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Daddy's Little Angela

Page 9

by Alex Reynolds

  Charlie smiled down at her, his dark eyes twinkling. “Can you feel it?” he asked.

  Angela nodded. “Yeah, it’s… stinging and cool… feeling,” she tried to get out in between gasping breaths of pleasure.

  “Are you going to come for me now, my darling?” Charlie asked.

  Angela nodded, her attention darting back and forth between the stinging on her bottom hole and the lovely waves of pleasure that were radiating from her clit. The more she focused on her clit, the more she could feel the tingly sensation there. It was growing, reaching a higher level of stinging just as she was reaching a higher level of intense ecstasy. She threw her head back and let out a desperate howl, writhing back and forth as orgasm took her into its hold. She wasn’t sure when one orgasm ended and the next began, or if she simply came for a minute straight, but by the time she was done, she collapsed, feeling totally exhausted.

  Charlie kissed her again, passionately scooping her up in his arms and holding her close to him as he did so.

  It was during this post-orgasmic bliss that she really started to feel the vapor rub.

  “Oh,” she whimpered. “Now that you aren’t touching me there, it really burns.”

  Charlie held Angela closer. “Owwww,” she whined. “I don’t like this feeling at all!”

  “Are you going to obey me properly in the future?” Charlie asked sternly.

  “Yes, daddy! I really am! Please make it stop,” she begged.

  Charlie got up to get a baby wipe to clean her off with, but while he was up, the burning in her pussy died back down to the same cool feeling she had felt at the beginning of the experience, just as quickly as the pain came on.

  “That was weird, daddy,” Angela whispered. “It stopped hurting and kinda feels nice again.”

  Charlie wiped her down with the baby wipe anyway, then slipped a pull-up onto her.

  “I think this will be a good tool to add to your discipline in the future,” Charlie said. “It doesn’t last too long, but it seemed to teach you your lesson.”

  Charlie stood Angela up and helped her back into her clothes over the pull-up. “Ready to be a good girl for the rest of the night?” he asked.

  “I am! I’ll be so good,” she replied quickly. She didn’t want to get punished any more.

  “If you can obey me, I won’t punish you again tonight. You still will be treated like a very little girl, of course, but you won’t get any more spankings or other punishments unless you earn them. I’m proud of how well you’ve taken your discipline so far today,” he told her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, daddy!” Angela said, surprised at how little she minded the residual tingle from the vapor rub, soreness in her bottom, and the soft feeling of the pull-up around it in that moment.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, Charlie woke up before Angela like he did almost every day. This time, though, instead of seeing his wife next to him sleeping in short nightgown or a pair of casual pajamas, he looked over to see her snuggled up to him in a pair of footies, her bottom heavily padded with a diaper. He couldn’t help but smile at just how cute she looked.

  Angela had managed to behave herself for the rest of last night, and had made Charlie proud. She hadn’t even had a tantrum when he pulled out the embarrassing footie pajamas and then diapered her for bed. He hoped that this was a sign that Angela was taking the lesson to heart.

  He got up and took a shower, shaved, and then got dressed. He headed downstairs to make a quick breakfast for himself and his wife: a couple of fried eggs and some toast with a side of strawberries was easy enough to make. He knew that Angela liked her eggs over hard, and made sure there was no runny yolk for his picky little girl. He couldn’t imagine loving anyone else as much as he loved Angela, no matter how naughty or willful she could be sometimes.

  After he had finished cooking, he went upstairs again to rouse his sleepy darling.

  “Angie,” he whispered, shaking her gently.

  Angela stirred and muttered, “Time to get up?”

  “Yes, breakfast is ready. Is your diaper dry, sweetie?” he asked.

  Angela nodded. “Yes, daddy, but I have to go now.”

  “Well, once you’ve used your diaper, I’ll change you into a pull-up and get you dressed for the day,” he told her.

  “Can’t I just use the toilet?” Angela whimpered.

  Charlie shot her a stern glance from the corner of his eye. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that, young lady,” he scolded.

  Angela hung her head.

  “I’ll go in my diaper, then,” she said as she pouted.

  Charlie nodded. “It’s not coming off until you do,” he told her, helping her out of bed.

  The two of them headed downstairs for a quiet breakfast. Angela wasn’t entirely awake yet, and she rubbed at her eyes while she nibbled on her toast or took bites of her egg, which Charlie had cut up for her before she arrived at the table.

  Charlie let Angela go off on her own for a little bit while he cleared the table, and as he was loading the dishwasher, she returned, her face pink with embarrassment.

  “Daddy,” she whispered. “I need my diaper changed. I wet myself.”

  “Go lie down on the blanket in the living room and wait for me to come change you,” Charlie instructed, grabbing her diapered bottom to feel that it was, indeed, warm and full.

  Charlie stripped Angela out of her footie pajamas and then laid her down, removing her diaper and cleaning her off with a wipe like he had done before. Then he set her legs down and told her to stand up and go over to the couch.

  Angela bit her lip hesitantly, but obeyed her daddy. Charlie was pleased with her obedience.

