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Highlander's Magic

Page 9

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “’Twas the most enjoyable bath I’ve ever had.” He cradled the back of her head in his hand. “I wish for each one I take to be with you.”

  “You’ve already made your wish, although I love the interesting turn it’s now taken.” She clasped his face and dragged his mouth back to hers. She kissed him, sighing softly in his mouth.

  Damn it. Her kiss was stirring his cock back to life. That had never happened so quickly before. He pulled away. “The water’s getting chilly. I wish to take you to my bed.”

  “Now that’s a wish you can have.”

  After rising to his feet, he seized the pail of clean water, held it over her head and let half sluice her body. He sloshed the remainder over himself then aided her out. He nabbed the cloth and patted her dry. So alluring, her creamy soft skin beckoned him for another touch.

  “Thank you.” She ran a finger in a saucy swirl down his chest then nudged him toward the bed. He fell onto it and she followed, smiling wickedly as she crawled up his legs. “Now, it’s time for retribution.”

  “You’re adapting well to the Highlander way.”

  “I’m learning from the best.” She cupped his balls and heat shot to his cock, hardening him impossibly further. Then she dipped her head and licked him, one long teasing stroke from root to tip.

  Oh hell, he would never be able to hold off if—

  She settled her lips over his head then took him deep.

  “Marie.” He jerked as her sweet mouth seared him. She palmed his balls and caressed the top of his sac. ’Twas torture, unlike any he’d ever suffered on the battlefield. “Halt,” he croaked.

  She sucked harder and he rocked his hips, pushing deeper inside her mouth. He should stop her. He should pull out. A sexual haze consumed him and he barely found enough sense to drag her up his body. “Your pleasure comes first.”

  “Meany.” She licked her lips as though thoroughly enjoying every second of his anguish.

  “I wish to give you pleasure again, and I willnae come until I have.” He tipped her onto her back, and every inch of her flesh was lit by the flickering flames. Where did he start? Her breasts were full, the tips hard. His mouth watered for a taste of those first. They were deliciously sweet, and he needed more. He stroked down the valley of her breasts to her belly. Lower still, shimmery white-gold curls shone. “I need to get my fill of you, Marie.”

  “Take what you wish.” She clasped his face. “After you kiss me.”

  Blood pounding, he kissed her, and the temptation of her mouth consumed his thoughts. His faerie held a potent enchantment he couldn’t resist. His wishes would continue to mount, and would soon outnumber any she could ever grant. He had no doubt.

  “I feel hot.” She rubbed her chest against his, her nipples, so incredibly hard, scraping across his flesh. “I never want to forget this night.”

  Neither did he.

  The way she looked at him, with such longing and trust, would be forever seared into his mind and soul.

  Sweeping over her ribcage, he wished to adore her lush breasts. They would be his. He fingered one tip while he licked the other. Nice and slow, so he could savor the taste.

  Rising into his touch, she pressed her breasts harder against him. He wanted more. He teased his teeth over the sensitive tip, taking a second before drawing the bud deep inside his mouth. He sucked. Hard.

  His efforts won him a soft cry, hardening his cock until it jabbed the inside of her thigh.

  “You like that?” He released her breasts then rose and edged his lower body farther away from the enticement of her entrance. He had to take care.

  “Yes, and where are you going?”

  “To make my mark.” He nuzzled her neck then drew the soft flesh into his mouth until her breaths came in short gasps.

  “I’ve never been marked before.”

  “Then I shall give you more than one. I wish to see these marks in the morn and recall exactly how I gave them to you.” He kissed across to the other side of her neck and worked on another, this one slightly larger since his control was slipping further away. Huh. Slipping? He had no control at all, his cock hammering at him to take her.

  Never had his desire for a woman ridden him so hard.

  “Archie.” She twisted her head and seized a breath. “I’m going to come from your kisses alone.”

  “Aye, come as you please.” He spread her folds and she pressed her mound into his palm. Beautiful. And with her breasts bobbing so close to his mouth, he couldn’t deny returning to them and enjoying another sample.

