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Institute of Supernaturals: Savage Collects

Page 8

by J. E. Cluney

  “C’mon, this is a fight, not a dance,” he growled as he fisted one hand.

  I ducked down low, landing a punch into his abdomen before making a swift retreat. He barely flinched from my hard hit.


  He snarled as he came at me swinging this time.

  I side-stepped and ducked, dodging his blows as I landed a few of my own, putting my full power into them. And I was getting very little response.

  “My lines were guards, bred to take a hit and continue on,” he stated as the crowd cheered and watched us fight.

  Great. Time for something new then.

  He shot a fist out, and I dodged it with ease as it rushed past my cheek. My aura arm manifested, and I used it to grip onto his shoulder as I leaped into the air. I pulled myself down onto him, my legs wrapping around his neck as I sat on his shoulders.

  I then leaned backwards, using my aura arm to slam into the back of his legs.

  He crashed to the ground with me, and I ignored the pain in my side as his heavy head knocked against my hips and pinned me against the ground.

  He clawed at my bare legs as I kept them locked around his neck. I smiled as he gasped and struggled, but then a deep growl rose up from inside him.

  I gasped as his heavy hand latched onto my ankle and began to bend it.

  I gritted my teeth, knowing full well that he intended to snap my ankle. I needed my ankle to escape this place. Fuck.

  I released him and rolled away swiftly as he rolled over in an attempt to attack me. I wasn’t fast enough to get to my feet though as he threw himself at me.

  “Little kitsune, so small and precious,” he sneered as he used his body to pin me down.


  “Big kitsune, so ugly and stupid,” I muttered.

  The fist that caught my jaw made my head spin as pain seared through me, and I lay stunned as the world spun.

  It took me a moment to register than he was yanking my panties down and pulling his dick free from his briefs.

  I blinked, forcing myself to fight against him despite the pain in my jaw and head. I'd felt my neck crack a little from the blow. Fingers crossed nothing was seriously broken.

  I snarled as his dick nudged my entrance, and I could just see his intent to drive himself inside me.

  I was not about to be had by this motherfucker.

  I shrieked as I slammed my legs shut, catching the tip of his dick and making him howl as he dug his fingers into my shoulders.

  I felt my full kitsune aura encase me, and the second aura arm that sprung to life joined forces with my other one and hurled him off me with incredible strength.

  I tugged my panties up and shot to my feet, smirking as two extra arms were raised at my sides, my aura encasing me as pink and white tinged my vision.

  The crowd went wild at the sight, and I was just grateful it had sprung to life in my moment of desperate need.

  The guy looked mighty pissed as he pulled himself up from the sand, spitting out a mouthful of it.

  Time to dance, bitch.

  The energy pulsing through me gave me a new boost, and I shot towards him this time.

  He was caught off-guard by this, and threw up his arms defensively.

  Wrong move, asshole.

  I dropped down low and slammed my foot as hard as I could into his knee, hearing the satisfying crunch as he cried out and collapsed to his knees.

  A swift roundhouse kick to the head had him flat on his back, dazed as I straddled his chest, pinning his arms down with my aura arms.

  “No one fucks with me,” I growled as those green eyes just gazed up at me in sheer shock and confusion.

  I slammed a fist into his head, the creak of his bones satisfying me as the moment he’d tried to enter me flickered through my mind.

  How many other kitsunes had he done this too?

  I slammed my fist into his head again, this time hearing the distinguishable sound of a tooth cracking.

  Had he been the one to get Izzy? Was that why he was freshly showered?

  The thought fueled me, and I barraged his face with both hands, my knuckles aching as I pummeled him, the blood splattering up onto my own face as the crowd roared and cheered for me.

  He would never look at another kitsune with the belief he was going to break them again. Hell, he’d be lucky if he’d ever see again.

  I made sure to land some harsh blows to his eyes, feeling the squishy eyeball giving way.

  He was gurgling now, and I was pretty sure he was unconscious as blood covered his swollen, bruising face.