  “Bend over the arm of the sofa, bottom on display,” Charlie instructed. He eyed her bottom carefully, making sure he hadn’t left any marks yesterday. Once again, she had healed overnight.

  “Today,” he told her, “is the last day of your punishment. To start today off, I want you thinking about being kind and respectful to everyone you meet, no matter who they are or how they’re different to you. I want you to hold that thought in your mind while I whip your bottom with my belt,” he told her.

  “Daddy! Please! Haven’t I been punished enough?” she asked.

  “Clearly I don’t think so,” Charlie said. “I promised you a set of severe consequences when I warned you about behaving this way and you still let me down.”

  Angela pouted, looking back at her daddy grumpily.

  Charlie went and found her pacifier and stuck it in her mouth.

  “Grumpy, pouty little girls need their binkies to keep them from whining,” he told her, watching the red flush that he had grown used to seeing on her face return.

  “Stick your bottom out more. I want to be able to see your pussy while I punish you,” he ordered.

  Angela responded by pushing her hips back and widening her stance a little.

  “Good girl,” Charlie praised.

  Then he quickly pulled his belt through the loops and into his hand. Angela shivered as she heard the noise of it. She was no stranger to his belt; it was one of the implements that he used most often in her day-to-day correction.

  Charlie measured his first stroke like he always did, being careful not to wrap or hit too high, then he swung it. It wasn’t particularly hard, but without a hand spanking to warm her up, Angela gasped.

  “Owwwww! Daddy, I’m sorry!” she tried to whimper, but it was obviously hard for her to talk with the pacifier in her mouth and her words came out slushed and slurred.

  Charlie admired the wide, red stripe that the belt left across his little girl’s perky bottom, then pulled back and swung again.

  Angela cried out again, pounding her fist against the sofa.

  Charlie gave her three strokes in quick succession and Angela let out one long, continuous howl.

  “Pleeeeeeasssse?” she tried to whine. The effect of her trying to talk around the pacifier was comical.
  “You know you deserve this,” Charlie said as he delivered another set of rapid fire strokes, this time five.

  Angela was starting to sniffle again, and her bottom was no longer striped, but solid red. She swayed her hips back and forth as if trying to shake the soreness out of her backside.

  “Five more, baby girl,” Charlie said. “Remember the lesson as each one stings your bottom.”

  He made each one count, increasing the intensity with each swat. Angela had tears running down her face by the time that he delivered the last stroke.

  Charlie left her in position as he replaced his belt, then brought her into his arms for her customary aftercare cuddles.

  When her tears had stopped, he whispered to her, “I’m going to get you dressed up for the day, and then we’re going to go on another errand. After that, you can have your final punishment and get ready to be a big girl again if you’re good. Do you want that?”

  Angela bounced giddily when she heard this news, promising that she was definitely going to be good.

  Charlie bopped her on the nose and then led her upstairs to get her dressed and into a pull-up to go out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Angela sat in the car and didn’t want to move. Her bottom was sore and tender from the belting that she had just received, and she worried that today’s outfit was more embarrassing to be seen in than the jumpsuit that she had been wearing the day before. Charlie had dressed her in a short, pink baby-doll dress that barely covered her pull-up. The dress was as flouncy and lacy as possible, and she had to be very still to keep it from flashing her padded, sore bottom.

  The errand that her daddy had referred to earlier turned out to be the last thing that Angela wanted to do: she had to go apologize to Jensen and Claire for her behavior the other day. She didn’t have to tell them the myriad ways in which she had been disciplined for this outburst, but at least one of them was going to be pretty self-evident when they saw her.

  Charlie came around, opened Angela’s door, and then unbuckled her seatbelt. He held her hand as she walked up the icy driveway toward their porch and then rang the doorbell for them.

  Jensen answered the door, looking kind and friendly. Angela still felt scared to see him, though, and she didn’t know what to say to him. He invited them in and then offered to take Angela’s coat.

  Angela handed her coat over to him hesitantly, for taking it off fully revealed what she was wearing. Jensen made no comment on her dress, and Charlie didn’t point it out. Jensen invited them into the living room and then called for Claire.

  Claire came down the stairs with an anxious look on her face. Angela realized that she was scared of her, and her heart fell a little bit. She truly never wanted to hurt someone’s feelings like this again.

  “Well?” Charlie asked. “What do you have to say for yourself, Angela?”

  Angela still didn’t know what she had to say for herself, but she took a deep breath and decided to just say whatever she was thinking.

  “I’m really sorry that I was mean the other day,” she started. “The way I acted to Claire was really not fair, and she didn’t deserve that. There’s nothing wrong with what being little means to her, and I was only acting out because I was feeling bad about myself. I know now how bad my behavior has made people feel in the past and I promise it isn’t going to happen again.”

  Charlie put his arm around Angela. “That was really good, sweetheart,” he praised. “I’m proud of you.”

  Both Claire and Jensen accepted Angela’s apology, and Angela told Claire that she hoped that she would give her another try and that they could be friends in the future. She still seemed a little apprehensive, but Angela couldn’t blame her for that.

