Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy) Page 16

by A. K. Michaels

  Alex was glad that they had managed, but she still could not foresee her using the position that Andre had had her in. One that, in the past, her and Zach had loved. Maybe over time, with help from the doctor she could overcome that. Not now tho – no, it was far too soon.

  There was still no sign of Lexi and Alex was very worried – where the hell was she?

  Luckily, Conall had not been called regarding any more Fallen and everyone was happy about that. Though Conall would spend ages pacing back and forth, anxious to have his twin back and safe.

  Dmitri now had James and Lisa working with him as Team 1, the couple taking Alex and Zach's places. It would stay like that for a while...Alex wasn't fit for work. Zach knew it and was determined to get her well, he knew he had a fight on his that he was going to win.

  Tatiana had been utterly distraught when she had heard everything – and angry. What a goddamn stupid idea, everyone knew how strong Alex's mind was. To think they could dupe her – no – wouldn't happen and it had caused untold hurt and misery them even trying.

  Tatiana kept a close eye on Alex and saw her slowly healing. Tatiana's fairy abilities being able to see things that nobody else could. The darkness that had been in and around Alex was slowly fading – it was now only a dark grey – not the jet black it had been when she first came back from her impromptu trip to Duncan's.

  Alex dearly wanted to go to Scotland, she wanted to run wild through the unspoiled countryside, wild and free. However, she couldn't think of going until she knew what had happened to Lexi.

  Conall now stayed mostly at theirs, he didn't like being in the apartment without his sister. The separation was affecting him badly and he was grumpy and pale.

  Alex had just came back from another session with the Doc and she was pacing back and forth. Finally she stopped threw her head back and shouted, “God – for goodness sake give me back my daughter! Do you hear me – enough – send her back!”

  Zach had been in the kitchen preparing Conall something to eat and he ran through, scared that she had flipped out.

  Conall had the same idea and came running, he had been in the shower and was dripping wet with a towel hastily wrapped around him.

  Just as Zach was going to ask if she was allright Alex started to cry – deep racking sobs – and he wrapped her in his arms. Zach held her tight, trying in a small way to give her a little comfort. He wasn't sure how much more his mate could take.

  Just as she was getting herself under control there was a bright flash and Lexi and Michael stood there in front of them.

  Everyone stared wide eyed – Michael had no wings. WTF?

  “Hi.” Lexi said and Alex moved to grab her into a hug. Soon Zach and Conall were there and they all had arms wrapped around each other.

  Conall was laughing, “Oh thank God, you're okay!”

  Lexi moaned, “Let me out – I can't breath!”

  They moved apart and Zach noticed his daughter immediately reached for Michaels hand, the Angel, or rather the not any longer Angel – grabbed it and pulled her to him. Keeping her tight against his body as they all stared.

  “Lexi?” Alex queried and her daughter smiled, a radiant, bright, happy, smile, one that made her look absolutely beautiful.

  “We've been somewhere else, not even sure where, the Boss wanted to make sure we really loved each other. So he put us somewhere together...only us...nothing else. It was very weird, nothing for miles and miles. We know cause we walked it – for days and days – nothing. How long have we been gone?” Lexi looked to them for an answer.

  “Too bloody long – a few weeks.” Conall answered with a smile on his face.

  “Weeks? Shit, we were there for years. Years, really, I didn't think we were ever going to get out!”

  Years? What the hell was she talking about, Alex's mind was trying to process the words.

  “Years? Lexi you've been gone for weeks not years.” Zach said with a frown.

  “Another bloody realm, we had to prove our love and I take it we did cause here we are!” and Lexi turned into her man and stood on her tiptoes, Michael leaned down and kissed her with an abandon that really was not appropriate in front of others.

  Conall coughed, loudly, “Too much folks!” and Lexi pulled away but she didn't look happy about doing so.

  “I take it you're a couple?” Alex asked and Michael gave a radiant smile, one which none of them had ever seen cross his features.

