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Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex

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by Demi Alex

  I must’ve displayed my emotions on my face, because almost simultaneously both of their expressions changed…the sternness of their lips softened and the lines creasing their foreheads faded. Even the stress at Mark’s temple disappeared.

  “You’re right, baby doll. Jake and I will go see to the suite together. No reason for that distress on your pretty face. We’ll take care of it.” He came close and clasped my chin between his thumb and finger. “We’ll take care of you. Your happiness is what matters,” he breathed against my lips, kissed them softly, then turned to Luca. “Slow. Understand?”

  Luca nodded. Mark acknowledged it and stepped back.

  Had Mark just called me baby doll? Had he kissed me so sweetly that my mouth watered for more? Was it the same man who claimed he bought me and therefore deserved to have me only minutes earlier?

  “Smile for me, Bella.” Jake squeezed my hand, then rubbed the thigh I’d been tapping an anxious finger on. With Mark’s taste still on my lips, I couldn’t understand the sizzle running up my thigh to my secret craving from Jake’s caress.

  “No more frowns,” Jake insisted. “You’re on vacation. We’re on vacation. We’re going to indulge and have the best time ever. Now one more time…smile for me.”

  I smiled. I wanted to do it for him. Wanted him to smile back, and he did.

  “That’s my girl,” he said, tuning my face and to meet his assuring gaze. “I love your smile.”

  With that knowledge, my smile doubled in size, pleasure flooded my insides, and I could feel tears of joy collecting in my eyes. I lowered my gaze to Jake’s touch, and his intoxicating breath brushed over my ear.

  “Just one more thing before I go. Don’t think. Feel,” he said, then kissed a warm path from behind my ear, down my neck, and to my collarbone before stepping back to join Mark.

  How the Hell could I not feel? They were everywhere. My mouth, my neck, my back. I squirmed in my seat as two of my three men walked away, wishing I’d find the strength to tell them how I really felt.

  “Your wish is my command,” Luca said, bringing a frilly straw to my lips. “I’m guessing the tipsiness of the earlier alcohol is no longer an issue.”

  “Thank you,” I replied, taking the tall glass from him and running my fingers up and down the cool curves. “You’re guessing right. Not tipsy in the least.”

  He didn’t respond, but the hand at my back went to the swell of my hip, and he pulled me closer to him. The sanctuary in his hold warmed my heart. He then settled our drink securely on the table, and slid is hand around to intertwine our fingers, effectively cocooning me in his arms. I took a deep breath and settled against him, safe and happy, knowing that nothing and no one could wipe the smile off my face at that moment.

  Unusually quiet, Luca sat beside me in a very content manner. His presence was pure possession, yet he did nothing more than keep me in our little bubble. When we’d finished the drink, the bartender didn’t come to me and ask in the flirtatious manner he had when I was with Al and G if he was doing it right for me. Rather he addressed Luca, in a way too polite and proper manner, if we’d like another drink. Luca didn’t press me for conversation, neither did he try to kiss me or make me dance or anything else. He just held me and let me breathe.

  Betrayal crawled over my conscience. I’d escaped to the resort to work out my warped feelings. I was in love with three men. Three men that were not only partners, but best friends. And sitting with Luca made me realize one thing. I wanted him, and I wanted Mark and Jake. I wanted them all. They all made me feel special and I couldn’t imagine giving any of them up. I was truly out of my mind!

  Chapter Seven

  “Why are you here, sweetheart?” Luca’s question sliced through the comfortable silence, while he turned his body and held me snug against his chest. Not only was the air heavy with the humid Jamaican heat, but his touch smoldered, oh Lord, his touch did smolder and spread over my skin like the melted wax of a three-wick candle.

  Desires I’d struggled to keep under control for years broke loose, and I needed to feel his touch to breathe. I looked up at the dark and exotic features of his handsome face and enjoyed the view, without bothering to conceal my appreciation. His eyes held a bright twinkle, which had him appearing carefree, but the determined line of his shadowed jaw spoke to the opposite. He was anything but carefree.

  “Why this resort?”

