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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  Jayson pulled back from kissing and licking her neck and shoulder. He grabbed her hand and placed it over his crotch.

  “This is what you do to me, Haley. I’m so hard for you I’ll never go down until I’m buried balls deep inside your sweet cunt.”

  Her breath caught at the naughty words he whispered in her ear. His breath against her cheek caused a little shiver to go down her spine.

  “Put your hand on Joshua’s cock, baby. Feel how hard you have him. You know he’s always in control, and you take it all away from him. Go on and do it.”

  Haley looked at Joshua’s profile and bit her lower lip. Should she? What if he didn’t want her to? He hadn’t said no yet. She slowly slipped her hand across his thigh and over to his crotch where his dick jumped against his jeans when her hand settled over it. She shivered once again. She lightly squeezed it before running her nails over the jeans material covering his cock.

  “Fuck!” He pressed the accelerator and jumped ahead a little ways before he had himself under control again.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t do that while he’s driving,” Jayson said with a chuckle.

  “Ya think?” Joshua’s mouth thinned out.

  “I’m sorry, Joshua. I shouldn’t have done that.” She scooted a little away from him.

  His hand snaked out and grabbed her thigh. “Don’t move. You didn’t do anything wrong. I knew you were going to touch me, so I could have told you not to. I just didn’t expect it to feel so fucking good.”

  He didn’t remove his hand from her thigh the entire trip back home. When they pulled into her drive, they both got out and walked her up to the door. Jayson took her keys from her and unlocked the door. He ushered her inside and he and Joshua followed her.

  As soon as the door was closed and locked, Jayson had her pinned to the wall by the door. He held her head between his hands and angled it to his liking before settling his mouth over hers for a thorough kiss. She leaned in against him as he teased and tickled her with the tip of his tongue all along the roof of her mouth and along her teeth. When he pulled back and leaned his forehead down against hers, she wanted to say something, but couldn’t for the life of her say a word around her heavy breathing.

  “Baby, I want to taste you. Please say yes. Nothing more, just let me lick your pussy. Please, Haley.”

  She looked over his shoulder at where Joshua stood with his hands by his sides. He was breathing just as heavily as if he’d been a part of the kiss. His eyes were heavy-lidded and brooding. She searched them for some hint of what she should do.

  It was Jayson who settled it by rubbing her pussy through her dress.

  “Oh, God! Please, Jayson.”

  It was all he needed. He picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. Then he let her stand up while he began undressing her. She knew she should stop him, but at that moment, common sense had taken a holiday. Once he had her sundress off, he unhooked her strapless bra and slowly pulled it off. Joshua cursed and walked into the room.

  Both men went on their knees and began sucking at her nipples. The dual sensation nearly shot her over the top without them ever touching her anywhere else. She sucked in a breath when two hands snaked down her torso to delve beneath her panties. Their fingers separated her pussy lips and slowly entered her cunt and pumped in and out of her.

  Haley threw back her head. “Yes!”

  “Bed, now.” Joshua sounded desperate.

  Jayson backed her up to the bed then eased her down before removing her panties. Joshua spread her legs, propping them on his thighs as he leaned in and closed his eyes. She watched his face as he ran his tongue through her pussy juices. Then it was her turn to close her eyes as pleasure soaked into her body.

  Then Jayson was sucking on her nipple while pulling on the other one with his fingers. The combination of Joshua at her pussy and Jayson at her breasts seemed too much for her to handle. Without even a hint of what was going to happen, Haley’s orgasm washed over her.

  “Son of a bitch! She’s coming, Jayson. I didn’t even do anything and she’s fucking coming.” He lapped at her pussy then moved aside to let his brother taste her.

  Jayson’s style was so different that Haley knew immediately when he took over. She reached down to grab his head, threading her fingers into his hair. It wasn’t long like Joshua’s. She couldn’t pull on it as well.

  “Ah, baby girl. You taste like the sweetest honey. I could make a meal off of you.”

  Joshua climbed up on the bed as Jayson continued eating her cunt. He pulled her head back for a kiss. She tasted herself on him and realized she didn’t mind because it was mingled with his taste. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his head to keep him there. After several minutes he chuckled and pulled away.

  “You are so responsive. I can’t get enough of you, Haley. We need to leave or we won’t leave at all. I don’t think you’re ready for more yet, baby girl. I want you to want us as much as we want you. It will be so good.”

  Jayson pulled back from her pussy, his face glistening with her juices. He closed his eyes and drew in a shuddering breath. She could tell how turned on he was by the way he was breathing and by the deep dark of his eyes.

  Both of them stood up and settled her in the bed before borrowing her bathroom to clean up. Then Joshua returned to say good night.

  “We’ll talk to you tomorrow sometime, baby girl. We’ll lock up.” Then he walked out leaving her alone in bed wishing she had the courage to ask them to stay.

  Jayson stared at her from the doorway but didn’t come back into the room. She had the feeling that if he did, he wouldn’t have left. She had another feeling that she wouldn’t have let him. Joshua was right. She wasn’t ready for that yet, but soon. Maybe she would be soon.

