilda still comes over every morning to check on me, which is more than welcomed. And now she checked on Erin too, since Erin moved in with me last spring after her boyfriend was murdered in her apartment.

  That’s another story for another day, but needless to say, my door was always open for my two favorite people. You’d think we’d drive in together, but Erin wanted to make sure everything was ready for her client’s first few potential suitors.

  The Starbuck’s drive-through line was out into the turning lane off Main Street, but I had to get my non-fat mocha latte with an extra pump if I was going to be reading auras. The auras could be a little sketchy if these potential suitors were trying to put their best foot forward to impress Erin so that she would pick them.

  After I got my latte, I pulled into the open parking space in front of Color Me Love. I looked past all the cut out hearts taped on the window, and saw Aunt Matilda already had one lucky guy sitting at her palm reading table with his mouth hanging open, looking completely dumbfounded.

  I laughed, and had to wonder what he was thinking as she ran her long fingernail along the lines on his palm. Or maybe the heart headscarf that’s got her massive blonde hair knotted up had gotten his attention. Either way, Aunt Matilda was deep into his love line.

  “Good morning.” I said, nodding and smiling as I passed and made eye contact with the guy.

  I didn’t want to disturb Aunt Matilda while she was in her zone, but he definitely looked like he needed some saving, because his blue aura was taking up all the space.

  “I. . .” I stammered trying to look away, but couldn’t.

  My body went limp along with my hand. Before I knew it, I was in the guy’s arms and hot coffee was dripping off his clothes.

  “Are you okay?” He asked. His green eyes sparkled even more with the blue tint surrounding his head.

  Aunt Matilda peered over his shoulder with her knowing expression. There have been many times over the course of my life that auras take over all my senses and I’ve passed out. Only one blue aura man had ever caught me and stolen my heart.


  See where that got me. . .alone. Bradley ran the local SPCA, and when it shut down, so did Bradley’s job. He transferred across the country to run a different SPCA.

  We tried to make it work, or at least I did. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for a man with a blue aura. Carl, Park City’s police chief, offered me a job reading the auras of criminals, but I turned it down so I could follow Bradley across the country. I had Splitsville.com, and it was entirely run through the internet, so I had a job, but I didn’t have Erin or Aunt Matilda.

  After two weeks of living in the land of love, Herbie and I packed my old Toyota and drove back to Park City. My heart just wasn’t complete without Erin and Aunt Matilda.

  “Olivia, are you okay?” Aunt Matilda patted the beads of hot coffee off my sweater with her headscarf. “You aren’t burned, are you?”

  The guy sat me in the chair that he had been sitting in before I up and fainted.

  “Blue. . .blue.” I made myself focus on Aunt Matilda as I fumbled for words.

  “Yes, dear. It’s very cold and blue in here.” She got in front of the guy while completely understanding what I was trying to tell her. “Could you go and get a glass of water from the refreshment counter, Joel?”

  Joel quickly ran off to retrieve the glass of water just like Aunt Matilda had told him to do.

  “Now, get yourself together.” She peered into my eyes. “You are here to do a job, not fall in love with every single blue aura you come across.”

  I knew she was right and this was exactly why I could never have a real job, but it was Valentine’s Day and love was in the air.

  “What’s going on?” Erin smiled and tossed her head to the side making her bangs fall away from her eyes. “Why are you in here when you should be in there?” She pointed to the two-way mirror on the wall, which was really there for me to sit behind and read the auras.

  I pointed to Joel. “Blue aura.”

  Erin grabbed me by the arm. “Get in there.”

  “Wait.” Joel said, stepping in front of us. He smiled. I closed my eyes before I fainted again. “You forgot your water. Olivia, right?”

  My fingertip brushed up against his fingers that were wrapped around the cup. The spark caused me to drop the glass and it shattered everywhere.

  “Damn!” Erin dropped her hand from my arm. “Here we go again.”

  I rushed to the back through the doors that lead to the offices, and Aunt Matilda jingled the whole way behind me.

  “From now on, you need to get here before anyone else.” She grabbed the broom before I could get it. “Now, go next door and grab another cup of coffee.”

  I started to walk back to the front of Color Me Love.

  “Not that way.” Aunt Matilda pointed to the back door. “That way. We can’t have you seeing ‘Mr. Blue’ anymore.”

  I hung my head. I knew she was right. This was Erin’s business and Joel was for someone else. After all, he had answered the online hookup form that was a requirement before Erin would agree to interview suiters and set them up on dates with clients.

  This particular client was hush, hush. Even Erin wouldn’t tell me who she was. All I knew was the client was a woman, very picky, private, and liked tall men. I was to go in based on the client’s criteria and try to pick the best auras for her type.

  This was the tricky part. I had to see the auras of both people in order to match them up. Erin said that this particular client refused for anyone to know but Erin. Erin and I generally didn’t keep secrets between us or so I had thought.

  I opened the back door to the alley that ran behind the strip mall stores. There was a delivery truck parked between the senior center and The Surplus Store.