  I couldn’t resist, so I moved my hand and my fingers traced the day’s growth on that dark stubble line of concern. Like an addict getting a fix, I reveled in the luxury of the rugged smoothness beneath my fingertips.

  In the past, well actually up to that very moment, I’d made it my policy to minimize physical contact with my bosses. But thoughts of how Luca had always made it difficult to follow that policy bombarded my mind. He had no problem pulling me into a hug when he’d returned from a meeting, no problem dropping a kiss on my cheek before he strolled out the door, and once, right after he’d won a huge case, he’d kissed me full on the mouth. If Luca had pushed the issue, I’m not sure I would have been able to last as long as I had. He was irresistible by nature.

  Then possessive jealousy reared in my mind. Each time Luca walked into an event, women stopped their conversations and gawked at the tall and muscled man in a suit. And that was purely from his dark movie star good looks, before he said a single word and won them over with his easygoing charm.

  “Lora, why are you here?” he repeated.

  “I’m on vacation,” I replied, placing my fingers around the cool drink to keep them off of Luca. “Things, a couple of things, need to be sorted out. So I came here to do just that. Why are you here?”

  “You decided on this resort to sort things out?”

  “Yes,” I replied, concentrating on the condensation on the glass and attempting to forget the magnificent feel of his jaw and the irrational sense of possessiveness. I had no right. “I didn’t want to go to my niece’s birthday party and have to deal with all that family drama, so I escaped. I came to this beautiful island to find myself. To make decisions about what I want in the future.”

  “What you want?” His chest filled with a deep breath and he cocked his head away from me. “The future? Not here, sweetheart. This is a place to fuck and to get fucked.”

  Damn. I hadn’t expected him to be so direct. So on point.

  I stared at my fingers, tracing the rivulets of moisture on the glass in slow motion. The knot in my throat kept me from making a witty response, so I didn’t look up at him. But not only could I see him in my peripheral vision, I could feel him studying me, and I could almost hear his thoughts.

  With a strong and determined finger, he turned my head so I met his gaze. Exhaling audibly, I worried my bottom lip and forced myself not to hide. Not to look away.

  “That’s better,” he said, his breath feathering my lips before he placed soft and sincere kisses on my each of my cheeks, my forehead, and lastly on each of my lowered eyelids. “Look at me, sweetheart.”

  I did, and what I saw made my heart swell with appreciation. He cared. He understood. He empathized. “Luca.”

  His tongue traced his lower lip, and he let out a slow breath. “We’ve been together for what…over two years?”

  Maybe we hadn’t exactly been together, but I nodded. We’d worked together that long.

  “During that time, we’ve shared true honesty, restrained honesty, but honesty none the less. I’m not about to let that change, Lora. As a matter of fact, by you coming here you’ve thankfully lifted that restraint.” His hand moved up and down my back, coming to rest half on the swell of my ass and almost halfway on the side of my hip. Much more intimate than any previous touch. There was a certain sexual invitation in his stroke, not to be misinterpreted with simple comfort. “Why this resort?”

  Encouraged by the lull of the sultry music keeping time with the masculine fingers strumming at my excitement, I leaned close to his ear and his soft hair teased the top of my lips. “To get f

  Those fingers no longer gently strummed, they possessed. Empathy and understanding abandoned his gaze, and desire filled it. He pulled me off my bar stool, settled me between his muscled thighs, and groaned out a muffled thank you against the curve of my neck.

  With his chest against my back and his crisscrossed arms enveloping me in his embrace, I reveled in the way he stroked my hips over the thin material of my sundress. I curved into him and relaxed into his sensual invitation.

  “I’ve waited a long time to feel the softness of your hair like this, and consider yourself warned that I’m going to take full advantage of it,” he breathed, rubbing his cheek across the top of my head. “God, you smell sweeter than I remembered…so sweet.”

  “How do you remember?” I asked, inhaling his fresh scent and cataloging it so that I would remember it forever.

  “From the too few times you let me steal a kiss and hold you in my arms.”

