Book Read Free

Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg

Page 61

by Jack Kerouac

  Tennessee trip of

  Cassady, Diana Hansen

  Cassady, Neal “Pommy”

  and Ansen

  in Arizona

  birthday of

  Brierly offer to help

  car trips of

  Carolyn relationship with

  and Cayce

  and Chase letters

  childhood and youth of

  children of

  code names for

  in Colorado

  and Corso

  Diana relationship with

  divorce of

  and Dostoevsky story

  dreams of

  and drugs

  finances of

  The First Third by

  Garen play about

  and Gould

  and Greek and poem styles

  and Hinkle

  as Ignu

  illness of

  imitations of

  injuries of

  and Jackson

  in jail

  “Joan Anderson letter” of

  jobs of

  and Lamantia

  Lustig play about

  and Mann lecture

  marriage of

  and Mexico

  and new literary movement

  and New Year’s Eve party (1948)

  New York City trip plans of

  nihilism of

  picture of

  in prison

  publication of works by

  relationship with people of

  as religious

  in San Francisco

  in San Jose

  and Six Gallery readings

  and Solomon

  soul of

  as stealing book from Giroux

  stealing of car by

  and Sublette

  Tennessee trip of

  and Williams (Sheila)

  and women in The Netherlands

  women/lovers of

  writing abilities of

  writings of Cassady, Neal “Pommy,” and AG

  AG comments and concerns about

  and AG decision not to go to San Francisco

  AG dedication of poems to

  AG dreams about

  and AG in Europe

  AG feelings about

  and AG finances

  AG first meets

  and AG illness

  AG inquiries about

  AG jealousy of

  AG job recommendation for

  and AG in San Francisco

  and AG in San Jose

  and AG-JK letters

  and AG legal problems

  AG letters to/from

  and AG as literary agent

  and AG in mental hospital

  and AG in Mexico

  and AG plans to leave San Francisco

  AG poems about

  AG relationship with

  AG requests letter/poems from

  AG sends writings to

  AG visit with

  AG working with

  comments about AG poems of

  feelings about AG of

  and Howl trial

  influence on AG of

  Cassady, Neal “Pommy,” and JK

  as actor in JK plays/movies

  borrows money from JK

  as characters in JK writings

  and Cowley changes to On the Road

  and Doctor Sax

  as hating JK

  influence on JK of

  and JK-AG letters

  and JK and Buddhism

  JK comments about

  JK desire to see

  and JK finances

  JK first meets

  JK imitation of

  and JK in Berkeley

  and JK in Denver

  JK influence on

  and JK in Mexico

  and JK in San Francisco

  JK job recommendation for

  JK letters to/from

  JK living with

  and JK move to California

  and JK on television

  and JK plans/desires to visit San Francisco

  and JK plans to visit Paris

  and JK plans to visit San Francisco

  JK play about

  JK reading poetry to

  JK relationship with

  JK thoughts about

  and JK trip to Mexico

  JK trip to San Francisco with

  JK views about

  and JK views of half-of-life-is death

  and JK visit to Denver

  and JK visit to San Francisco

  JK visits with

  and JK withdrawal

  and JK works in New World Writing

  JK writing compared with that of

  JK writings about

  and jobs for JK

  and On the Road

  See also Visions of Neal

  cat joke, Hoffman’s


  cave: and AG in Mexico

  “Caw Caw” (AG)

  Cayce, Edgar

  and AG in San Jose

  AG views about

  and AG views about U.S.

  and Cassady (Carolyn)

  Cassady (Diana) letters from

  Cassady interest in

  and JK and Buddhism

  JK comments about

  Céline, Louis-Ferdinand

  Cervantes, Miguel de

  Cézanne, Paul

  chain poem manifesto, AG

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Chase, Hal

  AG comments about

  AG compared with

  AG inquiries about

  and AG introspection

  AG letters to/from

  AG reliance on

  AG sex poem about

  AG thoughts about

  and AG views about hate

  and Americana

  and Cassady

  death of

  in Denver

  JK views about

  and JK views about people as godlike

  lack of information about

  leaves Berkeley

  and love

  lovers of

  profoundness of

  reputation of

  and seminarists

  T&C comments by

  vision of

  Chicago, Illinois

  AG trip to

  JK in

  Chicago Review


  AG’s views about

  and JK’s child support payments

  JK’s views about


  AG trip to

  JK invitation to visit

  Citron, Casper

  City Lights Bookstore (San Francisco, California)

  “cityCityCITY” (JK)

  Civil Liberties Union

  civil war novel, JK


  “Classic Unity” (AG)

  Climax magazine

  Cloud of Unknowing (anon.)

