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Jace's Trial

Page 7

by J M Wolf

  Yeah, Adam called me baby blue instead of Bluejay. It was his pet name for me when we tried being a couple. Even after we broke up he still called me that. There were a few times where he did refer to me as Bluejay, but baby blue was meant for only him.

  I rolled my eyes as the light turned green and I drove with one hand. “Drama queen as always.”

  “At least I’m a queen.”

  “You sure are.”

  “What does that make you? My sexy court jester?”

  I groaned. “Do I look like a fucking clown to you?”

  Adam giggled. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  “Hey I’m not the one who dresses up like I’m the poster boy for gay prostitution.”

  Adam gasped. “How rude! And after I went through the trouble of reaching out to talk to your mean ass, and you go and insult me? I’m wounded.”

  “My heart weeps,” I muttered.



  “That’s queen slut to you!” Adam busted out laughing and I just lightly chuckled.

  God I missed talking to him. I missed him being around. Now that he was a bigshot, he rarely came home to Abingdon. I knew he got homesick, but he also had a responisbility to his fans now. Being famous had it perks, but it also had its downsides.

  “So what’s up, Adam?” I asked.

  “You tell me. Mom called and told me that your dad’s boyfriend is in town? Is that true?”

  I knew that had to be the reason.

  “You really think your mom would lie to you about something like that?”

  “Shit,” Adam muttered. “How’s that going for you?”

  As I continued driving home I decided to tell Adam about my intereactions with Gerard so far and also about our dinner plans for that night.

  “He seriously asked you out on a date? Like, a real date?”

  “Yeah, it was weird and it came out of nowhere. I think Gerard even surprised himself,” I said.

  “Well shit, at least he’s treating you to a dinner before jumping your bones.”

  “Adam!” I shouted, because really? He had to assume that we’d be doing that after dinner?

  “I’m serious! Do you know how many douchebags would just skip the romance shit and go straight to the bedroom? At least the man has some class.”

  I finally managed to pull up next to my house before turning off the truck and making my way out. “Yeah, but who said anything about jumping bones? It’s not like that.”

  “Oh please, Jace. You already admitted to crushing hard on the guy. Tell me you haven’t always fantasized to the thought of Mr. hot stuff nailing you like a carpenter.”

  I rolled my eyes as I stepped inside the house, pretending I hadn’t heard his comment. As soon as I stepped in, I noticed Desiree sitting at the dining room table on her laptop, but no sign of Gerard. Desiree looked up to see it was me and waved at me. I returned the gesture then reached out to give her a hug before heading up the stairs.

  “I do like him, but he probably thinks I’m too young for him. Or he won’t consider me boyfriend material for the simple fact that he used to be my dad’s boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, used to be. Key word. He’s not anymore, and right now he’s asked you out so that must be a good sign. Just go out, have fun and try not to think too much of it.”

  I was heading toward my bedroom when I heard the bathroom door open, and I instinctively turned my attention to the sound.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re ri—” my voice trailed off, and my eyes bulged at the sight of what was behind the bathroom door, or rather who was behind it.

  Time seemed to have slowed to a crawl as Gerard and I were caught in each other’s intense gaze. It should be illegal for this man to wear clothes because he was fucking drool-worthy. The man definitely had the body of a SEAL, with muscles layered on top of muscles. His arms were as thick as tree trunks, and his well-defined abdomen made me want to lick him up and down. Normally, chest hair turned me off, but on Gerard, it just made him all the sexier.

  Gerard had nothing but a towel on, and my dick came to life at the possibility of what was behind the damn thing blocking my view. I desperately wanted to rip the towel off him like wrapping paper on Christmas morning and see what was the surprise inside; only it wasn’t my gift to unwrap.

  I could hear Adam calling my name on the other end of my phone, so I simply muttered, “I-I’ll call you later,” and hung up.

  Gerard and I just stood there staring at one another. His pupils were dilated, and he was looking at me like he wanted to feast on me. God, I was tempted to let him do just that, instead of whatever he had planned for dinner tonight.