  “Yes, I'm no longer and Angel, I still work for Him but I couldn't stay an Angel and be with Lexi.”

  Zach was stunned – this being had given up being a fucking Angel! To be with his daughter. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't so bad after all.

  “Oh I'm so happy, Michael we can start living now, properly! Conall – we have a new room mate!” Lexi's voice was full of excitement but Conall's face held a frown. He wasn't sure he relished staying in the same apartment with these two lovebirds.

  Conall decided right there and then, he would ask for a one bed place, just for him. Lexi had moved on, fell in love, and Conall knew he had to move on too. He was happy for her – well sort of – but he was sad that their time living together would be over, gone, and nothing could change that.

  Michael looked over, “You don't have to.” the large being said and Conall realised that Michael still had powers, he had read his mind.

  “I think I do – you two need space – and I don't want to be around you being all lovey dovey. I'll see Vlad tomorrow. I can stay here for now, it's not a problem.” Conall finished with a smile, letting the couple know he didn't object to them being together.

  Shit, Conall had known a long time ago that they would get together. Their feelings for each other were deep and Conall knew it had only been a matter of time before they moved on and became a couple.

  “Dad – I'm.....” and Zach interrupted his daughter.

  “Hungry?” and Lexi clapped her hands.

  “Oh God – food – proper food – what've you got?” and she moved, pulling Michael with her, into the kitchen.

  Zach went to work adding extra to what he had been making to now accommodate his daughter. “Michael?” he asked and the man looked worried.

  “I've never eaten food before but I'll have to start so just whatever you have will be fine.”

  The look of concern on Michael's face made Zach smile, this non-Angel will have a lot of changes now. He would also need to find out just what powers he still possessed. He wanted to make sure he could protect his daughter.

  The next couple of hours seemed to go past very quickly. Lexi told them all about her time away – it was very strange – years had passed for her but only weeks for them. Plus she didn't look a day older than when she left.

  “So has there been any Fallen Conall?” Lexi asked as she was now snacking on some cookies Zach had in the cupboard – ones that were usually for Tatya.

  “Yea, a couple, another in Vegas – I don't know why they keep cropping up there – but anyways one there and two in what looked to be some rainforest or other. Mum and dad helped in both and Vlad helped in the forest. It was lucky he was there as there were two of them. They were strong too, not sure if the three of us could've taken them!” Conall stopped and looked pensive, he hoped Lexi was back to work, he didn't like facing the Fallen without her.

  “I'm so sorry, I should've been there!” Lexi sounded distressed and Michael moved closer, running a hand up and down her back. Everyone noticed how it calmed her and even Zach realised that these two were in love.

  Zach also realised that he would have to tell Lexi about her mother remembering Italy. He didn't want to do it in front of Alex, she was slowly getting better and he didn't want to bring it to the fore again.

  Conall must've been thinking the same as he stood up, “Lexi, can I have a private word?” Lexi nodded and Michael stayed in place, Zach thought Michael knew exactly what was on Conall's mind.

  Zach watched as his son led his daughter through into what
was, for the moment, his bedroom, hoping that the evening didn't turn sour.

  It was quite some time before the twins came back, Zach kept a close eye on Michael, knowing he would be aware of what was being said.

  A few times the large being frowned and he straightened up, holding his frame like a steel rod.

  Alex continually bombarded Michael with questions, mostly on how much he cared for their daughter and was he going to help in the fight for the Fallen now.

  Zach was pleased to hear that Michael was, he was still powerful, strong, had some other powers that he didn't speak of, and was going to now help the twins. Good, it meant Zach could take Alex to Scotland without worrying, or worrying less.

  When the twins walked back through Lexi was a little subdued and Zach felt sorry for her. She had only done what she had thought best and it had backfired. A lot like him and his situation now.

  “So guys, I know you're just back but I'm taking your mother away for a little bit – to Scotland. She needs a break.” Zach watched for the reactions – Lexi slumped.

