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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine: Tastes of Seduction, Book 3

Page 13

by Jess Dee

  She swiped her hand over her eyes. “Being with you and Dec would be the answer to every one of my dreams and fantasies, but I…I can’t do it. I can’t turn my back on a lifetime of friendship.”

  Fierce possessiveness welled in Noah’s chest. If Vi thought she could throw all of that at him and then walk away, she was crazy. She belonged with him and Dec, and her impassioned speech only confirmed it. “How can you admit to all of that and still think you can reject us?”

  “I don’t want to reject you. I have to.”

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “Please don’t make this more difficult than it already is.”

  Noah pursed his lips and considered his next words very carefully. “All right, I’ll make a deal with you.”

  She eyed him warily. “What kind of a deal?”

  “If you truly believe walking away from everything we could have is the right choice, I’ll let you go. I won’t fight you. But first…”


  “First you have to prove you can do it.”

  “I can do it. I have no choice.”

  “Prove it,” he challenged her.


  “Simple. Just resist me. Show me my touch means nothing to you, and you’re free to go.” Christ, he was playing with fire. Putting everything on the line. “Prove that my kisses don’t make you melt, and you can walk away from Dec and me right now.” Arrogant of him, yes, but he was fully aware of how Violet responded to his kisses—pretty much the exact same way he responded to hers.

  He fell into them completely. Lost himself to the sweetness of her lips and the sensuality of her tongue. He lost himself to the wonder he found in her arms.

  “Noah,” she whispered, defeated. “I…I can’t resist you.”

  That’s what he was banking on. “You’ll have to—if you plan on walking away from this.” He took her hand in his. “Pull away from me, baby. Show me you can do it.”

  She twisted her arm, trying to free herself.

  “You’re going to have to do better than that.” He tugged. Not hard, but forcefully enough that Violet took an involuntary step forward.

  Her free hand landed on his chest for balance, and she immediately pushed him, attempting to shove him away.

  “God,” she grumbled, “it’s like trying to move a concrete slab.” Even as she spoke, her touch gentled and instead of shoving, her hand came to rest on his sternum. “Warmer than a concrete slab.” She stroked down to his stomach and back up again. “And harder.”

  Every muscle from his belly to his jaw tightened. “Fight me. Prove you don’t want this.”

  “I don’t want it. I can’t want it.” But her hand was pressed against his bare skin, and she made no effort to either pull away or push him away. “I… I can feel your heart beating.”

  “It’s racing, baby. Your touch does that to me.”

  “I have to go.” Yet she made no effort to leave.

  “Walk away from my kiss and you’re free.”

  “You’re not kissing me.” Her gaze settled on his lips, and electricity zinged through the air.

  “My bad.”

  And then his lips were on hers, and she was kissing him right back, sending his already racing heart into overdrive. Blood pounded in his ears.

  So sweet. So sensual.

  Noah lost himself to the wonder of her kiss. As her hands snaked up his chest and twined around his neck, his found her bottom and pulled her snugly against his throbbing erection. When she moaned into his mouth, the sound reverberated down his spine.

  Then Violet jerked, as though startled, and pulled away. She tried to step back, but Noah held her tight. He opened his eyes in time to hear a door click shut.

  He and Violet were no longer alone.

  Declan stood in the suite, his gaze plastered on both of them.

  His presence hit Noah in the gut, and a wave of longing washed over him. He’d been so lost to the kiss he hadn’t even heard the door open.

  Dec’s eyes were an intense grey, with no hint of the blue Noah loved. But there was a glint in the grey, a gleam of something Noah couldn’t identify. There was no judgment in his gaze, no sense of envy that he’d walked in on Noah kissing Violet. Instead, he looked…indulgent.

  Noah’s heart sat in his throat. “Dec,” he whispered hoarsely.

  “You came back.” Violet’s voice sounded as relieved as he felt.

  Declan looked confused. “You didn’t think I would?”

