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Page 8

by Tina Donahue

  Adam wanted to bellow his frustration and rage. “I can’t run everything by myself.”

  “Never said you had to. Look, I’m in the middle of dinner. Have your secretary set up a conference call with some systems analysts for Thursday or Friday. Wait. Friday would be best. We’ll see what they have to offer. Talk to you then.”

  Danni stopped writing her report and held her breath to hear better.

  Adam’s footfalls sounded.

  She tensed.

  The slapping sounds neared her office.

  Yes, yes, yes! Finally. He couldn’t stand this any more than she could. He was coming to get and enjoy her.

  She rolled her shoulders to relax them as much as possible then leaned against her armrest and pretended to study the printout, her next move well planned. The moment he stopped in her doorway, she’d keep him waiting a full minute before glancing up. Once she did, she’d lean back in her chair, her face innocent and questioning, while she stroked her pen as she’d done to his eager cock during their one night together. If that didn’t push him over the edge…

  His steps slowed.

  She tapped the pen against her bottom lip and frowned slightly, so he’d think she was working out a company problem. Unless the scowl made her look pissed and chased him off. She worked anything resembling a sulk from her face and tried to appear engrossed.

  He’d reached her door and stopped, just out of sight.

  No. Please, don’t make me wait. Her heart thudded. Sucking in a breath wasn’t possible. She wanted him to murmur her name, haul her into his arms, and drop the BS so they could build on the connection they’d had these past years, and make this evening more wicked than what they’d experienced in Vegas.

  He walked past.

  Stunned, she pushed to her feet, waiting for him to return. Surely, he would.

  The front door closed, leaving her there alone.

  Adam threw his briefcase into his BMW and slammed the passenger door so hard the car shook. Jaw clenched, he dropped behind the wheel, accelerated from his spot, and took a fast right turn. His tires squealed. Ignoring the parking attendant’s frown, he sped past, leaving the lot and entering the street.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He smacked his hand against the steering wheel, wanting to hurt something, anything. The harder he tried to make things right for Danni, the more elusive she became. He couldn’t tell her the truth now, she’d hate him for lying about her job security and she’d resign. He couldn’t keep lying and sleep with her, then fire her. Her shock and sadness at such a cruel betrayal would kill him. Hell, part of him had died when he left her alone in the office. There hadn’t been another choice. He couldn’t risk seeing her face, smelling her lush scent, hearing her soft voice.

  Swearing, he drove aimlessly through the mist-shrouded city. Hazy streetlights illuminated the damp pavement, strident hip-hop pounded from a building, pedestrians hurried from the soggy night into fragrant late-night delis and coffee shops.

  Everyone had somewhere to go, friends or lovers to meet.

  He drove faster and farther then made numerous one-eighties to return to the office. At the very least, he should have offered to walk her to her car. Who knew what wackos might lurk in the lot? If she got hurt, he’d never forgive himself.

  He accelerated to pass the driver next to him. She floored her engine, not allowing it. He threw her a frown.

  The car in front slowed to a crawl at the yellow traffic light.

  He hit his brakes and swore, his patience at an end. He had to walk Danni through the lot, open her car door, and stare into her eyes as she did the same to him.

  The driver behind him honked.

  The light had turned green.

  He sped through the intersection and past several streets before making another U-turn. By now, she’d surely left. If she hadn’t and he found her alone, he didn’t know what he’d do or where his desire would ultimately lead.

  One wrong decision and he could lose her for good. A gamble he wasn’t willing to take. Frustrated and tired, he drove home.

  “There you are.” Sunny dropped her backpack. As the thing whacked against the ladies’ room floor, she plopped into an overstuffed vinyl chair.

  Sprawled across the sofa, Danni draped her arm over her eyes.

  Sunny lowered her voice. “That time of month?”

  Lying was easier than the truth. “Uh-huh.”

  “I have Midol.” She lugged her backpack closer and rummaged through her stuff. The chair cushion whooshed and crackled. “If that doesn’t help, I have some booze—those tiny bottles you get from locked mini-bars in hotels.”

  Although tempted to get drunk, Danni shook her head. “It’s barely ten. Too early to drink.”