  Cocteau, Jean

  Cold War

  colleges/universities: AG views about


  JK in

  See also Denver, Colorado

  Columbia Presbyterian Hospital

  Columbia University

  AG debt to

  Ginsberg as student at

  See also specific person

  Combustion magazine

  Commentary magazine


  “The Complaint of the Skelton to Time” (AG)

  Confidence Man (AG)

  Constable, Rosalind

  contemplatives: AG views about

  Corso, Gregory

  abstract poetry of

  as actor

  and Allen

  “Army Army Army” by

  “Arnold” by

  Beat Generation views of

  “Bomb” by

  Buchwald interview of

  and Buddhism

  and Burroughs

  and Carr

  and Cassady

  as celebrity

; and City Lights

  “Clown” by

  “Concourse Didils” by

  and Cowley

  and de Angulo (Gui)

  drinking by

  and drugs

  Esquire picture of

  European trip of

  and Ferlinghetti

  finances of

  Garcia Villa views about

  Gasoline by

  as greatest Italian poet

  and Hanover records

  Happy Birthday of Death by

  and Huston meeting

  in jail

  and Jarrell

  Laughlin inquiry about

  as leading poet of Beat Generation

  leaves New York for West Coast

  and Lee copy of The Subterraneans

  and Lord

  in Los Angeles

  Mexico trip of

  moon chain poem by

  and Moreland

  Negro incident of

  and Orlovsky visit to New York City

  paintings/drawings by

  in Paris

  Persky compared with

  plays of

  poems by

  poetry readings of

  “Power” by

  publication of works by

  and religion

  as romantic

  style of

  This Hungup Age by

  “use use use” poem by

  The Vestal Lady on Brattle by

  in Washington

  wedding of

  at Wesleyan College

  and Wieners

  and Williams

  women/lovers of

  writing by

  Corso, Gregory, and AG

  AG borrowing money from

  AG comments about

  and AG in Alaska

  AG letters to/from

  and AG poetry

  AG reading of works of

  AG relationship with

  AG sends respects to

  AG views about works of

  and Howl

  Corso, Gregory, and JK

  and Giroux views about Doctor Sax

  and JK article explaining Beat Generation

  JK comments about

  JK copies of poems of

  and JK-Corso article about Beat Generation

  and JK finances

  and JK idea for movie

  JK inquiries about

  and JK in Washington Park

  JK letters to/from

  and JK lifestyle change

  and JK losing copy of Corso poem

  JK missing of

  and JK plans to visit Paris

  JK poem about

  JK praise for

  JK proposes AG write book about

  JK reading of works of

  JK relationship with

  and JK stolen poems

  JK views about

  and JK views about poetry

  and JK visit to New York City

  JK visit with

  JK writings about

  On the Road copy for

  poem about JK by

  Cowen, Elise

  Cowley, Malcolm

  and AG copy of Subterraneans

  and AG Guggenheim application

  AG meeting with

  AG views about

  and AG writings

  and Beat Generation

  and Buddha Tells Us

  and Burroughs works

  and “cityCityCITY,”

  and Corso writings

  and The Dharma Bums

  and Doctor Sax

  JK compares AG with

  JK drinking with

  and JK finances

  and JK grant

  JK letters to/from

  JK mentioned in book by

  and JK offer to go to Mexico

  JK relationship with

  as JK supporter

  JK views about

  and JK visit to New York City

  and On the Road

  and publication of JK works

  and Rexroth support for JK

  San Francisco trip of

  and Solomon knowledge about publication of JK’s works

  as Viking Press consultant

  Williams-AG discussion about

  Crane, Hart

  Crazy Lights (AG)

  “A Crazy Spiritual” (AG)

  credo, AG’s

  Creeley, Robert

  crime: JK’s views about

  Criterion Publishing

  critics: JK views about

  Cru, Henri

  crucifix, JK’s


  AG story about

  AG trip to

  U.S. war with

  culture: JK’s views about

  cummings, e. e.

