Book Read Free

Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg

Page 60

by Jack Kerouac

  JK gives poems to

  and JK-Rosenberg meeting

  and JK views about publishing

  JK visit with

  and Lamantia works

  Lord lunch with

  and Mexico City Blues

  and Persky works

  and publication of JK works

  in San Francisco

  and “Sather Gate,”

  and Snyder works

  and Subterraneans

  and Visions of Gerard

  and Visions of Neal

  and “Zizi’s Lament,”

  Allen, Steve

  “America” (AG)

  Americana: JK views about

  American Academy of Arts and Letters

  American Mercury magazine

  American Revolution

  Amsterdam, The Netherlands: AG in

  Anderson, Joan

  “The Angels in the World” (JK)

  Ansen, Alan

  AG invitation from

  AG letters to/from

  and AG as literary agent

  and AG in Mexico

  AG reading works of

  and AG in San Jose

  AG visits with

  and AG writing abilities

  as Auden secretary

  and Burroughs

  on Cape Cod

  disappearance of

  and drugs

  Duncan abilities similar to

  in Europe

  and Gaddis

  influence on AG of

  invitation to JK from

  JK comments about

  JK inquiries about

  JK letters to/from

  JK missing of

  and JK-Orlovsky letters

  and JK plans to visit Europe

  and JK in San Francisco

  JK sends regards to

  JK suggestion for writings by

  JK visits with

  nihilism of

  publication of works by

  and Whalen

  writings of


  Antoninus, Brother


  Aronowitz, Al


  AG views about

  JK views about

  Arts and Sciences grants

  Associated Press: AG job with

  Atlantic Monthly

  Auden, W. H.

  Avalokitesvara (JK)

  Avon Publications

  JK-AG editing anthology for

  Tristessa published by

  Babbitt, Irving

  Bach, Johann Sebastian

  Bacon, Francis (English painter)

  Baker, Jinny

  Baldwin, James

  Balzac, Honoré de

  Bantam Books

  Barnes, Djuna

  Barzun, Jacques

  Baudelaire, Charles


  Beat Generation

  AG advice to JK about writing about

  AG promotion of

  and brutality

  and Burroughs Junkey

  communist infiltration of

  confessions and honesties of 1947 of

  definition of

  Feldman-Citadel anthology about

  Holmes article about

  Holmes as co-expert on

  image of

  JK articles about

  JK-Corso article about

  JK interviews about

  JK views about

  and JK withdrawal

  key figures of

  as literary racquet

  Mademoiselle feature about

  as “San Francisco Renaissance,”

  Beat Generation (Corso)

  Beat Generation (JK)

  and Cowley

  dreams about Hollywood buying

  Giroux requests copy of

  Harper article about

  publication of

  as title for On the Road

  Beat Generation (JK play)

  Beat Generation (movie)

  Beat Generation Road (JK)

  The Beat Traveler (JK)

  Beatitude magazine

  Beckett, Samuel

  Beebe, Lucius

  Beethoven, Ludwig van

  Belson, Jordan

  Berkeley Blues (JK)

  Berkeley, California

  AG in

  AG plans to move to

  JK in

  JK move to

  JK writings about

  Berkeley Review

  Bickford’s cafeteria (New York City): AG job at

  big meat poems, AG

  Big Sur: JK at

  Big Sur (JK)

  Big Table magazine

  “Birthday Ode” (AG)

  Black Mountain Review

  Blake, Nin (JK sister)

  Blake, Paul

  Blake, William

  Bles Blues (JK)

  Bloom (mental patient)


  Book of Blues (JK)

  Book of Dreams (JK)

  The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice (AG)

  Bowery Blues (JK)

  Bowles, Jane

  Bowles, Paul

  Brandel, Marc

  Brando, Marlon

  Brata Gallery: JK poetry reading at

  Bremser, Ray

  Brierly, Justin

  Brody, Iris

  Bronx County Jail: Kerouac in

  Brooks, Eugene “Gene” (AG brother)

  AG buying Corso records for

  AG dream of killing

  and AG financial affairs

  and AG in jail

  as AG lawyer

  AG letters to/from

  and AG in mental hospital

  and AG in Mexico

  AG relationship with

  and AG return to New York City

  and AG trip to New York City

  and AG views about U.S.

