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Zenith's Promise (The Zenith Series Book 7)

Page 17

by Leanne Davis

  The loud opening had Rob shrieking the high tones before an old-fashioned, alternative rock jam fest began. Ross was sweating and heaving and one particular drum rift sold him forever on performing. It was the greatest feeling and job and experience anyone could ever have. The most fun he ever knew in his life.

  Ross fully intended to become a fucking rock star.

  Chapter 9

  AFTER A FEW THRILLING days of local headlines about Zenith and Ross, he gained attention and a small fan base began to grow. He was young, hot, and energetic, a new, dynamic force in the legendary band’s brand of music. That’s what Ross was dubbed. Innovative in a hot and revitalizing way.

  Ross started to like the idea too.

  He was the “new, revitalizing” addition to Zenith. He brought to it a beastly drum beat that was both controlled and not so much. He could carry drum solos that Zenith hadn’t done for awhile because he was better than Jaxon Mertz. He’d never say so to anyone, but Ross knew he was.

  What a fucking high. He partied that night with the band and later, with the people interested in promoting their success. Meeting the staff and crew, they were all drinking and his nerves calmed down as he smiled and talked while engaging in the multiple cheers and toasts. The celebration went on for hours until he followed them to another bar. There were fans everywhere. Any access to the band was limited by the guards, but there were plenty of women who found Ross.

  Ross wasn’t married. And he didn’t have any kids. He wasn’t well into his fifties either, unlike his bandmates. He was young, single, muscle-bound, and hot. He’d been told too many times by too many women to deny it. And now? Wow. He could have his choice of women. It was archaic and insane. But pretty amazing.

  But Jody would have cut his freaking balls off. If not in action, then with the iciness of her words. The five-foot woman kept his hands to himself and although his gaze wandered and his eyes enjoyed all the candy he saw, his body did not.

  Jody wasn’t around after the show. That shocked him after all she did to get him there and convince him to freaking stay. Without her presence, Ross would have run the opposite direction, and now he wanted to celebrate by doing all the things she’d mentioned except he couldn’t find her.

  Where are you?

  I don’t do after show parties. Don’t fuck anyone.

  That was it. That’s all she said.

  The show?

  The emoji she sent was an eye roll. The next: Ross Karahan, you don’t need me blowing fumes up your ass. You have ears that work and you heard the thundering, stampeding crowd. You have eyes that saw all the bodies writhing, straining, and dancing out of their minds. You have a brain. You know it was spectacular. You were new, vibrant and the “it” boy. A success for Zenith and Zenith’s Promise. When you finally realize that, maybe it will still matter.

  He sighed. She wasn’t one to give in easily. All those damn expectations. I asked what YOU thought. Can’t you give me that much?

  Minutes… then: You were spectacular. I was proud of you. Now when you are proud of yourself, my words will matter a damn.

  His immediate reaction was to be skeptical about her praise. His brain assumed she was lying because she had to say that. However, Jody didn’t respond to social pressure or say things to be nice. She said exactly what she meant.

  She didn’t answer him the next few days, only some cryptic advice.

  Enjoy the aftermath. I can’t watch you do it neutrally, so give me a few days.

  What does that mean?

  Another eye roll emoji. It means I’ll be a raging jealous psycho if I watch you with other women. If you flirt or do anything. So, enjoy. I just can’t watch it.

  But I want you. That was his first thought, although he didn’t tell her that or write it down. He stayed silent.

  When he finally returned to rehearsal in the small studio, Ross couldn’t get over the culture shock from the writhing stadium a few days ago to the abject silence in the woods. He said as much to Rob, who agreed. “You might have a better sense now as to why we keep our personal lives so different from that spectacle. Spencer and I learned the hard way what works best. It can be intoxicating when you think of yourself being far more than you really are. You’re still just a guy. But that kind of attention and fame often goes to your head. We try to keep our feet on the ground. Here. This is the real bones of the job. Making the music.”

  Making the music. Perhaps. But all that attention? Damn.