  Chapter Seven

  Jayson was quiet all the way back to the ranch. He couldn’t stop thinking about how good Haley had tasted. Then there was how well she responded to them. He had never seen her look so beautiful as when she had come. That was saying a lot, too. She was beautiful anyway.

  When they pulled up into the drive, both men hesitated getting out of the truck. They knew it would hurt with the state they were in. Jayson finally opened his door and swung his legs out to jump down. He grunted at the tightening across his cock. He couldn’t wait to get the damn jeans off.

  He and Joshua both hurried into the house and toward their respective rooms. Jayson kicked off his boots and carefully unzipped his jeans since he didn’t wear underwear. He quickly peeled them off. Then he pulled off his shirt on the way to the bathroom. Once he had turned on the shower, he stepped in and let it roll over him.

  He was so freaking hard he hurt. After washing his face, he soaped up his hand and grabbed his cock at the base and squeezed. He closed his eyes and pictured Haley sprawled out in bed with her legs wide and her pussy exposed for his pleasure. Then he ran his hand up and down his dick until a drop of cum pearled at the top of the slit. He rubbed it around his cockhead and then back down the stalk.

  He could almost imagine her mouth wrapped around his cock as he pumped it in and out of her. Her lips would be stretched tight and her eyes staring up at him. He would tunnel in and out of her wet, hot mouth until she was moaning around him.

  Jayson tugged on his cock with one hand and reached for his balls with the other. They were already tight and hot to the touch as he pumped his dick over and over. His mind had him pumping it in and out of Haley’s mouth, her tongue swirling around him as he did. The harder he pulled on his cock, the closer he came to coming. If only she were here right now. He would pull out of her mouth and plunge his swollen dick deep into her cunt.

  Fire raced down his spine to lodge deep in his balls. He felt them draw up even higher then as he pulled on his cock. Then they erupted, sending cum spewing in ribbons out of his dick and into his hand. He went up on tiptoes, his ass cheeks squeezed with the effort of his orgasm. He slapped one hand against the back of the shower stall and leaned as he fought to regai
n control of his breathing once again.

  He finished cleaning up and stepped out of the shower to dry off. He looked down, and his cock was standing at attention once again. Fuck, I’m stuck until we manage to get her into our bed. He sighed and climbed into bed. He wondered if he would ever get to sleep. He tossed and turned going over the night in his head, wondering if he’d screwed up pushing her. He would never forgive himself if she was upset over what had taken place. He’d lost control. But then, Joshua had as well. That made him feel a little better, but not much. Especially if that meant they might lose her.

  * * * *

  Haley opened her eyes Saturday morning and moaned. She rolled over and looked at the clock. Eleven. Crap, she had slept later than she had planned. Then she had been awake until nearly 4:00 a.m. tossing and turning. She couldn’t believe she had let them suck her pussy and then leave. She was so embarrassed. Not only had she come before they had even really done anything to her, she hadn’t done anything for them.

  Even now, lying in bed, she knew she probably wouldn’t have been able to, yet. She still felt like she was doing something wrong by dating them. How would she ever reconcile the two images she had of them now? They were her best friends and now they were her lovers.

  She climbed out of bed a little stiff all over. She didn’t know if that had been from the orgasm or all the dancing or a combination of both. She needed a bath. A nice long soak in the tub was exactly what she needed. She would fix a glass of Diet Coke and lay back and relax. Then she would get to work on running errands and doing housework. If she didn’t go out tonight, she might actually finish everything.

  After running a hot bath complete with her favorite salts, she grabbed her Diet Coke and her cell phone. Then she stepped into the tub. She sighed as she sank beneath the warm water. It lapped at the tops of her breasts, making her think of Joshua and Jayson’s mouths on them. She shuddered, sending water splashing up the sides of the tub.

  If everything was going to remind her of them and last night, she wouldn’t get much done. She had to put it all in the back of her mind for now. She would think more about it later. Right now, she wanted to relax.

  Ten minutes later, the phone rang. She dried off her hand and picked up the phone. It was Matt. She hit end without saying anything and laid it back down. It rang again, and again she didn’t answer him. When it rang five minutes later, she had had enough.

  “I don’t ever want to talk to you again. Leave me the hell alone!” She was just about to hang up when Jayson’s voice caught her attention.

  “Easy, baby. Let’s talk about this. I’m sorry if we upset you last night. Please don’t hang up.”

  Aw, hell. I should have checked who it was before I went off like that.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Jayson. I thought you were Matt.”

  “He’s been calling you again?”

  “He called twice but I didn’t answer. I just kept cutting him off without saying anything. I thought you were him again. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay, Haley. You scared me to death, though. I called to see how you were doing.”

  “I’m fine. I got up about eleven. I’m going to run my errands then work on the house.”

  “Are you planning to go out tonight?”

  “No, I think I’ll just finish up my chores and go to bed early. Someone kept me out ’til early this morning.”

  He chuckled, and then she heard Joshua talking in the background. They were discussing something. Then Joshua said hello.


  “Jayson said Matt has been calling you again. Did you talk to him?”

  She took a deep breath. She was not going to get angry. He hadn’t said anything, just asked a question.

