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Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music

Page 30

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 30

  Castle at Henge

  Juanita and Esmeralda had grown fond of their jobs at the castle in Henge. They enjoyed the kitchen gossip and the food Cook set aside for them. Different assignments took them to different parts of the castle, which was a perfect arrangement for their investigation into the identity of the elusive 'Finn'. So far they had questioned the kitchen staff, the groundskeepers, the cleaning girls and the stable men to no avail. Today the cook had assigned them the job of cleaning and cutting vegetables.

  Esmeralda scrubbed a carrot fresh from the castle garden. "We've about run out of people to ask. Finn could have been some sailor from a ship—here today, gone tomorrow."

  Juanita sliced a turnip and tossed it into a pot of water. "That would be my guess, too, except for the fact that a soldier came every month to give Take and his mother a bit of money."

  "Maybe someone just took pity on poor Drina—being left in a family way by some silver-tongued devil." Esmeralda cut her carrot into bite-sized chunks.

  The two girls looked at one another and both shook their heads at the same time.

  "Unlikely, that," Juanita stated for the both of them. "Nobody's that generous."

  Cook came into the vegetable cellar and studied them with her hands on her hips.

  "Are you two girls in some spot a trouble?"

  Juanita looked up with a surprised expression. "I don't think so."

  "Old Phinneas Blackwell don't often ask ta see the kitchen help, but he's sent for the two a you. You'd best get up there quick and see what he wants. You didn't filch somethin' did you?"

  Esmeralda looked offended. "No, of course not."

  "Well then, go see what he wants and come right back after if you still have your jobs."

  Juanita and Esmeralda walked up to the second floor suite of rooms used by the elder Blackwell, whispering excitedly about what he could possibly want with them.

  "Do you suppose someone stole something and blamed it on us?" Juanita asked.

  Esmeralda winced. "It wouldn't be the first time."

  Juanita knocked timidly on the door to Blackwell's suite. No one called out so she knocked a little louder.

  Juanita put her ear to the door. "He may be hard of hearing." She was about to knock very loudly when the door swung open.

  Phinneas Blackwell looked at them with accusing eyes.

  "Are you the two then?"

  Juanita stared back with a haughty expression. "We have done nothing wrong."

  "I'll be the one to decide that," Blackwell said. "Come in and sit down."

  The two girls sat down sullenly on a wooden bench. Blackwell sat on a wooden chair across from them.

  "I understand you have been questioning the castle staff about a man named Finn who may have worked here some time past."

  Juanita looked up, surprised. "You knew him?"

  Blackwell's eyes fixed on her. "I'll ask the questions here, young lady." He leaned forward. "My first question is—why are you asking about this Finn person?"

  Juanita stole a glance at Esmeralda.

  "Look at me," Blackwell thundered. "And tell me the truth. I'd hate to see you two youngsters sent to the dungeon for lying to the king."

  Juanita knew the old king had abdicated his throne in favor of this son, Prince Blackwell, but she believed he still had the power to consign her to the dungeon if he chose to do so. She was almost too frightened to speak.

  "It's nothing bad," Juanita murmured. "We were asked to find out to help a friend."

  "Speak up, I can barely hear you. What friend?"

  "Take the Thief." Juanita was close to tears. "Drina was his mother. She used to work here. She told Zigana she named him Finn after his father. Take just wanted to find out who his father was and if he was maybe still alive."

  Blackwell settled back into his chair. He rubbed behind his ear and set his chin in his hand. He seemed to have forgotten all about the two girls. After a few minutes he smiled at the girls.

  "There now—that wasn't so hard was it?" He stood up and paced back and forth, thinking. He turned to Juanita. "And were is this man now?"

  "Who? Take the Thief?"

  "Yes. Take the Thief."

  "He's at the Travelers' Camp."

  "Go and tell him I would like to see him."

  "Now? We're still not finished our work day," Esmeralda said.

  Juanita elbowed her in the ribs to keep her quiet.

  Old King Blackwell waved them out with the back of his hand.

  "Yes. Now. Tell the cook I've given you leave."

  Juanita and Esmeralda raced back to the kitchen.

  "What is it then?" Cook asked. "Are you in or out?"

  Juanita tried to smile, but was still too upset. "We're still in but he wants us to bring him Take the Thief. We're to go now, he says."

  "What next?" the cook exclaimed. "Now he's bringing in thieves? Go on then. And when he's brought back you can come down and finish your vegetables." Cook winked at them. "And catch me up on what all the fuss was about."

  Esmeralda and Juanita ran all the way to the Travelers' Camp. They found Take playing his flute outside Zigana's wagon. They were bent over trying to catch their breath while Take wondered what had put them in such a state.

  "He wants..." Esmeralda was gasping for breath. " see you."

  "Who?" Take asked.

  "Old King Blackwell," Juanita gasped.

  "Prince Blackwell's father?" Take asked, surprised.

  Both girls nodded.

  Take went into the wagon and brought out a canteen of water.

  "Here, have a drink and catch your breath. Then tell me what this is all about."

  The girls did as he asked. They told him all that was said between them and the elder Blackwell.

  "I think he must know this 'Finn' fellow," Juanita said, calmer now.

  "Whatever Finn might have done, he won't blame me for it. I never even met the man," Take reasoned out loud.

  Juanita looked around nervously. "You've got to come back with us, else we'll be in trouble with the king."

  Take shrugged. "It looks like my best chance to find something out about my father."

  "And then you'll pay us what you promised, right?" Juanita confirmed.

  Take laughed. "Right. Do you want to rest a bit before we start back?"

  "No!" both girls shouted.

  Take took a deep breath. The old king had certainly put a scare into the two girls, he thought to himself. He could not see how whatever Blackwell knew of Finn could make trouble for the three of them, but he had been wrong many times before.

  They started back to the castle at a fast pace set by the girls.


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