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Daddy's Little Angela

Page 8

by Alex Reynolds

  “Being a bully isn’t nice, is it?” Charlie asked as he twirled his finger a little bit, stretching her just slightly. He could tell that the plug wouldn’t feel nice to Angela, but it would be easy enough to put in.

  “No, sir,” Angela whimpered. “I never meant to be a bully, but I also never thought about how it made the other girls feel when I teased them.”

  “I think you saw how bad it made little Claire feel the other night, didn’t you?” he asked, still preparing her bottom hole with his finger.

  Angela agreed sadly. “I know I need all the punishments that you’re going to give me,” she admitted.

  “I’m glad you understand that, sweetie,” Charlie told her. Then he pulled his finger out of her tight little bottom and opened the lube again, putting a generous amount on the pink ‘Naughty’ plug.

  “Relax and get ready to take this,” he told Angela. Angela’s weight felt limper across Charlie’s lap, and he gently began to push the plug into her hole. It gave way to the tip of it easily, but it took a little bit of effort to get it to start slipping in the rest of the way.

  “Daddy, it hurts!” Angela insisted.

  “I know it hurts, sweetie. It’s a punishment. It’s not supposed to feel good. It’s supposed to teach you a lesson.”

  Angela started to whimper, but Charlie was able to keep pushing the plug into her bottom without much resistance. He loved watching it disappear into her cute, puffy bottom hole.

  “Owwwwww,” Angela cried as it reached the widest point. “Daddy, it’s too big!”

  “This is the smallest of your new punishment plugs,” Charlie reminded his little girl. “I know that this isn’t too big for you.” With that, he gave the plug a final push and it went far enough into her bottom hole for her muscles to clamp down around the base. He tapped on the word ‘Naughty,’ still visible on the base when it was firmly planted between her little cheeks.

  “There!” Charlie said. “Now my little girl is ready for her spanking.”

  Angela whined a little, but didn’t try to wiggle away.

  Charlie rarely spanked Angela when she had a plug in her bottom, so he started off with less severe swats than he usually would for a warmup. Angela wiggled over his lap furiously anyway.

  “Daddy, it feels weird!” she cried out. “I don’t like it!”

  “I don’t want you to like it,” Charlie reiterated, picking up the pace of the spanking until the pink color returned to Angela’s pretty, round backside. “I want your bottom to be nice and sore today, and I want your bottom hole to feel the same way. Like Mr. Larson said, it will help you to focus on being humble. That’s something I think you need. You should never act like you’re better than your peers just because you’re different from each other,” Charlie lectured.

  Angela had started to cry already, probably more from the plug and the shame she had endured that morning than anything else. Charlie picked up the pace once she started to tear up, pushing her into full-bodied sobs.

  “I’m going to give you ten swats with the brush now, Angela,” Charlie explained. “I want you to remember to let me know when you need another spanking next time, or else it will be twenty.”

  Angela nodded through her tears.

  Charlie picked up the brush and swatted her bottom with it. He didn’t use it too hard, but it was enough to make her cry out and struggle over his lap. Each swat was a little bit harder than the last, and when he had finished all ten, Angela’s bottom was back to being bright red, and she seemed worn out as she lay over his knee.

  Charlie rubbed her sore, swollen cheeks gently, then, once Angela’s crying had started to settle, he helped her up onto his lap. He knew that moving around with the plug in would feel strange to her, so he helped her to move slowly. Then he rocked her back and forth, kissing her forehead and smoothing her hair.

  He then gave her a kiss on the mouth, passionately caressing her mouth with his. She gripped him and returned it with fervor, climbing so that she was straddling him on the couch. Catching his breath, Charlie took a look at his wife, who was naked but for the plug between her cheeks and the bow on her head. “My gosh, you look cute,” he told her with a smile.

  He helped Angela to her feet. “You’ll look even cuter in a diaper,” he said.

  Angela looked at the floor. “I don’t need a diaper. I’m far too grown up for that,” she insisted.