  “Just as well. I might need them for my flight.”

  “You’re not working today?”

  “Nope. I dropped by to sign some papers for HR. I won’t be back until Monday. That’s what I wanted to tell you, I’m off.”

  Anyone who dated Roger Boyce would have to have several screws loose. “Have fun.”

  “Roger’s taking me to Paradise Island this weekend.” Sunny had lowered her voice to an excited hush. “Can you imagine?”

  She shook her head. This weekend she’d be doing laundry in the musty utility room in her apartment building. Afterward, she’d masturbate to online skin flicks since her fantasies were too hopeless. Her throat constricted so much it hurt.

  “Does Adam know you’re not feeling well?”

  Danni squeezed her fists. “Why should he?”

  “Aren’t you two together yet?”

  “Why would we be?”

  “Oh.” Sunny sounded genuinely surprised. “You don’t like him anymore?”

  Tears stung her eyes. Two nights ago, when he’d left her here alone, Danni’s shock and anger passed quickly, replaced by impossible yearning. She’d always liked him too much, and those feelings kept growing. She cleared her throat so she could trust her voice. “Whether I like him or not isn’t the point. He’s not interested in me, at least not enough to make a move. Believe me, I’ve tried to goad him into it.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. That’s my point.”

  “Then why does he stare at you all the time? I’ve seen him do it when he knows you’re not watching.”

  Danni’s heart stalled then beat too fast. Warning herself against false hope, she slid her arm to her forehead and looked at Sunny. Makeup free, she’d pulled her hair into a ponytail, her oversized sweatshirt and jeans hardly alluring. Yet, she managed to look even more exquisite than when she’d gussied up to model. Danni pushed to her elbows and kept her voice low. “He actually watches me?”

  “Like he’s possessed or something.”

  “What was I doing when you saw him?” She couldn’t talk fast enough. “Was I pulling up my bra strap or scratching my butt?”

  Laughing, Sunny sagged into the crackling chair. “You were filling your coffee cup in the employee lounge. Another time, you were signing for a FedEx.” She arched her perfectly plucked eyebrows. “I’m no expert, but what you were doing seemed pretty normal and boring to me. Now, to him?”

  “When did you see him doing this? Two days ago? Before then?”

  “Yesterday with the FedEx. And this morning with the coffee.”

  Danni was afraid to believe it. “While he watched me did he frown? Smile?”

  “If he was a woman, I’d say he was about to cry. So, my guess is, he had a monumental hard-on and was super frustrated.”

  Danni swung her legs off the sofa and smoothed her gray wool skirt. “Then why hasn’t he made a move?”

  “Beats me. Why don’t you ask him?”

  And risk being told Sunny was mistaken or delusional? Danni frowned. “Are you talking crap to make me feel better?”

  “How’d you guess? That way if you goad him some more, you’ll feel like a real fool when he tells you he’s not interested in the least and never has been.”

  Good point. Danni smacked Sunny’s arm.

  “Hey, careful. If you leave marks, I can’t work.”

  “Tell Roger that.”

  She giggled. “You wouldn’t believe where he gave me a hickey. He is into some crazy stuff.”

  Danni didn’t want to hear details. Thankfully, Sunny glanced at her smartphone and left her chair. “I’ve got to go. If I keep the pilot waiting, Roger will worry.”

  “He has a private jet?”

  “He had two, but ditched one. Too expensive, you know?”

  “Tell me about it. Day ago, I sold my yacht so I could gas up my Volvo.”

  Sunny’s frown scolded. “Hey, I grew up stupid poor. I didn’t go to prom because my folks couldn’t afford a McDonald’s Happy Meal for me, much less a dress.”

  Embarrassed, Danni cradled Sunny’s hand. “You have a great time, sweetie. Spend as much of his money as you want.”

  “I like him. I wouldn’t be going if I didn’t.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Gently, she squeezed Sunny’s fingers then released her.

  Sunny stopped at the door. “When I get back, I want to hear about you and Adam finally doing it.”

  “Doing what?”

  She offered a luminous smile, the way a woman in the know looks when she’s in love.