  Ross glanced up, tapping out a new rift, and practicing hard. Rob was gone, having a break or getting a sandwich. He didn’t expect anything personal toward him from the family.

  But there was a new figure in the control room. Squinting, as the person stood far in the back, Ross finished the next song and set his sticks down. Then he rose and walked out of the soundproof room, going around the alcove and stopping dead.

  Nick Lassiter stood there. Ross never met the man, but recognized him from the pictures he saw in Jody’s apartment.

  They eyed each other suspiciously.

  Why? Why were they eyeing each other up? Ross wondered. But the man didn’t look too pleased to see him.

  Finally, Ross shrugged, choosing to play dumb. “Rob’s in the main house.”

  “I know.”

  “Right. What do you want?”

  “Do you know who I am?’

  Ross lifted his face and met the hard look from Nick. The man was tall with graying, curly hair, ice blue eyes and dark-rimmed glasses. Dressed in a sharp suit, he looked like someone in control of any situation where power and money were concerned. Something that Ross never was. Crossing his arms over his chest, Ross nodded. “Sure, I do. You’re Nick Lassiter.” Then he shook his head. “The father of my friend, JayJay.”

  Nick’s eyes squinted at him warily. Ross surprised him with his answer. “JayJay?”

  Ross turned and walked to the refrigerator to grab a cold soda. Popping the cap, he nodded, and said, “Yeah. We game together all the time. Is that what this is about? You don’t like the late nights? I told JayJay he should tell you but he said he was an adult now…”

  Nick’s look was apoplectic. “That’s you?”

  “That’s me.”

  They were in a long staring contest. “And Jody?”

  “You can’t expect me to answer that.”

  “A fucking drummer?” he muttered.

  Ross wasn’t sure what to say. His phone vibrated. Glancing down, he saw the message was from Jody. Speaking of, he clicked on it.

  Is my father with you? My Aunt Rebecca just texted me that he’s there.


  Do not respond to him. I mean it. I plan to kill him.

  He’s curious about you and me and he said something about a fucking drummer.

  She didn’t answer and a moment later, Nick flinched but didn’t move. No doubt, his phone was vibrating from his daughter’s message. Unable to resist, Ross said, “You’d better answer her. She’s furious.”

  Nick stared at him, then lifted his phone. Next, there was furious typing. Ross was surprised she didn’t call him but he assumed Nick would ignore it. Moments later, a woman entered the room, having rushed in.

  Nick lifted his head and rolled his eyes. “For God’s sake, Rebecca, did you call Jody?”

  “Yes. You stupid idiot. Of course, I did. I know what you’re about to do. But she isn’t Joelle, this isn’t Rob, and it also isn’t twenty-six years ago.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then what are you doing? This? They are none of your business.”

  Nick sighed. Ross stared and the woman whipped around. She had a bright smile. “My name is Rebecca Williams and I am Rob’s wife, Nick’s sister, and Jody’s aunt. I’m sorry for my brother’s poor behavior. Sometimes he forgets he’s not allowed to do shit like this.”

  “Hi.” Ross had no idea what else to say.

  Rebecca whipped back around. “You did the same thing when I started dating Rob. You’ve got to stop it no
w. We aren’t your chattel. Jody can make her own decisions about her relationships by herself. She will consult you or her mother if she has any doubts or questions. Now go. Leave. I mean it, Nick.”

  He shrugged and grumbled, “I wasn’t doing anything. I just wanted to meet him.”

  “She doesn’t want you to yet. So stop intruding on her privacy and space.”

  He nodded. “Okay. I will. You guys are making way too much of this. I had some business with Rob. I came in and Ross was here alone. Jesus, I didn’t stalk him or intend to do him any harm.” The menacing look towards Ross showed that he really did want to.

  “Well, you looked like it,” Rebecca muttered. “Rob is in the house, come on. You too, Ross.”

  Startled when the small woman ordered him to come with her, Ross scowled. What did he do? Nick also seemed to shrink in height. She turned around. “Got a problem?”