  “Oh right...well both deserve a break.” Lexi was trying hard not to bring up what had happened and Zach was glad, he didn't need Lexi to be upsetting Alex.

  “Well can I ask if you've got any time – not hunting the Fallen – could you give Dmitri a hand. He's very busy and would really appreciate it.” Alex felt guilty at going away and wanted any help possible for Dmitri and the rest of the teams.

  Conall smiled, “Hell yea, I'll help no problem. I'll go see him tomorrow morning.” Alex relaxed, good, Conall's abilities would definitely come in handy for Dmitri.

  Lexi frowned - “We'll probably need a few days, Michael needs supplies – clothes and such – he doesn't have anything.....”

  Zach butted in, “No problem, put it all on my account, a present, a token from us to welcome you to the family Michael.”

  The large being looked startled, him and Zach had never been what could be called on good terms. “That's very nice of you dad – isn't it?” Lexi said and looked at Michael, Zach could see her almost willing him to take this olive branch.

  “Uhm yes, Zach, Alex, thank you, it's very much appreciated. Once the Fallen have been dealt with I'll look for work, I'm sure I could be useful.” Michael looked as if this had just struck him, he would need to earn a living. Not something that had bothered him for millennia.

  Not being an Angel was going to be strange, very strange indeed.

  Lexi moved into Michael, his arms circling her, she looked up and back – into his eyes. “Time to go home big guy.” The voice was low and Alex cringed at the need in her daughter's voice. So not something she needed to hear.

  “Yea – go – before you two start smooching. I'll stay here for now.” Conall was half smiling as he motioned for them to go and then Lexi just said a quick 'bye' before both disappeared.

  “Shit, my sister's mated a bloody Angel!” Conall said quietly.

  “He's no Angel now Conall, not sure what he is but he ain't no Angel any more!” Zach commented.

  Conall was still shaking his head as he moved away, going to his room to crash out. The last few hours had been very weird indeed.

  Zach got his phone out – he made a couple of calls – one to Dmitri to say they would be going away in the morning but saying that Conall would help out. Dmitri was very pleased at that news, Conall was a very powerful being and could only be an asset to them.

  Then Zach called Duncan saying they would come the next day, to which Duncan bellowed, “Aye aye – nae bother laddie, text before ye appear tho will ye or better still come in the front door!”

  Zach assured him they would do both, thanked him once again and hung up.

  Alex was looking at him as he finished, “I'm tired.” she said and Zach led her through to their room, giving her a shower and taking her to bed.

  Although exhausted mentally Alex took a long time to rest, flashbacks still coming into her mind. Would they never stop, she wondered.

  Zach tightened his hold and sent calming thoughts her way, trying hard to help her rest. For the first time ever Zach saw a Vampire with dark circles around their eyes. He had to get her through this and back to full health. Something that shouldn't be a worry in a Vampire.

  Finally, after several hours, Alex slept, she held very tightly to Zach as she did, and he held her just as tight.

  Chapter 19

  Alex woke tired and cranky but her mood lightened a bit at the smell of her favourite coffee. A steaming mug sat at her bedside, Zach just straightening up from placing it there.

  She gave him a small smile and reached for the mug, another smile creasing her lips at her favourite mug. It was a promotional mug for the film Twilight that had been out a number of years ago. A film she had loved but with her now intimate knowledge of vampires made her laugh.

  “So shall we pack, get over to Scotland?” Zach asked as he moved to the walk in wardrobe and pulling cases out.

  Alex thought that was a good idea, she needed some peace...some solitude. The lush countryside around Duncan's pack land was just what she wanted.

  “Yea, after my coffee.” she said quietly.

  Zach nodded, “Okay, I'll make a start,” he said as he started to add some clothes to his case. All the while feeling the turmoil in his mate. Feelings that hurt him deeply...he needed to help her...he just didn't know exactly how.

  After a few minutes of watching Zach pack Alex had finished her coffee and got up, stretching her body as she did so. Zach watched and his arousal was instant and the minute Alex felt it she backed away and that hurt him deeply, more than he could comprehend.

