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Highlander's Magic

Page 8

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “I’ll loan you a tunic whenever you wish. Hold on and dinnae let go.” He wrapped her hands around his neck then pushed her backward. Down they went, his mouth covering hers as the water closed over their heads. He kissed her, sharing his breath until he had no more to give. Not yet ready to let her go but having no other choice, he hauled her to the surface.

  “Oh.” She shivered then twined her fingers into his hair. “You make taking a dip fun. I’m not going to argue if you ever want to do that again.”

  “Let’s get you warmed up. There are plenty of blankets onboard.” He led her to the birlinn and gave her a boost.

  She clambered over the side, wrung out the ends of her shirt and tottered to the seat at the stern.

  From under his area near the rudder, he nabbed one of his tartans and bundled her in it. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes sparkled, although she must be tired. Facing his men, he ordered, “Hoist the sail and set course for Dunyvaig.”

  Once they’d seen to his bidding and were well on route, he eased in beside her.

  “Do you want to share this?” Marie unraveled one side of her blanket.

  “Nay, the wind will dry me quickly. I want you to rest.” He tucked the tartan back around her, tipped her legs onto the bench and settled her head in his lap.

  “I’m not really tired.”

  “Aye, you are. ’Tis the rush of war that keeps you awake. It’ll calm when you do.” He tucked her drying hair behind her ear. “Sleep. Now. That’s an order.”

  “You can’t order someone to”—yawning, she patted her mouth—“sleep.”

  “Orders are what I know best.”

  “So I’ve seen.” She curled a hand around his thigh and snuggled. “Although if I fall asleep it’s not because you ordered it, but because I want to be wide awake for later.”

  “For what reason, lass?”

  Her eyelids drooped as she murmured, “To seduce you. I know what kind of man you are, and I want more.”

  Every muscle in his body tensed. “You’ve already done so.”

  “Oh, I haven’t even begun to seduce you yet.” She stroked the soft leather of his trews. Her breathing evened out, and slowly, she drifted off.

  He relaxed.

  She was safe, and close.

  Exactly as he needed her to be.

  * * * *

  The boat rocked and dipped. Waves slapped against the birlinn’s sides, the sound pulling Marie further toward wakefulness.

  “Go back to sleep.” Archie’s voice floated over her then his lips brushed her cheek. “Sleep.”

  She stretched, wriggled onto her back and pushed her eyes open. Night had fallen, and the moon, hidden behind a layer of darkened cloud, cast Archie’s face in shadow. “Where are we?”

  “We’re almost home.”

  “Oh, good.” She cupped his stubbly jaw. “Thank you for coming for me. I’m not sure I actually told you that during my angry spiel.”

  “’Twas my duty. I gave you my promise of protection and I willnae fail you again.”

  “I know, but—” Using her elbows, she edged up and kissed his chin. The man took everyone’s protection right to heart. A soft heart indeed. “I realized something out there. I had no doubt you’d come. Your fighting nature was rather appealing at that point.”

  “You find me desirable?”

  “I find you completely distracting, and I like it.”

  He frowned. “I too find you distracting, and at a time when I must concentrate on the battle ahead. I cannae allow you to become a part of it.”

  “You’re too late. I already am.” She kissed him again, this time on his bottom lip. “Let’s distract each other. How soon until we’re in your chamber and all alone? I have a terrible need to distract every inch of you.”

  “Careful.” His cock hardened and poked into her lower back. “We’re no’ alone yet.”

  “Well, look at that.” She snuggled against him and he growled under his breath. “I’d love to distract that part of you.”

  “As I would you, but no’ here, even though ’tis dark.” He slid her onto the seat beside him.

  This warrior had no idea how independent twenty-first century women could be. Maybe there was a little bit of mischievous fae in her after all.

  She was about to have some spirited fun.

  Chapter 7

  Archie wanted naught more than to carry Marie straight to his chamber, toss her onto his bed, see to her every pleasure then keep her locked safe behind Dunyvaig’s walls. Damn his wish. He’d had no intention of bringing her this deeply into his battle.

