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Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music

Page 31

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 31

  Castle at Henge City

  Take looked out at the dark castle on the hill. He was having second thoughts about going to see old King Blackwell. He wondered if Shandor might have said something that would land him in a dungeon cell next to the fiddle player. Since Take refused to run to the castle, Juanita and Esmeralda walked along beside him, making sure he did not change his mind about going to see the old king.

  "Did old King Blackwell say he knew my mother?" Take asked.

  "No, but he would have known her, wouldn't he? If she took care of his wife when she was sick," Juanita answered.

  "Maybe he just wants to tell me how much he appreciated what she did for his wife."

  Juanita gave Esmeralda a wry glance. "That's likely it."

  Take's eyes darkened with worry. "Have you run into Serafina since you've been there?"

  Esmeralda shook her head. "No. She's usually up in the nursery with her twins."

  Take stopped walking. "She has twins? Babies? Human babies?"

  Juanita laughed. "What do you take her for? Of course, human babies. Though I've heard no one wants to be her helper. She has some kind of a big cat that guards the babies. Everyone's afraid of it."

  Take began walking again, but more slowly than before. "They'd do better to fear Serafina rather than her cat."

  Esmeralda tried to speed up their pace by moving ahead a little. "She's in a different part of the castle from old king Blackwell. I doubt you'll see her."

  Take would not be hurried. "What about the dungeon? Have you been down there?" He wondered if they had seen Shandor.

  Juanita paled a little, remembering Blackwell's threat. "No, but if you don't show up at Blackwell's door soon, that's likely where you'll find us."

  Take laughed as though Juanita's comment had been a joke. Neither girl laughed with him.

  When the three finally arrived at Blackwell's door, Juanita knocked once and the door opened. Blackwell's eyes fastened on Take and Take nodded at the older man in a casual greeting.

  Juanita waited for a moment, probably hoping Blackwell would excuse her and Esmeralda, but he seemed totally fixated on Take and unaware of the girls' presence.

  "Here is Take the Thief, brought to you as you commanded," Juanita said.

  Blackwell looked at Juanita as if he wondered what she was doing there. Then, understanding came into his eyes.

  "Yes. Good job. Both of you run along to Mistress Cook now."

  The girls took off in a rush, pushing one another to descend the stairs first.

  Blackwell stood aside and waved Take inside. "Please, come in. You are called Take?" He pointed to a comfortable chair.

  "Yes, I am called Take, though my mother named me Finn. An old woman I met recently told me my mother planned to name me after my father. That's what caused this misunderstanding. It's the first I knew of my father's identity. When the girls took a job here I asked them to see if anyone remembered a man named Finn. I had not imagined it would bring them trouble. I hope you will not hold it against them for doing me a favor."

  Old Blackwell still had his gaze fixed on Take's face.

  "Tell me something about your mother."

  Take thought for a moment. "I recently learned from the same old woman that she worked here at the castle, taking care of your wife when she fell ill."

  Blackwell nodded. "Something more."

  Take shrugged. "She had a good voice. Liked to sing. She often sang a song to me about a speckled bird that hid in the forest."

  A tear ran down old Blackwell's face. He took a step towards Take and Take sat further back in his chair.

  "My boy!" Blackwell spread his arms open. "I never got to see you. Come, come. Give your old father a hug." His tears were running freely now.

  Take looked at the door and considered making a run for it. Then he looked back at the old king. This time he looked closely at the king and realized what he should have seen earlier. Blackwell looked like an older version of himself. Take looked nothing like his mother. She was short with black hair and tanned skin. Take was tall and thin with a ruddy complexion and thin brown hair. The same could describe old Blackwell. Was it possible?"

  "Are you saying that you are my father?"

  "Of course I am. Phinneas Blackwell. She did name you after me. She liked to call me Phinn. Come and give me a hug boy. You don't know how I searched for you after Drina died."

