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Follow Your Arrow

Page 9

by A. M. Willard

  “I was there,” I let slip out, and I know now there’s no going back. I have to explain where I was.

  “What do you mean? I know you came to pay your respects to Nan.”

  “Not then. The day you married Jack. I flew back the morning of your wedding. Elliott told me months before, and I ignored it. I acted like I didn’t care, and it wasn’t until the day of the wedding that I flew back. I was planning on stopping the wedding, to confess my love to you and how it would be a mistake, but then I saw you. You were standing outside in your dress with Nan. Her hands were on your face, and you had this smile that I’d never seen before. I convinced myself it was because you were in love with Jack, that you were happy. I hid behind the big oak near the dock and watched as they pronounced you man and wife. When Jack rushed in to kiss you, I slipped away. I couldn’t stand there and watch the two of you walk down the aisle as husband and wife.”

  Holding Leslie’s stare I stand, walk around the counter and drag her close to me. “I didn’t know until years later, when Nan called to tell me that she was sick, that you were unhappy. She also informed me that she saw me and wanted to know why I didn’t interject.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “Told her I wasn’t ready to love you the way you needed to be loved. That if we were meant to be, it would happen. It would happen when I knew I could love you enough for the both of us.”

  “That makes no sense to me, Justin. I loved you so much that I married someone expecting them to love me back like you do.”

  “I know this now; I blame myself daily for the years that we let slip away. But now, we can handle the hurdles. We can build what we once had and make us stronger than any tide could ever be.”

  “Are you saying you love me?”

  “Yes, Leslie, I love you, and I want to give this an honest try. Even more than I wanted before I came back home. I know the timing sucks, but we can do this, right?”

  “Yes, we can,” she says and before either of us can utter another word, I have her pressed against the counter. Sliding her shirt up and over her head, I step back and take her in. The way her eyes are wanton with need. I need her now, like this—wild and dazed with lust. The urge to claim her in my house, in every room, is strong. I don’t waste any time as I slide her into position and take what I want. I lean back, watching the way her head falls backward, letting me use her body in the way that we’ve become accustomed to now.

  Just as we both are reaching our climax, the house fills with not only our echoes but the sound of the doorbell. Kissing the top of her head, I pull back and let her down gently. Pulling up my pants, I walk toward the door in a daze. Coming back, I’m shocked to find Leslie put back together and waiting for my return.

  “Good thing you ordered a bunch; I have a feeling we’ll need substance later.” She winks in my direction as she searches for plates in the cabinet. I could just tell her where they are, but what fun would that be. It’s more enjoyable watching her find her way around my kitchen.

  With a satisfied look plastered on her face, she places two porcelain square plates down in front of me. Like our normal style, we sync back in as a couple.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The time difference has me all out of whack. With barely three hours of sleep last night, Justin made it clear that I should get some rest while he’s at his meeting this morning. Of course when he left, he promised to bring me food and himself. I can smell the coffee that he brewed right before leaving, and I can’t lay here any longer. The sun brightly shines in the room; it’s not the casting glow that I’m used to at home. This is more like a maximum lightbulb just turned on and has a straight stream into the room. Justin’s room doesn’t have curtains, only blinds that he seems to never close. Sliding his shirt over my naked body, I pad out and down the stairs to the kitchen. He promised that he had stuff in the fridge for my coffee. I simply responded with ‘I saw it all last night.’ I was being honest when I said that, because that was the only thing in the fridge. He had three different creamers, juice, and some green stuff in a jug that I have no plans of trying. I’ll let him have his own science project.

  Locating the mugs, I pour in the black goodness and grab the cream to make for the perfect morning. With nothing else to do, I decide to invade his office. At home in the mornings when I don’t have to rush around and get ready for work, I curl up with a book and my coffee to relax. There’s nothing wrong with doing the same here. I mean, with a bookcase filled with words, who could pass the opportunity up? I sure can’t. Setting my mug down on his desk, I notice the stack of papers to the right with the words, ‘When the Fog Lifts’ Final Draft. I run my fingers along the title page. Dragging my bottom lip in through my teeth, I have an internal agreement with myself. I’ve read all the ones before this, and I’m dying to know how he wraps up the series. I can’t help what happens next. In the blink of an eye, I’m curled up on the sofa in his office with my coffee next to me and his manuscript in my lap. I’ll just browse through the first chapter. That’s all I need until I get my copy like promised.

  The first page placed down next to me, I move to the next where his dedication in.


  Leslie, you are the light that shines through the darkness casting a glow off the fog banked shore. May your light always guide me home.