  “Whether you need one or not, you aren’t allowed to pee in the potty today, so a diaper it will be. Using it is your only choice.” Charlie thought for a moment, then added, “Besides, this way I’ll know you aren’t being a naughty girl and touching yourself without my permission during your nap after lunch, or trying to mess with the punishment plug that I put in you,” he explained.

  Angela didn’t have much to say to this, and instead let Charlie lead her to the changing area, where he lay her down on the blanket. He opened the package of pink diapers and pulled one out. He moved it a little bit to listen to the crinkly noise it made. “This way I can hear where you are!” he said with a smile. Angela didn’t seem to think this was funny.

  Charlie grabbed her by the legs and lifted her up. In this position, he could see her red bottom, her wet little pussy, and a flash of the pink plug’s base. He felt himself growing hard again.

  “I can see everything when I lift you up like this,” he whispered to Angela, making her squirm a little bit. “It belongs to me,” he added, “every part of you does, so you can’t hide from me.” Charlie slid the pink diaper under Angela’s bottom, then gently set her legs down.

  He pulled her legs apart so that they were open. He then sprinkled her lightly with the baby powder they had purchased earlier before gently positioning the diaper between her legs and fastening it on the sides. The diaper was big and padded, and it made Angela’s backside look even rounder than usual. Charlie thought this was adorable.

  Once Angela had been diapered, Charlie helped her up and back into her playsuit. It bulged out in the back from the padding, and he gave her a gentle swat there.

  “I didn’t feel that,” she said. “Maybe diapers are good for something!”

  Charlie kissed Angela quickly. “Let’s get some lunch and then you can take a nap, ok?” he said, leading her into the kitchen.

  Chapter Eleven

  Angela awoke from her nap and wanting to get out of bed, but the crinkling sound she heard when she turned over reminded her of her current condition. Getting up without permission was probably not allowed.

  Next to her on her pillow sat the pink pacifier that Charlie had purchased at the store earlier; he had put it in her mouth before bedtime and told her that little girls sucked on pacifiers to fall asleep. Based on the bulge in his pants as he had finished her discipline earlier, Angela thought that maybe her daddy wanted her to suck on something else, but she wasn’t sure if little girls were allowed to do that, so she hadn’t brought it up.

  Angela reluctantly put the pacifier back into her mouth. She felt so stupid as she sucked on it, but she couldn’t help but admit that it felt comforting and calming. She just hoped that no one ever found out that she was upstairs in her house in a diaper sucking on a pacifier and waiting for her husband to come let her out of bed.

  Angela rolled over onto her stomach. The motion made her realize that she desperately had to use the toilet, and it also brought her attention to just how sore her bottom hole was after having had the plug in there throughout her nap. She considered trying to get out of her diaper and then back into it, but she realized that this would only bring her more trouble than it was worth. She was going to have to just go ahead and use it.

  As full as her bladder was and as badly as she wanted to pee, she couldn’t bring herself to let go in the diaper. Her body felt confused by the instruction to simply pee while lying in her bed. So she gently climbed out of bed and snuck into the in-suite bathroom, making as little noise as possible. Her diaper crinkled loudly when she moved, but despite what Charlie had said earlier
, it wasn’t loud enough for him to hear from downstairs. She carefully sat down on the toilet, still dressed, still diapered, still plugged, and still sucking on her pacifier.

  Sitting here in this familiar location, she was able to let go and wet her diaper. The feeling of the padding growing wet and warm was strange, but not unpleasant. She had to admit it was kind of nice. She did, after all, like warm sensations.

  Angela crept back into her bed and lay down on her tummy, waiting for Charlie to come and get her. She wanted to call for him, but she had been instructed not to take the pacifier out of her mouth if she could help it. The helplessness of the situation made her feel horny, though it was hard to tell if she was growing wet given the condition of her diaper. She was forbidden from touching herself, but she decided to relieve a little bit of the feeling by just straddling a pillow a little bit.