  AG visit with

  and AG X letter

  and bed for AG

  children of

  and closing on JK house

  Columbia lawsuit against

  Garen resemblance to

  and JK book contracts

  and JK child support payments

  and JK finances

  JK house near

  JK letter to

  and JK-Orlovsky (Laff) investigation

  and JK plans to visit California

  and JK television appearance

  and JK trip to New York City

  JK views about

  JK visit with

  and keeping in touch with AG

  and Naomi in mental hospital

  in North Carolina

  and Solomon in mental hospital

  wedding of

  Broyard, Anatole

  Brubeck, Dave

  Buchwald, Art

  Buddha Tells Us (JK)


  AG comments about

  AG interest in

  AG writings about

  Burroughs interest in

  and Carr

  and Elvins

  JK belief in

  and JK-Orlovsky (Laff) investigation

  JK thoughts of abandoning

  JK translations of works about

  JK writings about

  and Lamantia

  and Orlovsky (Peter)

  Burford, Bev

  Burford, Bob

  Burnett, Dave

  Burroughs, Joan (common-law wife)

  Burroughs, William “Bill” “Denison”

  Adams as common-law wife of

  and Allen

  and Americana

  and Avon anthology

  Bacon as similar to

  Baldwin comments about

  banning of works of

  and Big Table magazine

  and Buchwald interview

  and Buddhism

  Burford comments about

  and Carr

  and changes in world

  children of

  code names for

  and Columbia get-t

  and communism

  and Corso

  and Cowley

  as crazy

  criticisms of

  curiosity of

  “Doc Benway” by

  drawling act of

  and drugs

  in Ecuador

  in Europe and North Africa -

  and extinction of human race

  as Factualist

  and Ferlinghetti

  finances of

  finger story of

  Florida trip of

  and Frechtman

  and Garver

  help for compiling and typing works of

  as homosexual

  and Huncke

  and Huston meeting

  as Ignu

  illness of

  imitations of

  inquisitiveness of

  intelligentsia views of

  Interzone by

  Junkey by

  and KiKi

  lack of information about

  and laughing disease

  and LaVigue-Orlovsky-AG relationship

  Lee as pseudonym of

  as “leprous,”

  as lost

  Marker relationship with

  in mental hospital

  and Merchant Marine

  in Mexico

  Mexico knowledge of

  mind views of

  money views of

  and morality

  movie idea of

  Naked Lunch by

  and New Guinea Disease

  and new literary movement

  New York City trip of

  nihilism of

  in Peru

  as picking up women

  police search for

  publication of works by

  and publicity for Junkey

  Queer by

  and religion

  return to U.S. of

  and Rexroth

  Rothschild friend of

  San Francisco visit of

  “saving” of

  “Sebastian Midnite” by

  and sex

  Shakespeare knowledge of

  at Sheepshead Bay

  and Solomon

  and South America trip

  Spenglerian and anthropological ideas of

  Stern praised by

  in Texas

  trial of

  trust fund of

  Burroughs, William “Bill” “Denison” (cont’d)

  and Vidal

  Wernham compared with

  and White death

  and Wieners

  and Word Hoard

  writing method of

  writings of

  Yage Letters of

  and yage vine

  Yiddishe Kopfe of

  Burroughs, William “Bill” “Denison,” and AG

  advice to AG from

  AG in agreement with

  AG comments and concerns about

  AG desire to make movie about

  AG dreams about

  and AG fears

  and AG finances

  and AG as genius

  AG inquiries about

  and AG and JK helping each other

  and AG-JK letters

  and AG legal problems

  AG letters to/from

  AG as literary agent for-

  and AG-Lord letters

  and AG madness

  and AG in mental hospital

  and AG in Mexico

  AG ode to son of

  AG plans to visit

  AG references to

  AG relationship with

  AG reliance on

  and AG self-image

  AG sends money to

  and AG views about death

  AG views about writings of

  and AG and women

  and AG writing abilities

  analysis of AG by

  and Burroughs as complication in AG-JK friendship

  and Howl trial

  Burroughs, William “Bill” “Denison,” and JK

  advice to JK from

  in Beat Generation

  and Burroughs as laughing at JK

  and “cityCityCITY,”