  “Hi, Vive.” I stopped to talk to Vive Kapila who owned The Surplus Store. I gestured toward the boxes the delivery guy was stacking up. “New shipment?”

  “Ah, honey, we’ve got the best Valentine’s special.” Vive said, winking while pulling her gum out of her mouth like a taffy puller, and wrapping it around her finger. “You should come on in and have look.”

  I’ll never forget the first time I walked into The Surplus to check out the different types of mace. Vive was behind the counter chomping on gum and filing down her long, hot pink nails. She was definitely attractive with her long black locks, but the puff of hair gathered at the top looked like Snookie from The Jersey Shore and needed to go.

  “You really need to upgrade your defense spray to the new improved formula.” She used her nail as a knife and slit the box right open. She pulled out the smallest gun that would fit in the palm of my hand.

  I backed away. Anything that resembles a gun freaks me out and she knew it. Last year I was held at gun point, but the mace Vive had sold me came in handy and I’d sprayed his ass. It held him until Cop Carl g
ot there to take him away.

  “Hold on.” She gripped the gun. “This looks like a gun, so it can scare the hell out of someone, but the grip is easier to spray than the can.”

  Vive demonstrated the grip, doing her best Charlie’s Angels impression, but it still made me nervous.

  “I’m telling ya, ya need to get this one.” Vive took a closer look at the small mace gun. “I’m even thinkin’ about gettin’ one.”

  Vive pointed the gun at the delivery truck and peered down the sights before putting it back in the box.

  “I’ll think about it,” I said. “I’m going to get a cup of coffee, do you want one?”

  The Coffee Shop was next to The Surplus and had pretty good coffee.

  “Naw. I’ve had my Mountain Dew this morning.” Vive said, waving before she walked through the back door of The Surplus.

  After getting my large cup of coffee, I went back into Color Me Love to start the job Erin had hired me to do.

  Read auras.


  Focus, focus. I reminded myself as I stared through the glass ogling Joel’s luminous blue aura.

  I had to get a grip. This guy was perfect for Erin’s client, even though I’d never seen her client because of the hush order, but I knew the personality traits, which sounded a lot like my own.

  But that blue aura got me every time. I think it had to do with my dad’s magenta aura. After he left us because of my reading colors and calling me crazy, I vowed never to love a man in my life with a magenta aura.

  It’s not a bad aura, but accurate for my dad. He was free spirited, he didn’t like to conform, and living in Park City wasn’t a place where we could freely talk about our gift. The more he tried to threaten me to keep quiet, the stronger my gift of reading auras got.

  Shortly after dad left, my momma left, causing me to hate my gift and anyone with a magenta aura. I’ve seen neither hide nor hair of them since.

  It wasn’t until Aunt Matilda explained how I could use my aura to pick my friends, boyfriends, and even jobs. Only she didn’t tell me that auras collide and that I’d pass out.

  My teachers thought I was shy because I did not make eye contact, when in reality, I’d pass out in the middle of class if I didn’t keep my head down. Aunt Matilda wasn’t going to let me stay out of school. She told me I had to learn to live with it because it was just who I am.

  That was why Splitsville.com and the gig at Color Me Love were perfect for me.

  And Joel’s blue aura was perfect. . .perfect for Erin’s client. Anyone in their right mind would love to date and marry a person with a blue aura. Not to mention Joel was six feet four, no bigger than a cake of soap, but looked great in his jeans and waffle thermal tee. Plus our eyes matched.

  There was no way I was giving this one away. I had to find out who Erin’s client was.

  “Wait!” I screamed when Joel stood up. Fortunately he couldn’t hear me behind the mirror, but Aunt Matilda shot the secret glass a look.

  Funny how Aunt Matilda could feel me.

  Joel shook Aunt Matilda’s hand and held the door for another potential suitor before he walked out.

  In my little room, Erin had left a sheet of paper listing the names of ten potential dates for her client and a place for me to write notes about their auras. Next to each name were three different boxes. A yes, no, or maybe.

  I ran my finger down the list until I came across Joel. I picked up the ink pen and quickly checked the no box.

  “So what did you think about Joel?” Erin asked, walking in the room and shutting the door behind her.

  “Not much.” I played it off and squinted, looking at the dirty blonde long-haired guy sitting down at Aunt Matilda’s table.

  I didn’t want to look at Erin or she’d know something was up. That was one problem with being best friends since we were kids. She knew me better than I knew myself.

  Erin peered over at the sheet and asked, “You checked no? Really?”

  I pretended to make notes on the orange aura guy. There was no way I’d go out with him. Orange auras have too much daredevil in them for my taste. Hell, I was too scared to use my real name on Splitsville.com, much less jump out of airplanes as most orange auras did.

  “Orange aura guy.” I tapped the end of my pen on the glass. “What’s his name?”

  I wanted to make sure that I made the right notes on the right name.

  “Buddy.” She handed me Buddy’s profile.