  Below, he stroked a finger though her heat then plunged in and rubbed the spot she’d adored before.

  She gasped and bucked against him and his balls tightened, his cock twitching.

  Hell, he might still come before her if he didn’t see to her pleasure now. She was so slick and close, her soft cries encouraging him.

  He pushed a second finger in and ground his cock into her hip to halt his release. It didn’t slow his need but accelerated it.

  “Archie.” She screamed his name as she thrashed underneath him. Her tight channel tightened around his fingers and locked him firmly in place.

  She was almost there, and he was lost, his balls on fire as her inner muscles clamped down and dragged his fingers in.

  “I’m right here with you,” he growled as his seed rushed forth across his blankets.

  He collapsed on top of her, his wee faerie draining him. Magic. She was a wonder he wouldn’t be denied.

  Chapter 8

  As dawn neared, Archie stirred. Marie remained curled on her side, her bottom snug in the curve of his groin. A temptation, and almost beyond his endurance. Throughout the night, he’d loved her in every way, except the one that would be forever denied him.

  He eased out of bed then halted as she stretched and blinked her eyes open. “Go back to sleep. You need your rest.”

  “It’s dawn already?” She crawled toward him, her breasts swaying full and heavy as she did. “You’re not leaving without me.”

  “My men await.”

  “Then I’ll hurry.” She scrambled off the bed and stood eye to eye. “I have to come. I can’t aid you with my magic any other way.”

  “You should remain here.”

  “Nope. No can do.” She crossed to his trunk, swiped the red gown from the top and drew it over her head. The velvet skimmed her hips and fell in a swish to her ankles. She laced the white ribbons, her beautiful breasts disappearing within the tight bodice. “Do I just tie a ribbon at the top?”

  “Aye, allow me.” He took over, securing it along the square neckline edged with white lace. “I cannae take you with me. ’Tis too dangerous.”

  “You also can’t leave me behind. I thought we covered the part where it’s best I remain within your sight.” She caught his hands and kissed his palms. Her tender touch sent another resurgence of heat to his groin. “The safest place I can be is with you, and you did wish for this.”

  He detested his wish, yet if he hadn’t made it, she wouldn’t be here. She was safest with him. The fae wouldn’t have sent her if he didn’t have need. “I willnae have you near the heart of the battle. You’ll remain at camp, or wherever I deem fit. You’ll also follow my every order.”

  “Whatever you ask, I shall do.” Her agreement was swift. Aye, she’d do as he bid.

  “You’ll have a guardsmen assigned to you. Eric.” He grabbed the fur-lined cloak, secured it around her shoulders then quickly dressed himself.

  “Great. As long as I’m close to you, that’s all that matters.” She raced across to the fire, grabbed her leather boots and yanked them on. “Could I borrow a brush?”

  “Next to the basin on the side table.”

  “Thanks.” She worked the brush through her hair then ran it through his. “You won’t regret taking me. I promise you.”

  “I’m sure I will.” On his way to the door, he grabbed his plaid. He was out of choices, but regardless, he’d ensure his woman would remain clear
of the fighting.

  He’d make certain of it.

  * * * *

  Clutching her skirts, Marie hurried after Archie down the winding stairwell. Unused to wearing such cumbersome clothing, halfway down she missed a step and teetered on the edge.

  In a flash, Archie was there, catching her around the waist. “Take my arm.”

  “Could I borrow a pair of pants from one of the lads? I rarely wear dresses, and as beautiful as this one is, I might need another option.” She negotiated each step with more care.

  “I’ll procure additional clothing afore we leave.” He stepped into the great hall, led her outside and across the inner courtyard.

  She breathed deep, allowing the crisp air scented with the sea’s spray to fully awaken her. They passed under the arch and down the trail. The gently sloping hill leading to the bay was scattered with rocks, but from this vantage point, the view was stunning. She raised a hand to her brow, the gold from the sunrise almost blinding as it shimmered off the flat sheet of water. “I’ve never seen it so calm.”