  Cummings, Robert

  Dahlberg, Edward

  Dakar Doldrums (AG)

  Dancingmaster. See Brierly, Justin

  Dante Alighieri

  Davalos, Dick

  Davis, Miles

  De Angulo, Gui

  de Angulo, Jaime


  AG views about

  and JK self-image

  JK views about

  lack of imagination as

  madness as

  as subject of poetry

  Williams views about

  of world

  “The Death of George Martin” (JK)

  Delpire Publishing

  Delta Chemical Works

  Dempsey, David

  Denver, Colorado

  AG plans to visit

  JK trip to

  The Denver Doldrums (AG)

  Desolation Angels (JK)

  Desolation Peak, Washington

  Deutsch Publications

  The Dharma Bums (JK)

  Diamond, David

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, Emily

  Doctor Sax (JK)

  and AG as agent for JK

  AG letter to NY Times about

  AG reading in Vancouver of

  AG views about

  and Allen

  and Carr comments about JK

  characters in

  contract for

  and Cowley

  and criticisms of JK

  Giroux views about

  JK autographs copies of

  and JK finances

  JK poems in

  and JK reputation

  JK views about

  and JK views about U.S.

  JK writing new scenes for

  and Lord

  as myth

  origins of

  prophecy in

  publication of

  reviews of

  revisions for

  Rexroth views about

  sex in

  Van Doren views about

  writing of

  Dodd Mead Publisher

  Donlin, Bob

  Don’t Knowbody Laff Behind My America Hunchback (AG)

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor


  JK views about

  and poetry


  JK views about

  See also visions; specific person

  drums: AG playing

  Dulles, John Foster

  Duncan, Robert

  du Peru, Peter

  Durgin, Russell

  Dutton Publishing

  Eager, Alan

  earthquakes, Mexican

  Eberhart, Richard


  education: JK views about

  Einstein, Albert

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  “Elegy for Mother” (AG)

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elvins, Kells

  Empty Mirror (AG)

  Encounter magazine

  Encyclopedia Britannica: JK reading of

  Enrique (Mexican hipster)

  Escapade magazine

  Esoteric Records: JK reading for

  Esquire magazine

  Essentials of Spontaneous Prose (JK)


  AG in

  AG plans/desire to visit

  AG poems about

  AG reluctance to go to

  JK in

  JK plans/desires to visit

  See also Paris, France; specific person

  European Blues (JK)

  Evergreen Review


  AG views about

  Burford views about


  “Fall of America” (AG)

  fame: JK views about

  “The Fantasy of the Fair” (AG)

  Fantasy Records

  Farrar Straus

  fathers: JK views about

  Faulkner, William

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Feldman-Citadel: Beat Generation anthology of

  Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

  AG comments about

  and AG finances

  and AG recordings

  and Allen (Donald)

  arrest of

  and banning of AG and JK works

  Big Sur cabin of

  and Big Table magazine deal

  and Book of Dreams

  and Burroughs works

  Chile trip of

  and Corso works

  Evergreen recordings of

  and Howl

  and JK Blues

  JK buys books from

  and JK finances

  and JK invitation to Chile

  JK letters to/from

  and JK writing about Corso

  and Kaddish

  and Lamantia works

  and Mexico City Blues

  and “Old Angel” poem

  and rejections from Chicago Review

  and Snyder works

  and Whalen

  Field, Joyce

  Fields, W. C.

  Fitzgerald, Jack

  Five Spot bar (New York City)


  AG in

  Burroughs in

  JK in

  JK plans to visit

  JK trip with Frank to

  JK writings about

  Foley, Martha

  Folio magazine

  Ford Foundation

  Forst, Miles

  Fox, Bill

  Fox, Joe

  “Fragments of the Monument” (AG)

  Frank, Robert

  Frechtman, Bernard


  See also relationship, AG-JK

  Fromm (mental patient)

  Gallimard Publishing

  Garcia Villa, Jose

  Garen, Leon

  Garver, Bill

  and AG

  Burroughs views about

  death of

  and drugs

  and JK

  in Mexico

  and White death

  Gellhorn, Martha

  Genet, Jean


  gentleman’s agreement

  Geological Institute of Mexico

  Gide, André

  Giggling Ling

  Gilmore, Bill

  Ginsberg, Allen

  accomplishments of

  appearance of

  birthday of

  depression of

  double nature of

  dreams of

  drinking of

  and drugs

  education of

  ego of

  fears of

  finances of

  Gold story about

  grants and awards for

  homosexuality of

  illness of

  imitations of

  insecurity of

  introspection of

  in jail

  jobs for

  journal of

  legal problems of

  lovers/women of


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