  “No,” Nick answered in a surly tone.

  “No,” Ross echoed as he followed like a lamb to the slaughter. Into Rob’s house? That was a boundary he didn’t cross. What should he say to the woman? She so casually invited him and started chatting with him. Entering the house, he found a homey, clean abode in a country setting. Again, nothing that said rock star.

  Rob rose, munching on the edge of a cookie. His eyes were laughing as they roved over Nick who Ross nearly hid behind. “Remember Xavier? When you told me to leave it?” Rob asked with a smirk as Nick glowered back. Ross stayed by the door.

  “Ross, they are being idiots. Please sit down. Can I get you some lunch?”

  “No. I already ate.” Of course, he hadn’t. But all he wanted to do was leave.

  “Ahh, hell, he lies. He doesn’t eat anything but chips or yogurt, the stuff he grabs from the convenience store. Have a freaking meal. Get your strength up.”

  Ross began eating a lunch prepared by not Rebecca but Rob who was in the process of making his own too. Then he began chatting with Rob and Rebecca as Nick stood back, sullen and silent. Literally, Nick had his arms crossed over his chest as he shot daggers at them with his furious eyes. Refusing to eat a single bite, he finally shuffled away when the door opened.

  Jody burst in like a gust of wind. She took in the scene before her. Sedately sitting with her aunt and uncle, Ross was eating his lunch as her father stiffly stood off to the side with a scowl.

  “Jody. Hi, honey,” Rebecca said, getting up and giving her a kiss on the top of her head. “I assume you came to collect your father. Have you eaten lunch, sweets?”

  She eyed her aunt with a warm smile. “I did. Thanks.” She nodded and smiled at Rob and Ross. “Hey. Sorry we interrupted you.”

  Then she turned and took her father out. Rob whistled under his breath. “Dude is going to get his ass kicked.”

  “I feel lucky it’s not me,” Ross muttered, wondering where Rob stood with the fact that he was sleeping with Jody. Apparently, they had it all figured out so now there was no denying it.

  He snorted. “Yeah, you’d best thank my wife for that. She saw Nick pull in before he went out there and she figured out real quick what he was up to.”

  “Which was… what? Protecting his daughter from what you did to her mother?” Ross winced and cleared his throat, realizing what he said out loud. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t exactly what I meant to say.”

  “Nah. It’s true. Ancient history now, but for Nick it will never be. Deservedly so for me. And seeing your daughter settle for less than you planned for her is tough. That’s not a reflection on you but her dad’s idea of who she should be with. I struggled the same way when one of my daughters made plans to marry a man who was completely wrong for her and whom she didn’t love. It worked itself out eventually but not before I struggled with the urge to march out there and interfere. Nick just made the mistake of actually doing it.”

  “Which daughter? The one who is marrying Xavier?”

  “No, I was solid with him dating Karlee. I regretted it temporarily and had to readjust my impression before I felt okay with it. No, actually it was Pastor Jim, who married my other daughter. That was all rather complicated.”

  Ross stared out the window. What was going on? Did that reveal a relationship of sorts between Jody and him? He shifted around. It seemed like it was something important. Their being together was not going unobserved by the rest of the family, but did Ross think it was something more than that? Jody didn’t so much as say boo to him after the performance and now this?

  What the hell were they getting into? And more importantly, what did he want?

  When Nick and Jody were alone on the porch, Jody whipped her hair around and tilted her head, asking, “What are you doing?”

  “Just seeing what he was like?”

  She shut her eyes and sighed. “Why? Why were you doing that?”

  “Because he’s a drummer for Zenith. That band nearly ruined the woman I love and I won’t stand by and watch it happen to you.”

  She waved her hand around in a dismissive way as she hissed, “All that is your baggage. Your problem. Your history. Your perceptions. Your relationship. None of that concerns me. Do you get it? What do you think you even know?”

