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Institute of Supernaturals: Savage Collects

Page 7

by J. E. Cluney

  Dominic was restless, stuck in a strange sleep-like state as Melinda packed up her things.

  “Good luck, with everything,” Melinda said as she hefted her messenger bag over her shoulder and gave us all a strange look.

  “Thank you for your time, Melinda. Please email your bill,” Mr Oxley murmured, and she gave him a curt nod before brushing past him to leave us alone.

  “Wesley, can you go down to the front door, Tristan has arrived,” Mr Oxley said as he stepped closer to frown down at Dominic’s twisted face.

  I stood up quickly, needing something to distract me. Tristan was safe, that was good, but I was getting more and more anxious about Savage. I hated not knowing if she was okay or not.

  I made my way to the front door despite being stuck in my head, mulling over that beautiful little vixen that was my mate. How could we allow this to happen? We’d failed her.

  I was still frowning and lost in thought as I tugged the front door open, and then my eyes fell on Jackson, Savage’s adopted brother, standing awkwardly beside Tristan.

  “Oh hell no,” I growled as flames ignited in my hand.

  “Wes, relax, he’s cool. Busted me out,” Tristan stated as he stepped forward and stood over me.

  “His pals are what got us into this mess!” I snarled. We never would have lost Sav if the hunters hadn’t gotten involved.

  “I didn’t bust you out either, you kinda did,” Jackson said awkwardly from behind him as he jammed his hands into his pockets.

  I should just light him up right now like a human barbecue.

  “Technicalities,” Tristan sighed. “Have you found Sav?” he then asked instantly.

  “No,” I muttered, glaring at Jackson.

  “Well, the hunters don’t have her, so a Collector must,” Tristan stated as he pushed past me and into the house.

  I stared off with Jackson, daring him to attempt to step foot into the house.

  Tristan muttered and strode back to grab him by the shoulder and steer him past me.

  “Mr Oxley won’t allow him here,” I growled.

  “We’ll just have to see, it’s his place,” Tristan shrugged.

  Jackson was gazing around and taking in the place with an awed expression. He’d struggle to enjoy it if I burned one of his eyes out.

  ‘Stop, he only wants Sav safe,’ Tristan shot to me mentally as he pursed his lips.

  ‘He’s a hunter,’ was my immediate response.

  Tristan just rolled his eyes, and pushed across his feelings and beliefs.

  I frowned at his belief that Jackson was romantically in love with Sav, and just stared dumbly at the human still looking around him.

  In love with Sav? A hunter?

  Now that was weird. Especially since they grew up as siblings. That was just… wrong.

  Tristan frowned and his head snapped upwards as he heard Leon’s thoughts as well about Dominic.

  Tristan took off, madly racing up the stairs as Jackson hurried after him, shooting me a wary glance over his shoulder.

  Mr Oxley would get rid of him in a flash.

  The thought made me smirk. Good. We didn’t need no damn hunter in this Institute. Our home.

  I followed them, imagining just how Mr Oxley would get rid of him. He could make any supernatural cower with his ferocious power that he kept well-hidden, but a hunter? Hell, he would hurl that sorry ass out the window.

  I chuckled at the thought of Mr Oxley dropping his cane and tossing Jackson out the window. We’d just make sure Sav never found out about it.

  My smile fell as soon as I thought of her.

  Where was she? Was she okay? Was she hurt?

  Fuck. I hated not knowing, I wanted to be right there with her and protect her. Not that she couldn’t handle herself, but maybe she was outnumbered?

  “Stop, don’t jump to crazy conclusions,” I muttered to myself as I reached the room.

  Jackson was leaning against the door frame, and he gave me a thin-lipped smile.

  The trickle of worry seeping from Tristan’s mind overrode my displeasure at Jackson as I pushed past him.

  Dominic was spasming on the couch, and Tristan was holding his hand and murmuring soft words to him.

  It wasn’t looking good at all as Leon stood nearby and Mr Oxley stood back as he watched. He obviously hadn’t paid much heed to Jackson, which gave me the slightest hint of relief, considering he could see into Jackson’s head. Maybe Tristan was right. Not that I’d ever trust a hunter.