  “Uhm – I'm going for a shower.” she mumbled and Zach felt her pulling away from him. His feelings were dampened – deep down – shit, how could he look at his mate and not feel aroused? He loved her with all his being and never got tired of looking at her perfect body.

  Zach's phone rang and he moved to pick it up, it was Tatiana, “Yes Tatiana?” and Zach heard the melodic tones of the fairy.

  “Zach, I know you'll be going to Scotland soon I just wanted to give you a little advice – if you want that is?”

  Zach thought at this moment he could do with any advice at all, anything that would help him to help Alexina. “What?” he answered the fairy and waited.

  “Zach, she needs time, she may be a Vampire but she's also a woman...after what happened, and don't ask me how I know, well she's going to need careful handling. Take things slow Zach – that's all – take things slow. Treat her as a woman and not a powerful Vampire.” Tatiana finished and hoped that Zach understood she wasn't trying to interfere, she only wanted to help 'her girl'.

  “Okay Tatiana – understood.” Zach sighed heavily as he spoke, hoping he could help his mate. He knew he couldn't make what happened go away but he wanted to get her through it and out the other side. Without too much damage being done to Alexina.

  Tatiana said a quick 'bye' and Zach sat down on the edge of the bed – his head in his hands. Worry was running rampage through him and he was finding it difficult to focus but tried hard to get his feelings under control.

  Alex was just wrapping a towel around her when she felt Zach's thoughts – he was worried about her. She knew he would be but she was so scared of how she was feeling she didn't know how to tell him. Or deal with them. She hoped that a little holiday in Scotland without any outside factors of work or worrying about the twins would help. She hoped so anyway.

  As she walked back through Zach stood up, pasting a smile to his face. “I'm all packed, I'll leave you in peace to get ready.”

  As Zach turned to leave the room Alex had a moment of panic - “No!” she stuttered and Zach stopped, turned and looked at her.

  “What is it little one?” he asked softly and he saw Alexina's eyes were full of unshed tears. He stopped himself from rushing to her...the way she had pulled away earlier still fresh in his mind.

  Alex took a deep breath, “I'm sorry Zach.�
�� and some tears finally broke free of her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

  Zach couldn't help himself, he moved forward, stopped in front of her and moved his hand to wipe the tears away. Alexina looked up at him with such a host of emotions it physically hit him in the stomach.

  Zach could see fear and horror in his mate's face. Shit! “It's okay to cry Alexina – I want to help.” Zach was finding it hard to talk, what with a large lump stuck in his throat.

  “I know Zach, I'm a mess. I don't mean to push you away and that's what I'm sorry for.” Alex tried to breathe but she hiccuped and finally moved into Zach's arms.

  As his strong grip circled her she felt safe. She had always felt safe in his arms – since they had first met – and now was no different.

  He rubbed her back as she cried into his front, tears wetting the front of his t-shirt. “It's okay Alexina, we'll get through this – please don't worry. I will be right beside you, no matter how long it takes, remember that.”

  Zach's words were meant to be comforting and in some ways they were. However, Alex didn't know if she would or even could get through this. The feelings inside her were all consuming and she felt as if she was drowning.

  Zach lay his head on top of hers, talking down to her, “I won't ever let you drown meine ever. I'll always be there to pull you back up.”

  Alex realised he had read her thoughts and she hoped it was true – hoped their love for each other could get her through this.

  “I'm going to pack,” Alex said as she now managed a deep breath and pulled away.

  Zach nodded, “Okay, I'll text Duncan and let him know we'll be there soon.”

  Zach turned and walked out their bedroom, hoping this break would help. It had to, the alternative was just unthinkable.

  Once more Alex realised the battle that was going on in her body. She was now a Vampire and vampires were very, very sexual. Those feelings were fighting against her mind – the mind of a woman who had been tortured and raped. One that had even the thought of sex making her feel sick and recoil from the touch of her mate.


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