  The familiar magic washed over me, and I was hurled backwards as the Collector called out, the bell sounding off.

  The crowd fell silent instantly.

  “Well, this little beauty sure has some spark. I think we’ll have to push up her next fight to this afternoon, what do you all think?”

  I stared up at the onlookers, searching for the man. I found the Collector through the crowd, sitting on a throne. Of course. His platform was raised a little from the seats around him, and I locked eyes with him as he nodded at me. Great. Another fight.

  The crowd all cheered in agreement, and I climbed to my feet as I glared at the Collector. He was going to pay for all of this. Somehow.

  I’d make sure of it.



  We’d been on the road for hours now, all of us divided into two cars. I was with Leon and Wesley in Leon’s Jeep, while Tristan, Dom, Jackson, and Mr Oxley were in his silver Mercedes sedan behind us.

  We were close enough that we were getting Tristan’s thoughts too.

  Apparently Mr Oxley had been talking to Jackson a fair bit, finding out more about hunters and why many of them got into hunting.

  Dominic had apologized profusely about giving up Sav’s location and getting used by the Collector. Tristan was understanding and sympathetic, but I was pissed. It was wrong, and Tristan tried to get me to understand that it was powerful magic, but I didn’t care.

  Savage was in trouble because of him. Her life was seriously on the line now.

  “We’re not too far off now, I’ve got the address for the auto-shop,” Leon stated from his position beside me in the driver’s seat.

  Good. I was getting too anxious and pissed off about this whole situation. I wanted to just find Sav, break some skulls, and bring her home.

  That would make my day.

  “She must be freaking out wherever she is,” Wesley muttered.

  “Doubt it. She’s probably working on how to escape, who to kill,” Leon said, forcing a small smile, but I knew it was strained and held no life.

  “She’s strong, she’ll be all right,” I said, but I didn’t believe it. Not fully. I couldn’t believe anything until I saw her and knew for myself.

  The rest of the car ride was filled with a tense, uncomfortable silence as we all listened in to each other’s true worries and concerns. We were all barely containing our stress about our newfound mate.

  “This is it?” I muttered as we pulled into the parking lot of the tiny garage with an old shit-box pulled into the shop.

  The sun was setting in the distance, and I climbed out of the Jeep and stretched after the long drive. Mr Oxley’s Mercedes rolled in behind us as Wesley and Leon climbed out of the Jeep.

  “Can I help you?”

  We all turned towards the young man that exited the garage, narrowing his dark brown eyes at us. He had olive skin and dark black hair, a grey tank and jeans, and I had to remind myself he was only Sav’s half-brother. Hence the lack of resemblance.

  “Are you Benjamin Bront?” Mr Oxley asked as he closed his car door and walked over, his cane tapping on the asphalt.

  “Who’s asking?”

  My eyes flicked to the older version of this young man emerging from inside the garage. He wore a navy button up shirt covered in grease stains, and his dark hair was longer and tied back in a long ponytail. His face was more age-worn, but he was exactly how I’d pictu
re the young guy looking in another twenty years.

  “My name is Johnathan Oxley. These are my adopted sons. I believe we may be able to help one another,” Mr Oxley stated.

  I was still looking at the two men, focusing my senses to distinguish their auras. Werepanthers. Well, the older guy was, the son was a hybrid, werepanther and kitsune. Interesting.

  “How so?” the older man asked, and I noted how he was still holding his wrench, his hand tightening on it. He was already on the defensive. They knew we were supes, and they were untrusting. Even Benjamin’s eyes were flicking around cautiously.

  “We mean you no harm. We came into contact with a kitsune, one Savannah Dorian, known now as Savage,” Mr Oxley said.

  The flicker of emotions across the two men’s faces made me grit my teeth. Pain, anger, distrust, hope.

  “Savannah is dead,” Benjamin snarled as he started forward.

  “Wait,” the older man instructed, his son halting immediately, but he still watched us with distrust.

  “How do you know of her?” the older man asked.