  “No. I cut him off both times.”

  “Good, girl. I don’t want you talking to him at all.” Then, almost as an afterthought, he said, “Please, Haley.”

  She softened at that. She knew how much it had taken for him to say that.

  “I don’t plan to talk to him. I have nothing to say to him.”

  “You’re going to check on changing your number on Monday, right?”

  “Yes. I’ll check into it.” She sighed. He wasn’t going to let her forget, either.

  “Don’t work too hard, baby girl. We’ll talk to you later.”

  “Bye, Joshua.” She hit end.

  She sat there holding the phone for several seconds before she put it down and climbed out of the tub. The water had long since gotten cold. After drying off, Haley dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. She put together her list of groceries she needed and headed out the door.

  Standing on her doorstep was Matt with a perturbed expression on his face.

  “What are you doing here? I told you not to ever come back.”

  He pushed his way past her into the house almost knocking her off her feet. She staggered and held on to the door. She didn’t close it. That would be asking for trouble. Instead, she opened it even wider and stood in front of it so he couldn’t close it.

  “I want you out of here.”

  “We’ve got things to discuss, Haley. I told you I wouldn’t let you go, and I won’t no matter what those two bastards think. You belong to me.” His voice had risen as he talked.

  “We have nothing to say to each other. I told you in no uncertain terms that I didn’t want anything more to do with you. Why won’t you leave me alone?”

  “You’re mine! I won’t let you go. Either you stop seeing those perverts or I’ll…

  “You’ll what, Matt? You can’t do a damn thing about it.”

  He advanced on her. She shrank back against the door and readied herself for a fight. He grabbed her upper arms and shook her so that her head hit the back of the door. She brought up her knee, but once again he outmaneuvered her. He picked her up by her arms with her back sliding up the door.

  “You will do what I say or I’ll make you sorry. Do you hear me?”

  “What in the hell is going on here?” Art Windham, the mailman, put down his mailbag and charged into the house going after Matt. “You don’t treat anyone like that, Matt, especially a woman. Let her go now!”

  Matt gave Art a dirty look but let Haley slide down the door. She slipped away from him out of the way. Oh, God, she hoped they weren’t going to fight. She grabbed her cell phone from her purse that was on the floor.

  “I’m calling the police, Matt. You better go now.”

  He glared at her but pushed past Art and left. She heard his car door slam and the sounds of squealing tires as he backed out of her drive.

  “Are you okay, Haley? Did he hurt you?”

  “No, I’m okay. Thanks, Art. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up.”

  “You’ve got to do something about him. He’s dangerous.”

  “I’m going down to the police station now to report it and then on Monday, I’ll get a restraining order against him. I can’t believe he’s acting this way.”

  “Something’s wrong with him.” Art picked up his mail bag. “I didn’t actually have any mail for you, but saw your door open and worried that something was wrong.”

  “Thank you for checking.”

  “Be careful, Haley. I’ll see you later.” He walked off to finish his route.

  Haley took a deep breath and grabbed her purse once again to leave. She checked around before she stepped outside then locked her door and climbed into her Pathfinder. She headed straight to the police station.

  “I want to make a complaint,” she told the officer at the desk.

  “What’s wrong, Haley?”

  “Matt just manhandled me after barging in my house. I’m scared of him and want to make a complaint so I can get a restraining order against him tomorrow.”

  “Lord, Haley. You’ve got bruises on your arms. I heard about him hitting you at the bar last weekend. Let’s get that report started.”

  He led her into the back and pulled out a piece of paper to take down her story. Tw
enty minutes later, the door to the station burst open and a very pissed off Joshua and Jayson walked into the front room.

  “Haley!” Joshua called out.

  “Easy, there, guys. She’s fine. She’s back here with me swearing out a complaint,” the officer called out.

  They pushed past the swinging door and stormed into the back. They headed right for Haley.

  “Baby girl, are you okay?” Joshua walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to her feet.”

  “I’m fine, just shaken up some. How did you...never mind. Art called you, didn’t he?”

  “You should have been the one calling us to come get you. We would have brought you to the police station.”

  Jayson pulled one of Joshua’s arms away from her.

  “Son of a bitch. She’s got bruises on her arm.” He turned to the officer. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “As soon as you let her finish her statement, I’m going to go pick him up for aggravated assault.”

  “She didn’t do a damn thing to aggravate him into attacking her and you know it.” Jayson was livid.

  “I know, but that’s how it is.”

  “You’re going to get a restraining order on him Monday,” Joshua insisted.

  “She’s way ahead of you, guys. She’s already said that.”

  “Don’t go getting all demanding on me, Joshua Crowley. That’s part of the reason I’m not seeing Matt anymore.” She slammed her hands on her hips.

  “Damn it, Haley. The man is dangerous.”

  “Which is why I’m getting the restraining order against him. I’m not stupid!”

  “Haley, we know you’re not. Joshua is upset. He was scared to death when Art called him and told him what he’d seen.” Jayson was trying to calm her down.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s settle down now. Haley is okay, and she’s doing the right thing. Don’t go making me put you in jail until you settle down, Joshua. I’ll do it.”


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