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Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex

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by Demi Alex

  Oh, I liked these guys. I really, really liked them. The warmth of their bodies cocooned my insecurities and hid them from the night. Their scent engulfed me and the comfort I found in their arms was euphoric. But it was comfort, just comfort. I wanted fireworks.

  “You’re amazing. I’m so happy to have met you. But…” My voice trailed as my mind worked. Maybe Al and G were what I needed? Maybe I shouldn’t be hasty to deny them sexually? I’d certainly climax.

  “But what, baby girl?” Al’s deep voice soothed my nerves and answered my questions.

  “But I don’t want to do friends with benefits,” I whispered. “I want you as my best friends. Here and at home. It may be selfish of me to ask, but please say you understand.”

  “Whatever,” G drawled, pretending to pull a dagger from his chest.

  “Go get in line,” Al said, smacking my rear end. “I’m in the mood to buy me a lady.”

  G gave me a big smile and pulled me close for one more kiss. Relief washed over me and my head felt giddy. With the confidence I found in my new friendships, I walked toward the stage and threw them a smartass grin. “Don’t bid too high if a hunky, rich, heterosexual guy wants me. I might just get lucky.”

  There were three guests ahead of me. The young man, with the chocolate skin, sold for two hundred dollars to a woman who could only be described as a blonde and very enhanced Barbie. Next was a woman, maybe in her late forties, with a pair of legs to die for. She went for four hundred. Finally, the last guest, in a toga-style dress, walked out. I leaned over to the master of ceremonies and whispered my name. I couldn’t focus on the auction on the stage, because the rush of blood to my head made it difficult to concentrate. My stomach felt like it was doing flips, and I probably would have turned to run if G hadn’t given me a thumb up.

  “Let’s welcome Virgin Lora!” The MC announced, guiding me up the two wooden steps.

  When I turned to look out over the pool deck, the bright light shining directly on me made it impossible for me to see the resort guests. I dropped my gaze because the light actually hurt my eyes, but my sight didn’t return. The need of the escorts for the previous virgins made sense. They couldn’t see to walk off the stage.

  “Do I hear fifty dollars for the pretty little virgin?”

  “Fifty from the lady down in front.”

  Damn. Not what I expected. Maybe it was the girl from the gift boutique? She was nice.

  “Do we have seventy five?”

  “One hundred?”

  “One hundred from the tall gentleman in blue.”

  That was Al. He promised to bid. I let out a small breath and smiled.

  “One fifty…two hundred…two seventy five…”

  The numbers climbed quickly. It was exciting. The bid was over four hundred and I was happy not to be the lowest earner on the block. Weird, huh?

  “Five hundred. Do I have five hundred for this virgin?”

  I squared my shoulders and continued to smile. The bidding skipped over the fifties now, and went from six, to seven, to eight hundred.

  “Eight hundred for this lovely virgin is our night’s—

  “Ten thousand dollars,” a voice called from the audience.

  “Sold! Ten thousand dollars from the gentleman in blue! And that’s the high bid for the night, folks. Ten thousand for this delicious virgin.”

  What? 10K! Al had spent that kind of money to buy me for a night? Way to go, G. You picked a nice one.

  I waved into the bright light, did my best impression of Loralyn Monroe, and blew a kiss to the cheering crowd. Confident and pleased, I took the escort’s arm and carefully made my way to the opposite side of the stage.

  “Enjoy your master. He’s really handsome,” she whispered.

  “I know. Too bad he’s married,” I said.

  “Oh, well. You can’t have it all.”

  Tell me about it, I thought. Story of my life.

  Chapter Five

  My escort guided my blinded ass off the stage and placed my hand in a much larger one. Strong fingers closed around my hand and pulled me against a hard chest before my eyes had a chance to adjust. His heat magnified his scent and my libido sprang to life, stepping on to the express elevator to ecstasy.

  “You only had to ask.” Mark sounded irritated.


  “If you want to be fondled in public, I’m happy to volunteer,” Jake added. His large palm settled over my breast and his thumb pad played over my nipple.