  “Real name William, but goes by Buddy. Interesting.” I made another note to find out how he got that nickname.

  I never really understood that. If you name was William and your job didn’t rely on protecting your true identity, why would you change it to something like Buddy? Really!

  “Hi, this is my Buddy.” I said to Erin as though I was introducing the imaginary person next to me. “What kind of name is Buddy?”

  “This isn’t Splitsville.com. I hired you to read auras so we can pick the best possible love interest for the client.” Erin pointed out the facts and put me in my place.

  “Fine.” As hard as I tried to put Joel’s aura out of my mind and focus on Buddy’s orange one, the more Joel’s green eyes were stamped in my mind. “How can I pick this client’s perfect date if I don’t see the actual client’s aura?”

  I knew it was sneaky, but I did have to keep Joel’s best interest at heart. Especially since he sported the aura I loved so much.

  “I gave you her profile workup.” Erin picked it up off the table and handed it to me. “Didn’t you read it?”

  Of course I read it. Super secret client sounded a lot like me. Not exactly, but very similar. Either way, I wasn’t going to be handing over Joel’s blue aura without a fight.

  Erin read the client’s personality traits off one by one, “Will do anything for family and friends, hard worker, loves animals, not a neat freak, sensitive.”

  Stop! Okay, so maybe with Splitsville.com I’m not so sensitive, but I knew the blue aura was for me.

  Plus I definitely wasn’t a neat freak. That was one thing that I’ve always struggled with. Okay not struggle, but loathed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not dirty. Just sloppy.

  Aunt Matilda cleaned my house ounce, and it took me days to find my tennis shoes. Granted the tennies were in the closet where most people keep their shoes, but I’ve never put them in the closet. One next to the kitchen stove and one under my office desk was exactly where they should be when I need them.

  “Fine.” Erin put her hands on her hips. “Act like we are trying to find a date for you. Then pick the guy.”

  “No way” … I looked through the one-way glass at Buddy…“Would I ever date an orange aura.”

  A daredevil I was not.

  “What about Joel?” Erin pointed to the paper where the box was checked no. “He seemed fairly normal. Did you see those green eyes?”

  Did I? I would be dreaming about those for years.

  “I’m not here to judge on looks, remember?” I couldn’t let on that Joel was even on my radar. “I’m here to judge on aura and aura alone. He was just okay.”

  I lied.

  Erin picked up the pen and marked out the no and checked the maybe.

  “Then he’s a maybe for my client.” She walked out the door and a few seconds later she appeared on the other side of the two-way mirror, facd-to-face with Buddy.

  Erin’s crystal aura became a very pale orange.

  “Geez.” I shook my head.

  Poor Erin. She was unlucky in the aura department. As far as auras go, crystal was a chameleon of sorts. And Erin fit the bill perfectly, pretty, quiet, clean, orderly, and simple. The only downfall to having the crystal aura was how they tend to get along with everyone; they can take on the aura color of whomever they are with.

  Erin was exactly this.

  I looked down at Buddy’s sheet and checked yes knowing he was a no. Maybe, just maybe her super secret client was part daredevil.

  I couldn’t help but s


  After the seventh potential suitor interview, my aura reading had taken a beating. Mentally staring at all the colors not only drains me, but I get a big headache. Another reason I love Splitsville.com.

  I needed a nap by the end of the day and couldn’t wait to get home.

  “Seriously, did you find some good potential dates?” Erin asked as soon as she walked in the house, holding a bunch of files.

  She nudged me to scoot over on the couch so she could sit down. She opened a file and thumbed through the papers in it. “You only had one yes, a maybe, and five no’s”

  I got up and moved the day-old pizza box from the coffee table that Herbie had his nose stuck in.

  “Come on, Herbie.” I patted my leg for him to follow me into the kitchen to be fed.

  He happily followed close on my heels.

  “And the yes was Buddy?” Erin yelled from the other room. “The one you made fun of.”

  “Listen,” I said and popped my head around the corner. “I went on what you gave me. I didn’t get to see the client and just reading about them on paper is not how aura reading works. I pick Buddy.”

  I was a little hacked off that Erin was keeping this client a secret. I had no loyalty to this client.

  “Fine.” Erin turned the television on. “I will send her on two dates. One with Buddy and the other with Joel.”

  “What?” I went back into the family room after feeding Herbie. “I didn’t say anything about Joel.”

  “No, but you did say he was a maybe.” Erin eyed me suspiciously.

  “If you recall, I checked no.” I pointed at her. “You checked maybe.”

  “Whatever.” Erin got up and threw the remote control in the pile of clothes at the end of the couch. She picked up the client file and walked toward the bedroom. “This is a special situation. It’s our first hookup and if all goes well, I know we will have a great dating business. Everything will be fine. You will be able to meet all the other clients. I promise.”

  I watched her walk into her room before I yelled, “And how do I know you won’t pull this stunt again? I can’t play matchmaker when I can’t see both auras.”


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