  “What’s wrong? You look worried again, not that you’ve really stopped.”

  “The men require a short rest. At dawn, we’ll sail to Loch Gruinart. John awaits me there.” He stood as they rounded the tip into Lagavulin Bay. The faerie circle’s stones, dimly lit by the torchlight near the entrance, called a silent welcome. “Lower the sail, all to oars.”

  “You know I have to come with you, right?” She rose and gripped his hand. “That’s how my magic works.”

  “So you say, lass, but I dinnae wish to endanger you again.” He called to Eric and Will, “Take us in.”

  His men bounded over the side of the birlinn, seized the bow and guided it toward the stone landing where the water lapped its sides.

  A call rang out from his guardsmen atop the battlements. An answering shout of victory boomed from his men aboard.

  “Archie?” Marie’s gaze pleaded with him. “I meant what I said about that’s how my magic works. I can’t aid you unless I’m with you.”

  “I need to see to Mary first. She can be even more obstinate than you. Must be in your dual clan blood.” He sprang onto the stone steps then turned and aided Mary onto the landing. Holding her arm so she didn’t slip, he led her along the grassy area of the lower courtyard and up the embankment to the entrance.

  Mary glanced at him. “I know what you’re going to say, but—”

  “You’re no’ permitted to leave Dunyvaig until I’ve seen to MacLean, no’ one step outside this keep.”

  “Please, Archie.” Her riot of red-gold curls swayed around her waist as she shook her head. “I need to be able to return to the village.”

  “Angus will slit my throat if he hears I’ve placed your life in any further danger. Do you wish for me to have an early death?”

  “Nay.” Her shoulders sagged. “Must I truly remain here? Lachlan forges onward toward the Rhinns. I’m safe enough.”

  “MacLean took you once, and he may well try again. Here you will stay.” He kissed her forehead then handed her into the care of her maid who bustled forward.


  He swung around.

  Marie hurried along the trail then halted beside the faerie circle. The look of longing on her face had him racing toward her. He pulled her away, steered her through the gates and beyond the temptation of the stones. “You must never enter the circle. ’Tis a sacred place. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I’ll wait until your wish is done, but I’m coming to Loch Gruinart.” She stopped in the center of the bailey. “You can’t command me not to. We both know it’s the right thing to do.”

  “You’re under my care.”

  She took one step closer until the tips of her scuffed white boots touched his. “The last time we were separated, it didn’t go well. I need to be where you are. I can’t aid you with my magic otherwise.”

  “Captain.” Will strode toward him. “The men have asked when you wish to set sail?”

  “On the dawn’s high tide. Ensure sufficient supplies are stocked for the coming days.”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  With a hand at Marie’s back, he guided her inside and through the great hall. He called to one of the maids to bring a hot bath and a tray to his chamber. He led her up the winding stairs and into his room.

  “We have to talk about this.” Marie twirled around as he shut the door. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Of course she wouldn’t. Damn. Her resilience had its place, but not right now.

  * * * *

  Highlander men were far too obstinate for their own good. Well, this one had met his match, because so was Marie, and she wouldn’t back down until he agreed. “I’m coming.”

  “I realize you wish to, but there must be another way.” He bent before the hearth, lit the fire and stoked it into life.

  At a knock on the door, he crossed then bid the two lads to enter. Barefoot and with sooty imprints on the knees of their loose-legged breeches, they heaved a tub before the fireplace then scurried out. A servant entered carrying a tray with two steaming bowls and a trencher of meat. She set it on the side table beside a basin and jug.

  Another maid arrived next, set a drying cloth and bar of soap on the corner chair nearest the tub then laid an armful of clothing over the engraved lid of Archie’s wooden trunk. A splash of deep red peeked through from underneath a fur cloak.

  Enticed, she crossed the chamber and fingered the fine velvet gown. “Is this for me?”

  “’Tis one of Mary’s. She must have sent it.” Archie closed the door behind the servants then held out a chair for her. “Come and eat.”