  Stunned, I looked up at his smiling face. Definite sizzles. Absolute sparks. Plus, his voice wasn’t annoyed.

  “I think I could have managed prepping you in an exquisite and rewarding manner for the auction, Bella.”

  A third familiar scent filled my head and a simmering heat spread over my back. “I’ve got you from here, sweetheart. No need for anyone else,” Luca said, pulling me close, his forearm rubbing beneath my breasts and holding my tits further up, as if to give Jake easier access. Luca’s erection fit against the small of my back. “And as you can feel, I’m very happy to see you.”

  “I…I…what…I…” Damn. I gave up. Unable to push the right words past my lips, I swallowed the knot that had formed in my throat.

  “Not now,” Mark said. He pulled me from the treasured warmth I’d found between Jake and Luca, effectively stalling the elevator to ecstasy in mid assent and stealing my balance. Thankfully, he wrapped a protective arm around me and tucked me against his side. Suddenly, the balmy tropical breeze carried a menacing chill. “Move away from the stage, Lorabella. We’ll deal with this in private.”

  Jake and Luca laughed, and they fell in step behind us. I worked hard at keeping up with Mark’s long strides, but eventually allowed my feet to skim the ground as he basically carried me like an appendage at his side. He led me to the bar where the night had begun, and motioned for Luca to help me up on a stool at a hi-top. It was the same the spot where Sex on the Beach had infused itself into my body and filled me with the courage to put myself out on that stage.

  “Ice water,” Mark barked at the bartender.

  Why was he so pissed? This place was one of his favorite stomping grounds, but he wasn’t really fitting in with the hedonistic party scene.

  “Tone it down, Mark. You’re scaring her. Lora looks like a deer in headlights.” Jake cupped my chin and directed my gaze to his. “Don’t worry so much, darling. Mr. Hard-Up doesn’t want our princess tainted by all of this.”

  “More like he doesn’t want anyone else doing the tainting,” Luca added, turning me to face him as he dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Seriously, sweetheart, don’t worry. You’ve made his year.”

  It was just a touch, but between Jake’s fingers, Luca’s lips, and even Mark's intense blue eyes, there were fireworks. And then it hit me. Mark was wearing a blue shirt. A shirt just like Al’s.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Seated, I finally found the sense to form a coherent and complete sentence.

  “We’re on vacation,” Luca said, playing with the collar of his linen shirt. The light cream color accentuated the olive tones of his skin and the dark sprinkle of curls on his chest.

  “You’re supposed to be climbing mountains, not buying virgins at a charity auction.”

  “A specific virgin,” Jake said.

  Mark’s fingertips went white on the glass and he stiffly offered it to me. “Drink, Lora. Don’t talk. Just drink some water.”

  When I accepted the water, and he was satisfied that I’d actually swallowed a few sips, he turned back to the bartender and ordered a Dewar’s straight up, then asked the other men what they wanted. He didn’t look angry or mad any longer, but rather, the strained lines across his forehead were the just like the ones that appeared every time he struggled to maintain his composure. Every time he argued a case he truly believed in and thought may have been compromised.

  “What were you drinking?” Luca whispered against my ear.

  “Sex on the beach,” G replie
d, stepping up behind me. “This guy makes the best.”

  Jake laughed, catching the twitch in Mark’s temple. Luca simply raised his arm and ordered G’s suggestion. Mark said nothing, but downed his drink when Al dipped over my left shoulder and kissed my cheek.

  “You said to stop bidding if he was hunky, rich, and a heterosexual guy. I didn’t realize they were together, baby girl. But I’m guessing he’s hetero,” Al said, nodding toward Mark.

  “I’m Mark.” Mark stepped forward and forcefully extended his arm to Al.

  Al accepted and smiled. “I’m Al, and this is Gerald.”

  “Jake.” Thankfully, Jake held out his hand and Mark had to release Al. “That’s Luca,” he added casually. “We’re Lora’s employers.”