  Angela knelt up on the bed and bunched a pillow up between her legs. There were so many sensations in her body at the moment: the sore, stretched feeling of her bottom hole and the fullness that the punishment plug gave her, the wetness and padding of her diaper, the rubbery taste of the pacifier in her mouth, and all the memories of her shameful humiliations throughout the day. Plus, there was the knowledge of more to come: her bottom no longer hurt, which meant that she was in for a spanking whenever her daddy finally decided to retrieve her.

  Angela rocked back and forth on the pillow, biting down hard on the pacifier in her mouth. The friction between her legs felt so good, she couldn’t help but let a moan escape around the rubbery nipple in her mouth. She humped the pillow more vigorously, feeling her body fill with pleasure.

  “Ahem,” she heard from the doorway, just as she was about to come close to orgasming. “Is this what you call staying in bed?” Charlie asked.

  Angela felt sheepish, having been caught in the act. She once again remembered how silly she must look, and she was embarrassed by the crinkling sound that she heard as she self-consciously dismounted the pillow.

  Charlie walked to Angela’s side and pulled the pacifier out of her mouth so she could answer.

  “You told me not to touch myself, and you told me not to come. I haven’t done either of them,” she insisted. She knew it was a loophole, but she hoped it was one that would work.

  Charlie sighed. “I suppose that’s technically true,” he told her.

  “Also, my diaper is wet and my bottom isn’t sore, so I…” Angela felt her lip trembling as she prepared herself to say the next few words, “so I need to be spanked again.”

  “Good girl for letting me know,” Charlie said, smiling at her and gently brushing her cheek. “Because you were honest, I’m going to take it easy on you this time. Let’s go downstairs and get you changed,” he said. He reached out to help her out of bed.

  Between her full diaper and her plugged bottom, Angela found it difficult to walk, but she did her best to get downstairs. She was sure that she looked comical trying to manage.

  When she arrived, Charlie instructed her to lie down on the blanket again. She did as she was told, and Charlie unfastened her diaper and then lifted her legs again to pull it out from under her.

  Angela particularly disliked this position; no other pose that Charlie put her in made her feel more exposed in a more uncomfortable way.

  “Keep your legs up,” Charlie commanded as he went to throw the wet diaper in the trashcan. He returned with a baby wipe, and gently cleaned her pussy and bottom with it.

  It felt like he was taking longer than he really needed to, and the cold, wet sensation was strange to Angela. It made her feel helpless to have someone else cleaning her up this way, and she couldn’t bring herself to think too hard about what, exactly, he was doing.

  Angela was athletic and flexible, so it wasn’t too much of a feat for her to stay with her legs in the air, but she could feel the air of the house circulating against her pussy and bottom, and it only reminded her of how horny she was.

  Charlie returned and took a moment to eye Angela as she held her legs up. Then he reached down and gently slid his finger under the edge of the butt plug’s base, coaxing it away from her body. Angela let out a hiss of relief as he gave a gentle tug to let it pop out. It hurt for a second as the flared area stretched its way out of her bottom, but it was soon over. Her bottom muscles tightened, not used to not having something to grab onto.

  “Thank you, daddy,” Angela whispered, her legs still pointing at the ceiling.

  “You’re welcome, little angel,” he told her. “Now, it’s time for you to be spanked again.”

  Angela knew this was coming, and hardly reacted to it. She got ready to get up, but she felt Charlie’s hand holding her by the leg.

  “Stay like this,” he instructed. “This is how I’m going to spank you.”

  Angela thought this was a terrible idea. “Noooo, daddy, please! Haven’t I been good today?” she begged.

  “You had been until I caught you masturbating on my pillow,” he chastised. “And I made it clear that I would accept no whining from you today.”

  Angela looked away so that her husband wouldn’t see her pout.

  “I’m going to spank you now, because you deserve it, and you’re going to hold still and keep your legs up or else you’ll get hairbrush swats in this position. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, daddy,” Angela said with as little whining in her tone as she could muster.