  I can’t help the glassy eyes that happen as I read and re-read his words. In all his other books, I’ve felt that they were to me or Nan, possibly. But I was never a hundred percent certain. This one, there’s no mistake on who this is for. I continue flipping the pages down on top of each other until I get to the first chapter.

  Chapter One

  The rumor around the tiny island is that a disappearance hasn’t happened since a husband and wife disappeared, leaving their small child behind. I’ve been asking around to find more answers, but no one wants to talk. I can’t help but ask why they don’t seem affected by this. How is it that two people can disappear with no trace? How is a child left behind to be raised by its grandmother and town? These are the answers that we seek while exploring another round of mysteries here on Kingston Island. Where did they go? Who is responsible for the myth? Was there corruption behind the scenes that led to this case? I’m not sure, but it’s going to require another trip down to speak to the dockhand. She seems to hold the key to all the mysteries before us.

  I’m not sure if I’m reading the first page correctly. Does Justin know he’s writing my story? This is about my family. This is about me. I can’t bring myself to continue as rage fills me. I’m so upset that my hands are shaking. Tears are no longer front and center. No, this is betrayal on so many different levels. I shouldn’t read anymore, but I flip down a hand full of pages to see what I can find next.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You’re the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Getts, correct?”

  “Yes, and you are?”

  “Excuse me, where are my manners. I’m Detective Javier, and I’m looking into the disappearance of your parents. I was told that you have found a key.”

  “Mr. Javier, I’m not sure what key you’re talking about.”

  “Well, is your grandmother here? I’d love to speak with her to see if she has any answers.”

  “She’s not feeling well and is laying down. Can you tell me why all of a sudden you’re here searching for answers?”

  “I’ve been researching the island for some time. I started with the first recorded incidents and it’s all led me to your parents. They’re the last who have gone missing and since then nothing. The case is cold and stale. I have a feeling they are all linked together and once the last set was done, the person walked away.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Javier, but I have no information. Sorry I can’t help more. I was only five when this happened, and it was never talked about.”

  “I understand. If you don’t mind, here’s my card. I would love to speak with your grandmother when she’s feeling up to it

  I quickly lay down another handful of pages, scrolling through as I do. I can’t explain the way my face must look as I hear Justin clearing his throat from the door. Lifting what’s left of the manuscript, I take a chance and look at him. My eyes begging for him to explain what this is.

  “Leslie.” His voice is strained and laced with worry.

  “Justin, how could you? What is this? Is it really me?” I ask as my voice cracks from holding back the tears. I’m trying to not break down, trying to be strong, but the weight of this realization is strong.

  “In a way it is, but it’s more. It’s our story.”

  Standing hastily, the unread pages drop the floor causing an echo through the room. I watch as Justin’s eyes follow the mess to the hardwood. I, on the other hand, couldn’t care less if it catches on fire, burning every last word etched on those pages. Stepping close enough to him to make sure he can hear my words. “Justin, we don’t have a story. That’s not for me, it’s for you and you only. Was that the reason the whole time? Was it a way to make a dollar? To put my life out there in the world for you to make money? Why? Why did you ever step foot back on that island?”

  Justin’s arm reaches out for me, but I immediately back away as I’m afraid of his touch. I’m scared to death that I might change my mind and stay here if I allow him to touch me.

  “Leslie, stop for a moment and let me explain, please. I never thought this would hurt you like this. I put so much spin on the background throughout the series that I needed to end it with a final chapter. A chapter that shows love, loss, and secrets.”

  “You might have, but the one thing you didn’t prepare yourself for was to lose me forever. I can’t be with you, and I hope I never see you again. What you did without my knowledge is the worst thing you could’ve ever done. Nan would be so disappointed.” With the last word, I walk past him, making sure there’s enough room for me to get by without our bodies skimming each others. Quickly, I head to his bedroom and toss the few items that I had taken out back into my carry-on. There’s no way I can stay here. I need to go home, home where I’m far from Justin Albott and his betrayal. In all the years with all the different heartaches, this is the worst of them yet. I never thought that another person could hurt me the way Justin just did. I’m angry with myself. Angry that I didn’t notice how he was using me, how he just wanted to make his story work. I should’ve seen this coming. Hell, I’ve read his books. I know the series and now that I stop to think about it, they’ve all been about my family. The difference is the names and other elements that he’s added to make it not sound real. It would only be real to those who have lived the story.

  Zipping my suitcase, I pick it up and stand it upright next to me. With one final look around the room where I thought I’d visit more often, I turn and walk out. Justin’s by the door when I approach. His hands are crossed over his chest, one leg resting out for support as the other is leaning against the wall. His head and eyes are focused on the floor beneath him.

  “Leslie, can we talk for a moment?”

  “No, Justin. There’s nothing left to say about this.”