  Unfortunately, she might also have a big mouth. At this point, Danni didn’t need gossip. “By the way, not a word about me and Adam to anyone, especially Roger, not even during pillow talk.”

  “You mean when he and I are in bed, you want us to stop talking about you and Adam?”

  Danni narrowed her eyes.

  Sunny giggled. “Not a word anywhere or ever. See ya.”

  Alone again, Danni fingered the pearl buttons on her sweater and considered what Sunny had revealed about Adam.

  “Then we agree on this point.” Adam glanced around the table at the team, four women and three men responsible for the new line.

  Jacob Evers and Woody Fleischman stopped stretching to nod. A weary chorus voicing “uh-huhs” and “sures” followed. To a person, they looked beat, except for Danni.

  Alert, her gaze never left him. She’d been like this the entire day.

  This morning, he’d almost run into her in the hall as she exited the ladies’ room. Surprised at his proximity, she’d backed into the door. The pearl buttons on her fuzzy white sweater gleamed dully beneath the overhead light. Her gray skirt hugged her legs and fell to mid-calf.

  His pulse quickened at her high-heeled black boots. Her demure yet sexy outfit aroused him more than when he’d come upon her earlier in the employee lounge. “Sorry.” He stepped back. “I didn’t know you’d be here. That is, I didn’t mean to almost run into you. Not that I would avoid doing so. Wait, that didn’t come out right. I…” Feeling like a middle-school kid complete with acne and raging hormones, he finally shut up. Nothing he said since he’d landed at this company ever came out right when it involved her.

  She’d regarded him then, as she did now, heat simmering beneath her quiet demeanor.

  He glanced at his meeting notes. His hand shook. After lowering it to his lap, and away from her view, he resumed. “We still have to decide whether the Lana or Eve design will lead. Any thoughts on that?”

  Jacob Evers finished his yawn. Suzy Kline and Tamita Lopez looked at the wall clock.

  Danni fondled her pen, stroking its length slowly while assessing him.


  His cock stiffened as it would if she were caressing him rather than her damned pen. Using great effort, he focused on Kyle Choi who’d just spoken.

  The older man drummed his stubby fingers against the table. “I hate to complain, but it is past nine. I can’t think anymore.”

  Tamita perked up. “My sitter’s into double overtime.” She talked fast. “I’ll have to float a loan to pay her.”

  Bridget Quinn scowled. “I did have a date.”

  “It is late.” Danni focused on him, no one else. “You should all go.”

  The group jumped to their feet. Chairs bumped into each other.

  Adam frowned. “Hold it. We need to decide what design we want as a lead.”

  “They can go.” Danni didn’t look at them, only him. “I’ll stay.”

  She stroked her pen.

  Bridget grabbed her bottled water and backed away from the table. “It is her call. See you guys Monday.”

  The group hurried from his office. Their goodbyes and relieved laughter faded quickly. A door closed.

  Despite the sound, Adam still glanced in their direction, not Danni’s. Perspiration ran down his back. His boxer briefs felt too tight, his cock rock hard and wanting, his balls bruised.

  Danni’s chair squeaked. Either she’d adjusted her weight or crossed her legs.

  He couldn’t look and still maintain control, though he did wonder if she wore stockings and a garter belt beneath her long skirt. Even if she had on pantyhose, her musk would scent the crotch.

  The room whirled.

  Before he lost what good sense he had left, he rushed to his coffeemaker, putting as much distance as he could between them. “Want a cup?”

  “It’s empty, Adam.”

  Her voice caressed his name.

  His scalp tingled and too much heat filled him. He stared stupidly at the pot. Lowering it, he tried to compose himself. “Let’s get started.” Halfway to the table, he stopped.

  Danni stood next to her chair, face lowered, the Eve corset pressed against her. She stroked the embroidered silk, the silvery fabric complementing her pale hair.

  The plunging neckline would skim her nipples and squeeze her breasts until they swelled above the piece, her flesh rounded and plump.

  He locked his knees to keep from swaying. Doing so didn’t help his dizziness in the least.

  She ran her forefinger over the front laces.

