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Page 7

by Tina Donahue

  Adam’s heavy footfalls recorded their journey inside, his weight vibrating the planks.

  Her chains rattled and her other masters followed.

  The short one spoke. “We draw straws to see who has her first.”

  “Her maidenhead is mine.” Adam’s voice cut through the groaning wood and slapping sea. He kicked the cabin door. Its wood crashed against the wall.

  He put her on her feet near a mattress in the corner and grabbed her chains. “Are you always so willful?” His rich voice filled the small space. He loomed above her, dark and imposing.

  Desire heated her blood, though she wasn’t ready to submit. She lifted her chin and refused to answer.

  “Very well.” He pulled her over his knee and brought his hand down hard on her naked ass, the crack ringing out.

  She yelped.

  His hand came down again, harder than before. For minutes, he punished her.

  Warmth, not pain, coursed to her belly and down her legs.

  Finished, he pulled her to her feet. “Defy me again and you’ll get the very same.” He grabbed her bare mound.

  Her hitching breath caught.

  He smiled smugly. “I want you soft and sweet as our maker intended you to be.”

  The short man stepped forward. “If she’s not, I can hold her wrists.”

  “We both can.” The other man beamed.

  “No.” Adam never took his gaze off her. “I don’t share what’s mine.”

  She weakened at what would come, her thoughts tangled and helpless to resist whatever he desired, because she needed it too.

  The other men leaned against the wall, prepared to watch.

  Adam tugged her to the mattress.

  The coarse bedding scratched her spanked cheeks.

  He bent her legs at the knees, placed her soles on the mattress, then chained her wrists to her ankles and spread her legs.

  Imprisoned and exposed indecently, she flushed.

  He studied her sex, wet from lust, then removed his boots, stockings, and breeches.

  The scent from his rigid cock, its promising heat and power, subdued her faster than harsh commands or painful discipline. She bowed to his will, an all-too-willing slave, as he mounted her and pierced her barrier.

  Ecstatic at her newest fantasy, she rubbed her clit hard, sloshing water from the tub, and exhausted her remaining orgasm. Hung over the side and panting, she tried not to think about him anymore, but failed.

  Her mind replayed the moment she’d reached the conference room this morning. The overhead lights had glared off Roger’s lenses as he faced her. Adam turned, and she saw…

  Danni wasn’t certain whether he’d shown faint pleasure, the same as he would for any colleague, genuine warmth he’d reserve for a friend, or more—raw desire.

  She pressed her forehead against her arm and warned herself not to hope for the impossible. Maybe desire hadn’t been on his face, though she did recall him stroking her thumb before she pulled her hand away.

  She still didn’t know what he meant by having her where and when he wanted. She’d meant to ask him in the empty office but forgot. He’d said those words in Vegas, knowing they’d soon part. He had to be referring to when they worked together here. Even if he’d blurted such a thing during a heated moment, they weren’t exactly necking as he’d stroked her thumb. Why fondle her finger if he didn’t want her? Why leave her hanging if he did.

  She wasn’t sure. Her face puckered in a new frown. If he didn’t have feelings for her, she had to know. No way could she go on like this.

  For the first time in more than twelve hours, she knew what she had to do.

  Adam pulled up another spreadsheet on his computer and stared at figures he now knew by heart. For the last ten days, he’d scoured the same numbers looking for a reasonable way to cut overhead. So far, he’d found enough waste to represent a fourth of Danni’s salary and more excuses than he could count to get her into his office since she never came in on her own.

  After his first day here, she behaved as if he were invisible. Last Friday, he stood in her office doorway for a full two minutes before she looked up from whatever she was doing and blinked slowly, liked someone leaving a trance. Without so much as a ‘hi’ to him, she returned to her work. Only when he said, “Danni?” did she seem to notice his presence and offered an aloof smile so much worse than her cool indifference in the conference room.

  Okay, she was still pissed and with good reason, not that he could do anything about it until he saved her position.