  “Yes, there’s plenty to say. You’re just doing what you normally do—


  “I’m not running, Justin. I’m leaving, there’s a difference.”

  “Not really. You’ve never been one to face your anger. You just sweep it under the rug and try to forget about it.”

  “This can’t be swept under some rug; this is classified as a betrayal. You wrote about the worst experience in my life without asking. How can you not see this?”

  “How can it be the worst when you don’t remember it?”

  “I do, I remember every day, every birthday, every joyful event in my life that my parents aren’t here. I remember that they are gone.”

  “You really aren’t going to let me explain or accept this, are you?”

  “No, I can’t forgive this, Justin.”

  “I called for an Uber, it’ll be here soon.”

  I don’t tell him thank you. Instead, I open the door and walk out like this never happened. I’m not sure if I’ll recover from this, but one thing’s for certain—I’ve seen the side of Justin that I’ve witnessed online. His second life. The one that he’s created to become famous. The one where family, friends, and morals are disgraced. He deserves this life. He deserves whatever he gets in life.

  A black sedan pulls up in the driveway. Before Justin can stop me, I open the back door and place my carry-on bag in the backseat before sliding in. Letting the driver know that I need to go to the airport, I lean back and stare back at Justin’s house. I can see his shadow in the front window. My heart shudders from the loss of him. From the fact that I thought I was enough, that the two of us would pick back up where we left off. That I could be enough for the real Justin to come back to me. All these years, I’ve held out hope that we could re-write our past, to start a future together. What kind of future would we have if it was built on lies and personalities that are created to just win in life? I don’t know how he keeps up with the façade that he has going on. Does Christina know the real Justin? Would she approve of the two different sides of the man that she works for?

  I’ve heard stories of actors, actresses, and other public figures who have created new lives for themselves. Ones where the past is just that—the past. While the new limelight is what they crave. They have a need to be front and center, to cause drama only to sweep in and make it better. They go as far as erasing their family, friends, and loved ones from their lives. They figure money can buy them happiness, love, big houses, and fancy things. The real question is—are they truly following their passion, being true to themselves or what they think life should be like? It wouldn’t matter to me how much money I had in my bank account if the bookstore closed. All that would matter is that I stayed true to myself, to my morals. Not to mention, my friends and the ones who have always been there for me. I’m not only depressed for the loss of Justin, but because he’s lost his way in life. If he thinks this is the only way to be, then he’s never known his true self-worth.

  Once inside the airport, I send a quick text to Haddie letting her know that I’m heading home. I also request that she not speak with Justin until I arrive. There’s no way I’m explaining this through text, and a phone conversation isn’t private at this moment. Unlike Justin, I don’t wish to air his dirty laundry to the public.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Staring out the window of the plane, I take in the sight of New York as we approach. It’s not my first time here, and over the next few months it won’t be my last. I use to love coming here, but now the only place I want to return to is where Leslie is. It wouldn’t matter if she moved to the North Pole, I’d follow her. I’d follow her to the end of the world if it meant that she’d forgive me. It’s been a few days since Leslie left after reading ‘When The Fog Lifts’. She’s not answering my calls, and Haddie won’t return my calls. The only person from Kingston Island who will pick up when I call is Elliott. That was what I call an awkward conversation. I told him the whole story, explained that I didn’t write one bad word about any of them. It was only fiction and a part of the series. That I didn’t come back to get answers or to use their lives for my personal gain. Elliott wasn’t sure if Leslie would ever forgive me or understand what I was doing. I’ve begged Christina to put a stop to the production, but it’s too late for that now. The only thing I can do is use my interviews for a chance to explain this series. To hopefully express the story behind each and every single one of them. To let my readers know that this is so much more than another mystery novel. I’m planning to use Christina’s words on the romance aspect of every single chapter. Those are the words that Leslie didn’t read, the ones she skipped over and left out. They’re the words that I needed her to read, the ones that would speak to her heart. I’d planned on explaining the book to her before she read it, hoping that by doing so I could br
eak the ice beforehand.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to LaGuardia Airport. The temperature is currently a sunny eighty degrees. Thank you for flying with Delta today and we hope you enjoy your stay.”

  With the sound of the flight attendant echoing through the cabin, I unbuckle and get ready to grab my items from the above stowaway. I’ve got enough time to check in at my hotel and get changed before heading over to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. This is the first time being on his show and for the life of me, I can’t figure out why Christina did this. Sunday will be an off day and then Monday morning I’m on Good Morning America. They host an interview with each new release of mine.

  Sitting in the chair next to Jimmy Fallon, I run my hands down the length of my jeans as he says, “Did you hear this crowd when I announced that you were going to be here tonight?”


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