  “I-I was just showering before we head out tonight,” Gerard said so softly that I almost didn’t catch it.

  I tried my best to respond, but my tongue felt so thick in my mouth, and damn it, was it hot in here or was it just me? I felt my whole body heating up, and my palms began to sweat. All I could do was nod as I quickly tried walking past him toward my room.

  The hand Gerard was using to hold his towel reached out and grabbed my arm before I vanished into my room, and right when I turned to face him, his towel started unwinding and fell to the ground.

  “Shit,” Gerard grumbled as he and I crouched down at the same time to grab the towel.

  As soon as I was down on one knee, my whole body froze as I reveled in the realization that Gerard was naked right in front of me. Our eyes met inches apart, and I could feel my breath getting heavy. I wish I knew what possessed me to do it, but my eyes slowly went lower and let out a brief gasp at the sight of the man’s thick, dark cock.

  Jesus fucking Christ, the man was hung. Trails of dark curls wrapped around the base of the most delicious looking dick I’d ever seen. It looked to be about eight or maybe nine inches long, and my God, he was hard. My lips felt as dry as the Sahara desert, so I used my tongue to moisten them. Gerard must’ve seen it because I heard a deep groan coming from the man.

  His cock actually twitched at my stare, and I desperately wanted to put my mouth around it. I wanted to suck and taste it so fucking bad. My own dick was throbbing in my tight shorts. I wanted to adjust myself, but I couldn’t move my fingers.

  “Jace,” I heard Gerard whisper to me.

  I looked up to meet his warm brown eyes that sparkled with lust. I knew it right then and there that the same sense of want and need I felt, he felt as well. Gerard Ramhart wanted me. He used his free hand to cup my right cheek, and my eyes hooded as I leaned against his touch. My mouth hung open just a hair, and his thumb began tracing over my lips. My tongue decided to stretch out and lick the digit, wanting the thumb to be his cock.

  Our faces drew closer together, and Gerard’s lips parted. I knew what was coming, and I knew I should stop it, but I didn’t want to.

  Before our lips connected, I heard Desiree downstairs calling for me, “Jace, honey. Is everything alright?”

  That was what broke the spell. I shook off whatever trance I was under and instantly felt a rush of panic.

  “Y-yeah, everything’s fine,” I quickly said as I stood up and ran into my room slamming the door behind me.

  I pressed my back against the door and was panting like I just ran a marathon, hands clutching my heart as if I could forcibly stop it from racing so fast. What the fuck just happened out there? Was I seriously going to kiss Gerard? My throbbing erection twitched at the memory of Gerard’s naked form only inches from me. Fuck, I needed to get a grip before things spiraled out of control.

  I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket with shaky hands and proceeded to send a text to Adam.

  Jace: OMFG, Gerard’s got a big dick! I typed.

  A moment later, I heard my phone going off with a reply from Adam.

  Adam: Wait, what? You saw the man’s dick?

  Jace: Yes, I saw it and my God, it’s huge!

  Adam: WTF Jay, you haven’t even gone out to dinner with him yet and already you’re getting
naked with him?

  Jace: I wasn’t naked with him, idiot. He just got done taking a shower when I was heading toward my room, and the towel around his waist fell.

  Adam: So, your first instinct was to steal a glance at his dick? Bravo!I taught you well??

  I groaned at the text because Adam was right. Was I seriously lusting after the man my dad probably had sex with? Wait, who was the top in their relationship? Was my dad the one plowing his ass, or was he the one taking it up the ass? Eww, why the fuck was I even thinking about it? Great, I was going to need brain bleach.

  As gross as it was, I felt the ping of something going through me at the thought of Gerard with my dad. Hell, with any man for that matter. Was it jealousy? Now it was getting ridiculous! First Malcolm and now my Dad. I needed to get a grip.

  Another ping on my phone and I looked to see another text from Adam.

  Adam: Jace, are you there? Are you masturbating to the thought of his dick now?

  I wasn’t, but I sure as hell wanted to.