  They didn’t stay at Claire and Jensen’s house long, since the situation had been awkward to begin with, but Angela felt much better once they had left. They obviously didn’t hate her, and deep down inside, she had been pretty convinced that they would. Her heart felt lighter as they drove home, even though she knew that it was only to face more discipline. At least the end was in sight.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When they got into their house, Charlie gave Angela a big hug and kiss.

  “I’m so proud of you for being brave with your feelings when we went to apologize,” he told her. “I know that’s hard for you. You’ve proven to me that this punishment has been effective and that you’ve really learned something.”

  “Can I have my big girl clothes back now?” Angela asked enthusiastically. She was obviously not thrilled with the extreme laciness nor the excessive shortness of her current attire.

  “Not yet, baby,” he told her. “There was one more punishment that I promised you, wasn’t there?” he asked. His eyes pointed to the brown paper parcel that they had brought home from Mr. Larson’s shop.

  “Yes, daddy,” Angela said with a sigh, her hope rapidly fading.

  “I’m going to give you a little break before I cane you,” he said. “We can snuggle on the couch and watch some TV or something, if that sounds good to you.”

  “Can we watch a grownup show?” she asked.

  “I think that would be okay,” Charlie told her.

  The two of them snuggled up on the sofa and Angela picked a program that she wanted to watch. Charlie wasn’t particularly interested in it, but it felt nice to just relax for a moment. It had been a long weekend.

  When the show drew to a close, Angela seemed relaxed and a little bit more bubbly than she had been since her punishment began yesterday morning. She giggled at the sillier parts of it, and chattered to Charlie about what she liked and didn’t like when the show was less interesting to her.

  “Angela, I love you so much,” Charlie told her. Every time he said this to her, it felt like the first time. He got a rush of butterflies as he thought about how lucky he was to have found such a sweet, lovable woman with whom he could live out all of his fantasies.

  “I love you, too, Charlie,” she responded, and he could tell by the look in her eyes that she was thinking the same thing. “I’m so glad you’re my husband and my daddy, and I’m so glad you love me enough to correct me when I’m not a good girl.”

  “I always will,” Charlie promised.

  He turned to the TV and saw that the credits for the show were rolling and the ‘Next Up banner was on the bottom of the screen.

  “I think you know that it’s time for a little more discipline, don’t you?” he asked his wife.

  Angela nodded nervously.

  Charlie flipped off the TV and took Angela by the hand. He picked up the brown paper package and led her up the stairs and into the bedroom.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Angela had thought that she was at her most nervous when Charlie had led her to Jensen and Claire’s door to apologize, but now that she was being led into her own room for her first caning, she wasn’t so sure. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and her hands were sweaty. She had no idea what to expect, but the memory of the sound the cane had made when it had been sliced through the air in the store scared her.

  Charlie stood her in front of him and then slowly and ceremoniously unwrapped the paper from the cane. It had a slightly yellow color to it and the finish glistened in the light.

  “Take your pull-up off,” Charlie instructed. “You can have big girl panties back after I’m done with you here.”

  Angela slowly slipped the pull-up off her legs and handed it to her daddy.

  He took it and tossed it in the trashcan before returning to stand in front of Angela.

  It felt good to Angela to see him throw the pull-up away. It meant that her time as a little girl was truly going to be over, and she would be able to go back to enjoying life as usual. She was so appreciative of her daily routine now that it had been interrupted, and she could not wait to dress herself, to sit in the front seat of the car, and to cut up her own food. But one more obstacle stood between her and that freedom, and it was a long, thin piece of rattan in her
daddy’s hands.

  “I’m going to give you ten strokes,” Charlie told her, his voice serious. “This is going to hurt, a lot, but I want you to stay in position until it’s finished, do you understand me?”

  Angela agreed with him, promising to do her best. Then Charlie instructed her to bend over the bed. She thought about how bare and vulnerable her bottom was as Charlie pulled the hem of her short dress up even higher. Then she felt a gentle tap, tap, tap of the cane against her bottom.

  Suddenly, she heard the same swishing noise that had scared her in the store, but this time it was followed by a cracking sound as it collided with her bottom. She cried out pitifully as she felt a line of fire burning into her bottom. Charlie paused and the pain continued to grow, making her twist her hips for a second, but she soon returned to her position.

  “Good girl,” Charlie praised. “That was one.”

  The second stroke arrived just below the first, and the pain felt even sharper when it was coupled with the growing agony that the first stroke had caused her. She let out a little howl.

  Charlie didn’t wait so long before delivering the third stroke, and it caught Angela by surprise. She yelped, jumping up and down in pain. No spanking had ever hurt so much, so quickly before.

  The fourth stroke crossed the third, and all of Angela’s attention was focused on that small patch of skin. It was like her universe had shrunk, and she was only able to pay attention to the hot, white sting that was biting into her.

  The fifth and sixth strokes happened back to back, with no break in between, but they weren’t as hard as the previous few had been. The rapid-fire feeling made adrenaline surge through Angela’s body, and she knew she could endure the next four strokes.

  The next stroke was the one that made Angela start to sob. She had been too shocked by the pain before to cry, but now that she was used to it, she couldn’t fight it as much, and the tears started to roll down her face.


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