  Take got up slowly and put his arms around the old man in a tentative way. Blackwell clasped Take to his chest in a bear hug that almost swept Take off his feet. Take was amazed at the old man's strength.

  "You searched for me?"

  "That I did. That fool of a soldier I sent with your money every month. I asked him why he didn't bring you back with him. He said he had no orders to do so. No orders! Can you imagine? Leaving a young child to fend for himself. I sent spies to search for you. I knew she named you Phinn. But they could not find you. Where did you go?"

  "I went to Fernland's castle and made my way in the marketplace. I had a knack for games of chance and lifting purses. I was not what you would call a model citizen."

  "My fault. I never knew Drina was sick. I am cursed when it comes to women I love."

  "You loved my mother?"

  "Of course I did. She was an angel. You should have seen how she cared for my wife. Anyone would have fallen in love with her."

  "But she moved away when she found she was expecting me." Take waited to see how his father would respond.

  "Yes. It had to be that way. I could not acknowledge you as my son. No marriage—no heir to the throne. I still can not acknowledge you here in Henge. Surely you understand that."

  Take nodded even though he did not understand the rules of behavior when it came to royalty. He believed the king had used his mother and deserted her. A gold coin each month did not make that right.

  "What would you have done if you had found me?" Take could not resist knowing what his life might have been.

  "I would have brought you back here. Made you a page or an apprentice of some type. Made sure you got an education."

  "I see."

  A frown clouded Blackwell's face. "I doubt that you do see. I would have watched over you. Seen that you were taken care of. I would have loved you."

  Take thought to himself, loved but not acknowledged as a son.

  Take managed a relaxed attitude. "I have a small acting troupe now in Fernland. We do a bit of music, a bit of magic. We are having a theatre built on King's Lake."

  Somehow it seemed important that he impress his father with his accomplishments. With what he had accomplished without a father.

  "An acting troupe? I love magic. You must all move here at once. I will have a better theatre built for you. Anything you want. I will have houses built for all of you. Or you could live here in the castle. Where are you staying now?"

  Take felt a wave of claustrophobia come over him. He could not live here in this castle with this father who was a stranger to him. His eyes slanted again towards the door.

  "You are too generous. I'm staying now at the Traveler's Camp. But I would have to ask my troupe back in Fernland about such a big decision. In fact, I am leaving today. I promised I would be back in time for our next performance."

  Take realized he was babbling, but found it hard to stop. Now that he knew who his father was, he needed time to think about what it meant. What he wanted most was some time alone.

  "But you must stay a while. We've only just found each other." Blackwell looked around frantically. "And I have your gold. Every month I put a coin away for you, knowing I would find you one day." Blackwell thumped on one leg and a wooden peg leg to a large chest and flung it open. He felt around at the bottom and came up with a heavy black purse, stuffed with coins.

  "Here. This is all for you." He handed Take the purse.

took the purse and almost dropped it, surprised at the weight of it.

  "This is not necessary."

  "It is. It is yours. Do not break your father's heart by refusing it."

  "I..., thank you, then. I...,I will speak to my friends about the possibility of relocating to Henge."

  "Please stay a few days. You could meet your half-brother, Prince Blackwell. Your little nieces."

  Take suddenly realized that he was now related to Serafina in some distant way. He inched backwards toward the door.

  "I will return. I promise that—if only for a visit. I admit I am overwhelmed by what you have told me. And by your generosity. I may need a little time..."

  "Of course." Blackwell turned sad eyes on his son. "But I am old. Do not take too much time."

  Take nodded and made for the door as quickly as he could without seeming to hurry. He hid the bag of coins inside his tunic and ran down the steps and out of the castle. Once outside he stopped to catch his breath and calm down.

  He decided he would go back to the Traveler's camp to say good-bye to Zigana and thank her for her hospitality. He would leave money for Juanita and Esmeralda. Then he would head for Fernland. Back to his friends. There he would decide what to do next.


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