  Jace: No, I’m just getting ready.

  Adam: Getting ready to masturbate? If his dick is as big as you say I want pics next time.??

  Jace: For dinner, you asshole! And no, I’m not taking pics of his dick!

  Adam: You’re no fun. Lol, don’t overcomplicate things, Jace. Enjoy your time with him. Just don’t sleep with him on the first night. Love you xoxo

  Sometimes I questioned why I put up with Adam. Taking a deep breath, I pulled myself away from the door and began getting ready for the most awkward dinner date of my life.


  After Jace took off into his room, I immediately wrapped the towel around my waist and went off into the bedroom I was occupying. The last few moments kept replaying in my mind, especially the almost kiss. Fuck, I couldn’t believe I almost kissed Jace. What was wrong with me? First I jacked off to the thought of Jace in the shower, and then I almost planted one on him. Yes, I considered Jace to be very attractive, but he was someone I could never pursue. Even if I wanted him that way, I was sure Jace wasn’t in the right frame of mind to have a lover. Hell, I wasn’t sure I was ready for one. Even if he was, he was still Riley’s son. Wanting anything sexual with Jace would be an utter betrayal to the man I loved.

  There was no way in Hell I would take advantage of him like that. But the hungry look in Jace’s bright blue eyes haunted me. He seemed to want me, wanted to kiss me. He was even looking hard at my dick, which made me ache with need; and the way he was licking his lips and my thumb. God, it was so fucking hot. I was so turned on that it physically hurt.

  Needing to pull myself together, I quickly got dressed and made my way downstairs to wait for Jace. I went with my black button-down shirt, dark jeans and my black boots. I sure hoped Jace wasn’t going to change his mind about dinner after what happened. I sat at the dining room table waiting when I saw Desiree making her way toward me, giving me the once-over.

  “You look very handsome,” she said with a smile.

  “Thank you.”

  Desiree looked at me puzzled. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I don’t know. You look a little flustered.”

  That is because I was looking at your nephew, and imagined what it would feel like to have my dick plundering his little ass.

  “No, I’m fine. Just a little nervous, I guess,” I said.

  “Don’t be nervous. Just be yourself, and I’m sure everything will be great. Riley would’ve been proud of you.”

  Not after the way I was gawking at his son like he’s what’s on the menu, he wouldn’t.

  The sound of footsteps coming downstairs caused my eyes to look up, and I saw Jace descend into the dining room. He was wearing a white button-down shirt with black slacks, white running shoes, and a black blazer. His blond hair was gelled and spiked up, and his face looked flushed, but he stayed composed. He looked stunning.

  I smiled as I stood up to greet him. “Hey, Bluejay.”

  “Hey,” he said back, not really meeting my eyes.

  “Shall we get going?” I asked.

  Jace nodded.

  “Gerard, why don’t you wait outside for a moment, while I speak to Jace,” Desiree said.

  I was naturally curious as to what they were going to talk about, and a part of me feared that Jace would tell her what happened, or rather, what almost happened. Would he? Fuck, I never should’ve touched him.

  “Sure,” I forced myself to say and hesitantly walked out the door.

  I sat in my car for what seemed like hours, but I knew it had only been about five minutes. Just when I was about to panic, I saw the front door open, and Jace stepped out. I got out of my car and went to the passenger side to open the door for him. Jace tilted his head at me in response to the gesture, but he wore a gentle smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Maybe he hadn’t told Desiree about the incident upstairs.

  I decided not to question it and just got back into the driver’s side so I could take us to the nice restaurant I spotted when I entered the town the other day. Jace was silent the whole ride there. He wouldn’t even look at me. I’d give anything to know what he was thinking at that moment.

  We arrived at the restaurant called Greg’s. The outside of the place gave off a diner vibe. Brick wall along the sides, wide windows along the front with a glass door, the restaurant’s name in black vinyl along the front. We stepped inside and that’s when the diner vibe ceased. The place was small, but the tables were set beautifully with maroon tablecloths and coffee colored chairs along the four sides. Each table had a single mini candle right in the center.