  “The winds will rise. ’Tis never calm for long in the isles.”

  His warriors loaded provisions onto the birlinn. The men were more heavily armed today, carrying swords, battle-axes, and bows and arrows. Not unexpected. She curled her fingers more tightly into Archie’s arm. “I can’t believe you have to live this way.”

  “Is it no’ so for the fae?”

  “I have no idea.” She frowned, hating he still believed her to be one of them. “My magic truly comes from my knowledge of this time, not the little folk. I’m not sure I’ll ever convince you, but I’m going to keep trying.” She traversed the landing.

  “There is naught you can say to sway my mind.” He lifted her into the boat without losing a step. “Wait here for me. I’ll return shortly.”

  “Alrighty then, honey,” she called out as he marched away. “The little lady will remain here.” Men, they thought they ran everything.

  He laughed as he jogged up the grassy rise.

  Chuckles resounded from a few of his men as they took their positions at the oars.

  “You lot better be laughing with me, and not at me. We fae are an antsy lot.”

  She eased down the center aisle, sat on the bench at the stern and fluffed her skirts around her. Katherine had always adored dressing up in long gowns as a child. She’d love this era. Her heart squeezed. She missed her sister and longed to see her, to hold her. This morning she’d not looked upon the faerie circle. She did now. Her amulet wasn’t visible from this low down on the water, but the perimeter stones remained solid and strong. The circle was her way back, provided she could see to Archie’s wish.

  Back straight, she focused all her energy on thinking positively, or at least she did until Archie stepped out from the gates and strode toward her. He carried himself as a leader of men, his stride purposeful and his determination unwavering.

  Oh, and what that man could do with his determination. She tingled anew, from her head to her toes. He’d devoted attention to every single inch of her during the night. Her Highlander from another time was a man she wanted more of, and for as long as she was here.

  He bounded into the boat, a bundle of clothing tucked under his arm as he hiked toward her. His steps slowed as he gazed at her neck then with his lips lifting, he leaned in and kissed her, tantalizingly hot. “Stow these garments under the seat, and Marie, I want to as well.”

  She touched the sensitive spots on her neck. “You’re very territorial.”

  “I simply want what is mine.” He took his position at the rudder and bellowed, “Let’s sail. John awaits us at Loch Gruinart.”

  The men plunged their oars in and heaved. With no wind, the sail remained down, forcing them to rely on manpower alone. It was mid-morning before they neared the southern tip of Islay and hit the cross breeze of the sound.

  “Hoist the sail,” Archie called. The wind caught it and it unfurled with a hearty slap. Two men heaved the ropes into their secured position and knotted them. “Hold onto something, Marie.”

  She gripped the bench as they shot off along the coastline. The crisp wind whipped her hair across her face and numbed her nose and lips. A nasty draft swept under her skirts and chilled her legs. Goodness, the weather could turn in an instant in the isles. She tucked her skirts under her as best she could. “What happens once we get there?”

  “I’ll find John and confer with him.” He brushed his thumbs under her eyes. “You need more rest. I kept you awake too late.”

  “I’m not complaining. The night wasn’t nearly long enough for me.” She kissed his stubbly jaw. “I want another one, with you all to myself.”

  “As do I, lass, though first you shall rest.”

  “Rest is totally overrated.” Grinning, she slid onto his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled into his silky brown hair. “Will it be possible?”

  “Rest? Aye, provided you close your eyes.”

  “I meant another night, with you.”

  “For now you need to obey my orders.”

  “You like ordering me about far too much, but aye, Captain, I’ll do as you bid.” She snuggled against him and sighed. “Just this once.”

  * * * *

  Archie’s men scurried about deck. With an adjustment to the rudder where he sat on the rear bench seat, he maintained their course along the coastline. They worked together with ease, his men rarely requiring instruction. They were islanders and seafarers, the waterways of the Inner Hebrides their home.