  Those pecks on the cheek had transformed to stolen kisses. I smiled and dropped my head to his shoulder, so very happy he remembered them that way. “Luca?”

  “Yes, sweetheart.” His long fingers grazed the space between my hips, outlining the thin lace at the top of my thong. My womb tingled in appreciation.

  “Why are you here?” I asked.

  “Because you’re here. You’re ready.”

  I spun on my heels and looked into his eyes. What was I ready for?

  One hand settled on the small of my back, the other cupped the side of my face. “I’m not a fool, sweetheart. I can see what is going on inside that pretty little head of yours, but I don’t care. I want you. I’ll have you…any way I can. Understand?”

  I nodded and watched him lower his mouth to my lips.



  “You’re here to get fucked,” he said, biting on my lower lip and sending pleasure to my core. “You’re going to get fucked. And we’re going to play fair so that there is no mistake or regret over the outcome.”

  “What outcome?” I whispered against his mouth, closing my lips around his tongue and sucking on it as I slipped my hands up his abdomen and covered his heart.

  “Honesty, sweetheart,” he repeated, cupping the tender curve of my ass and fitting me against his apparent arousal. “I want you. Jake and Mark want you. We’ve all been waiting for you to open up to the possibilities of having a man in your life, and it’s finally happened. We each want to be that man, and as we’re being honest, you want us. But, sweetheart, it’s so torturous that you haven’t selected one of us. It’s driving me…us…crazy. We’re going to figure it out this week. No more waiting. And absolutely no one else. It's only between you and the three of us.”

  And with that promise, he reclaimed my mouth, ravaging my senses and stealing my restraint with each sweep of his tongue and each nip of his teeth. My spine felt like jelly, and he molded me against his muscled torso, imploring me to understand exactly what was ahead for the next week. Bliss, pleasure, and beyond any doubt, a mind-blowing lover who knew exactly how to make my body hum with ecstasy.

  “Sex on the beach?” he asked, lifting me to my toes so he could stand. His arm, tight around my waist, thankfully kept me upright, because his hard body pressed against my sun-kissed skin sent me off balance.

  “Sex? Now?” I stammered, tugging on his hand. “I’m not sure this—

  “Relax. I was referring to another drink,” he said, waving off the bartender with a negative gesture. “I know you’re not sure. Remember what Jake said?”

  What? He was talking about Jake when he was with me like this?

  “Don’t think. Just feel, and let me take care of the rest.” He squeezed my hand in his. “Trust me?”

  Yes, I trusted him. Fuck, I really trusted him. I nodded and saw a smile lift the corners of his mouth. His palms caressed the swell of my bum and he dropped his face to the curve of my shoulder, tasting the moisture beading on my body.

  “I’ve waited forever to enjoy your flavor, sweetheart, and I must admit I never expected patience to reward me so greatly. But with your taste on my tongue, I long to savor every delicious inch, and I don’t know how much more patience I could employ.”

  My muscles released, but Luca held me against him, resuming his barrage of slow, tantalizing kisses on my sensitive skin to the tender point at the side of my neck, before his lips sealed over my pulse. A moan escaped from deep within me as he sucked, and my fingers gripped his muscled shoulders for support.

  “Beautiful,” he rasped, raising his mouth to take mine, and then covering an innately offered breast with his right hand. His tongue swept across the seam of my lips in the same rhythm as his thumb swept across my aching nipple. “So fucking beautiful.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, he rolled my nipple between his thumb and finger and my lips parted in appreciation of the sting of pleasure his gentle pinch caused to travel over every nerve in my body to the pulsing nub buried in the folds of my pussy. I rolled my center against his hip, and sighed in relief. With the parting of my lips, his tongue possessed my mouth in a passionate exploration.

  “You are ready,” he breathed against me ear. “I could slip the strap down your arm and suckle you right here.”

  “Here?” Alarm shook me from my passionate haze.

  “Here. That is the sort of resort this is, Lora. I could place you on the bar and feast on the sweetness between your legs, while no one does anything but jack off in a fit of envy. Or if they are smart about it, they’d fuck their own women and make them come as you climax and bless me with the cream of your desire.”