  Charlie began to spank her, using his free hand to steady her legs and keep them from kicking too much. The spanks started faster than they usually did, and Angela couldn’t help but cry out right away. Her bottom felt stretched taut in this position, and every swat stung more. Plus, he was able to reach areas that were usually not so easily accessed, like the crease where her bottom cheeks and thighs meet.

  Charlie peppered her bottom with swats and Angela let out a howl, but she tried her best to be still. He focused on her sit spots, and Angela could feel the heat blossoming there. She felt like her bottom had to be swollen and bright red already. It was agonizing.

  Even worse, Angela was still incredibly horny, and she was worried that there was no relief in sight. Was Charlie going to put her through this series of spankings without giving her any relief? Surely he must be longing to fuck her, too?

  Her thoughts were broken by a series of four very hard swats that sent a shockwave through her body.

  “Daddy!” Angela cried out. “I promise to be a good girl! I promise!”

  Charlie’s only response was to set her legs down and Angela immediately rolled over onto her tummy, not wanting her bottom against the floor.

  “That should keep you tender for a while,” her daddy told her. She found this strangely reassuring.

  “Now,” Charlie told her, “we need to address your horniness. I know you know it’s natural for little girls to get aroused when they are punished, don’t you?”

  Angela nodded vigorously. She knew that her horniness did need to be addressed, and soon.

  “Still, it’s not appropriate behavior for little girls who wet their diapers and suck on pacifiers to masturbate, and I told you not to. I didn’t tell you not to use your hands. I didn’t tell you not to make yourself come. I told you not to masturbate, and that’s exactly what I caught you doing, isn’t it?” Charlie asked scoldingly.

  This conversation was not going the way Angela wanted it to, but she did her best not to pout.

  Charlie got up and grabbed the jar of vapor rub that he had purchased at the store that morning.

  “I’m going to give you some relief and your discipline for this behavior all at once,” he told her.

  Angela watched nervously as he opened the jar. The minty scent wafted out and she took a deep breath. It reminded her of having a cold, and she tried to remember if the rub felt tingly on her skin when she had applied it last time she was sick. She couldn’t muster the memory.

  Charlie positioned Angela so she was lying flat on the changing blanket with her legs apart, then he d
ipped his forefinger into the jar. He got a dab of the rub on it.

  “I’m going to make you come,” he told her, “by rubbing your little clit the way I know you want me to. But I’m going to be rubbing this punishment cream into it, too, and that’s going to make your little girl parts sting and burn. It’s going to teach you a lesson about who the area between your legs belongs to, and that naughty little girls aren’t allowed to play with themselves. It’s also going to remind you not to try to find loopholes in what I tell you to do. Am I clear?”

  Angela swallowed hard, but she nodded. “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  Charlie began to rub Angela’s clit with the gel. At first, it just felt cool and wet, similar to the way that lube would feel when it was first rubbed on her bottom hole. His finger felt so good rubbing her there, though, and she raised her hips up, trying to bring herself closer to him. Then he began to rub her faster, and she felt her body react to the vapor rub. It was a cool feeling, not at all stinging or burning. It felt sort of tingly and fresh, but cool and nice. She moaned loudly.

  “Not so bad?” Charlie asked.

  “No, it’s nice,” Angela admitted.

  Charlie dipped his finger back in the jar and gently spread a line of the rub down the sides of her labia majora. Then he added a little dab of it to the outside of her bottom hole. Again, they felt cool and almost comforting, especially as Charlie went back to working her clit with his fingers.

  Her bottom hole began to sting a little, and after a moment, the tingling turned to a gentle burn. She couldn’t help but focus on the pleasurable feelings coming from her clit, though. Her clit felt so warm and throbbing with arousal that even when the cream began to tingle there, too, she didn’t mind. All the sensations mixed together into a painful pleasure, and the burning feeling only made her grow wetter. She gripped the blanket with both hands and tightened her leg muscles.


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