  “She killed Wes,” I snorted, saying the first thing that popped into my head.

  Mr Oxley sighed and shook his head.

  “She was raised as a weapon for hunters. My boys here are bounty hunters, they crossed paths, noted there was more to her. Her kitsune side had been dormant until they met and it woke,” Mr Oxley started.

  “Long story cut short, things went shitty with her adopted hunter dad, we rescued her, and she chose us as her mates. Now she's been kidnapped,” Tristan said as he waltzed forward, wanting to get straight to the point. Mr Oxley gave him a stern look but didn’t say a word. The rest of us would never have dreamed of cutting him off, but Tristan was more like a true son to him. He could get away with practically anything.

  The older man just studied us, as if he was trying to decipher if we were true to our word. His dark brown eyes rolled over us, and he scratched the salt and pepper stubble speckling his jaw as he pursed his lips.

  “Do you really believe them?” Benjamin growled at his father. At least, I assumed it was his father because of the likeness.

  “I can show you,” Dominic said as he stepped forward.

  The older man’s nostrils flared, and then he nodded.

  “A witch,” he murmured.

  “One who specializes in revealing the truth through memory,” Mr Oxley said.

  “I’ll show you my own memory of her,” Dominic said as he held out his hand.

  Benjamin was watching him now, his scowl replaced with a frown. He was still uncertain, but trusted his father.

  The older man nodded and accepted Dominic’s hand, and I crossed my arms as a soft purple glow radiated from their eyes.

  The older man’s face lit up, and his mouth fell open as the corners of his eyes creased with delight.

  “Benny, it’s her! It’s really her! She looks just like your mother did!”

  Dominic didn’t end the sharing of sight until the older man was on the brink of tears.

  Benny was looking quite ruffled and shocked, but a smile was playing at his lips.

  “Thank you, thank you for finding us,” the older man said as he used a rag from the back of his jeans to wipe his eyes. “My name’s Bernard, and this is my son Benny. You can call me Bernie.”

  “How’d you find us?” Benny asked as his shoulders relaxed. We were no longer a threat now.

  “I have many contacts and sources across the country in the supernatural community,” Mr Oxley said smoothly. “I was able to use this network to narrow down a location.”

  “And what are you anyway? Your aura, I’ve never seen anything like it,” Benny frowned as he gave Mr Oxley a once over.

  “I’m an old supernatural, an uncommon kind. I prefer to keep that information private,” Mr Oxley said.

  Benny just pursed his lips but nodded.

  “You said she was kidnapped?” Bernie cleared his throat.

  “Yeah, a damned Collector got her when some hunters found us on a hunt,” Wesley stated, finally voicing himself.

  The two men exchanged quick looks before Bernie stepped forward.

  “I think we should take this back home and to the others. Do you mind following us back to our place?” Bernie asked.

  “Of course, you lead the way,” Mr Oxley said as he stepped aside.

  “We’ll just lock-up and be on our way,” Bernie said as he turned back to the garage.

  “And who’s the human?” Benny asked.

  I smirked as I flicked my gaze to Jackson, who was leaning against the Mercedes in an attempt to keep from drawing attention.

  “He was Sav’s adopted hunter brother.”


  I sat in my stupid cell, annoyed that I’d given in. Baldy had been replaced by another gruff looking man who didn’t speak, but he delivered me some food in the form of peas and some weird meaty mash thing.

  And I’d eaten it. It was disgusting and pathetic compared to my meals at the institute. But I needed my strength, especially since I had another fight this afternoon apparently. Afternoon. Damn, how many days had it been? Two? Being in this dark room made it hard to know what the time was or what day. I was grateful I wasn’t claustrophobic.

  Oh, and I’d been given a plastic spoon to eat with. A brittle thing that couldn’t be turned into a decent weapon.

  I’d used the small tube of hand sanitizer and some toilet paper to clean as much of the blood off my hands and face as I could. But the droplets that had dried in my hair weren’t going anywhere.