  Noah just shook his head. It was too hard to explain. “Where were you?” He was dressed in jeans, not gym gear, which told Noah Declan hadn’t been for a run as he’d assumed.

  “Out thinking. Uh, focusing.” Dec clicked his jaw. He tossed his mobile phone on the table and walked over to join them. “Working out what’s important and what’s not.”

  “And?” Violet asked. “Did you work it out? Do you know what’s important and what’s not?”

  “In life? I have no fucking clue.” He looked as perplexed as his words implied. “But here and now, in this moment in time?” His gaze softened. So did his voice. His jaw too. It seemed to lose its rigidity. “You are, Vi. You, me and Noah, and nothing and no one else.”

  It took a good few seconds for Noah to process Declan’s words, and then his racing heart skipped several essential beats.

  “We’re important.” Declan said again. “We’re all that matters.”

  Euphoria enveloped Noah. Elation exploded in his chest. For a very long moment he could do nothing but stare as Declan’s momentous proclamation echoed through the now-silent room and resounded through his heart.

  He’d done it. He’d broken through Declan’s barriers. He’d brought down his boundaries. Or rather, they’d done it. He and Violet together.


  Violet’s denial shattered the air.

  “We’re not all that matters. We can’t be. Whatever is going on between the three of us is bigger than here and now. It impacts other people too. It affects their lives. It extends past the doors of this hotel suite.”

  Noah frowned. Violet’s inability to walk away from him and Declan had not made her change her mind about Tori. Still, a deal was a deal.

  “You had your chance to consider other people and to think about the outside world, Vi.” There was no way he’d let her logic ruin his jubilation. Especially when her body language defied her words. No matter how passionately she spoke, she hadn’t tried to free herself from his arms. She still stood in his embrace. “You had your chance to leave, but you didn’t take it. Now it’s too late.” If she thought for one second that he’d let her go, she was seriously deluded.


  “Dec’s with us.” Couldn’t she see the significance of Declan’s declaration? After everything he’d shared yesterday, didn’t she know how big a step this was for him? “He’s here.”

  “And I’m staying.” Declan stepped closer and slid his hands around Noah’s waist, effectively pinning Violet between them. The cold fingers against Noah’s bare back sent goose bumps up his spine.

  He gazed into the eyes of the man he’d loved his entire adult life. “You are?”

  Declan nodded, and his eyes seemed to clear, the grey turning clear blue once again. The glint remained. “I am.”

  “You are,” Noah agreed, and couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at his lips. “Leave the rest of the world outside, Vi. Whoever you’re bringing inside, let them go. There’s no room here for anyone but us.”


  “It’s time to fly, baby. Time for Dec and me to turn the rest of your fantasies into reality.”

  “I have some fantasies of my own,” Dec said. He buried his nose in Violet’s hair and inhaled deeply. “Fantasies I’ve kept to myself for a very long time. Is there…” His voice broke, and he had to clear it before he could go on. “Is there any chance we can turn those into reality too?”

  Violet’s eyes closed,
and she leaned her head into Dec’s.

  “Every chance,” Noah said. “So long as Vi flies with us.”

  She whimpered softly.

  “The reality will be a billion times better than the fantasy,” Noah promised.

  “I know it will,” she whispered. “That’s what scares me more than anything.”

  “I’m scared too,” Declan murmured. “But I want us to have a fighting chance. And I want that chance more than I fear the reality.” Declan looked at Noah, and in those glorious blue eyes Noah saw every one of Declan’s fears.

  But he saw more than just fear. That new glint he’d spotted? He understood it now. It was determination.


  Declan cut her off. “Make love with us, Vi. Stay and give us a chance. See where this takes us.”

  Violet’s face was filled with indecision.

  “Let me love you. I’ll worship your body while Noah makes love to me.”

  Heat seared Noah from head to toe.

  “Or Noah and I can both worship your body. We’ll make love to you together.”

  Violet’s cheeks flushed, staining her skin a becoming pink.