  “Luca.” I was shocked. He’d never spoken to me in that manner. But the heat spreading over my body had nothing to do with the tropical weather.

  “The thought excites you,” he said, cupping my other breast and playing with both nipples. “Your nipples are begging to be sucked, and not only can I feel them, but everyone can see them through that flimsy material. I’m not going to share you with these men, but you need to know where we are and to prepare for the loss of innocence.”

  Loss of innocence? I wasn’t innocent?

  “You think I’m a virg—?”

  I couldn’t finish the thought, let alone the sentence. He lowered his head and closed his lips around my nipple, wetting the material so that even I could see the outline of my areola against the cotton as I watched him drench the light colored fabric.

  “Now, they can see what they’re not going to get,” he said, moving his mouth to the other breast and repeating his actions.

  I entwined my fingers in his hair, arched my back, and pushed my breast further into his mouth, closing my eyes and trusting him to continue my pleasure. When he stopped and raised his head, the loss had me groaning my disappointment.

  “You like that, sweetheart.” With a finger he raised my face to look at him. “Turn and see what your gorgeous tits have done to our fellow bar patrons.”

  How could I turn? Moisture pooled between my legs at the thought of my aching nipples on display for all to see. Me? I had never made love with the lights on. An exhibitionist?

  “I know you want them to see, and I don’t mind. If it turns you on, it’s good for me, as long as they don’t touch,” he assured, taking my shoulders and turning me to face the bar. “And as for your previous question, no. I don’t think you’re a virgin. I think you don’t realize where you’ve chosen to explore your beautiful sexuality.”

  My legs trembled, yet Luca steadied me between his thighs and held my shoulders back. Two men sandwiched Al’s blonde, all three of them looking at my now transparent dress and me. A lone man at the end of the bar nodded in appreciation, lowered his zipper, freed his cock, and wrapped his fingers around it as he stroked up and down the length.

  “Two bottles of water, please,” Luca told the bartender, who immediately came around the bar and placed them before us. “I should take you back to the suite, but I’m not ready to share you with Mark or Jake.”r />
  “Then don’t,” I replied, grinding my ass against his groin and gasping as his hands moved down to my breasts. I didn’t mind partaking in the resort’s amenities. “I want to stay here with you.”

  “It turns you on to see the sexual power you have over them.” He massaged the soft flesh of my breasts, taking extra care to roll my nipples for my full enjoyment. “But I’m not about to make you an exhibit for them. Don’t get too brazen and or get any ideas that you know I’ll object to. The dress stays on. I want you naked for my eyes only, Lora.”

  That wasn’t my typical easygoing Luca. He sounded more like Mark. More authoritarian and with specific purpose in his voice.

  The blonde leaned over a bar stool and the man behind slipped his hand beneath her skirt, thrusting and obviously finger-fucking her.

  “Oh, he’s going to get her off in public,” I sighed. “That’s progressive of her considering she and Al were getting it on at the beach earlier.”

  “She’s here every year. A regular. Her husband is a high powered executive who has no time to please his wife, but he brings her to the island so she can have her fill for a few weeks,” Luca explained. “Keep watching.”

  “You’ve fu—you’ve been with her?” I was suddenly jealous. The blonde’s perfect breasts had slipped over the top of her shirt and the man behind her reached between her legs to spread her shiny juices over her ass.

  “No. I haven’t.”

  Relief snaked through my gut.

  “But they will,” Luca said, nuzzling the side of my neck so I was at the perfect angle to see the man who’d been standing with them sheath himself with a condom.

  He moved Mr. Fingering aside, stepped behind her, raised her skirt and slipped his cock into her. She mouthed a thank you, and the finger man came around, stood before her, his pants around his ankles, and slipped a long finger into her mouth. She sucked one finger after the other, licking her lips when he finished with the offerings. He tapped her cheek with his middle finger. She opened her mouth to form a perfect ‘O’ but didn’t advance toward him. Rather, she remained perfectly still and let him slide his fat dick inside. He grabbed the back of her head with both hands and fucked her mouth in a vigorous manner.


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