  Rubbing his temple, he caught movement in his peripheral vision. Outside his office window, Danni stood next to Jacob Evers, the production VP. Their blond heads tilted toward each other. They discussed something in quiet voices, presumably having to do with the papers she held.

  Her silk blouse made Adam’s mouth water. Its color looked like a Los Angeles sunset, the neckline resting provocatively just above her breasts. Her slim black skirt hugged every curve he’d licked and touched. Her black open-toe heels suggested bedrooms bearing mirrors on the ceilings and walls.

  Hard lust swept through him.

  She laughed easily at something Jacob said. He grinned, looking every bit the thirty-year-old boy. Still smiling, they strolled toward the hall leading to the empty offices she and Adam had once passed.

  Before they got too far, he pushed from his chair and hurried to his doorway. “Danni.”

  Her step paused and her hair swung over her shoulders. She lifted her eyebrows slightly, showing surprise at seeing him. In his own damn doorway. In his own goddamn office. In the company he fucking ran.

  He stopped his frown. “Can I see you for a minute?”

  Her eyebrows drew together saying she found the notion vaguely distasteful.

  Too damn bad. If he had to carry her inside, he would. Leaning against his doorjamb, he crossed his arms.

  She rested her hand on Jacob’s sleeve.

  Adam squeezed his arms.

  “I’ll get with you later.” She handed Jacob the papers. “All right?”

  “Can’t wait.”

  She smiled, until she joined Adam. “Yes?”

  Her fragrance and proximity jarred him to silence. Even with her three-inch heels, she was far shorter than he, which offered a glimpse of her cleavage and a peek at her lacy, coral-colored bra.

  His neck and ears burned. He looked up.

  Her gaze was on something past him. Two hunky male models in leather jeans and snug T-shirts sauntered to the area where staff reviewed new products.

  Adam worked his frown away before she caught it.

  She watched the models, a hungry smile touching her plush mouth.

  Blood rushed to his face. “I need a minute with you. Now.”

  His curt tone did the trick.

  Her gaze cleared. Her confused look said she suddenly remembered him. “For what?”

  He hadn’t a clue how to answer. Ignoring his secretary’s curious glance, and the way her eyes darted from him to Danni, he inclined his head. “Let’s go inside. I’d, uh, like an update on the launch.”

  Danni regarded his full length and how he partially blocked the door.

  No fucking way would he step aside. If she wanted inside his office, and she sure as hell better, she’d have to go past him.

  She did.

  From this angle, his secretary couldn’t see Danni’s arm brushing his, or her hand skimming his thigh, mere inches from his junk. His cock rose thick and hard, stealing coherent thought. He wasn’t certain whether she’d touched him on purpose or if what she’d done was an unavoidable accident because he’d left her so little room. He forced down desire and pushed away from the jamb. Despite his increasing passion, he left the door partially open.

  His secretary’s phone rang. Several cars honked in the street. Steady rain tapped the windows.

  Danni leaned forward in her chair and smoothed the beige hose on her right calf. Her blouse gaped, revealing her succulent breasts barely c
onfined in satin and lace.

  He dropped to his chair, his legs giving out.

  She took a long moment to finish tending her hose before she straightened and leaned back, hands folded on her lap, her fingertips resting demurely on her mound. “You wanted a progress report on the launch?”

  He wasn’t certain what she was talking about. Remembering, he nodded.

  “More specific than the one I emailed you this morning?”

  Her veiled challenge made his face hotter. Her eyes said she knew why she was really here. He didn’t like her ignoring him. He hated it when she looked at other men.

  Fucking A. “I haven’t had time to read it yet.” He spoke sharply, though only loud enough for her to hear. “Fill me in.”

  “Are you all right?”

  His heart pumped double-time, pushing blood to his cock and balls. It took his entire will not to haul her onto his desk, spread her legs, and fuck her senseless until she stopped faking indifference. After which, they could be friends again and have some goddamn fun. “Fine, but busy. Can we begin?”