  comments about JK of

  as complication in AG-JK friendship

  And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks (with JK) by

  and JK and AG helping each other

  and JK-AG letters

  and JK article explaining Beat Generation

  JK borrows money from

  JK cancels appointment with

  JK comments and concerns about

  JK daydreams about

  JK desire to visit

  and JK divorce

  JK fear of

  and JK finances

  JK hope to see

  and JK idea for movie

  JK imitating style of

  JK inquiries about

  JK letters to/from

  JK loans money to

  JK love for

  JK missing of

  JK plans to visit

  and JK plans to visit Europe

  JK promotion of works of

  and JK psychic balance

  JK relationship with Burroughs

  and JK self-image

  and JK as success

  JK thoughts of murdering

  and JK views of half-of-life-is death

  and JK views of people as godlike

  JK visits with

  and JK writing of Doctor Sax

  and JK writing method

  JK writings about

  letter to JK mother from

  and On the Road

  and T&C

  Burroughs, Willie

  Butorac, Pete

  Caen, Herb


  JK decides not to go to

  JK plans/desires to visit

  Cambridge Review

  Cannastra, Bill

  Cape Cod: AG’s desire to go to

  Capote, Truman

  car crash: of AG

  Carman, Dean

  Carr, Cessa von Hartz

  Carr, Lucien “Claude”

  and Beat Generation confessions and honesties

  in Brazil

  and Buddhism

  and Burroughs

  Celine relationship with

  code names for

  and Corso

  drinking by

  egocentrism of

  as family man

  Garcia Villa meeting with

  and girl on skates

  and Hardy poetry

  heroes in writings of

  illness of

  imitations of

  in jail

  and Joan poem dream

  jobs for

  and Kammerer murder

  and liberation of Paris

  Livornese relationship with

  and love

  and “Lucienism” efforts

  marriage of

  and Mexico

  and new literary movement

  and new vision

  New Year’s Eve parties at

  and New York monster scenery

  nihilism of

  at parties

  in prison

  publication of work by

  and reality

  religion of

  resentment of

  Robinson as friend of

  in San Francisco

  “saving” of

  self-image of

  self-understanding of

  and shrouded stranger phrase

  spirituality of

  views about New York City of

  at Village Vanguard

  wedding of

  women/lovers of

  Carr, Lucien “Claude,” and AG

  AG comments about

  AG desire to see

  AG dreams about

  AG inquiries about

  and AG-JK letters

  and AG legal problems

  AG letters to/from

  AG as living with

and AG in mental hospital

  and AG in Mexico

  and AG new faith

  and AG New York City visit

  AG painting house for

  and AG poems

  AG poems dedicated to

  AG regard to

  AG relationship with

  AG reliance on

  and AG self-understanding

  AG sends love to

  AG similarity to

  AG talks with

  AG views about

  and AG views about death

  and AG views about hate

  and AG views about systems

  and AG visions

  AG visits with

  AG at wedding of

  and AG and women

  and AG writing abilities

  and Burroughs-AG relationship

  comments/views about AG of

  and Howl trial

  influence on AG of

  invitation to AG from

  and Siesta in Xbalba

  understanding of AG poems by

  Carr, Lucien “Claude,” and JK

  advice to JK of

  and Baker-JK relationship

  as character in JK writings

  comments about JK of

  comments about T&C of

  and Doctor Sax

  and JK-AG letters

  JK car rides with

  JK comments about

  and JK as “disreputable writer,”

  and JK drinking

  and JK finances

  and JK illness

  JK as imitating

  JK inquiries about

  and JK interview about San Francisco murders

  JK letters to/from

  JK love for

  and JK madness at AG

  JK memories of

  and JK move to California

  JK need to impress

  JK New Jersey trip with

  and JK in New York City

  and JK Paris trip

  JK relationship with

  and JK in San Francisco

  and JK self-image

  JK settling of arguments with

  JK similarity to

  and JK views of half-of-life-is death

  JK visits/talks with

  and JK wedding

  and JK withdrawal

  JK writing compared with that of

  JK writings about

  and On the Road

  and selling of JK seaman’s papers

  support for JK by

  and T&C advertising

  and Tristessa revisions

  Carroll, Paul

  Cassady, Carolyn

  Ackerman similarity to

  AG comments about

  and AG in Mexico

  and AG in San Jose

  and AG-JK letters

  AG letters to

  and AG-Neal relationship

  AG relationship with

  AG visits with

  in Arizona

  and Cayce

  divorce of

  Horney influence on

  as JK advisor about women

  and JK and Buddhism

  and JK-Cassady visit with Lamantia

  JK comments about

  JK contemplates living with Neal and

  and JK influence on Neal

  JK relationship with

  and JK San Francisco visit

  and JK trip to Mexico

  JK views about

  JK visits with

  and JK writings

  and Neal cross-country car trip

  and Neal in jail

  and Neal jobs

  Neal relationship with

  pregnancy of

  in San Jose

  second marriage of


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