  “This magic, it’s extremely powerful,” Mr Oxley sighed as he adjusted his glasses.

  “Does that mean something?” Tristan asked, a look of deep worry marring his features. His eyes flicked back to Dominic as the witch gasped and groaned, his eyes still glazed over.

  “No witch could cast such a powerful spell,” Mr Oxley murmured as he tapped one finger uneasily on the carved dragon-head of his cane.

  Dominic shot up, sitting upright as his mouth fell open and the air rushed out of him.

  I lurched forward as his face began to turn blue, and Tristan shook him as he cursed and panicked.

  “Move!” Leon barked as he shoved Tristan aside and held his hand to Dominic’s head. A faint golden white glow shone from beneath his palm, and Dominic drew in an unsteady breath.

  The glazing over his eyes began to fade, and he blinked dumbly as Leon let out a breath of relief and stepped away. Tristan was immediately back in front of him, taking his hands and sighing in relief.

  “What’s going on?” Dominic croaked, his voice dry and raspy.

  “You’re back with us, you’re safe,” Mr Oxley’s soothing voice made the panic in Dom’s eyes fade a little.

  “Good, we have questions,” Damien growled as he leaned forward.

  “Damien,” Tristan hissed in warning.

  I was just as eager to learn what the hell had happened.

  “Dominic, Savage may be in danger, we need you to tell us everything that you remember,” Mr Oxley said gently as he stepped forward. “Jackson, can you run down to the kitchen? It’s to the left of the main entrance, just grab Dominic here a glass of water.”

  I looked back at Jackson, who looked startled that Mr Oxley knew who he was, but did as asked without much hesitation. Good.

  “Why is the hunter here?” Damien growled once he was gone.

  “He helped get me free,” Tristan said quickly.

  “He’s no threat, I assure you,” Mr Oxley said.

  “Savage,” Dominic murmured, and all our attention fell back on him.

  “I went to see the witch about… her kitsune lines. But she was off, seemed… stressed out. She sat me down in a room and… was telling me a bit, but I was getting a sense that she wanted me to get out of there. When I questioned her, she froze up… and a man stepped out of the kitchen. He wanted Savage himself… had been keeping tabs on this witch, blackmailing her to provide him with information,” Dominic said, struggling as he rubbed his throat.

  “This man, what did he look like?” Mr Oxley murmured as he drew closer to Dom.

  “I can’t… I can’t remember,” Dominic frowned and shook his head, and I could tell he truly was grasping for a foggy memory.

  “Do you mind if I take a look?” Mr Oxley asked.

  “No, if you think it’ll help,” Dominic murmured, and Tristan gave him a reassuring smile as he squeezed his hand.

  Mr Oxley reached out and rested his weathered hand on Dominic’s forehead as his golden eyes radiated with a warm glow.

  Dominic hissed and closed his eyes, and Tristan chewed his lip in concern.

  “I can see him,” Mr Oxley growled, and the utter distaste in his voice took me back. Hell, I felt all the guys look at him oddly. He’d never sounded so infuriated before and distressed. “He placed a spell over you, made you send the team into a job that he could follow them to. Where he could catch her.”

  Mr Oxley tore his hand away as Dominic gasped and bowed forward, the moment of magic having taken a toll
on him.

  Mr Oxley growled as he tugged at his grey tie in annoyance.

  Something was seriously wrong. I’d never seen him so on edge before. Who’d he seen?

  Jackson returned just at the moment, glancing around the uneasy room before darting over and offering the large glass of water to Dom. He took it carefully, giving Jackson a strange look, but a nod from Tristan was all the reassurance he needed as he downed the water quickly.

  “Who was it?” I finally asked as Mr Oxley began pacing.

  “Declan Barivian,” he snarled, and those golden eyes lit up once more.

  “Oh fuck,” Dominic muttered as he stared wide-eyed at his glass.

  We all knew that name.

  All of us except the hunter in the room.