  “Oh…ohhhhh,” G breathed, tapping playful fingers on my back. “Our work here is done.” He turned away from me and looked at the guys. “Nice to meet you, gentlemen. I’m taking my lover boy to meet his blonde for the evening. Have fun kids.” He winked and waved a playful hand in the air. “Come on, Al. Let’s go.”

  Al didn’t budge. His concern filled the space in our little huddle and testosterone sparked all around me. While Jake and Luca seemed amused, Mark was not. His jaw squared. His gaze narrowed. And there was no question in his stance either. Mark had claimed his territory and Al had no reason to concern himself with me. Mark cupped my elbow and kept me on the stool.

  “You good with this?” Al asked, looking at me for confirmation. When I nodded in agreement, he accepted G’s hand. “We eat breakfast around ten on the patio overlooking the water. See you then?”

  “She’s busy,” Mark answered, taking another step forward and fitting his tall frame between my legs and towering over me.

  “Lighten up,” Luca said. “Tomorrow’s breakfast is the end of the resort’s initiation. It’s Lora’s first time here and she should enjoy it like everyone else. Gerald and Al are her friends.”

  “And, I believe it’s up to her to decide if she’s busy,” Al challenged, still looking straight at Mark.

  “It’s not the sort of environment that Lora is accustomed to. She’d enjoy it much more if we ate in our suite,” Mark replied. His hand dropped and rested just above my knee like he kept it there all the time. It was large, hot, and very, very welcomed.

  “She’s right here.” I raised my hand between the two. “Don’t talk about me like I can’t decide for myself. I’ll decide on breakfast. Breakfast and everything else.” Picking up Mark’s hand, I stood, but he intertwined his fingers in my own and easily held them low on my back, as I turned to meet Al’s gaze. “Thanks for the invite. Go on with G and have a wonderful night. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I mouthed a silent thank you for Al’s eyes only, then I kissed each of my new friends on their respective cheeks and said good night.

  When G and Al had walked away, I leaned against the stool. Mark’s fingers still intertwined with my own. The only difference was that they rested on my upper thigh.

  He hadn’t stepped back during the whole fiasco. He’d barely given me enough space to stand, and the heat of his body was making me tremble. Then, the handsome man that sucked all my sensibility from my mind, leaned even closer, and my butt hit the barstool. I thought my heart would break through my chest and land on his blue polo so it could be closer to him.

  “You want to be initiated?” Mark asked, slipping his hand beneath my hair and cradling my nape, effectively forcing me to tilt my head back and look up at him. “I’m the one to do your initiating, Lora.”

  Chapter Six

  I inhaled the essence of Mark’s breath and my own caught in the back of my throat. Time stopped. His strength, his mind, his heart, and his take charge attitude had consumed my every fantasy for the past few years, but my apprehension held me captive to the beat of my heart.

  No question I was about to get kissed by a man of my dreams. His lips dropped to my neck and he trailed warm, soft, slow kisses up to just beneath my ear. I had no clue what I should do, or how I should reciprocate. Still holding my breath, I scraped my teeth over my lower lip and waited for his mouth to reach mine.

  Mark’s finger and thumb steadied my trembling chin and my mouth fell open. I somehow managed to lift my heavy lids to look at him. I couldn’t see anything past him, and I certainly wasn’t about to break the connection he commanded. Mark was everything.

  Once his lips claimed my mouth, he became the only thing that mattered and a willing surrender to his every desire settled in my chest. His lips urged my mouth to welcome him, his tongue stroked away the previous apprehension, and my breath mingled with his as heat sizzled at my core. Mark cupped my cheek and the tenderness in his fingers was in complete opposition to the determined staking of his mouth, but the two together had my heart doing an erotic dance of happiness. Mark, my Mark, was kissing me and setting my soul on fire.

  But then his weight shifted, and he lifted away. Without his support, I lost my balance and practically fell off the stool, except for the fact that his massive arm wrapped around me and suspended me in the air. “What the…?”

  “I got her,” Jake said, catching me across my upper back and pushing me upright, while Mark hauled me up from the opposite side. “She’s fine.”