  “As long as you’re with us, no matter what you choose, I promise it’ll be good. No, it’ll be great,” Declan said.

  “Better than any fantasy,” Noah added. His head was so filled with those fantasies he could barely stand straight from wanting Declan and Violet. He brushed his lips across one flushed cheek. “I want this, Vi. Dec wants it. You do too. Reach out and take it.”

  She groaned.

  “You want it, baby. You want it as much as we do.”

  “I do,” she said on a breathless whisper. “I want this. I’ve wanted it for two years.”

  “Tell us what you want,” Dec demanded. “Tell us exactly, so we can give it to you.”

  “I want… God, I want everything with you.” She left one hand on Noah’s neck and found Declan’s hand with her other one.

  And in that second, with all three of them connected, Noah had a sense that everything could work out between them. No, it wasn’t a certainty. Hell, it wasn’t even a probability. But if Declan could open himself up to the three of them and Violet could admit she wanted them both, anything was possible.

  And if that possibility existed only for a weekend, Noah would take it.

  For now. Come Monday, he could work on the possibility of longer.

  “Everything?” he asked Violet.

  “Everything,” she agreed.

  “Specifics, Vi,” Declan reminded her.

  “God, Dec!” The air seemed to explode out of her lungs. “I want it all. I want you to love me. I want you to make love to me. Both of you.” She looked at Noah. “And I want us both to make love to Dec. And then, Dec, I want us both to make love to Noah.” Her cheeks flushed crimson. “But…but that’s not all.”

  “Tell us,” Declan growled.

  Her eyes closed and she gulped in a mouthful of air. “I…I wanna watch Noah fuck you, Dec, and Dec fuck you, Noah. And I want one of you to watch while the other fucks me, and then…and then for you to switch.” She dug her nails in Noah’s shoulder. “But most of all, Dec, I want you to make love to me. And I want you, Noah to…to…make love to Dec at the same time.” She looked at Noah with enormous eyes. “C-can you do that?”

  Noah’s cock was so hard it hurt. “We can do them all, baby. Just tell us which one you want first.”

  Her cheeks flushed a deeper red. “Th-the last one. Dec inside me, and you inside Declan. It…it’s the most vivid fantasy I have.”

  “Then we can do it.”

  “It’s like Noah said. We can do anything together.” But Declan’s assertion was followed by a harsh, frustrated groan. “Fuck. No condoms. Or lube.”

  Noah smiled at him. “You might not have been prepared for this weekend.” If anything, Declan had been blindsided by it. “But I was.” He had been for months. Every one of Violet’s fantasies was Noah’s too, and all his plans for the weekend hinged on bringing those fantasies to life.

  With that, he turned Violet around so she faced Declan, knowing he was leaving her in the best possible hands. “Take care of her, Dec. I’ll be right back.”

  Colors exploded behind Violet’s eyelids, like they did every time Declan kissed her.

  Guilt told her she’d made the wrong decision by yielding to her lust, but her heart argued fiercely. She’d given up her dreams of two men for her best friend. Put them aside for Tori’s happiness. Just for now, she was taking those dreams back. Here, in this magical hotel, far from Sydney and real life, she could do that.

  Tomorrow, when she got home, she’d face up to the consequences of her actions.


  Not now.

  Now all she could think about was Declan, his ravishing mouth, his skilled hands and his gorgeous partner. She needed to be naked with them. Needed to know that here in the Hunter Valley there was nothing between them. Not even the scraps of material that marred the search of her greedy hands.

  “Off,” she gasped, grappling with the button on Declan’s jeans. “Take them off.”

  Declan released her lips long enough to strip off his clothes. Violet managed to lose her own jeans and T-shirt before she was back in his arms. And by the time that happened, and she felt the long, hard outline of his erection against the lace of her panties, Noah was back.

  Violet almost sobbed in relief.

  She tore her mouth from his. “Noah, I need Dec. Need him to fuck me.”

  Noah’s laugh was low, a sexy rumble from his chest. He held up a condom. “I can help with that.”