  I smiled to myself though. That prick was not going to recover quickly from that beating, kitsune or not. I’m positive I’d fucked one of his eyes up completely. Hell, I should’ve yanked it right out.

  I stiffened as the main door opened, and baldy entered, dragging a growling Izzy by the arm.

  I shot to my feet instantly.

  “Izzy! Are you okay?” I called out.

  Izzy didn’t respond, and I could see the tear stains on her cheek. My stomach dropped as she stopped fighting while baldy unlocked my cell, grumbling at me to step back, which I did.

  Izzy was staring hard at the floor as he shoved her in and got her to remove her own cuffs.

  It wasn’t until the cell was locked and baldy was gone that she finally looked at me. The pain and anger in her eyes made my heart squeeze.

  “I couldn’t beat him,” she growled as she sunk onto the edge of the bed.

  I joined her as she wrapped her arms around herself. I pulled the blanket around both of us, and touched her cool arm reassuringly.

  “He raped me in the pit, and then I had to go back to his cell with him. We were in full view of the others, they’re in cells like this too, but all separated. He had his way with me in front of them. A few of them even cheered and jerked off. Last time I’d been taken to a room with the kitsune who beat me, this time was so horrible,” she hissed, her voice hitching as she pulled the blanket higher over her head, as if she was ashamed the world could see her. My heart broke for her.

  “I’m so sorry,” I murmured as I wrapped one arm around her. This was my fault. I’d tried to escape, to seduce the Collector, and he’d punished both of us for it.

  “I’ll be okay. I didn’t fall pregnant,” she muttered. “We will know if we do.”

  “I’ve heard that, I read that we can feel the change inside us,” I murmured.

  “Yeah, I’d been trying with Samson for ages now. And the others. But no luck yet,” she said, her voice deathly quiet.

  We sat in silence as I held her close, comforting her after everything. Guilt gnawed at me, and I wanted to scream at the Collector. Not that that would do us any good.

  But another idea was playing on my mind, one that I thought I might entertain.

  It wasn’t something I wanted to do. But I would not stay here. I would escape, I just needed a plan. And I had the start of a plan in mind.

  “I just want to sleep, to dream of my ma
tes,” Izzy mumbled as she moved to lie down, resting her head on the pillow. I tried not to wonder when the last time these sheets were washed. At least we had a bed.

  I shuffled closer, leaning over to stroke her hair.

  She smiled as she closed her eyes, and I continued running my fingers through her tangled hair, gently fingering the knots free.

  This woman was my link to my family. And I had to get her out of here safely. I had my own mates to return to as well, and she was practically my sister.

  I contemplated my idea as she drifted off, hoping I could pull it off. It all came down to whoever my next opponent was.

  That was the problem.



  Of course Damien had to say that.

  Benny seethed as he lurched for Jackson, and Mr Oxley was quick to halt him with a swift palm to the chest.

  “He is no threat to any of us. He only has her best interests at heart. He did not make the call all those years ago, he was simply raised alongside her,” Mr Oxley boomed as he held Benny at bay. Benny’s eyes had narrowed to slits, and his teeth had elongated.

  Jackson hadn’t budged, and that confused me. Was he willing to take a beating for everything? Did he think he deserved it?

  “You brought a hunter here?!” Benny said in disbelief as he stepped away from Mr Oxley.

  “He is a hunter no more,” Mr Oxley said firmly. “I have seen into his mind, I’ve seen the truth.”

  “Why would he just stop?” Benny scoffed.

  “Because his sister showed him that not all those that are inhuman are monsters,” Mr Oxley said gently.

  Benny just chewed his lip as he cocked his head at Jackson.

  “When my father found out she’d awoken, he wanted to kill her. These guys saved her,” Jackson murmured. “Made me question everything. He’d raised her like his own daughter, and then turned on her. How could someone do that?” Jackson asked, frowning at the ground as he kicked a stone aside.

  “Because he’s the monster,” Benny stated.

  “Yeah, maybe,” Jackson muttered.

  Wow. He actually agreed.


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