  “Sure.” She looked past him to the window. This time he didn’t follow her gaze, nor did he listen to her update. She was torturing him on purpose for failing to tell her about the acquisition and for not jumping her like they both wanted. She didn’t fool him for a second. In all the times he’d seen her at conventions, she’d never been so dismissive. Not once had she worn business attire like she had on today, or smoothed her hose while he or anyone else watched.

  It was an act. And it wouldn’t rile him. He’d hump her like crazy after he saved her damn position, which she would never know about, but would thank him for. He’d make certain of it.

  Pleased, he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

  An unknown emotion passed over her face. “The Eve design is giving us the most trouble, but two problems have already been resolved, and…”

  He stopped listening.

  She droned on and on about the launch, as he’d demanded, no chink in her armor. She rattled off figures quicker than he ever had and maintained composure he didn’t feel. Maybe her clothing choice and hose-smoothing wasn’t an act. After all, she had masturbated in the showroom, an obvious first for her, but could be she’d started to blossom after her awful experience with those two goons she’d dated. She certainly hadn’t been shy during their night in Vegas.

  At this juncture, if she believed nothing was going to happen between them, she could have set her sights on a male model or staff member. “Are you dating Jacob?”

  “The Lana design is… What?”

  “Are you dating Jacob?” He’d spoken slowly this time, rather than blurting the words again. He also kept his voice down.

  Her chest flushed, the color matching her blouse. “Excuse me?”

  He squeezed his pen to keep control. “Staff dating isn’t encouraged.”

  She crossed her legs. Her side slit revealed her upper thigh. She settled her hands on her waist, her thumbs skimming the area directly below her breasts. “Is that your new rule?”

  He frowned. “No. It’s always been policy.”

  “Really.” She leaned forward. Her blouse gaped.

  He stared, unable to help himself.

  “You should tell Roger that.” Her satiny voice made Adam’s teeth tingle. “He and Sunny are an item already or didn’t you know?”

  Of course, he knew. Foolishly, he’d forgotten about them.

  “Sunny genuinely seems to like him.” Danni’s voice was silkier and more patient than ever. “If this is the real deal I’m happy for her. In the past, she’s gotten worked up about guys, only to realize the affair wasn’t what she thought it would be or what she needed. Of course, if she and Roger do break up, it might be lucky for you.”

  Adam wasn’t following. “Me? You mean because of the policy?”

  “The new one? About staff members not dating each other?” She looked thoughtful as if mulling the matter. “No. I meant if things don’t work out between Sunny and Roger, then you can date her.” She gave him an indulgent smile, similar to the one Roger used before he screwed someone. “She is a model for this company, which makes you her boss, and if there’s a policy against bosses dating staff—a regulation Roger apparently doesn’t know about—then you can always make up new rules so the boss, that is you, can date staff, that is Sunny.”

  She uncrossed her legs and stood. “I have a meeting in a few minutes.” She stopped at the door and looked back. “If you want, you can ask Jen to come in here to fill you in on the launch. She typed up my notes and finalized the spreadsheets. Just let her know. She’ll be happy to do whatever you ask.”

  Danni breezed past Adam’s secretary then bypassed her office and the conference room. There wasn’t any meeting, not that he had to know.

  He’d asked if she was dating Jacob.

  Ten days ago, she promised herself she’d get an answer as to whether he still desired her. The man wanted her. Badly.

  Heart thumping, she raced to a storeroom, recalling his face as she spoke to Jacob, then later, when she’d deliberately drooled over those male models. Never before had she pushed a man so far. She hated to lie or play games, and loathed BS in a relationship, but she hadn’t known what else to do. Adam’s first day here told her she couldn’t work with him unless she also shared his bed. His touch was as necessary to her as breathing.

  Why he resisted them being together intimately, she had no idea. Maybe he decided their dating would bother the other staffers or compromise his authority. Okay, so maybe it would. But they could be discreet. No one would have to know.