  “Who’s that?” Jackson asked, and Damien scoffed.

  “Only an incredibly powerful Warlock,” Tristan stated.

  “One of the most powerful. He’s very old, and very smart,” Mr Oxley said as he stared hard out the window.

  “How will we get Sav back from a Warlock?” Leon asked, his voice faltering at the mere thought.

  “With great difficulty,” Mr Oxley said after a moment. “I have no doubt he orchestrated the whole thing, even knowing the hunters would be there.”

  Considering it was Declan, I wouldn’t be surprised. He was wanted dead by the Council for his dark ways. And because he was a known Collector. Too bad all the skilled bounty hunters they sent in never returned. No one would take such a job anymore, and not even the Council sent their own men after him. He was too dangerous, too smart. His home was impossible to find, hidden from everyone except his own select few.

  He was untouchable.

  “Going after Sav if she’s in his hands would be unwise and dangerous,” Mr Oxley stated, his voice taking on a darker tone.

  “Well we can’t just leave her with him!” Damien snarled.

  “Hush!” Mr Oxley snapped, and the way the room shook with his voice made us all slam our mouths shut.

  “We need a plan, something well thought out. We need assistance. I would not want to go up against him myself, but if he’s searching out kitsunes, something tells me it’s more than just for his collection. As for what, I couldn’t say,” Mr Oxley murmured as he toyed with his beard and stood with his other hand resting on his cane.

  “I have an idea, a lead I was working before I came back due to Dominic’s… issue. I’d believed I may have found some of Savage’s family, but wanted to go in person to be certain. My concerns brought me back before I could investigate further. Being of Dorian lines, any relative with the same lines would be a good ally to have, and we could gain some assistance by finding them,” Mr Oxley said as he pondered on it.

  “That doesn’t help us find Sav though,” Damien pointed out in annoyance.

  “Finding her will be harder, but with the right digging and connections, we should be able to narrow it down. But first thing’s first, we need more men behind us, more fighters,” Mr Oxley said firmly.

  Of course there’d be a fight to get Sav back. She was not a common creature, especially with her supposedly rare lines. The Collector was not about to hand her over.

  He was indeed known as the top of all the collectors, earning the supreme title of The Collector.

  Going head to head with a Warlock was something no sane being would ever do.

  Too bad he had our mate.


  I bounced my foot anxiously as I sat on the bed, chewing on my lip as I waited nervously.

  Izzy hadn’t returned yet from her fight, and I was getting stressed. Had she lost her fight? How long had actually passed? Minutes? Hours? Definitely more than an hour.


  This was my fault, I’d pissed off the Collector and he’d pushed up the fights. Now Izzy was probably being raped on my account.

  I growled as I leaned back and closed my eyes. I needed to find my way out of here. I needed to get us all free.

  Maybe I could try to use my aura on the main door? I’d already tried to use it to bust out of this cage, but it was useless. There was magic vibrating in the metal bars of the cell, and I couldn’t break it.

  The speakers crackled overhead, and my head snapped up along with the other women in the room. The ones who refused to speak to me.

  “Savage Dorian, your fight is next. Prepare yourself.”

  The crackling cut off abruptly, and I scowled at the ceiling. So now it was my turn to fight. Who had the Collector chosen for me to go up against? One of his stronger males?

  I looked down at my underwear in disgust. Guess I would be fighting like this then. God, I wanted a shower so badly. Izzy had mentioned at one point that every now and then you were allowed to shower in a joint shower room for all the females. No speaking permitted. She motioned to a panel on the side wall that would slide up like the main two doors and the shower room beyond it.

  Hell, what I wouldn’t do for a damn toothbrush. I couldn’t imagine any of my mates would come near me right now with my horrid breath and desperate need of a shower. Not to mention I was trying to ignore the groaning in my stomach. We still hadn’t been fed since I arrived. They had a habit of forgetting apparently.

  The pit. I had to look for a way out while I was out there. Surely I could find something, anything, that could help me get out of this shithole.