  Nestled against him, Marie dozed. How could he have agreed to bring her on such a mission? He’d been so determined before this morn to keep her safely within Dunyvaig’s walls, and now, she slept as he traveled into battle.

  He stroked her hair, longing to have her back in his bed with her glorious golden mane floating over his pillow and their combined scents mixing as he devoured every inch of her body. Instead, he allowed her gentle breaths warming his chest to soothe the raging need inside him.

  His cock hardened, and he wished for her to ease the ache as she had throughout the night. Hell, after their bath when she’d wrapped her lips around him, he’d almost come. More than once, he’d struggled to hold back from thrusting inside her, to having her sweet channel tighten around him as she’d done with his fingers. If only he could, and be assured his seed wouldn’t take.

  “Archie,” she murmured. “You feel tense. What’s going on?”

  “Naught. I didnae mean to wake you.”

  She rubbed his chest then settled her palm over his heart. “Is it the coming battle?”

  “Aye, but ’tis more.” He leaned closer, his voice low. “I have wishes aplenty, to be buried deep inside your beautiful body.”

  “You do?” She sank her bottom into his groin, coming into direct contact with the steel pike in his trews. She smiled, her lips lifting so deliciously. “Do you remember when we talked about protection at the village?”

  “I said I would protect you against all things. I explained my position.”

  “You did, but where I come from, women truly do care for themselves, ensuring we’re protected as necessary. I can’t get with child, or at least not for the next couple of months.”

  “Because of your clever magic?” He kissed her nose. “’Tis still too great of a risk.”

  “Well, it’s not magic as such. I had a, hmm, let’s just say I took precautions, and they’re ninety-nine percent effective.”

  “What precautions do you speak of?” He frowned, not caring for her talk of the future again. She was fae, yet she continually argued she came from a time far from now.

  She patted her arm. “Something I had done right here.”

  “And you believe your arm can protect you against what goes on far below? Lass, your notions are becoming more far-fetched by the day.”

  Smiling, she tapped his nose. “You should see what options are actually available for far below. In my time men can wear condoms, thin films of
rubber that slide around your—” She rubbed against his groin with her bottom. “Well, that part of you right there. In fact, in the future, women rarely die from childbirth. We’re medically more prepared. Do you truly not wish for a family of your own one day?”

  “I’ve nay desire to take a wife and see her lose her life. What of you? Do you wish bairns?” The thought of her body ripe with another man’s child had his gut clenching, in the worst possible way.

  “I’d be lying if I said no. I’d like three or maybe four.”


  Eric motioned toward land. Damn, he’d been so engrossed with his faerie he’d sailed off course. The rocks loomed. He jerked the rudder and steered them back alongside the coast.

  “That must have been a first.” Marie laughed and he swatted her backside.

  “Behave. You are far too distracting.”

  “Yes, but I thought we were in agreement for that. Captain, in case you missed it, you may distract me as often, and in as many ways as you’d like.”

  He should like very much.

  Far too much.

  * * * *

  Marie’s heart lightened as they sailed along the coast. Hours had passed and they now cruised up the western shoreline, the beach a thick ribbon of golden sand more similar to her homeland. The grassy moors rolled into the distance, awash with tiny white clover flowers.

  “This is such a beautiful place.” She squeezed Archie’s arm. “I can see why you love this land so much. Is that Nave Island?”

  “Aye, it sits opposite the entrance to Loch Gruinart. Gruinart is a thin stretch of water, nay more than a mile wide for the most part, but it runs four miles deep. There’s little room for maneuvering once we enter. On the low tide, ships can become trapped by the sand bars. John will have made berth no’ far from here to ensure that does no’ occur.”

  A flock of birds took flight from the north and soared across the inlet to the south where thick rushes swayed in the brisk sea breeze. “Where will John have made camp?”

  “The forest, farther inland. He’ll be lying in wait for MacLean, or searching for him.”


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