  “Let her be,” Luca said, peeling both men’s hands off my body, before trailing his fingers down the side of my face and his thumb over my lips. “Give her time, and make no demands. Don’t confuse or scare our sweetheart, or she won’t know what to do. She’s a woman, not a wishbone.”

  Damn right I had no idea what I was doing. One minute I was lost in Mark’s kiss, then I was falling, only to be saved by a second man who made my heart still, and to have a third’s words rescue my flagging self-esteem. Three men I couldn’t choose between. I’d lost my mind, and I was about to lose all three men.

  Mark looked from Luca to Jake, then back to me. He pushed his fingers through his dark hair and shook his head. “This isn’t what I wanted.”

  He didn’t want me! But that kiss…that kiss had to mean something.

  Jake raised his hand and indicated to the bartender for a new round of drinks. “We’ll figure this out. We’re sensible people.”

  “What’s there to figure out?” Luca insisted. “It works.”

  Did they forget I was sitting in the middle of their huddle? I could hear them. I could see their expressions and feel their moods. I wanted to raise my own hand again and tell them I was there, but I didn’t want to cause more problems than I already had. Mark was disappointed. Jake was trying to put out the fire and be his reassuring self. Only Luca acknowledged me, smiled and blew carefree kisses every couple of minutes bringing the straw of his Sex on the Beach to my parched lips.

  Jake reached between the patrons at the bar, accepted fresh drinks from the bartender, and then handed Mark and Luca their respective drinks. I had refused a refill. Mark drained his glass, seemingly straining his control to keep silent. Luca placed his on the table at my side, and settled an easy arm over my shoulders, letting his fingers play with the strap of my sundress. Jake swirled the amber liquid, moving to stand beside me again and rest his hand on the small of my back.

  Relief flooded my body at their touch, and the heat seeped past my pores and electrified my cells, but my heart ached from Mark’s rejection. What had I expected? That the three alpha males who had starred in my fantasies would accept my want for all them? Stupid. I was so infantile and stupid.

  “I’m going to check on the suite,” Mark announced, placing the empty glass on the table. “Bring Lora to me in an hour. She’s mine for the night. I bought her.”

  “We bought her,” Jake corrected.

  “Neanderthals,” Luca whispered against my ear. He laughed and squeezed my shoulder. “Go on. Both of you. Let the young folk have some fun while you guys see to the rooms.”

  “Stay with her,” Jake instructed. “We can’t have her alone in this place.”

  “As if I’d leave a beautiful woman
alone with this crowd,” Luca said, fitting me snug against his side. He lowered his head and placed his lips by my ear. “That explains why Jake insisted on using our joint expense credit card at the front desk. He was covering his bases.” He bent a little lower and placed a kiss on the side of my neck.

  My pulse sped up. Heat flooded my veins, and damn guilt settled on my chest. How could I go from being so turned on, then confused by Mark, to wanting Luca’s lips on every inch of my body because he was whispering against my ear? I was so fucked up. I was also pleased that Jake had ‘covered his bases’. Fucked up for sure.

  “None of us would leave Lora on her own. We’re here. It’s not like she won’t be taken care of,” Jake said.

  “In that case, I’ll take care of her. Why don’t you make sure our request has been accommodated?” Mark growled, giving Jake a look like I’d never seen before. There was no mistaking the ‘Stand down or else’ glare, and it suddenly made me sad. They were best friends, and now they were fighting. No, I couldn't do this. It didn’t feel right. I'd never come between these men.

  “Both of you go. Together,” I whispered. “You never fail to get what you want when you do things as a team.”

  Shit. I could hear my mom’s voice telling me to stop speaking business and engage the men as men. And at that very moment there was no doubt that they stood around me as men, very attractive men—not as attorneys—and there was no doubt about how I felt about these men, as individuals or together. I really loved them. I had loved them for a long time.

  “Give her a chance to relax,” Luca said, and placed a large palm on the small of my back. I rested against the support. “We’ll see you in a few.”

  Neither Mark or Jake made any move to go, nor did the dread sitting in the pit of stomach dissipate. Rather it grew ten times heavier. I didn’t want to see them at odds. I didn’t want to be the reason they argued.


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