  Might be a little hard if I’m fighting for my life though. Well, my lady parts. Since it wasn’t a fight to the death. It was a fight to win my right to not mate.

  Who the hell decided on such a fucked up thing?

  I just smirked. Obviously the one running this whole thing. I’d find a way to end that psycho Warlock.


  I bit my cheek as the far door opened and baldy entered the room.

  I was seriously getting sick of this prick too. But I couldn’t kill him, not yet. Otherwise the Warlock might flip his shit and hurt others. I didn’t want to be the reason for that.

  Hell, I just wanted to know if Izzy was okay.

  “You’re up, bitch,” baldy growled. “The Collector is watching. You are to walk yourself over there,” he said as he flicked his head at the other door into the pit.

  “How’s the shin?” I smiled sweetly, and his scowl deepened.

  He roughly unlocked the cell and tugged the door open. I made a mental note of where he put the key back, which was his left pocket. Not that it would help me, the magic in the cell’s lock would probably not open for me. The Collector would have taken many precautions. And I wasn’t naive.

  I stood up, walking with confidence despite being in just my underwear as I winked at baldy on my way past. He just fumed, unable to do anything to retaliate. I strode over to the far door, waiting as it slid up and revealed the darkened hall.

  “I hope he kicks your ass,” baldy growled.

  “And I hope your dick falls off when you’re masturbating to big black dicks,” I said as I blew him a kiss and stepped through the door. Whatever response he wanted to hurl at me was lost as the door slammed down and hurled me into complete darkness.

  I drew in an uneasy breath as I began forward, my feet shuffling across the concrete flooring.

  Just when I thought my life was taking an awesome turn with some mates and the truth about myself, this shit happens. Typical.

  I reached the far end of the hall and reached out hesitantly to touch the door. It reacted to my touch, sliding up into the ceiling as the light blinded me and I shielded my eyes.

  The crowd above roared at my arrival, whoops filling the air. How many people were there anyway? I hadn’t exactly counted last time, but I’d guess about fifty or so.

  My stomach growled, begging for food, but I ignored it. Now was not the time to think about how hungry I was.

  I stepped out of the hall, the door slamming down behind me as the sand squished beneath my toes.

  I gazed up at the people overhead, at their twisted, delighted faces as they watched on.


  On the far side of the pit, the door slid up, and a huge beast of a man stepped out. He looked like a pro wrestler, and the sight of him actually sent a sliver of doubt through me.

  But I fought it. I was not going to allow this huge… thing to intimidate me. I’d killed all sorts of supes over the years.

  He was no different.

  Except he was a kitsune like me, which made us more even in the power department, something that had always given me an advantage before.

  “You got this,” I assured myself.

  “Well, aren’t you a fine piece of ass,” the large man stated. He had an oddly shaped head, almost like he’d been dropped on his forehead as a child and the lump had remained. The sneer he was giving me with a few crooked teeth made me question what kitsune lines he was from. All the women in my room were gorgeous, Nate had been handsome in a wilder-man way, but this thing, he was fugly.

  His hair was buzz cut, and he had a dusting of stubble along his jawline. Obviously the Collector liked him, since Nate looked like showering was not a common thing, let alone shaving or a haircut. And yet this freak looked like he’d just had a shower today. Bastard.

  “What, cat got your tongue?” he rumbled, and I narrowed my eyes.

  “No, just got some shit in my eye, kinda hard when there’s so much of it standing before you,” I said as I drew up my fists and bounced my legs to ready them.

  He looked confused for a moment, and I rolled my eyes. Yep, a mind full of rocks.

  “Well, I’m going to enjoy fucking you,” he declared as he grinned at me, his putrid green eyes lighting up at the thought. He only wore a pair of black briefs, but they looked clean and freshly washed.

  And he already had a stiffy.


  The bell sounded off, and I steadied myself.

  He lurched towards me, and I darted to the side as he reached out, his tree-trunk arms desperately seeking to capture me.

  I dodged him, veering away each time he drew close.

  He wasn’t as fast as me apparently, probably due to his size.

  Good. I’d use that.


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