  After entering another hall, she opened the second door on the left and entered the shadowed room. Stacked in every corner were advertising materials, some reaching the ceiling. Rain pinged against the windows. A metallic smell permeated the air.

  She leaned against the boxes nearest the door, her breathing ragged as she imagined him entering her office tonight after the other crew left. During the last ten days, he and she were always the last to go. He’d stand in her doorway as he had last Friday, waiting for her to acknowledge him. She’d play her foolish game a little longer, making him wait. At last, she’d lift her face and look at him. He’d cross the room, pull her into his arms and take her right there, in her office, on her desk, warning her to want and see only him, and to submit fully.

  She smiled so hard her cheeks hurt. Pumping her fist in the air, she let out a soft but delighted whoop.

  Victory was close and felt damn sweet.

  Chapter 6

  Adam held his smartphone to his ear and shrugged into his topcoat.

  His call kept ringing.

  He growled. “Come on, damn you, answer.”

  After the seventh ring, Roger came on the line. “Adam? Why are you calling at this hour? I’m in the middle of dinner. What’s wrong?”

  Nothing that having Danni naked and beneath him wouldn’t cure. He’d worked like a rabid missionary after she taunted him about rewriting policy so he could then date Sunny, like he freaking wanted to. Fuck that. Danni would definitely pay for such a ridiculous comment. Three hours ago, he finally found a way to save her damn job. “I located a new vendor for the fabrics. They’ll accept half what we’re paying Templeton and Connelly with the same terms and conditions.”

  “No shit?”

  “They sent me their bid a few hours ago. I faxed it to you.”

  “Wait a sec, let me check my machine.”

  While he did, Adam rushed to his secretary’s darkened station. Empty desks surrounded it, everyone gone for the evening, as he wanted. From here, he could see Danni’s office. Light spilled from her slightly opened door. In his X-rated fantasy, she’d be perched on her desk, her butt wiggling suggestively as she lifted her leg, deepening the slit in her skirt, her lithe fingers smoothing her hose from her calf to her upper thigh and the skimpy thong she surely wore.

  Jesus. Intense heat nearly knocked him down.

�Got it.” Roger huffed as an octogenarian would after dashing up the stairs. “I need to check this out. Give me a minute.”

  Not one second more. Biting pain spread across Adam’s shoulders at this newest delay in him having Danni. He strode back to his office.

  Roger uhmed several times and made faint grunting noises.

  For fuck’s sake, hurry up and approve. The moment this call ended, Adam would invite Danni to dinner. Over drinks, he’d confess how much he still wanted her. During their meal—if they could keep their hands off each other long enough to eat—he’d detail the sexual games they’d play once they reached his place. If she was into gentle spanking, and he sensed she was, he’d have her repeat what she said in his office about him dating Sunny. Only this time, he’d turn Danni over his knee for suggesting such a foolish thing. Despite her feigned protests, he’d administer corporal punishment, knowing it brought her excitement, not pain. When she was good and wet, he’d fill her and would keep his cock inside her cunt until dawn.

  Roger laughed. “Damn, this is great. Good job.”

  Gently, Adam closed his office door and kept his voice low. “With the money we’re saving, we don’t have to replace Danni. There’s more than enough for her salary, plus staff bonuses if the line succeeds beyond projection. I ran the numbers four times and emailed them to you. If you want, we can go over them now.”

  Roger chuckled. “No need. I believe you.”

  He sagged against the door. Finally, the gods were on his—

  “With the money we’re saving from this and her salary, we can upgrade the computer system. I like that idea better.”

  Adam squeezed his phone so hard he figured the plastic casing might break and didn’t goddamn care. “The computer system isn’t going to develop product. Do you really want to have someone with little experience taking Danni’s place after she put this company on the map and got you interested in it? Do you honestly want to compromise everything we worked so hard for, including quality and market share?”

  “As I said before, it won’t be compromised. Not with you running the show.”


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