  His cock pressed against his fucking clothing, wanting out and into her.

  “I like this one best.” A lone tress clung to her cheek. She raised her face. “How about you?”

  His throat was so tight he couldn’t speak. Five-and-a-half weeks from now she’d be gone. She would know then he’d lied. She’d never trust him again or forgive him. Hour after hour, he’d tried to find a way to change Roger’s mind, to get the prick to budge. Surely, there was a way. He simply hadn’t found it, and he didn’t need this torment tonight. “I like the Lana.” His voice sounded rusty, as if he hadn’t used it in too long. He rounded the table, away from her. “It fits in better with the overall line.”

  The corset slipped from her grasp and dropped to the table. She lifted the Lana, a confection made from pink damask bearing a delicate floral design, and smoothed the piece against herself. “Are you sure?”

  He fought against so much desire his shoulders and arms hurt. “About what?”

  “What you like.” She approached and didn’t stop until she was so close her fragrance washed over him. “What you want.”

  He told himself to step back and leave. He couldn’t take one step. “I want the line to succeed.” He glanced at the corset, not seeing it, only noticing her. How she sounded, smelled, looked, breathed. “That one fits the image better.”

  “Women aren’t purchasing image.” Her gaze held him. Her voice hushed. “They’re buying fantasies. During the day, they may be powerful attorneys, physicians, or corporate VPs, yet at night those same women want to be laced into silvery corsets, their breasts nearly bared, their bodies constricted and displayed as they dance at a club. Finally, they’re allowed to be truly female, Eve with the apple, good and bad, helpless and strong, the virgin and the whore.”

  She had to shut up before he lost his frigging mind. He didn’t give a shit about other women, only her wearing the corset, arms raised, hips undulating to throbbing music. He had difficultly thinking about anything else or speaking. “The same can be said about the Lana.”

  “No, it’s for when a woman’s alone with her man. I should model
it for you, so you’ll see the difference. Or you could put it on me.” She extended her arm, the piece dangling from her fingers, swaying back and forth, an erotic pendulum.

  He didn’t dare touch it.

  She inched closer and lifted her face.

  Blue flecks added sweet color to her gray eyes, weakening him further.

  Unashamed craving burned in her gaze. “Do you know what a woman really wants to do with this corset?” Her direct manner challenged and seduced. “To have her man lace her into it and play out a wicked fantasy, like the one I had the other night.”

  Wind whipped past the building; a horn bellowed from a ship; cars honked.

  Her quickened breathing and his own thickened the air.

  “You were in it, Adam.”


  “You and lots of other men.” A flush stained her cheeks. “They wanted and adored me.”

  He bristled at any other man touching her, at the SOB believing he had the right, and at her offering it to him.

  “I wanted them, too.” She grew pensive, distracted, excited. “I saw myself in the 1700s at a foreign port wearing a blood-red corset, clothing to mark a sex slave. Except for it, I was naked, my mound shaved. Heavy chains surrounded my wrists. When the slaver brought me to the auction block and secured my hands to a post, men cheered and made lewd comments. Their gazes prowled over my nudity. I had no idea who’d own me, mounting me night after night, demanding I submit, ordering me to deliver pleasure. Maybe the older man near the back or the crude young guy who leaned against the platform. Possibly the one holding a whip, or the man whose gaze was colder than the others. I panicked, not wanting them. Unable to escape, I had to endure. Then you and two others offered to buy me, saying I’d belong to each who’d use me thoroughly and would observe during every carnal act. A frightening thought, but I was also excited. Deep down, I knew that’s what I’ve always needed. More than one man inside me, more than one master.”

  He ground his teeth so hard his jaw hurt.

  “Once the sale ended, you dragged me inside the ship, informing the others my virginity belonged to you, a direct contradiction to what I’d said—that the others came first, you last. For saying such a thing, you turned me over your knee and meted out my punishment. I squirmed and fought even though my resistance was useless against your strength. Repeatedly, you smacked my ass. When it was pink and hot, and you’d disciplined me well, you pulled me to the mattress, chained my ankles to my wrists, baring me in an obscene yet intoxicating way, and then you mounted me.”


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