  “Yes, please. This looks amazing.” She sat and breathed in the mouth-watering scent of mutton stew. Yum. A thick slice of bread was wedged half into it. She scooped it up, took a big bite then licked the richly flavored juices as they dribbled from the end. Delicious and hot.

  “Is it good?” He knelt at her feet, tugged her boots off and set them before the fire to dry.

  “The best I’ve ever tasted. Sit with me.”

  He pulled out a chair and sat with his knees brushing hers. With a spoon in hand, he ate. The maids returned along with the lads, each carrying a steaming pail of water, and once the tub was full, they left.

  She almost cried at the glorious sight of the bath. Curling steam beckoned. “At home we have both hot and cold running water. It’s piped straight into the bathroom where the tub sits. I don’t believe I’ll ever take the convenience for granted again.”

  “Would you like to bathe now?”

  “Absolutely.” She jumped up, slid her linen pants to the ground then reached for the hem of Archie’s stained tunic. She owed him a shirt.

  “Marie.” Archie’s voice cracked as he muttered her name. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting in the bath. You did ask if I’d like to.”

  “No’ afore me.” He cocked a brow. “You dinnae wish to bathe alone?”

  “Perhaps you missed the part where I spoke of seduction, so no, not if I can bathe with you. We’ll relax together. You can handle that, can’t you?”

  He glanced from her to the tub. “I’ve never bathed with a woman afore. Are you certain?”

  “I’m after pleasure, which you said was on offer.” She sidled against him. “Take this shirt off. I no longer need it.”

  “Aye, then it would be my pleasure.” He hunkered down, skimmed his warm hands over her calves then slowly trailed them up as he rose. Heat raced along the path he touched, behind her knees and over her outer thighs. He lifted her shirt higher as he stroked upward. When he reached the lower curves of her bottom, he gazed into her eyes. “I feel naught covering you below. Where are your undergarments?”

  “I’m wearing a thong. There’s a small triangle of fabric at the front then it narrows to a thin piece of cotton that slides between my cheeks. Where I come from, women wear them.”

  His gaze burned a richer golden hue. “May I remove it?”

  “I’m not sure why you haven’t already.” She turned around and wriggled her bottom. “Take it all off.”

  Hands clamped on her hips, he gripped the material of her shirt then lifted it over her head. She gasped as he puffed hotly against her bare skin.

  “Magic,” he moaned, caressing her bottom.

  She leaned into him, against the hard length of his erection. “Yes, you wield a magic touch yourself. Feeling distracted at all?”

  “I am far beyond that point.” He played with the thin strip of cotton before tugging the thong down her legs. “Turn around, my faerie. I want to see the rest of you.”

  She almost slithered to the floor as she did. Such a need burned in his golden eyes as she fully faced him.

  “So beautiful.” His gaze consumed every inch of her. “I want to touch, and taste.” He cupped her breasts, eased them together then licked one nipple. The raspy stroke of his tongue sent a bolt of pleasure to her core.

  “I like how you touch me.”

  He grinned then swirled around the tip. “I like it far more.”

  “Then bring on the pleasure. I want my Highland warrior. I want you.”

  “Aye, and I shall deliver.” He sucked her nipple deep into his mouth and her knees buckled. He swept her up then lowered her into the tub. The warm water cascaded over her skin, adding more heat to the fire racing through her blood.

  “Come here.” She clutched his shirtfront and tugged it free of his pants.

  “Let me undress first, lass.” He stripped off his shirt. Muscled shoulders, broad and strong, spoke of the hours he must practice with his sword. What a wickedly wide chest. His abs rippled, and that delicious tease of dark hair narrowing down his rigid belly disappeared into his pants.

  “Take it all off.” Gawking at him was a pleasure all unto itself. After the trialing time she’d had, being close to him, touching him, was all she desired. “I can’t believe you’re going to be mine.”

  “Aye, all yours.” He kicked off his boots then shoved his dark pants down his thickly muscled legs and off. His cock sprang free and brushed his belly.