  Violet stepped back, yanking at her bra, unhooking it in a frantic bid to get naked. It hit the floor, and she grasped the elastic waistband of her panties, but froze before she got them off.

  Noah had taken her place, helping Declan with the condom, as promised. But he wasn’t just handing it over. No, his mouth was coaxing Dec’s into one of those superhot man kisses that made Violet melt into a puddle, and his hands were coaxing Dec’s dick into the condom.

  Violet could only stare as he worked. His deft fingers were all over Dec’s cock, stroking in swift, firm caresses before gentling his touch to tease and torment.

  Declan shuddered beneath his ministrations, groaning into Noah’s mouth.

  Violet lost her breath to a fierce wave of desire. Instead of removing her panties, she dipped her fingers inside them and pressed down, attempting to stem the lust that coursed through her.

  Impossible task. Rather than providing the relief she ached for, her fingers slid straight through her slick folds, ramping her need up exponentially. Violet staggered back, grateful to find the wall behind her. She sagged against it, her gaze never moving from Noah’s hands. He had the condom all rolled in place, but still he palmed Dec’s shaft.

  Declan’s hand was wrapped around the nape of Noah’s neck, and he thrust into Noah’s closed fist.

  “Vi.” Noah spoke against Declan’s lips as Declan licked at his. “Take the knickers off.”

  Violet stopped breathing.

  “Touch yourself, baby. While I touch Dec.”

  Noah could see her? See where her hand was?

  Declan looked her way, his gaze focused on her panties. She felt the groan he emitted deep in her belly.

  “Show us,” Noah urged.

  Violet lost the panties. And as Noah and Declan watched, she slid her fingers over the seam of her pussy lips, erotically aware of the hot cream dripping onto her hand.

  Dec thrust harder into Noah’s hand, and Noah’s gaze darkened. Harsh breaths wheezed from his chest.

  “N-need to be inside her,” Declan told Noah.

  “Know how you feel.” Noah nodded. “Need to be inside you.”

  He released Declan.

  Declan rested his hand on Noah’s shoulder and stood there for a good few seconds, with his gaze on Violet’s hand, just breathing.

  His erection stood proud before him, and
eyeing it made Violet move her hand faster and higher, so it slid over her lips and her clit.

  “Brace yourself, Vi,” Dec growled. He reached her in three swift steps. And then his hands were on her bottom and he was lifting her up, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist.

  And right there, trapped securely between him and the wall, Violet opened herself up to him.

  Declan thrust once, burying himself deep within her pussy.

  The pleasure was so intense it brought tears to Violet’s eyes. She dug her nails into his shoulders and held on for dear life as Declan fucked her, plunging into her time and again, dancing with her to a rhythm so beautiful she lost herself to the silent music.

  Her eyes closed in rapture and she nipped Declan’s neck, sucking his skin into her mouth. His breath rasped over her ear as he moaned her name. Seconds passed. Minutes. Maybe even hours. Violet lost track of everything except Declan and the exquisite way he made love to her.

  But then his rhythm stuttered, changed and slowed completely. He was buried inside her, but he wasn’t moving. A harsh groan had Violet opening her eyes.

  And there was Noah, his eyelids drooping with passion, his jaw slack and his warm breath wafting over her fingers and Declan’s shoulder.

  “Noah…” Declan’s voice was deeper than usual. Rougher.

  “It’s all good.” Noah kissed his neck. “Relax and trust me.”

  “B-been a while,” Dec whispered.

  “I won’t hurt you.” He ran a soothing hand over Declan’s shoulder. “I-I’d never hurt you.”

  Declan’s hands tightened on Violet’s ass. “I know.”

  “Dec?” Violet asked, concerned.

  “I’m okay.”

  She believed him. There was no way Noah would hurt him, ever. Besides, Declan couldn’t sustain his erection if he weren’t okay. And his erection was definitely sustained—right between her legs.

  “Two fingers,” Noah said.


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