  “That you’re sleeping with the drummer of Rob’s band. Rob fucking Williams. It took me years to swallow my hatred for that man. Hatred that he fully deserved.”

  She shut her eyes and sucked in a breath of air for patience. “Again. Your history and your baggage. Nothing to do with me or Ross. Nothing at all. Except for the name, Zenith. But Zenith didn’t do anything to Mom, Rob did. And now he’s my uncle and you’re supposed to be his friend. So stop it. What are you doing? Do you think you’re protecting me? From what, Dad? Sex? Sex is something I want to have on my own terms. Stop it. You get no say in the matter. And if you don’t like hearing these words then don’t confront the man I’m doing it with ever again. What did you think he’d say? Huh?”

  “I just… I just wanted to see him and get an idea of what kind of guy he was.”

  “Great. What did you learn from your observation?”

  “Not very much. You and Rebecca interrupted us.”

  “I don’t want you to meet him yet. How about that? I consider him entirely my business. The family is making way more out of us being together than actually exists. Understand that. We don’t even know yet. We haven’t decided if what we’re doing is called dating. So you’re putting way too much pressure on us. Good job.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “Jody, I just didn’t want you getting hurt.”

  She almost screeched her reply. “And how does showing up and confronting the man I don’t know how to describe yet help me? How can you stop me from getting hurt by doing that? You can’t stop my life from happening. I’m twenty-six years old. Stop trying to control everything. Stop confusing my life with yours. All of your overtures are not welcome. Not even a little.”

  He sighed. Rolling his hand on the back of his neck, he stared at her before he finally replied. “I’m sorry. I guess, sometimes I forget to back off. With JayJay my constant hovering is always welcome, my paternal care and concern, and it always will be. I love you as much as I love him and I guess I get compulsive when I try to think of ways I could help you or prevent you from being hurt or compromised. I’ll do anything I can for your benefit.”

  She almost growled at him. He looked so pathetic with his head hanging and shoulders slouched. “I’m not a little girl anymore, and I’m not JayJay. I’m independent and I need my privacy. And I don’t apologize for the men I choose to have adult relationships with. No matter if you approve or disapprove of them. As my father, I expect you to love me and care about me. But that does not include monitoring or policing my personal life and sexuality. Got it?”

  “I know. I never want to do that. I want to feel good with it. Totally open and cool, but Jody, it’s harder than you think when it’s your own child.”

  “Mom doesn’t do that.”

  “No. She sends me over to do it,” he grumbl
ed with a grimace.

  “She did not.”

  “Well, technically not this time, but she does worry about you and asks me to speak up sometimes when she’s not sure about something. Unfortunately, you didn’t come with an owner’s manual on how best to approach every situation when it arises.”

  She laughed when she saw his glum look. “Okay, fine. Just promise me in the future, you will try to see me as an adult and not someone you need to control and monitor. I mean it.”

  “Even with a musician?”

  “Especially with the musicians.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Plural?”

  “Well, if it were, it’s no business of yours and you can’t voice your opinion either way. But no, so far, just the one. And I’m not in love with him; I’m just having some fun. So if you can stop all the drama and cease to assume I’m preparing to run off with my lover and go on tour with him, perhaps we could proceed as before.”

  “You’re not?” Nick’s relief was palpable. Jody wilted, giving up. He’d never understand that she didn’t care about his opinion either way. It was so old-fashioned and patriarchal in her mind, as she was the only one entitled to claim ownership of her sexuality. As if having sex with a man, or many men reflected on her as a person. No. Sex was entirely her business. Sex was all by itself and no relation to the type of person she was. She resented how her dad judged her for it as if she needed to earn his seal of approval. Jody was a bright, independent, honest, hardworking person and that should have been enough to warrant all of his approval.

  She feared her message was lost. “No. I’m not. So please respect my decision that when I want you or Mom to know about the man I’m with, I’ll tell you. But only when I’m ready to tell you and planning to introduce you to him. Let me decide when that will be, and in the meantime, restrain yourself from any further intimidation tactics to protect my chastity.”


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