  “Mmm, mine.” She squirmed back to make room for him.

  He stepped in and eased down, sloshing water over her chest. After nabbing the soap, he lathered it, his gaze smoldering as it remained on hers. “Lift your feet and place them against my chest.”

  She did, his crisp chest hair tickling her sensitive soles.

  With the thick mound of bubbles, he massaged her heel, the high arch and around her toes. He did the same with her other foot, his thumbs kneading with delicious strokes. “Do your feet ache?”

  “Yes, as do other parts of me. I’m not used to tramping through a forest for mile upon mile, but I like the payoff if this is it.” She rested her head against the rim and her hair swirled around then settled over her breasts.

  “Dinnae cover yourself.” He flicked her hair away and tweaked her nipple.

  A fiery tingle radiated from the sensitive tip.

  “You like such touch?” He watched her every move.

  “I like everything you’ve done so far. I think you’re far better at seduction than me.”

  He stroked her calves then worked the muscles of her legs until her lower limbs wobbled.

  Hands on her thighs, he dragged her closer, his legs underneath her body as he kept her afloat over him. “I’ve got you. Relax and enjoy.”

  “If I relax anymore, I’m going to be a puddle of nothing.” She swept her hands underneath her bottom and grasped his powerful thighs. Blisss.

  He eased his soapy hands over her ribcage and around her back then worked bubbles into her hair, his fingers firm on her scalp.

  “You are so good at that too.”

  “I need to touch more of you.” He caught her legs, lifted them over his shoulders and brought her right up against him.

  Her mind raced in a hundred different directions as he skimmed the inside of her thigh. Bathing with him was so intimate. “Okay, but take it slow. I’ve not done this before.”

  “I’ll keep you intact.” Golden eyes twinkling, he brushed over her entrance. “I give you my word.”

  “I know you will.” Even now, he thought of protecting her. He dipped his finger along her folds then rubbed her clit. Moaning, she squeezed her eyes shut. “Please, yes.”

  “Look at me, Marie. I want to see your desire and feel what you feel.”

; “I feel it all.” She looked into his eyes as he plunged one finger deep inside. She bucked as he stroked, harder and faster, until he curled his finger into a spot that had her arching out of the water.

  She wanted her Highlander to touch her, in every single way, as she wanted to touch him.

  Her pulse skittered out of rhythm, and before she lost her mind, she skimmed the hard length of his cock. Big and strong. His shaft was made to send a woman to the heights of ecstasy. She pumped him in sync with how he stroked her, matching him caress for caress, eager for him to feel as she did.

  He groaned, long and low, the sensual sound sending a thrill through her. Then he released her legs and with one arm around her waist lifted her against him. He took her mouth in a hot kiss as he returned to stroke deep inside her with his finger.

  What a world of new sensation. Yet still she wanted more, to experience whatever he could give her in whatever time they had. “Faster, Archie.”

  “Hell, you’re so tight.” He increased his rhythm, his thumb rubbing her clit.

  Oh, sooo good. She moved with him as her orgasm built.

  “Come for me, lass.”

  “Not without you.” She pumped him harder as she balanced on the edge of a precipice she wanted to fly from, but wanting him to take the jump right along with her.

  “I’m there, my sweet.”

  He flicked her clit and she soared. Her core rippled with wave after wave of pure bliss, and a bright kaleidoscope of colors burst in a stunning display behind her eyelids.

  He’d taken her over, from the inside out and she never wanted to leave the wonder of his embrace.

  * * * *

  As Marie came around his finger, Archie could no longer hold the sensations storming through his body back. Her sweet hand on his cock had delivered unaccountable pleasure, her responsive body even more so, and now with her release, he allowed himself his own and followed her over the careening edge of no return.

  He shuddered in her hand, spurting his seed in one long stream. She was so beautiful, her face awash with delight. He only wished to see her like this, to revel in the moment as they came together.

  “Archie,” she murmured as she locked gazes with him. “I adore bathing with you, feeling your hands on me as I touch you.”


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