  A woman who appeared to be in her mid to late twenties came to greet us at the front door. She had dark hair that was pulled back into a ponytail and wore what I assumed was her uniform; black button-up shirt, black slacks and shoes.

  As soon as the woman’s eyes went to Jace, her whole face lit up. “Hey Jace, it’s so good to see you.”

  Jace gave the woman a slight wave and mumbled, “Hey Jenny.”

  Jenny’s eyes met mine, and she held her hand out to me. “Sorry, I’m Jenny Holland. I’m a friend of Jace’s.”

  “Gerard Ramhart. A pleasure to meet you,” I said as I shook her hand.

  “So, is it going to be dinner for two?” Jenny asked cheerfully.

  I nodded.

  Jenny lead us to a table in the far right corner where Jace and I took our seats and Jenny set our menus down in front of us.

  “So Jace, how’ve you been? I haven’t seen much of you around lately, other than at the shop.”

  “I’m doing as well as I can be, I guess,” Jace said softly.

  “Well, you know you can always call me if you need someone to talk to. Have you heard from Adam?”

  Jace huffed out a breath before saying, “Yeah, I spoke to him earlier. He’s still in New York getting ready for a concert.”

  “Well good. I hope he’ll come home soon. I miss seeing you guys,” Jenny said.

  After taking our drink orders and giving us time to look over the menu, Jenny left Jace and me on our own again.

  “Did you go to school with her or something?” I asked.

  Jace looked up at me from his menu. “Jenny?”

  I nodded.

  “Yeah, we were friends in high school. After that we didn’t see much of each other, but since she works here I try stopping by from time to time to say hi.”

  “And this Adam guy that you and Jenny mentioned, is he also a childhood friend?” I asked with an unexpected growl mixed with my words.

  Jace raised an eyebrow and said, “Um, yeah? Why?”

  I cleared my throat before responding with, “Nothing. Just curious is all.”

  Jace smirked up at me, and his eyes held a gleam of something that I couldn’t pinpoint.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’m not dating Adam if that’s what you’re thinking. We were a couple once, but that was years ago.”

  I wondered if my
face was as heated as it felt. Why would Jace assume that I was thinking he and this Adam were a couple? Why was he trying to assure me that he wasn’t? Was he trying to tell me something?

  “Okay then. But why would you think that was what I was assuming?” I asked cautiously.

  “Just wanted to make sure you know. I—” Jace hesitated as his cheeks turned a shade of pink. “I’m not seeing anyone.”

  Now I had multiple assumptions, and all of them held a red warning sign. I knew what happened upstairs was a mistake. I didn’t want him thinking I was interested in him. I couldn’t be his boyfriend. I didn’t want him that way. But if that was true, why was my brain calling me a liar?

  “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” I said softly before leaving a dumbfounded Jace alone at our table.


  I watched as Gerard made his way to the restroom, confused by his sudden behavior. When he asked if Adam and I were friends, I thought I heard something in the way he said Adam’s name. It almost seemed as if he was jealous, but why? Did he think Adam and I were dating? I didn’t want him thinking I was attached, so I wanted to point out that I was single. Now I wondered if I made a mistake by saying that. I wondered if I’d ruined any chance I had with Gerard. God, I hoped not.

  I knew from our little encounter back at the house that he felt the same pull of attraction I felt. If it wasn’t for my aunt calling my name and snapping me out of my lustful haze, I’m positive Gerard and I would’ve kissed. Hell, we probably would’ve done more after that. The need to explore the man’s body, touching and tasting every inch of skin, was suffocating. Why did he fascinate me so much? I barely knew anything about him.

  Was it wrong of me to want a little happiness in my life? Was it wrong of me to want to try to mean something to Gerard as more than just Dad’s son? Unfortunately, this was the real world, and in this world, that may be all he’d ever see me as. When would I learn that life wasn’t always fair? The one guy I even thought of wanting after the shit I went through with Brett was one I could never have.


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